Now that it's been revealed all those 'strong' hollywood actresses actually sucked dick to get their roles. Who will modern feminists look up to now?
Now that it's been revealed all those 'strong' hollywood actresses actually sucked dick to get their roles...
Other urls found in this thread:
>get paid to be a whore
>still get to cry rape
what is having your cake and eating it
Oh come on OP, we've been here before. Whenever whoring becomes inconvenient for feminists, they just claim that whoring is empowerment
They will spin it by sending that rationalization hamster into overdrive.
>Was sexually abused and violated, still found the strength to not internalize it, to not give up, to keep going, to empower other wymynz
As if any of those whores' opinions they were spouting were theirs and not dictated by the very kikes whose dicks they sucked.
It's amazing that offering favours for sex is apparently sexually assault now.
You go guuuuurl!!!! Suck that dick! Use your femininity to game that patriarchal system!
That's an actual episode from Family Guy lulz
It's either empowering, or they just straight out don't believe it's the womans fault.
"It's never the womans fault"
looks like he requested these two girls to wear coats and go commando if not completely naked underneath.
>Who will modern feminists look up to now?
Most them were women of a particular denomination who did, in one form or another became acquinted to this strange practice of having favors done for favors.
>Who will modern feminists look up to now?
Who they always look up to.
>actually sucked dick to get their roles
Imagine my shark.
They won't take it that way.
They'll call him a white male and refer to it as patriarchy and defend their actions.
Everybody loves Oprah
You get a car
You get a car
You get a car
You get a car
You get a car
The guy was a literal kike and psychologically abusive. Use your memeflag if you're going to be using a memeflag. It wasn't rewards for sexual favors. You have here an actual Jew abusing people and then buying their silence. If you think you have the nazi perspective on this down, lurk more. If you think there are actual nazis to mock by misrepresentation, lurk more!
And this is why your white women flock to the BBC! You traumatized and damaged their female brains. How will they ever recover?
Obviously actual crackwhores being as feminism is about lowering the bar
Hollywood exposed as running a prostitution ring disguised as a charity for AIDS where to female celebs are sold to the highest bidder
subtle shop
I must have the rest of this image.
Feminist will meme that sucking dick and getting raped is empowerment
Therefore stronk female actresses