I want to talk about the issues the black community faces


Please do not let this thread become another bullshit thread where you call blacks animals. They have issues that can be corrected by the state such has defunding unemployment and promoting married families (which blacks are disproportionately having children at out of wedlock) to work.

You may not be black, but do not neglect a community just because you are different. It will always bite you in the ass through crime.

Other urls found in this thread:


>It will always bite you in the ass through crime.

Veiled threats from a well-known enemy.

take all the welfare money and spend it on paying black women to get sterilized, in fact do this for whites too so you can wipe out all the white trash

Look at 1950s USA blacks were married and while still commited more crime, it was MUCH less. These are not veiled threats. This is a fact. Thomas sowell has talked about defunding government programs such as welfare which enable blacks (who are disproportionately poor) to be dysfunctional members in society.

holy shit, blacks really are fucking animals.

>holy shit, blacks really are fucking animals.
Unhelpful comment.

Unstable family unit. It is unstable because the single mother can marry the state and the young men lack fathers. The cycle then continues to the next generation.



Again, this is not how it used to be. So please, stop.

I know this runs counter to Sup Forums's echo chamber, but the marriage rates and black unemployment throughout the 50s is well documented within the black community and it was not too far of from whites.

The state can not correct the problems of the black community, they can only be corrected by the blacks themselves. Something as simple as black fathers not being worthless deadbeats would do wonders for the black community. Fathers in homes = keep boys in line so they don’t become thugs/give girls stable male affection so they don’t become whores and single mothers at age 14. Just this one act alone would solve like 90% of the problems in the black community, but blacks would rather depend on the state so we have what we have today. If anything blacks need less state interference, not more.

Send em all back to africa

make them all fuck off back to africa. then encourage them to set up a particularly severe form of fascism

>cant fix sub animals like the nergo
>low iq is the reason
>then adding government fuckery made them worse

>The state can not correct the problems of the black community
But this is just wrong. The welfare the state gives to the impoverished (mostly black) is like herion to an addict. It lower incentive to work and be a productive member in society, even sometimes to the point of out right transforming these black men into destructive individuals.

> If anything blacks need less state interference, not more.
Yes this is what I am saying. We need to cut welfare and unemployment

If you think niggers are the same species as humans you don't belong here. Fuck off to kike sites like reddit.

Blacks are animals

99 percent of these shitholes have had Democrat leadership for generations....really makes you think...

I don't hold out much hope for a change in the nigger community.
If the generation to come is still being raised inadequately by single mothers, I'd expect them to turn out just as, if not more delinquent than the last generation.
It's getting worse, and they seem to be content to spiral downwards.
They even appear proud of their degeneracy.
Like most major civil changes, you can't undo them.
We can't put them back in the field.
We might be able to reintroduce segregation as the more uppity niggers seem in favor of black only spaces.
Avoid contact, contain them in the ghettos and keep the crime within the group.
Occasionally skim the top for the exceptional niggers.

Don't seek to find the answer to the negro question if you can't accept it.
They are a near hopeless community.

Please. do not be closed minded and look into Sowell.


Why haven't white single motherhood rates among whites changed appreciably since the 1920's then?

irp.wisc.edu/publications/focus/pdfs/foc121e.pdf (Table 2)

Humanity, like Wolves, is a species with numerous sub-species. While all are capable of inter-breeding and creating hybrid, each distinct strain exhibits its own unique social and survival behaviors.

Most Africans are Bantu's. The Batu were a highly aggressive form of hunter gatherer humans that literally killed and ate the competition. Like the Khoisan peoples. The Tropical climate of their native land also insured they would not need to form complex societies or develop advanced technology in order to survive effectively. Suitability became less about social behavior, and more about how strong you were, and how good you were at procuring from the ample bounty of your environment at that very moment. This meant things like rules based tribes, and planning ahead were actively selected against in favor of immediate gratification.

Compare this to the White people, who are descended primarily from a interbreeding of northern caucosoids and neanderthals. Winter came every year and you had to plan ahead constantly. Instant gratification over long term spacial concept of time was actively selected against, as well as anti-social behavior. To be abandoned by the group in Winter is a death sentence.

