For the Ausfags that missed it:
Milo on Australian morning TV show Sunrise, he gets them so fucking salty they shut it down early and cut his feed.
Who else going to see him when he comes down under?
For the Ausfags that missed it:
Milo on Australian morning TV show Sunrise, he gets them so fucking salty they shut it down early and cut his feed.
Who else going to see him when he comes down under?
That's in the intro package of the video I already linked
can't believe news people are still getting baited into giving milo air time
he's a gigantic degenerate faggot, but the guy can run circles around basic bitch news narratives
Bumping this both for digits and Assange.
Yeah the fact that they thought that intro package was damaging to him is mindblowing, it's the exact edgy look he's going for.
Cheers mate
I like how the interviewer has to get in that last dig:
>I rest my case
As if Milo proved himself to be some kind of wacko, or as if the the interviewers had somehow one the exchange.
They should've let Andrew O'Keefe "interview" him
Oh man, Okeefe's smugness would go through the roof. Imagine the meltdown Waleed would have if he and Milo have a showdown.
I was so fuciking confused
what fucking case?
Kochie is just incredibly retarded.
where the fuck did his get his new choppers done? he looks like a game show host in a comedy sketch now
i can't watch it
Milo is an irrelevant turd. He was useful during the Trump campaign, but thats it. He will NEVER gain the amount of popularity that he had during 2015-2016.
He also eats other mens poo. Let that sink in
qanda would be a good laugh if they had him on, they won't tho
Waleed would fucking implode
Fuck it would be glorious
I have the same problem with Milo as with Ben Shapiro. I do like them as people, I think they're mostly right on many topics and I think it's important there are conservatist that aren't afraid of the left.
However as with Ben who's very pro-life and I'm pro-abortion, I have the same mixed feelings with Milo who's very virulent about sucking black dicks and expansing the "fabulous" gay culture.
I still like both.
Who was the guy roman saluting? Dont tell me it was spencer
you imbecile
he's such a prancing la-la poofter, it's so disgusting it's humourous. He's spot on here. Progressivism is such a brainmelting cancer, just look at these talk show monkeys. They're stuck on a constant loop from misogyny - racism - offensive - diversity - hate - SHUT IT DOWN
Of course it was that obvious CIA nigger
I'll see him if he goes to Beijin- I mean - Sydney.
>implying our media isn't controlled by the Jews like the American media is.
I bet if one of us does a research into this, we will find a hook nose at the end of the trail
wow that was INFALLIBLE.
haven't seen anyone beat those non stop bullshit peddling sociopaths at their own "interrupt everyone forever" game for years.
man that was so close
he's a muslim mate
I was wondering what had happened to him - wasn't he supposed to turn up in Berkley recently? Has he stopped doing US college tours after all the paedo stuff?
Hey guys,
Just a quick question. The truck full of anfo that was hijacked in Singleton wasnt headed to the nearby school of infantry was it?
what happened?
>african american
why don't people just use american
Kabala mind tricks to keep that soul hexed.
additional "victim" status
Someone stole a diesel truck from a servo north of Sydney, cops chucked down road spikes and it crashed and exploded. Driver arrested and fuck all details
Im going
Prepare for resistance.
Driver was white and probably high, so probably just a stupid thief. No happening
Kek, good as gold.
That whole meme is a purity spiral and your last critique is that Enoch purity spirals?
he went to ground for a fair while after the pederasty thing, seems to be trying his luck at a comeback now. i don't like or trust him but he crushed these twats so good i wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
Milo is a degenerate fag who thinks NS is some I-bumfuck-a-black-as-a-jewish-homosexual-larp.
Guys like him would have been instagassed by the same ideology he promotes.
These caricatures can only be bred in america.
>Kosher Kochy: Are you serious or is it satire?
>Milo: I'm serious about A, B and C
>Hammy: what about D?
>Milo: That's satire
I think that's more or less how it went down.
It's heavily scripted, they lost it happens.
ill add this is a breakfast show targeted at illeducated mothers and office workers for something to talk about to pass there time. they won't spend more then 4 mins on a controversial guest. so cutting short is both from embarrassment and running out of time
Fuck sake, I hate that our media are just a bunch of fuckwits. Why can't we just have media that aren't these leftists fucking reality deniers.
Because then you'd be genuinely informed.
It's a problem that comes up when you get caps or veneers initially, he went for too bright a shade, probably because it'll dull after a while. Does look a bit goofy for now, but it'll probably be looking fine in not too long.
Let's not eat our own...the left does it publicly every day and that's why they can't be taken seriously. Their ideology shifts too much, many hypocrisy, no consistency. Milo is still pretty useful. And I'm not even 100% he is gay. I think Bannon basically said look you're gonna be gay and date black men and were gonna redpill a bunch of normies and theyre going to love it. Milo is not our best, but for whatever reason he and his ghostwriter are liked by women and college kids. He has to stay.
