What the fuck is this?
"Day of the girl"
Obvious sexism, the root cause is envy.
>front and center: a girl wearing boy's clothes
I hate this timeline.
>there are people on Sup Forums who aren't girls
I don't want to believe this
It's called "virtue signaling" user. Virtue signaling.
Here comes dat timeline...
0-Teens - Leftist indoctrination through media.
Teens-Early Twenties - Cock carousel & more indoctrination through academia.
Mid-Twenties-30 - Climbing the career ladder. Strong independent womyn.
30+ - The biological clock kicks in and they realise too late. Cats.
What a thrill
>hurr durr women are so powerful and independent we need to shill for them
I think these people think less of women then Romans did
>dumb anime poster
No day of the rape :(
If numbers
Mark Z. OD's
anime is the true redpill eurocuck. Jews fear the samurai for a reason
>retarded pedo leaf
I don't want to see you alive.
>half of people on Sup Forums are female a new poll says
>the majority of Sup Forums disagrees with this from what I can see
>mfw they make a girls day and a ton of intelligent girls and guys oppose it
Gay leaf, fuck off
Enjoy your cucked Western media.
It's a slide thread user
>amerifats actually believe this
It's another initiative to show that women are just as capable as men are at doing everything and that's why we should help them.
>captcha : ladywood river
New waifu.
If trippps Croatia aren't bratushki anymore...
But if we want to help them we assume that they're incapable at doing something themselves. Isn't it a lil bit **sexist**?
So close
Why is the dumb dyke front and center dressed like a Minion?
>young woman
Why are none of them stay mothers?
Oh and fuck kikes
It's the precise same as "brown people are just as good as whites (disregard the fact that east-asians and jews are doing very well fro themselves, we'll invent some problems in the media for them) that's why we need quotas to make sure they are represented everywhere"
SocJus idiots are basically recreating the notion of the white man's burden, except this time it must be pushed through guilt and the need of a clean conscience.
Of all of the "ism" and "phobia" bullshit, I find ageism to be by far the most absurd. They're literally trying to deny nature by claiming that elderly people are as capable as young people. It's literally biology that as organisms get older beyond a certain point they lose physical and mental ability. It's why we put down cats and dogs that get too old. They're blatantly pissing in your mouth and telling you it's lemonade, and if you question it, you're a monster.
Of course, if you fight an elderly person or don't stand up for them or don't help them cross the street, then the double standard applies, of course. Fucking liberals.
women are the future
Boxing bags day
Which is pretty funny since you could argue "ageism" actually exists.
See how easy it is to find a job past the age of 45 if you were unfortunate enough to lose yours. And no, it's not because people are going senile at 50.
International loli day
Another nail in the coffin of humanity.
Does any Sup Forumsak actually cares? Take the black pill, just observes the inevitable.
Quick user! Hack into faceberg and set nov 4th to Day of the rope
Woman are biologically cowards.
Leaders are not cowards, even in the business sense.
an actual cuck lectures others
We made it.
Now this I can get behind.
(Get behind, get it? ;))
Unrelated, but this reminded me: In Germany there is a "Girls Day" that is supposed to help introduce girls to male dominated work places. Girls get a day off from school to visit companies that operate in male dominated fields, get shown around and explained what their work entails. It's a bit controversial, because most girls either don't take part in it, or if they pretend they do, they neither show up to school, nor do they ever visit the companies.
I posted a thread on this earlier and regretting logging into fb immediately.
This is propaganda that is going to make "girls" suicidal once they grow up if they follow the advice... Another thing, shouldn't "girls" or any children for that matter not be on fucking Facebook to begin with
If women had the potential to be powerful voices, then why are they always being raped and not reporting it, according to made-up feminist statistics?
let them have a shot and fail , it will be funny
If someone come up with "Day of the Boys", how fast do you think you'll be flooded with "hurr sexist male pig durr" rant?
My bet is 77% of a minute
what is that man doing to that child?
>implying weebs don't love atom bomb for making anime a thing
I don't see the post anymore..
If it's "boys", there is a chance it might fly but turn into something like "a day to aknowledge the problems of boys like how they can't express their feelings because of muh toxic masculinity and how they are defective girls and should be fixed"
Or maybe the usual response of "every day is already international men's day"
Well this should somehow offend someone somewhere.
Because she has autism.
What's up with the wide stance? Do they all have yeast infections or a herpes outbreak?
It will be such a joy watching women at my age reap what they sow and turn into wretches as I start a family with one of the few good ones who I managed to find in her early twenties.
They're big girls
They're all fat.
No surprise
Theyre standing in defiance, womanspreading. They want us to know that theyre in charge now
>Hey Doug, HONK HONK
How civilization finally collapses.
Todays roasties = tomorrows spinsters. So goes the repeat loop of life over and over and over #Wisdom.
Shhh. Let them have this day to feel good.