We see the results of the divergent evolution of these sub species play out today. Caucasoid humans have an almost pathological relationship with time. Constantly planning for the future, making lists of what they need to get done today, tomorrow, next week, next year, next 30 years. This mindset naturally trends itself into adherenece to a rules based society. White people can biologically project out cause and effect. If I steal X, get caught stealing X by Y, then Z will happen after a certain amount of time, causing me to lose years in prison. By contrast, Bantu humans never developed this trait, indeed it was actually selected against. Their natural environment rewarded immediate gratification, and anyone who was cautious got outmuscled.

I do not know. I am more interested in the black community more for this particular issue because they have without a doubt the most effected.


Hey cunt, tell me the nigger percentage in your neighborhood. My neighborhood is more nigger than human so I know all about those subhuman savages. Nothing can salvage a nigger. Even the most educated and wealthy nigger will chimp out in milliseconds.

They need their own country. It’s not fair to expect them to be able to compete intellectually with other races.

I’m not accusing anyone of being an animal. But the idea that everyone is born equal is fucking madness.

Is that not an important question to answer considering that whites have had access to the same programs for an even longer period than blacks?

Well stated. Have a (you).

I am from louisna. I am white. I have lived around blacks my whole entire life. And it is easy, and almost lazy to just categorize them as "savages" when our history books/statics show that their was an african awakening around the time of MLK (40s-50s) where the state had little interference with the impoverished and the black community had a sense of identity and responsibility.

Not to mention that letting a woman run a family is a sure path to destruction for all children involved

How do you explain blacks in African?
Or does whitey got to fix that too?
How do you explain how the richest blacks in America test lower than the poorest whites.
How do you explain away genetic differences caused by evolving in separate parts of the world where separate genes were favored? How do you explain how Egyptians despite being on the same continent are several times smarter than you, almost like their flood lands environment caused intelligence and forethought to be valuable tools?

Can't we just genocide all the niggers thus solving the black problem?

Why should I trust you on complex issues when you don't even know elementary English such as their vs. there?


Possibly, but I want to help the black community and make them productive members in society instead of a burden. The irony of this is.. liberals say giving programs to these communities helps when in fact, it does the opposite. You spend more money through programs towards the blacks, it makes them become dependent on it, enables dysfunctional households feasible, and you pay even more money for needing to lock them up when they are adults.

The system is broken and liberals are destroying the black community.

>They have issues that can be corrected by the state such has defunding unemployment
>Defunding unemployment?
What the fuck do you even mean by that? A gibs for work program or something?

I want you out of this thread so I can not have you shit post your meme images and actually learn something or help other see something from a different perspective

>Possibly, but I want to help the black community and make them productive members in society instead of a burden.
Being this bluepilled

I am tired, but if you want to nit pick my sentences because it doesn't fit your narrative. Wrong thread.

Try doing something useful instead of talking about grammatical mistakes

>The Tropical climate of their native land also insured they would not need to form complex societies or develop advanced technology in order to survive effectively
What do you have to then say to societies such as the Mali Empire?

I don't deny it has some dependency effect just that Sowell overstates it. If welfare truly did wreck communities whites would be even worse off than blacks.

You want to save money? You want to drop crime rate? Drug usage?

The black community is the one you should focus on.

Yeah man just kill off/deport 30% off the population that won't cause an instant recession or anything

>Unstable family unit. It is unstable because the single mother can marry the state and the young men lack fathers. The cycle then continues to the next generation.
It is unstable because:
>Hegemonic African American culture is high time preference low impulse control gangster rapper culture. This culture puts the player who ends up with cash, drugs, guns and numerous baby-mommas on a pedestal.
>Black men are genetically inclined to fuck and dump women, and the women are genetically inclined to let that happen to them. They have high time preference and low impulse control, which means they get drunk, high on weed, snort a line of cocaine, and then fuck without condom and get pregnant.

>Mali Empire
>established in 1235
a little late to the party

>If welfare truly did wreck communities whites would be even worse off than blacks.
But like Sup Forums says.

We are not the same. But a feasible solution is not 'lets kill all blacks'. That is something a 16 year old would say. People can become productive members of society with any level of IQ.

Fucking cuckservative

No one said anything about that.

