show me the bodies of the aftermath
How would you, the dead see?
NK firing RU scuds doesn't scare me.
Praise KEK
My guess is theyre aiming for the US aircraft carriers or SK. This will lead to WW3... you will be very scared soon. For an ICBM test the next clear day is tomorrow.
When is their typical launch time again? The 12th their time?
Their is no longer a typical launch time. Few months ago they launched on holiday dates and always around 7am NK time. Now they do them at random and one of the last ICBM tests was done at 11pm..
Sup Forums isnt a dumbo twitter feed, aussie nigger.
ok so anytime while the weather is clear
These are short range scuds that they have moved so might not need good weather conditions
Have you mentally prepared yourself for imminent death? Dont bother it wont matter in the end.
I prefer shitposting aussies to shitless ones.
Obliterating the Norks won't lead to ww3. Calm down, Bruce.
w3 ww3 ww3 ww3
China. Russia will support with supplies.
If nk draws first blood no country will defend them.
Can't wait for shit to hit the fan up north. We can just sit back and watch the fireworks cause no one really gives a shit about attacking us. They gain nothing from it.
China could fight usa over nk land
Kek.. Australia is the definition of /comfy/ only worry is if china starts nuking us cunts
We will be a war bride of the winner. America or china win but their country gets fucked up and they will just roll down here and say this is ours now.
China can blow it out their ass
Ay I got no complaints, as long as Australia is Australia I don't care who owns the north. Let them fight it out while we just do our own shit.
I might stick it out in a nuclear wasteland over the out back.
>posts clickbait account
please kys
Just be glad they don't send emus to you people.