Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan
This is the sermon that every Sup Forumsack manchild/NEET who still watches anime, plays video games and is obsessed with Japanese culture needs to hear. Japan is a wicked nation and should not idolized.
Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan
This is the sermon that every Sup Forumsack manchild/NEET who still watches anime, plays video games and is obsessed with Japanese culture needs to hear. Japan is a wicked nation and should not idolized.
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Fucking japs.
They have little to no BASED BLACK CHRISTIANS. Fuck them.
buttblasted gaijin fears the samurai
Good old pastor shall not rest until wombs of nippon are full of enriched seed from god's black children.
Anderson openly admits he wants America to collapse
He's full accelerationst blackpill on politics
"pastor" anderson is literally a nestorian heretic
Yeah. He want's US to collapse so it won't be able to secure its southern border. Let's make america mexico again!
As expected.
Kek I knew somebody was going to post this pic within the first 5 posts or less. No greater JUST image exists for modern Christcucks except maybe Pope kissing nigger feet
Personaly i'm more of a fan of this one.
Thanks, I forgot to add this to the filter.
Because he believes in Revelations and is waiting for Jesus is coming back.
Like every fucking christian since the first century AD.
tl'dw please.
who the fuck takes ((Pastor Anderson)) seriously?
/christian/ treats him like a second comming and pretty sure CF prays to him.
>Japan is a wicked nation and should not idolized.
duh, they're literally little yellow insectoid jews
I can name someone who literally listens to all his sermons much like listening to music to get pumped up. I get the whole racemixing meme but why is he just another rabble rousing shekel pimp pastor?
There is something very dark and barbaric about the Japanese people. They have a semblance of civilisation, but under certain conditions they are capable of immense cruelty as we witnessed in WWII. Most allied veterans were much more comfortable killing Japs than Germans and Italians because of their reputation for barbarity. Japanese war crimes are not made-up like the Holocaust narrative is.
At least Japan will still be Japanese at the end of the century.
Google and/or check youtube for Unit 731
He publicly denies very existence of race for example. He's also a self-admited jew by blood.
Main difference between him and leftist kikes is that he doesn't like faggots. I guess for some mutts that's enough.
I've already seen the horrific scenes from the film about this unit, 'The Men Behind the Sun'. The film is on the same level as 'Threads' or 'Come and See' in terms of how terrible it will make you feel.
>They have a semblance of civilisation, but under certain conditions they are capable of immense cruelty
and these are mutually exclusive in what way?
Why is this shit a surprise to you guys? Christians only care about other Christians.
If a white Christian had to choose between living in a world populated by white atheists or black Christians he would choose the black Christians.
Their stupid old stories matter most to them. That's why I don't get why Sup Forums, a supposed site full of white nationalists, supports Christianity.
Christians only care about fellow members of their cult. Not skin color.
>The film is on the same level as 'Threads' or 'Come and See' in terms of how terrible it will make you feel.
Not even close. Man behind the sun is just one atrocity after another. It's like serbian fim. Threads and Come and See have heavy, soul crushing atmosphere.
Just compare them to South Korea which has been much more welcoming to Christianity ... oh wait, South Korea's birthrate is even lower than Japan's.
>unit 731
Started with a horror fiction novel called "the devil's gluttony"
Dr Pierce said it best.
Some people just really need religion and we need to work with what we get.
>They have a semblance of civilisation, but under certain conditions they are capable of immense cruelty
You just described all of humanity. Act like you are any better and you only set yourself up to act cruelly. History and psychological literature is pretty clear on this.
Ow for fucks sake, stop denying bad shit you had done. Own it.
No-one should listen to this fucking jew.
Nothing dark or barbaric about them or their use of violence. Give a listen to this talk by Bowden or read anything by Yukio Mishima and you will understand the proper place of violence in Japanese society and why it is not what you think.
The only reason why K*reans are christian is because they want to LARP from the soul as white christians, and that they have no morality to begin with and must delude themselves into having one with a shitty semetic desert chronicle.
If whites have a positive bias of Koreans against us because of muh christianity than they aught to suffer from their existance in their countries.
>can't disprove the horror novel claim
>switches to the invalid argument of assuming and insulting the movites of the opponent
Lol maybe the Natsoc Germans were right about you poles.
koreans are mostly atheists or buddhitsts or other meme religions
the true chink christians are the based philipinos
I honestly don't care if you did it or not. And Sup Forums is hardly a place where people would care.
All i care when it comes to Japan is that you did a decent job at preserving your bloodline and culture.
keep em posted
>less than 1 percent (((Christian)))
wtf i love Japan now
Yeah, I bet you do you kike.
Fuck off christcuck, go worship your kike.
Christianity in Japan was based in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It still is the area of Japan with the most Christians.
hmmm, the most christian parts of japan were the ones nuked by the (((allies)))
makes you think
I'll go worship God, the creator of the universe, while you go worship your semen.
Actualy Nagasaki wasn't their first pick. Kokura was suposed to be hit instead but it had way too many clouds. I guess christian god has a sick sense of humor.
Yes, and the people who created the Nukes were nearly all Jewish. Enrico Fermi was Gentile but married to a Jewess, making him a Jew under Rabbinical law.
Does worshipping your god involve prepping the bull?
>Japanese are wicked people!
>Proceeds to marry white women off to niggers
Are you sure this guy isn't a rabbi in disguise?
Well, his grandma was jewish. According to rabbinical law that makes him a full blown jew.