They're 13% of the population btw

>They have issues that can be corrected by the state


I went to a inner city school and hot the weights with some gang members. I'd say put the more aggressive ones in the military, let them fuck shit up on our behalf

ayyyy yo santa bitch gimmie suma dat wyte women

Again, I do not deny racial impact on IQ. This is irrelevant. Down sydrome adults do not commit rampant crime. If anything many of them are employed.

Read the thread instead of shitposting.

if you want to save money
is the most reasonable answer. if you want to take a "moral" approach then sending them back to africa to figure out shit for themselves is only way.

If you build a house on a bad foundation the whole house is fucked. If you don't know elementary English I can't trust you on anything higher on the totem pole. I must assume you're a fucking idiot like most race-betrayers are.

Welfare is a trap, like you said helping a poor person by giving them money is like “helping” a heroin addict by giving them a fix. It makes them feel better for a time, but does nothing to really help them and only makes their situation worse in the long run. But if you simply just turn off the EBT, they’ll just starve to death because they have no concept of work ethic nor the ability to save for the future (there’s a reason why the term “nigger-rich” is a thing)

Look at the life of your average black “””family”””. You got a dad who abandons his kids, a single mom which now can’t work because, hey, who’s gonna watch little Jamal, Latifa, Tyrone, Shaniqua and Deshaun? So the “””mom””” basically lives off welfare, and whatever child support each “””father””” gets taken from him. Meanwhile you got 5 men, each on welfare themselves, struggling to make ends meet and pay their child support at the same time. Nobody wins in this situation, the “””parents”””are all poor as fuck, the kids have nobody teaching them how to be decent people, and the taxpayer is on the hook for their welfare (and the cost of whatever crimes they end up committing)

Now imagine if instead of abandoning his kids, Jamal Sr. married his hoe and stayed with the family instead. Now they only have one house to pay for, no child support payments because the children live in your house (plus tax break too!) One or both of the parents could hold jobs so they wouldn’t need to go on welfare, also no money needed for a babysitter to watch the kids either. With all these savings they could actually do nice things for their children, buy them things, take them on vacations, maybe even move to a better neighborhood, all while making sure they’re doing what they can to raise good, decent children. Everyone would win in this scenario, and all it took was the state doing absolutely nothing.

In the US they intentionally get fired so they can collect unemployment instead of working.

>I'd say put the more aggressive ones in the military, let them fuck shit up on our behalf
>hurr durr angry thugs should be the future of the army

Personal responsibility is completely absent among American blacks. I had the displeasure of living in one of their neighbourhoods in college. They think nothing is their fault. It's always passing the buck along with them. You can promote whatever you want to them, you defund whatever you want from them, the problem is that these people are unable to take responsibility for themselves. If there is an easy way out, an easy cause to blame, or easy solution to forcibly take, they do it all and without heed of the consequence.

Emotionally, especially American blacks, they're children. Mentally, they can run the gamut while settling closer to retarded at the mean. Even when they're more intelligent, they're still emotionally stupid.

You cannot fix them within years. You cannot fix them kindly. You either control their culture and society with an iron fist for generations until they sort it out, or you ship them all away or get rid of them.

Yes, but if you help that small community of 13% you can drop over 45% of crime. Don't you get it?

And you know what the 'help' is? It's defunding welfare and unemployment. $ for families to work should be implemented instead

they are an economic drain on society so no it wouldnt cause a recession or anything

maybe I should have said reform?

Because I'm saying defund welfare and unemployment

They glorify savagery and violence it has nothing to do with welfare. Poor Asian/Whites on welfare don't shoot themselves up in ghettos.

It would probably be worse without welfare

You think West Africans have a strong patriarchal family structure? (We'll save high-investment parenting for another time.)

Just like IQ and empathy and altruism and living in very large groups, black Africans did not evolve for the patriarchal nuclear family. That it's the secret missing ingredient to fix black Americans is a do-gooder White fantasy and is truly a "social construct".

When blacks get freedom to be themselves, and not held up to White cultural expectations, women of the extended family raise the children collectively and nobody knows who dey Daddy is. This is exactly how it works in black Africa.

do you think anyone here actually likes the welfare state? this is old news

>the black community
Congrats on your record high HIV (and other critter) rates on the CDC's cooked website. I know you kangs is best at STD. Most people are stunned at the black supremacy in those areas. Keep up the good work!

Oh okay, well I know a place that takes pride in correcting grammatical errors instead of engaging in discussion. reddit.

