UK Ethnic Facts and Figures

Brit Gov has released Ethnic Facts and Figures

Discuss why 30% immigrants don't work VS 21% of Whites.

And why everyone picks on half casts?

Plenty more in the data.

Other urls found in this thread:

Crime figures:

tl;dr: everyone is racist especially mixed race people because they deal with it ""from both sides""

>And why everyone picks on half casts?

Because people with identity crises tend to somewhat mentally ill and therefore ineffective workers.

APOLOGIZE. how do they spin this as not blacks fault?

mixed, burn the coal pay the toll,

Good stats - everyone's more mental than white people.

how can they say this is because of racism tho?



>half casts
How do we end this nightmare of mixed race maniacs? If only there was one simple trick that globalists hated...

They have to because they can't be objective or make people take responsibility for their actions, so it's a whiteys fault.

>11% of negresses are on drugs
l o l

And those figures will be heavily massaged in favour of darkie.

Other stats separate out weekly earnings - Blacks and Pakistanis earn substantially less than everyone else. Indians earn the most.

46% of Pakistanis don't work. Massive burden on the benefits system.

Again, apart from Indians (Hindu) every ether immigrant is a burden on the system

>Yeah but think of all the kebab shops.
I've yet to hear an argument for the benefits of diversity that wasn't related to music or food.

Most immigrants are black muslims, so they don't and won't work, that's why they move to white countries in the first place.

>Discuss why 30% immigrants don't work VS 21% of Whites.

sort of surprising

you would think shitskins with no connections would be miles behind everyone but somehow they are fairly close

why are brits not towing the line on employment? im fairly certain niggers in the USA are massively us

don't forget old people (of which there are a lot more whites) are included here

real asian stats + arab stats = somewhat normal arab stats

>everyone behind whites
fucking racist tbqhwum8

you fucking what m8?
Is English your first language?

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Have no problem with race - it's about culture. Indians (Hindus) make a great contribution to British life. Overall Muslims (Pakistanis) don't.

Africans and Bangladeshi's children nearly 50% obese. Big burden on the NHS.

Just be working for some greedy landlord pig. No chance to afford somewhere to live and be left alone. Dirty, shameful people. Their children are being born with dead souls as a form of karma. Foreigner hugging is a last desperate attempt to keep the wheels on the corrupt machine. Predatory middle class bastards have ruined everything.

Landlords and bankers are parasites and need to be murdered.

>no parental ethnicity by healthcare for genetic diseased kids
aren't "pakistani heritage" vastly overrepresented there too?

>APOLOGIZE. how do they spin this as not blacks fault?
Racist psychiatrists of course.

Apparently so, but these figures are meant to be used to bash white people, so cultural-critical questions aren't asked.

Ah so that is why the media has recently been harping on about PoC being discriminated against for jobs. The PC explanation for this new release of figures.


Name one instance where life in England is better for importing Hindus?


They are Asian though, their countries are in Asia. However, it is almost always used as a way to cover up yes.

The soil right beside the walkways/footpath has gotten a lot FERTILE...I think

Yes, it's never 'their' fault, but white peoples.

I take the line it's got FA to do with race, and all to do with culture. The stats show that. Indians and Chinese have great work ethics and get on in the country. Pakistanis and blacks don't so much. With Pakistanis is clearly Muslim culture, with Blacks it's probably street/rap/materialism culture. High arts, achievement, science and engineering aren't exactly respected in Black culture.

Not saying it's better.

mutts have less family values due to being races multiculturally, they're neither the one ethnicity nor the other, because they're neither. I know the feeling as a half Indian half white
never racemix, your kids will end up hating you and have no sense of belonging.
People consider me white, especially white liberal intellectuals, but they don't know anything.
mixed children have a higher degree of psychotic disorders aswell, in part due to that less social cohesion that they feel. I have had a psychosis aswell, induced by weed, but normal people don't have psychosis even when they smoke daily for a long time, although I had a trauma aswell which triggered it.

DM spinning it's whiteys fault.

fucking rag along with express and all the other shitstains that Sup Forums likes to use to make a point.

