What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
This is the most insane thing to me. "Liberal" used to be Fox News insult.
Antifa are not liberal. Americans misuse the terms "liberal" and "conservative" to refer to the left and right respectfully. So you see Antifa, a far left movement, as liberal when in reality they are not. "Liberals get the bullet too" is Antifa letting their fellow leftists that they are not all on the same page.
Perpetuators of a patriarchial, intolerant, really super mean society!
They must die!
i dont care, as long as someone gets shot. or shot at.
Liberalism isn't socialism.
Commies arent liberals.
Heck Liberals arent liberals nowadays. The U.S invention of neo-liberalism is a shambles.
Being a liberal used to mean, "I dont agree with what you're saying, but i respect your opinion and will fight tooth and nail for your right to have it"
Nothing, apparently. They only protest nationalists. There are supposedly hundreds of "Antifa" in the Bay Area, and never once have they attacked any of the big neoliberal global corporations headquartered there, nor any of the neoliberal politicians who openly fundraise and campaign there.
So, it's meaningless bluster.
>Liberals get the bullet too!!!
My response is, fuck off, faggot. No they don't.
Economic Liberalism means that exploiting the poor is totally fine. They are that much more than they are cultural Liberals. Nasty greedy pigs.
They meant by this that "Liberals get the bullet too"
"if you're not as radical as me I'll kill you"
Sometimes I wonder if antifa is 5D chess trying to make fascism popular
What a fucked up year
Commies use liberals as a tool to achieve what they want but once their usefulness has expired they will be executed along with the bourgeois.
Commiecucks pretending they are not identical to liberals
theyre gonna kill everyone whos centrist
They want to shoot everyone who doesnt support them 100% in taking over a country, while not understanding that the first people to get a bullet would be themselves
No new communist leaders would want anarchists around.
They like the normies who stay at home quietly and get on with work.
Yeah right commies are very scary...
It's a suicide note
Being forced to pick between only two genders is "oppression" according to commies
havent you ever seen the warriors? these are the baddest dudes on the block
Communists don't like liberals. Liberals are closer to libertarians than socialists / communists.
But the terms are loosely used today so a lot of time you'll see leftist / liberal thrown around where it doesn't matter but plenty of hard communists hate the left that's more libertarian or captilism embracing.
War on The People.
Its a lot easier intimidating and fighting people on the fence rather than opposition. Think of Hearts-and-Minds, but corrupted
Aren't liberals leftist two?
Not one of those people look remotely intimidating
leftists/commies/anarchists hate liberals more than the average cuckservative
In the US that is what it means. I know that it is different in the UK because the whole government is leftist, there is just left of left, or center left, but liberal here means a group of people who in the end want socialism/communism. Most of them are so void of mind that they have no clue that that is what liberalism leads to. I have had liberals say they are sad for Venezuela but then go vote for Obama. No clue. So yes, Antifa is liberal from a US perspective, although you could make an argument for full on communist also. Americans dont misuse anything, the context is just somewhat different between countries.
i unironically think the slut with green hair is hot and extremely fuckable. bet shes nasty.
I unironically like some communists better than I like conservatives.
Obviously ancoms and trots are worthless oven fuel but Stalinists and people in that general vicinity are at least respectable and have good critiques, even if I don't agree with them on everything. Meanwhile a lot of """conservatives""" don't even pretend to want to conserve shit, they just pander to their prot base in election season, say a few vague things about civic nationalism and freedom and then go back to sucking Judeocapitalist dick.
Tankies might need to take the bullet too, but they can help shoot the liberals first imo
Sure they do, liberals are new recruits for communists from what ive seen. Maybe it is different in your country or something.
Radicals hate centrists.
looks like that hwnduwaifu
No, but it is the stepping stone too it. And again, it represents different things to different countries because "leftists" keep changing it. Its leftists, then liberals, then progressives, they are all the same people on the road to oppressive governments with arms wide open as their only means of defense is taken away from them.
How can they be viewed as liberal though? They go against every meaning of the word itself. Also, leftists =/= liberals.
take da guns from da boomer and gibs dem to us!!!!!11
but that's literally not what liberal means. I'm not a even a liberal so I'm not trying to defend liberalism. People who identify as liberals in the US are misusing the term because, you're right, they see socialism as the logical end goal of liberalism. Objectively, on a political compass, classical liberalism is just a left wing version of libertarianism. (Libertarianism isn't even necessarily right wing but the term "libertarian" has come to mean essentially the same thing as classical liberalism, just with more of a preference for right wing economics).
Different countries do have different perspectives, true. And in the American sense, yes Antifa are liberal, but objectively they are not. Some of Antifa have realized this, thus "liberals get the bullet too".
You are right about the UK government. Our main three party choices are either centrist, left, or far left.
>What did they mean by this?
its just a false lure.
Centrism pisses off all the right people.
No honor or loyalties among rats.
Hahahaha suck shit alt right look what i did to your Nazi toilet paper.
you reckon thats badass, you need to disable the lights and smear chilli oil on the bog roll.