>The Netherlands has been 210 days without a government
The Netherlands has been 210 days without a government
The netherlands has been 210 years without a clue. Don't even get me started you dyslexic faux-deutsch
ease up mate, no need to dilly your dally or whatnot
piece of useless cultureless land. your most important monument is a fukcing rock.
>Most important attraction is the whores and weed
Try breaking our record
what and where is the netherlands? like i've always been curious if its an actual country or just a colloquialism for lands that are Scandinavian, i guess we'll never know
come on you live under the fucking ocean you pernicious grachtsmoffe. your country has mass shootings just like america (can you say alphen a/d rijn? I was fucking there some turkish bitch died thank fuck she was just the sec and not a real teacher) what about schiedam literally a week later?
Seriously I almost got shot in your country twice you people have no laws you are sodom with hairnets and your nigger elves don't fool anyone
>playing catch up
>thousand of years of hisotry
>suburbia build on the land of pseodu apes
For sub-human degenerates like yourself maybe.
between germany and france. more german in language more french in cuture. loud music, people talking, nobody doing their job, all that romance country shit but overlain on germanic buildings and words. it's like being slow murdered in a kitsch factory. and they will try to send you to jail for punching a fucking seagull
sounds pretty shit desu. u ever put pebbles inside chips and feed em to seaguls?
yeah well isn't that a fucking race to the bottom of the barrel. at least belgium has smiles, and good food. and fat people. I swear holland is like skeleton world and the bus stops are ugly af. belgium you're like the hot cousin with the bad accent.
australians are british
t. ping xie wang
This thread got posted 10 days ago aswell. The cuckbois formed a cabinet though so what the fuck are you posting this for. (Still a horrible coalition)
when I was a kid I used to break oysters with rocks and throw them to the seagulls. my favourite "end" was the ones who flew out over the ocean to die, instead of gulping down literes of seawater on the beach until they have a fit.
now that's we've established I'm evil. I punched a seagull in gouda. it was trying along with the TRILLIONS OF PIGEON SCUM to steal my tasty chippie oorlog (that means saté to you uncultured fucks) and I gave it a little tap. unfortunately DUTCH WOMEN saw and attacked me. and since gender is free game in holland I may have defended myself without incident. but seriously, I can't punch a bird but I CAN punch a ""bird""
satan country I tells ya
>Anglo colony
15,000 people in my town speak dutch. you underestimate your own people. maar voor mij eis ik engels, omdat nederlands grammatica te duits is.
u shoulda grabbed the seagull and shoved it down her thorat tbqhwyfampai
>not grabbing your seagull and shoving it down her throat
You talk like a Saffer mate.
I thought the plans still had to be finalised and the coalition presented to the public?
blow it out your ass
>All that history
>Not even top ten
LMAO @ ur lyfe
ah I'm just mad at my poorly planned teenage years. I'll never go back there. one girl even tried to hit me for saying australians eat kangaroo "because it's cute". she thought she was allowed to be offended. in a "TOLERANT" country where gays fuck in the park. they even call it FONDLE PARK when they talk dutch. I mean gross, really.
also literally all their cultural exploits are nonsense. fake china and can you tell me again how unique the lego-size house bricks are, and again, oh please! I don't have enough old building knowledge give me more!!
Seriously that's what they care about. they think dead buildings is tourism. I believed them enough to buy a ticket. I was stupid.
Nah i literally saw it this morning in the newspaper i think the cuck coalition is ready to fuck up Europe some more lol. They literally voted to build a mega mosque.
yeah well it wasn't a choice to learn.
Those are rookie numbers lad
Youre South African or what? And why you act like its a bad thing.
soulles suburbs are enough for retards that dont know better
Referendums are gone friends. Fuck democracy amiright guys
>Not a liberal cuckfest with niggers fresh out of Africa.
Literally full of sandniggers why the fuck is it on there.
>There is no government on weekends, public holidays, and everyday past 5-7pm depending on certain office hours
Yet people are afraid of a government "shutdown."
>Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth are suburbs
>Dutch education
>muh operahouse
>muh oversized red rock
every time
>parliament in 2017
>MUH ???
Please stop posting. We're irrelevant and we should keep it that way
Love this amazing country desu senpai.
still forgot our aborted baby's record?
Love that nigga, We tried to abort him two times but he's still living.
Who needs a government when you have the EU
where do i start
>unique language
>countless monuments
>priceless works of art
onkruid vergaat niet
Godverdomme Klaas.
> they listened in the pats to the results.
Your government is subservient to a multinational entity that is subservient to the United States, an anglo country. Also Australia isn't really anglo. Most people here descend more from Irish than they do from Anglos.
You're pathetic, your country is pathetic, if you're whole country disappeared tomorrow nobody would give a fuck.
Your language is horrible, to the point where Dutch prefer to speak English, nobody can tell if it's German or Dutch anyway, despite your retard accents
Your government was in pause for 210 days because your politicians couldn't let Geert, a man who might actually represent the people of the netherlands, have any kind of power.
None of your companies matter and none of your universities are of any note.
Your country is invaded by Moroccans, and other type of niggers, you're at the point where Zwarte piet has bowed to the pressure of the niggers and now you're happily changing your culture.
Ukrainian referendum? How did that go?
Overseas territories? How did that go?
But hey, at least you can smoke weed and fuck Slav whores, because that's all your shitty swamp is good for.
your country used to be an anglo alcatraz
It was run by anglos but the prisoners were mostly Irish i.e most of the population was Irish.
