My sincere belief is that it is the Orthodox Church. Primarily the Eastern Orthodox Communion, but also Oriental Orthodoxy to a lesser extent. I believe that Roman Catholicism is a convenient starting place for westerners from totally secular backgrounds to discover Christianity, but ultimately, Christian theology exists in greater purity in the Orthodox Church than the Roman Catholic Church. I would also say that certain fundamentalist protestant sects deserve recognition for their heart and their determination to resist worldly influences and ideas (e.g. the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church).
Which Christian denomination is one that Christ founded circa 32 AD?
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Not a real surname. First occurs in late 1700s
Orthodoxy/Catholicism was found in around 300 AD by Emperor Constantine. He hijacked the faith and perverted it.
The true Christian church has always been small, independent, not state controlled, and following only the Bible's strict teachings as opposed to man-made traditions such as infant baptism, eating crackers and drinking wine, and worshiping Mary.
Jesus didn't believe in a 'church' ................... neither Orthodox, nor Catholic or any other is what he wanted - go read scriptures again.
It never was a surname. It's a title meaning Messiah.
>Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church
you are a good man.
everyone deserves to be saved, unfortunately there are very few chances the RCC will get you there. Orthodox church is based, some protestant churches also. Read the Bible.
Jesus founded no denomination. The first "Christians" were Jews who spread a story throughout Europe of an aryan god who was effortlessly tortured and slayed by ordinary Jews for being a bad goy.
its the third church,church of the east
Why doesn't your Church look like this?
No that is absolutely untrue. I don't know where you got that idea. 'Christ' is a transliteration of the Greek 'Christos', which means 'anointed one'. You're way off.
What evidence do you have for this, other than the fact that Constantine oversaw the Council of Nicea?
And why do Protestant sects still believe in the Trinity if they believe Constantine perverted the faith?
>He thinks his name was Jesus Christ
His name was Yeshua.
'Church' is an English word for the Greek 'ecclesia'. In Matthew 16:18, Christ tells Peter he will establish his Ecclesia on the rock of Peter's faith.
*None of the above
The Orthodox and Catholics created the Bible. How can you follow the book of these supposed corrupted faiths?
The Coptics (Egyptian) and the Orthodox are the oldest churches. Interestingly, both use the King James Bible as their authoritative text. That surprised me.
Jesus Christ said "Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am in their midst"
It makes sense to use the KJV. Catholics would insist on using the Dhouay-Rheims, but this is a translation of a translation, which is poor methodology.
Modern bible translations reflect religious modernism and politically correct language so they're no good.
He didn't create a denomination, he created a perspective and every church follows at least part of it, but plenty of non-religious follow it too
>Bible opposed to drinking wine
Bible opposed DRUNKENESS, not drinking wine.
"Go thy way, leat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; mfor God know accepteth thy works." - Ecclesiastes 9:7
Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but saves us from bad conscience.
Christ was baptised.
>worshiping Mary
The Bible is right. It's idolatry to worship Mary. Only God is the one who should be worshiped.
I am comparing KJV and Danicic/Karadzic Bible and they correlate.
But the KJV is a shitty translation made to fit Anglican theology.
it was the baptists
Constantine didn't invent Trinity:
> 1 John 5:7: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
>Orthodox Church
Not white. Protestant > all.
What the fuck have we done
We've built the synagogue of Satan when we should be out in the fields preaching about God
It really made the light bulb turn on
What's the point of following a religion spawned in the middle east ? Go mormon or something.
I know some Catholics and Protestants use wafers and crackers instead of bread because they believe the last supper was a passover, meaning it was unleavened bread, allowing them to use crackers amd shit instead of real bread like us.
>The true Christian church has always been small, independent, not state controlled, and...
I don't suppose there's a wikipedia article or something on this "true Christian church" nobody heard of :^)
Certainly none of the notable founders of Protestantism were part of it.
Actually the closest would be the coptic church.
Meant to cite