Sigh... if only i had enough money to buy a ranch somewhere quiet and live free of shitskins, raising kids with a beautiful waifu.
This world truly sucks
Sigh... if only i had enough money to buy a ranch somewhere quiet and live free of shitskins...
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What's stopping you?
Who the fuck wears a clean white sweater in a feedlot
>wanting to fuck off and being a shitstained farmer
What is wrong with christcucks?
why do all these "model" girls make that retarded face with their eyes squinting upward and mouth half-open?
Lol, one does not have to be religious to farm.
You also can grow way more than you could ever eat on like a 1/4 acre if you are well planned out.
Obviously before church you fucking heathen.
He doesnt know how to raise and rear cattle.
Is there no way to learn?
If someone won't even take the time to learn something, how important can it really be to them.
someone who doesn't intend to do any work
>and being a shitstained farmer
>birthed the language
>can't even speak it.
Ive thought about farming
Extremely expensive to break into and then there is all that experience you need to get and can only learn but working minimum wage jobs as a farmhand
Anyone who says farming is easy is kidding themselves
The cost just to buy enough land will break you
yeah no shit. every day I get up to have another shit day. things could be a lot worse, but it sucks anyway. Am I really supposed to have a shit life? Might as well be dead like this.
Go buy land in Lithuania, or Poland if you want that.
Their agriculture sector is still very much alive.
the key is SAVING MONEY.
You might not be able to own one but there's nothing stopping you from going to work at one. Start applying for jobs, user.
>stopping you from working at one
He will literally make nothing and its impossible if he wants to raise a family or support one
Let this sink in fellas
You Will NEVER get a virgin, prime, trad waifu.
Every single girl you'll date, some other guy got to enjoy fucking her when she was in her most prime years (15-19). You are simply getting used roasties
old boys club
Sigh... if only i had enough ranch to buy a shitskin somewhere quiet and live free of money, raising kids with a beautiful waifu.
This world truly sucks
this is true unless you join a cult or become a mormon
>You Will NEVER get a virgin, prime, trad waifu.
This is only true for WOMEN OF YOUR OWN AGE. Start dating 18-20 year olds and look for girls that are quieter or don't enjoy partying (probably more compatible with most user's personalities anyways). Look for girls that grew up out in the country, too.
My wife was a virgin at 19 and we aren't religious at all.
Which countries do you recommend?
>buy land in bumfuck nowhere USA for cents
>build ranch
You now have a ranch that fulfils all of your criteria. Don't know how you could afford living there since there aren't any jobs for 100s of miles though.
To add to this: Good women are made, not found. You gotta get to work instead of just waiting for one to just fall into your lap. This is why roasties are lost causes, their dopamine/oxytocin systems are completely shorted out and they're past the point where they can be molded into good mothers.
Dunno, but I am from rural New England in the US if that helps. See also: Church could be helpful potentially simply because it allows you to meet women that aren't your same age in a social setting, otherwise if you are in Uni you have to settle for other Uni girls which is no bueno
>Good women are made, not found.
Why not find one that was made properly by her father?
>own age
I can go for 14 year olds at church if I want to
They get told to by the photographer.
Fuck of curry coin. Stay away from our pure bob vagene sluts
You're just a pussy bitch You can easily buy land for $100/acre. Even at $1000/acre it's a steal, you can support a family on half an acre.
Build a house or get a trailer or whatever the fuck you want to live in.
Get a well.
Get power.
Fucking done, pussy.
Jesus was the biggest cuck. He white-knighted that who're into heaven all for a foot-job.