Fuck off where you came from. No more (you)s

This isn't just a race thing people are naturally more violent than others how the fuck does removing welfare and making people experience financial hardship stop them from committing crimes?

It's literally tribal warfare.

Poverty doesn't make you a violent antisocial asshole. Vestigial genetics do.

You're a fucking dweeb. There's a sweetspot for violent criminals on the IQ scale, and down syndrome adults are to the left of that.


is NGR coin real, cause that shiieeet gonna moon

You put them there.
You kept them poor.
You kept them stupid.
You kept them sick.
Doing so affects you. It comes full circle.

You keep them poor because you don't hire blacks. What are they going to do for money? Steal it!! Sell drugs!!! Crime goes up. Your property value goes down. Give them food stamps? Welfare? That just wastes resources. Your tax dollars. It affects you too. So was it a good idea? Keeping them stupid makes them act a fool. How will they ever change their behavior when you make education unaffordable to them? Keep blaming all of societies problems on dumb ass niggas. Just remember who put them there. YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to believe that you can fix the community through education. Can't focus on school because of fucked up home life. Focus on school and you get called an Uncle Tom.
Let the blacks that want to succeed into better schools.

Here? No, of course not. But look at any black hood and they love it. Life is so much easier when you don’t need to do anything, but as we’re seeing with the black community, the easy way is a path to ruin.

You didn't have anything useful to add anyways, dipshit autist

>But if you simply just turn off the EBT, they’ll just starve to death because they have no concept of work ethic nor the ability to save for the future
Thats fucking bullshit. They wont starve to death, because they'll just steal or get a fucking job. You think African-Americans starved to death prior to the FDR welfare program? Retard

makes sense, so send them all back to africa is what you are saying

You don't get it. They don't WANT to work. Work to them is "da white man tellin' me what to do!"
I live around them. They beg off me in front of Burger King and I point out the "NOW HIRING" sign. The girls get knocked up early so they get a check. I ride the bus that goes to "dem programs" and I hear how they talk about how they're getting over - paid under the table to get their checks, etc.

There is nothing that can be done other than keep them locked up for their crimes (stop letting the teenage thugs out after their 5th felony on "supervision", our city has had a rash of incidents caused by these children within 48 hours of their release they're back to robbing people and stealing/crashing cars.
One huge accident happened at my bus stop intersection - a thug in a stolen car ran a red light and slammed into a fucking SCHOOL BUS.
They cannot be fixed. They really should be sterilized.

Your point is bullshit and that's all you have, a single point to make excuses for their behavior.
You say defund the programs and then contradict this postulation with "do not neglect the community", you're essentially saying,
>"don't give the baby attention when it cries, but if it shits itself take care of it".

That was a metaphor by the way, the baby was black people and the shit was crime. I know it's odd to point that out but you're coming across as retarded so I'm playing it safe.

>encourage them to build the family unit, which will magically solve the problems the black community deals with.

I'm white and come from a broken home, yet the only marks to my record are speeding violations. Shot in the dark: many of those who post here can make the same claim. If you look at the numbers, blacks outperform every other race when it comes to crime. It's not that they're relegated to roles that force them to society's shitstain, they're innately predisposed to be just that.

If you want the real reason for why blacks are the way they are, look at Africa.
Millennia have passed since homo sapiens have emerged as this planet's apex species, yet there are entire regions and even countries in Africa that still can't into civilization. They naturally resort to mob violence, cannibalism, and the general dissolution of a governing body, all because Tutu stole some fucking food. That's not an exaggeration, there's videos of people blacks being burned alive for "stealing".

How do we fix the black community? We don't. We contain it, like an animal at the zoo, all while affecting a micro-evolution.
>feed it regularly=food stamps/welfare
>ensure propagation of desirable traits=Planned parenthood handing out free contraceptives in low-income communities and financially assisted abortions.
>Culling violent and primitive individuals=Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, etc.

TL;DR: Breed them out of existence. Pic Related

The only relevant issue concerning niggers is the fact that they are subhuman animals. They don't belong in white nations, or even on earth. They deserve nothing more than genocide.

Threads like this is when I realize I have outgrown Sup Forums

You are just like the left in so many ways. I tell the left lets defund welfare and unemployment, I get called a racist who only cares about their self.