>implying anyone would care if Australia disappeared
>Implying aussie english is something to be proud
>not even having a language
>literal european rejects
>having no fucking history
>having no influence on any historic events
Aussie cucks lmao
well, did you even go to school boy?
of did someone you know tell you this
Irish ancestry either alone or in combination with another ancestry.[5] This nominated ancestry was third behind English and Australian in terms of the largest number of responses and represents 10.4% of the total population of Australia
Please tell me more about my home country with your wikipedia "citations" with dubious ethnic categorisation.
And who are the anglos subservient to? Jews.
Also potatoniggers arent really something to be proud of desu.
Just enjoy using all the technology we made you cuck, Like Bluray,Dvd players, Wifi and so forth. We literally discovered your shitty continent. And our companies dont matter? What about Sony and Philips?
Your government was in pause for 210 days because your politicians couldn't let Geert, a man who might actually represent the people of the netherlands, have any kind of power.
Geert was a retard he shouldve done some more campaigning but he did nothing. FvD is the future they got a ton of seats for a party that just got created months prior to the election.
>Invaded by Marrocans and Niggers.
First of all zwarte piet aint going anywhere theres just a handful of niggers that mind this. The muslims are a problem but even you got problems with foreigners like the Chinks literally taking over your real estate. And ofcourse your beautiful native abbos. My my imagine sharing a country with those baffoons. And what about the Sudanese beatin up all the litle Aussie whiteboys? Man you like to sling shit but you aint got it any better on the other side of the fence.
This 100% All their arguments are literally invalid they dont even have their own language.
>having no fucking history
At least we have a decent present. Old world shithole BTFO by new world 'European rejects'
>"w-we have more money"
this is getting sad auslard
How is that anything but hilarious? You went from the richest company in existence to poorer than a country no older than 300 years.
GDP stats useless without per capita... Netherlands is 17m, Australia's like what? 25m cucks?
lol insecure faggot, Netherlands is a nice country regardless of what you say, but if you need to post some memes to make yourself feel better about your own country i think that speaks for itself
wew having a fuck ton of space for population growth and a bunch of rich chinks in your country.
well we surely got btfo how will we recover
Advising useless nonbinding referendums are gone. Cherry will bring us binding ones in the future
First one will be: Shall we publicly execute all VVD/D666 voters?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
astonishing accomplishment
Why are you so arsepained lad?
I never said they were. Only that we're ethnically separated from the British. Even some of our slang (sheila, for instance) comes from Irish.
I hate anglos
They didnt respect the outcome of the referendums but every failed referendum will just boost the fvd, sp and pvv. With those referendums trust in politics will decline and thats a good thing for Tjurry
Belgium is the center of muslim terrorism, cops don't do shit about and the EU is run from brussels, It is also top 5 rape stats in the world
>We won some wars and made some money to pay back the jews how evil
kek what a faggot, you boys were way worse to the natives anyway.
We should have let the zulus rape you
ITT: Divide and conquer retards and insecure fags who desperately have to shit on other people's countries to feel better for themselves
stop pretending to be retarded
how would we have a flag on this board if we weren't a country?
Based Belg
>My ancestors killed a whole bunch of white people but thats okay because they were greedy cunts.
Typical Dental plan Dan.
Kom naar huis broer.
I love tall blonde girls with light eyes, happy to have moved to this country.
Girls act very obnoxious and pretentious at first but when you get to know them they are all turbosluts willing to do the most degrading things
netherlands didn't qualify for UEFA world cup, and they didn't qualify for 2016 UEFA euro. Your country is in mess.
City girls are really fucking simple. Countryside girls are better. What also comes into play is what region you're from. For example a Frisian will dislike even Dutch people sometimes. Where you from Abdullah?
So did yours, europes been at war since the very beginning.
The money making part I'm talking about your picture, us using natives as workers for capital to pay back the kikes that King George the biggest retard in history took as loans from the Bank of England kikes.
Pekka go back to hockey orsomething. Atleast we beat Sweden.
>t. Bongistan
Better tone it down there buddy or you'll have the cops arrest you for hatespeech and bring you to your literal sharia courts.
My country mightve butchered coloreds but we honestly spent most of our time trying to get other European countries of our backs. Spanish,French, Germans and even you guys countless times. Weve literally been more defensive than your traiterous country. The amount of fucking treaties needed to get your country to fucking behave is unbelievable.
>being this mad about a superior country
quite the lmao famalam
>Your country is bad too
Doesn't change reality m80, deal with the fucking ragheads already, at least we use our big brother 1984 hellscape laws to crack down on the jihadis
its not our fault. it was the eternal bourgondier working with the eternal swede to defeat the dutch
Indeed, gotta love FVD
As soon as Theo is in charge we can start racemixing with Marrocans
Can't wait for all that halal pussy
i wasn't trying to be mean, i was pointing that u suck at football.
fucking oranges..
lmao I understand
Why you so mad?
Also how long will the new cabinet last guys? Shit doesn't sound good. We are turning more and more EU, will we be carrying Spain when Catalonia leaves?
>caring about eleven overpayed tards shooting a ball into a net
pic related is where it's at
Right sorry, I forgot everybody from Fingolia has autism and doesnt understand how to interpertate feelings.
Nigger, you wouldn't even exist without us.
You'd be the HRE's bitch sti- oh yeah you're in the new one kek
Anglosphere domination
But the Roman empire never even completely captured my country you nigger.
They must be saving some serious moneys
>Nigger, you wouldn't even exist without us.
Actually Rotterdam would have been twice as big by now if it wasn´t for your nuisances