You have to wonder what is going through the mind of someone who would bother to make such a cynical picture.
No thats adultery
That totally explains why he denies the holocaust
I'm pretty sure that God would forgive you if it resulted in another BASED mongrel being born.
Well, fuck knows what race denying jew thinks.
The punishment for adultery is stoned to death.
Also I find it funny that you hate niggers when slavs(especially pols) are the niggers of wh*Te people
including me
>wh*Te people
Great, now we are drowning in niggers.
He's certainly a subversive I think. I don't trust religious figures that rise to celebrity like levels at all. Specially when they are obviously serving agendas outside their religion.
>I don't trust religious figures that rise to celebrity like levels at all.
Well, last time right wing went the religious route in US with Reagan it ended in fucking neocon disaster.
>wh*Tey getting mad
Cry more wh*Te nigger
Sup Forums stop shilling this angry closet case, most born again christians used to live the gay lifestyle and become ultra chirstians to make up for it and try to repress their faggot within.
Posting this faggot her makes us look like we all have a problem with curbing our homosexual desires and it's not a good look.
Please stop making us look like those faggots that go to mega churches in suit and start convulsing and crying at the ceremony.
When I see an devoted christian I see an faggot that had dick in his mouth.
Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
"Races" are a Fraud
I'm of the belief the two should never intertwine.
Are all christians on Sup Forums shitskins or it's just you?
Tou're literally the nigger if the wh*Te race. The ONLY difference between a slav and nigger is how dark or light they are.
Besides I guess you are also weak cucks.
Nonsense! It never happened before.
The majority are they'd rather hang out with black christians then whites they say it every fucking thread. They don't give a shit that Jesus was a jew at all
I'd take a slav over a race traitor like you any day faggot. Hell, I'd probably even take a nigger over you because you are lower than one.
Lets all post some classic memes straight from the mouthes of spiritual jews!
jews didn't know they were jews!
Yeah you would because you're a pathetic wh*Te cuck
Praise Christ though
Triggered weebs/NEETs detected. You have zero arguments to counter the points in this video, all you have are retarded race mixing memes. Please name me one religion that forbids race mixing. I'll wait. Also most of you are atheists. Atheists are probably the most degenerate anti-white people as the majority of atheists are leftists and have below replacement level birth rates. Atheism is therefore anti-white. Christianity promotes fertility, atheism doesn't.
Also you claim that Pastor Anderson is anti-white because he doesn't forbid race mixing but yet he has 9 beautiful white children which is 9 times more than you have. He is by definition helping the white race more than you losers. Memes and shitposts will not save the white race you virgins. Having babies will.
How can he hate commies but not see the jew connection? It is jews all the way down, once you understand you can not unsee the semitic influence. Fucking semites, gas them all
His teachings on race are not biblical. The bible condemns the mixing of different groups of people and seeds.
>9 posts ITT
You must have a very sad life, friend. You need Jesus. You and that Polish loser are really embarrassing yourselves right now.
I hate pagans more then I do jews!
LARPy autists can't separate the two facts that, although the Church (and scriptures) has played an unbelievably large role in the moulding and forming of the Western mindset and cultures, it has also irreversibly destroyed Europe.
Luther as well as the CoE have had a thing going on where Christianity could have been salvaged (most protestants were white until the US became a thing), but this has also been ruined.
Real redpilled goyim are deists and/or agnostic.
That guy is extremely based. His version of Christianity is one of the few ones which isn't faggy, maybe the only one.
>Also you claim that Pastor Anderson is anti-white because he doesn't forbid race mixing but yet he has 9 beautiful white children
Both he and his wife are jews. But i guess kikes are white now?
Sure, Japan was crazy, but there's no reason to go full cuck and abandon your race because some retarded bible book who says we should all be samefags under cross. People are different and that's not a bad thing.
bullshit, you are the only handful of retards that believe your interpitation. Even in christcuck threads you fucking retards argue against each other.
Jesus disciple literally baptized a black in the bible
> And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.
>And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of ETHIOPIA, an eunuch
>Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
>And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
Acts 8: 27 - 39
>2 posts ITT
pathetic larping christcuck why don't you learn to dedicate your time to one thread instead of jerking off to pictures of Jesus(the jew)
>Christianity promotes fertility
Yes among niggers
Yes, Ignore that Jesus was a jew. GOOD GOY
Christianity is not pro the white raceband aint true.
>just because you are republican means that you are for the white race
Have you ever seen the republicans? Do you know they push for amnesty as well? Do you honestly believe that Bush, John Mccain. and all the other shitheads somehow were super anti-immigration? LOL Christians are not anti-immigration at all they are for legal immigration of non-whites they are fucking FINE with being replaced you fucking retard.
He was ethnically. And existed before Adam and Eve.
Of course you would you are a spiritual jew who hates his own people to its core.
Are you going to post something of substance? All you've spouted so far are empty ad-hominem attacks. Japan is a degenerate nation - 61% of men aged 18-34 have no girlfriends. A lot of the men there don't get married and they have some of the lowest birth rates in the world. And millions are NEETs. What's the point of having a racial homogenous society if it's so empty and lifeless and can't even replace itself? Japan is a joke of a nation.
Also your autism is really showing ITT. Idealogy, virtue and religion matter as much as skin color does. We have millions of white leftists in our country. Are you saying you would rather have them then say non-white Bible believing Christians who are conservative who uphold the law and are productive members of society?
Did I say that?