I tell someone on Sup Forums if we defund these government programs I get called a race trator? Like this shit is a joke.

I am out of here. Have fun derailing the thread to a 'nigger hate' thread you edgy faggots.

>let the blacks that want to succeed ruin better schools

small correction

>They have affirmative action.
>Intelligence is determined by genes.
>Free vaccines

Ok pal

How does that work? Africa doesn't want them. Dumb idea. How about you fix your fuck ups.

You assumption is the environment is to blame for most of these problems when it isn't. You can't change much when genetics handicaps them from birth.

>How will they ever change their behavior when you make education unaffordable to them?
>We need mo money fo dem programs
As if white Americans were savages prior to public education

Why would white people do this?

White people are sick!

>Africa doesn't want them.
You have no proof for that claim.

who cares about what africa wants?

Can't ruin a private school that easily, they can be removed if causing disturbance. If you truly believe there are not kids that strive to break through poverty via education, you're misguided.

The divorce rate has skyrocketed, and white single motherhood rates have crawled in tandem with the number of whites on government assistance. There is also a noticeable upward trend happening now in the Midwest where opioid addiction is occuring.

> we all know blacks have lower iq.
> all the degenerates here do is repeat it ad naseum and never say anything constructive about what can be done.
Real intelligent you lot are.

Want to fix the black community? Then teach them respect. This isn't just learned through "fathers" in their lives. Role models can have a bigger influence then a proper father figure for some disproportionate youth.

The problem with blacks, is all the "role models" are violent thugs, disrespectful assholes, and blame shifters. The behavior is glorified and mimicked with their youth, which only serves to exacerbate the issues at hand.

Their political figureheads are also downright fucking horrible. They are the worst of the worst "blame shifters". Currently, black children are being raised under this banned of "everyone who criticizes you is a racist", "if you don't get what you want, its because of racism", and "if you get in trouble, its because society is racist". There is NO respect, no pride, no honor, no sense of commitment and duty to society. Its all covered under the veil of "dats racist!"

The problem isn't the lack of father figures, its every single role model, from Hollywood, to the recording studio, to politicians and social media stars, being complete and utter irresponsible cunts.

Want to fix the black community? Stop blaming everything on whitey, stop thinking everything is racist, and start acting like a fucking adult.

But this is a pretty hard task to ask of a population with the average IQ barely above mental retardation standards.

>all the degenerates here do is repeat it ad naseum and never say anything constructive about what can be done.
>Real intelligent you lot are.

Why should the state be responsible for it? Why can't people just be held accountable for their choices? They have a free education already. They have been given tools to better themselves and (some of them) don't use them.

After more than 2 years of getting indoctrinated on race relations on Sup Forums I've decided to remove myself from the equation since it has gotten to the point where I can no longer take daily stress of being a burden on society, therefore I am going to commit suicide by the end of this week.

>Want to fix the black community? Stop blaming everything on whitey, stop thinking everything is racist, and start acting like a fucking adult.
I wonder (((who))) gave them these ideas.

>do not neglect a community
But nazis do not neglect untermenshen communities. On the contrary, a proper nazi state has all the government programs and aid you can hope for, not to mention special sensetivity training camps of concentration.

step 1: Those striving to get a proper education or going for a more stable life should not be mocked and labelled "Uncle Tom" and "not really black".

step 2: Stop glorifying street culture.

With just these 2 steps, half of the problems plaguing the black community would be solved.

How does one fix a community that doesn't want to be fixed?

>never say anything about what can be done

theres like 20 people saying the equivalent of gas them all or send them back to africa in this thread

Even though I know it is a pasta this still makes sense with what I am saying
>The Tropical climate of their native land also insured they would not need to form complex societies or develop advanced technology in order to survive effectively. Suitability became less about social behavior, and more about how strong you were, and how good you were at procuring from the ample bounty of your environment at that very moment. This meant things like rules based tribes, and planning ahead were actively selected against in favor of immediate gratification.
What do you think a welfare check is? That is the point. They CAN be functional in society even though they are different. We had a point in our society where welfare state wasn't the opioid for the poor to leech off of.

Why not live a respectable life instead and help reverse the problem

It's really that simple.

I'm not black. I do not give two fuck about what they do to each other.
I can only control me, and I damn well know I want nothing to do with them.