Has this board ever made you cry, Sup Forums?
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Have you considered that you don't have what it takes to survive?
Let me ask you, what have you seen here that made you cry?
No, but it's made me angry. I should probably stop going here because being in a constant state of rage isn't very healthy, but I just can't stop myself.
I forget.
Nothing, I come here for comic relief, but I cry a lot mostly thinking about ex-gf's.
No, I do not display emotional states primarily associated with subhumans and women. This is Sup Forums. If you aren't here to engage in civil discourse purely on the grounds of logic and reason, you need to leave.
t. Black-pilled oldfag
Only from my cock, nigga
The sustained bullying by SNOWFLAKES on this sub simply because I voted for DRUMPFY has gotten the best of me a couple times.
Ugh same. I live and work in areas populated by yuppies and libtards - the pure Ivory Tower libtard kind. They make me hate humanity as a whole. Compared to those soulless brainless brainwashed dead-eyed vapid consumerist sheep with not one original thought of their own, Sup Forums is a breath of fresh air. I come here for my daily remedy, I need something to counter that shit I stew in all day or I will not survive. Also, I'm here for happenings, political discussion or just any discussion, really, something I'm sorely lacking IRL. Also, memes and lulz. But lately I find that I rage on here, too.
I have no more tears to cry
Yes by introducing the Cuckistani flag
Does crying in laughter count? Because this board has done that to me plenty of times.
No, but it hurts my soul a little sometimes
Yeah, when this board turned from a free-speech think tank into a white nationalist INCEL hugbox
No, unless someone close to me dies then I don't cry.
Yeah, when Germany couldn't make a post without getting "800,000" and the number just kept going up and up and up and all the rapes. So many rapes, the Paris attack, the things they did to those people in the bataclan theater was literally a SAW movie
Sharing videos of that woman getting gang raped by hundreds of men in Cologne on new years and having people not even realise that she's being raped until I point it out to them. So many others too
No just overwhelming anger
I literally cried when Trump won. no joke. all those news showing him down on the polls made me doubt. I was like Thomas on the election day
no but it made me sad a couple of times and fap even more times
>Sharing videos of that woman getting gang raped by hundreds of men in Cologne on new years and having people not even realise that she's being raped until I point it out to them
I must have missed that one. Sauce?
You're a fucking faggot, dude. My ex stole 4k from my bank and fucked my mate. She also sucked/fucked a guy, then came home and done the same to me. She also smashed my laptop and 40inch tv.
And broke a 3310 over my head and physically scared me for life.
I didn't cry once.
no i don't take Sup Forums seriously like most autistic larpers here.
Yeah, saw a pic of my wife taking bbc here
It's easy not to be upset when all you lost was a whore, try losing someone who you don't get to blame.
Stop pretending like your a tough guy, it's pathetic
Nah. Assholes are gonna be assholes. It's their problem, not mine.
Thanks user, but I meant the video lol.
Have some OC for your effort.
that's because you didn't love her
Yeah it's on my old hard drive, I had the choice webm. Here's youtube, making me use my bandwidth man.
I cry a little inside everytime I get called a gypsy. Why couldn't Hitler finish his job? :( :( :(
I didn't cry when my parents died. I could probably slit my throat without feeling a thing
The first video is of a woman being dragged into an underground train station.
Thanks user. Have more OC.
She did all this because you're a psychopath and she wanted a reaction.
Seriously though, this is about the best way to drive a woman insane - give them no emotion to feed off of.
I'm not acting a tough guy. I honestly never cry. I mean my dad dropped dead 2 years ago and I didn't cry. I cried when I seen him for last time, but initially I didn't.
>what have you seen here that made you cry?
After spending 3 months without weed, I ended up breaking my tolerance with some dank as fuck weed while I sipped on a longneck high strength beer.
Then I got redpilled on South Africa white genocide that night and in the moment cried about all the fucked up shit I was reading and seeing, but my emotions were strong.
This was a few years ago though, since then I haven't cried since and became emotionless to most fucked up shit I have come across this board.
I used to get angry about hearing about a rape in Europe, now I just laugh.
Cry internally. Don't think it's ever actually made me cry.
This is very much true, I'm addicted (not even memeing) to taking redpill and learning more from it afterwards.
If you want to avoid craving for redpills all the time don't take Sup Forums seriously, but here lies the Redpill addiction dilema, do you really want to miss the truth? Live in a constant state of fake happiness where only the material will do good for you?
This board can pretty much destroy/ruin your life.
Take it from me, everywhere I go, I see race. I internally judge people by race, I don't trust people and the deeper you look into a person you see a jew playing with his emotion and how destroyed his soul actually is. Getting up in the morning is really hard, because there is nothing much.
We need a Führer now.
I can't tell if I'm more angry at the muslim horde, or at the spineless piece of shit country that let them in. When terrorist attacks happen now, I feel a bit of shadenfreude. I think "yeah, that's what you deserve. You worked hard to earn that terrorist attack with your campaign of bullshit."
Then I feel sad for the victims, and rage at the perpetrators. But the victims were complicit.