>ABC Chairman
>Ten Network (including ch Eleven)
bought by (((CBS)))
>SBS CEO&Managing Director
>Nine Chairman
that's just what i bothered to check rn. only seven seems to not have jews at the very top, but i'm not arsed to look into all of em
what if someone bothered making one of those pics with all the jew profiles like (((CNN))), except for australian ones. it could actually cause some shit, since most people don't even know we even have jews in australia.
his first question "do you believe the stuff you say or are you just stirring the pot"
milo-"im here to instigate discussion, light a fire, rattle some cages"
despite him being right about the things he says that arent jokes.
imagine that being on at the work place not many people dissect it fast enough.
he tried to railroad to get his pitch out while making it seem like the news casters were the ones not on the ball
Thy were worse when he first got them. Too long for his face, he had basically given himself buckteeth for a while.
Waleed is a little bitch boy who says nothing and sulks in the corner when he gets ass fucked off his high horse, just like what Hitchens did to him on Q&A when he kept avoiding his questions
I hate him for the way he treated Assange, was so fucking rude to a true blue Australian hero.
complete shitskin shill cunt can't wait until he's roped
>who says nothing and sulks in the corner when he gets ass fucked off his high horse
>I rest my case with my very first question
he sounds like an absolute faggot.
I can't wait till milo comes down. im not gay but i would suck his dick. Just upset i cant afford to go to his champagne dinner.
I think we might have switched to a different person along the way there from Koch to Waleed but "he" (both of the cunts) and faggots. I've met Kochie though and would hate to fight him he's 6'5 and built no joke. Waleed I would take right now
For a faggot he handled those sunrise cunts very very well.
He can think on his feet.
is koches cock bigger than yours too?
i dont go out and do things no thanks
Waleed is a different faggot and is even more insufferable. Here he is being an absolute rude cunt to Assange:
I bet he won over a lot of normies, he was pretty well spoken and the hosts were clearly unreasonably salty
Pickering Post, Michael Smith News for the real deal.
Bunnings in the capture.
Time to start
hahaha half the audience would be in tears, the other half would be rocking back and forth in the fetal position
why is everything on our tv so lame?
it was never so watered down and pathetic in the 90s
>Sup Forums cheering for a racemixing gay kike pedo
Wow, really MAGA, fellow peeds
Sunrise is disgusting. The hosts of it are enormous hypocrites with no consistency in their "opinions". They should be hung.
Interview with Milo and Mark Latham just dropped:
Die faggot
I don't really care about race mixing between gays. Not like they're gonna have kids.
Besides the bias and dubious ethics? Nah, no problem at all.
>the bias
Show me a single unbiased media outlet in existence.
Isn't the exact shtick of wikileaks supposed to be that they're not biased desu
>He also eats other mens poo. Let that sink in
Let the poo sink in?
Based desu. I really like him. I know Sup Forums can't like anyone who isn't a literal Nazi, but I really value speakers that are popular enough to reach normies.
Man Oz is KUKT!!!! Mad Max wtf happened to you? :(
Not really, they just release whatever they recieve. Of course their analysis of that material is biased, like any subjective analysis inherently is.
Are you saying they have declined material that didn't fit their agenda and wasn't already public? Go a head and give us an example.
That intro was so cute. They put "OMG SO SCARY" metal music in the background hahaha. That poor guy reporter seemed to have some sand in his vagina.
That's Kochie, he's an incredibly huge faggot and cuck
a jewtube guy, a faggot pedo, and a fake news shill
all from europe
why is this shit on pol?
what a joke
he's not from america
him and his shill crew itt are kikes from israel and europe
lol this
bunch of faggot kikes
sage all threads with these people
I dunno if they've declined material, I don't work there
But when and how they release some of it? Some of the material they do release?
Like, I dunno. Doxxing a shitload of innocent people that could be killed for the information released, or timing information releases for Assange's ploys?
That snarky cuck faggot on the right of that bitch makes me want to spit in his face.
No shit, that's why everyone loves him. When his purpose is used up, then we slaughter him.
>timing information releases for Assange's ploys
He leaks emails precisely when he means to
As dictated by his political beliefs. For what wikileaks should be doing and their own statements (that Assange's politics don't or at least shouldn't affect WL,) thats wrong.
Wikileaks should be exposing people doing bad shit. If there's compromising material about people? Yeah, that's reason to sift and make sure. But if they're just sitting on material because 'oh we gotta fuck this thing up' then they're just as bad as the media.
Eh, seems like a petty criticism to me. They time their releases for maximum impact. Good, I like the impact their releases have. Like helping keep Killary away from the nuclear codes.
Actually a pretty good answer, don't watch it enough to argue
when did he get dentures?
Kikes are not from europe and israel doesn't exist.
These vipers have no nation.
bumperino for those numberinos
I'll watch the interview once I'm home
gotta work hard for those rapefugee gibs
financed by pic related