Not daily mail and the sun
gob bless

There is a huge correlation with feeling and being treated like an outsider and manifestation of psychosis. Immigrants to a new country are much more likely to develop psychosis/schizophrenia because of this.

But yay immigration!

>in part due to that less social cohesion that they feel
nice meme. i can hear the circular reasoning now: to reduce BME psychosis rates society should aim at more BME, so BME that 'feel' they don't belong feel more at home.

>DM spinning it's whiteys fault.
DM been ideologically BLACKED for years and getting worse for clicks, archive if you have to link, don't give them any

>mixed are getting bodied
I honestly didn't see that coming

>non-British whites more likely to be in employment than British whites in Britain

This is a fucking travesty. This is why we voted Brexit.

>46% of Pakistanis don't work.
why should they work? They have a right to get benefits anyway.

Reminder that Brits aren't drinking the diversity kool-aid

/pol BTFO

non-european immigrants ONLY SLIGHTLY commit more crimes and use more welfare

>They are Asian though

>cherrypicks part of my post, ignores the rest
Factually they are native to Asia. It doesn't matter how you perceive Asian which yes when someone says asian i also instantly think Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc, they ARE from Asia and infact are Asian. Now go read the rest of my post faggot.


does the UK classify russians as asian then?

22% of people are out of work in UK?!

Thats a false comparison considering the majority of Russians live in the European part of Russia and are of European descent.

no it isnt the plain simple fact is the soul purpose for classifying middle easterners or arabs as asian is to downplay their affects on society the only place that considers them asian is the UK

I can't believe the British government would release these Hate Statistics. It is 2017.

Thats.. exactly what i said, which is why i told you to read my post. This only proves you read the part you wanted to read and decided you had your "GOTCHA'" and went for your attack without actually knowing what you're actually replying to. Because i'm nice i'll put it here again for you because reading comprehension isn't your strong point:
>However, it is almost always used as a way to cover up yes.
This however doesn't stop the fact they are factually Asian though, are located in Asia and are ethnically native to Asia, but we perceive "Asian" as east Asia only.

Except white females are twice as mental as Asian females.

White males and Asian females are only sane groups.

They work cash. Pakis are tax exempt

Sky news was banging on about this last night.

It was all about the failure of blacks, not a single mention of white kids doing worst of all and the success of Chinese people here.

WHY is it ALWAYS about black people failing?

More white hate. And they get away with it as usual because they are in charge.

> yawn. Getting boring now.

Remember all these stats are cooked as bad as a tax return. They've done everything they possibly can to minimize non-white numbers and maximise white ones. At every level of the system

Actual Asians (China, Korea, Japan) have their shit together. Pakis are dragging the group down by being inbred cunts who marry their first cousins because their society is still tribal.

Why are there ANY non-British people doing that here?

Employment is a loose term. If you have a 0 hour contract or work in your Dad's shop for a couple of hours a week you count as employed. We need full time work vs part time

busy raping white girls

how fucking high is british unemployment, god damn.


There's no work to do here.

that sucks.

You know you re living in a shit country when police uses race as category in their stats.

>Go to A&E
>In a shit load of pain
>Wait 5 hours
>Brown guy enters room once you finally get seen
>"Heddo sar I am ramdanjimjam, I zam ur doctor tuda"
>Have no idea WTF is he saying
>Some how need to communicate my problem to him
>He talks more in some weird poo English hybrid
>Completely useless

Yea man, I sure fucking love non-Native doctors. Really helps you get better when you can't understand a damn thing your doctor is saying.

Seems to be taken out of context

Now stop and think of the massive spending and entintitlements/diversity quotas that enable them all to the native British's detriment and at their expense.

Chances are that those figures also include women who stay at home to look after the kids etc.

It's not unemployment but 'not working'. I.e. includes stay at home mothers, retired etc.

The Asian rate probably went down so much because a lot of the psycho pakis went to Syria

Also a lot of Bangladeshis work cash in hand curry jobs and then say they dont work to get extra benefits on top what they earn and not pay tax

It appears you didn't understand the chart. You are really that stupid.

No matter where you are from

Once you enter a western country, you start putting on the pounds