It's an abstract kind of feel.
yes I cried out in joy when I heard that whites would all die out
no because I am not a fucking pussy, much like many of kekistani nowdays. cucks like you and sargon of cuckad ruined kekistani for me
some how i have become an eternal whitepill along the way, i see the horror, the shit, the human garbage, but even though all that i can still seem to find a positive in almost every situation
i know exactly how you feel man
i pray for isis to detonate a dirty bomb in london that is how desperate i am for the people of the uk to wake up
IT CANNOT END LIKE THIS! i want my nation to die via glorious battle not with a wimper by inferior subhumans outbreeding us
Learn to differentiate an individual from the group. You can judge a group or population by the average, but you can't judge an individual by the average of the group.
So, you can accurately stereotype groups, but not individuals. (Patrice O'neal, Thomas Sowell, and Ben Carson come to mind as examples of individual outliers.)
I get what you mean though. There's good advice in that post. I am the OP of that screencap.
I cry everytime
I only feel pain and hate.
>My daughter, my daughter, my daughter
big problems usually have small solutions, 7.62mm should be enough
Here's a little comedy relief.
No full stop. You got one tear left.
Am I the only one who notices that more and more of the "redpill" screencaps posted here tend to be from 8ch?
Crying is for fucking faggots but I have to admit I got really close one time when I saw that closeup video of the dead burgers in Las Vegas, it was like something out of Syria or Brazil or those crazy videos on Liveleak except it was in my country, Burgerland.
this is upsetting and angering to watch
Yes, pic related
It lasted all night and nobody was arrested.
No, i get extremely angry though. Ive desensitized myself a pretty good bit, havent cried in over 9 years
That's it. I'm done caring about what happens to France.
Some of the nigger hate threads made have feels for the white people getting hurt for no reason.
That's Germany.
lol fuck, that's right. The cuckoldry and terror attacks are becoming one big blur, kek. Oh well. I guess it's all of Western Europe that I hate.
It's sad to watch their slow suicide. Soon these cathedrals and monuments are going to be destroyed in europe as they have been in the Middle East.
Emerikan edgukeshun XDDD
Holy fuck, do you only learn where the mississipi flows in school or something?
>burger education
Goodnight, Sup Forums. Sleep comfy and be well. 7:30 AM here kek
I shouldn't have corrected you, that was autisic of me.
yea cologne is in my bathroom cabinet. silly burger.
That means your bathroom cabinet will always have more sex than you merely based on the new year's eve as your standard to surpass in your entire life?
Chill out mate, nobody is slinging shit at Germany.
Look at the topic.
I'm not saying i have it better.
I mean, i am browsing Sup Forums...
'Stralia suddenly doesn't like the bantz...
I can't top a million muslims sorry
We are all virgins in the bigger scope of unchecked third world immigration.
Ours are Chinese, it's fucked because they actually pay tax and are good with crime. Nightmare mode.
"damn it, we aren't even cucked.. THEY ARE GOOD CITIZENS! REEE!"
What is surpressed emotion, alex
Yes, when I found out that Anglos are basically a low IQ underclass in England and that the Chinese and Irish are actually the dominant groups there.
That blew my mind. Then I found out that it's the same exact way in the US as well. I literally cried.
Now I don't give a shit anymore. Let them run the world. I'll be a shitposting NEET watching the whole thing collapse. Tally ho,
I haven't cried for at least 10 years.
kinda chocked up, but i've gotten myself together ever since.
I think things like Undertale, Mother 2/3 and Portal 2 got me kinda choked (that's obviously gay, i know) but that's the things that gotten me anywhere in the last 15 years or so.
That was Cairo.
No, it usually just makes me angry on a bad day and laugh at a good day.
It is aggravating most of the time, it makes you just too aware of all the injustice around you.
>A Refugee raped a girl, but states that he had a sexual emergency
>Yeah, he raped a girl, but so what. HE'S BLACK!
>Case ends with no sentence.
Gypsies 8.2 haven't keked this hard in a while
Yeah, no, that's not what I meant, man. But thank you, you did make me laugh. I hope you have a great day.
That's not true. Even in Germany nigger rapists get sentenced to prison. The problem is your traitor leader invited them in the first place.
>Being housed, fed and have a chance at education.
>Still leeching off from taxpayers instead of being insta-deported and put in a prison in his country.
This fellow here is pretty on the money.
Dis right here mang
U wot m8?
Someone called me a stupid head omce and it hurt my feelings :'(
No because I dont take red pills, only black ones. Life is a ride and i'm just sitting back enjoying the shit show. Learn to not care so much, has life changed for you since Trump or when Obama was elected? No. Nothing ever changes
no, I'm this thing called a 'man'
Never, but I won't lie the situation for whites in Africa is depressing as fuck.
it made me angry most of the time beacuse of how much people respond to slide threads that are clearly made by a liberal+ the people that dont sage it
The people who fall for slide threads are almost invariably the dumb Nazi basement dwellers.
Because those mouth breathers are too stupid to recognize satire or obvious shill baits they jump on those threads like a moth to a flame.
I believe they are just as responsible for those threads as the paid commie shills who start them.
Seeing the Western Civilization crumble before my eyes and seeing whites getting cucked at every turn makes me very sad.
Get your shit together for fucks sake...
Only with laughter because of some of the /r9k/ level reeeeeing going on
Are you 100% Bolivian, like born and raised or are you a foreigner trapped in Obolivion ?