Why can't I find anything on the internert about Chad Nishimura? Apparently he told the news Paddock was just a normal dude who only had a couple bags. Now his internet presence is gone. At least I can't find anything.
Paddock had a bag boy
bampinf for pinteresf
Bump cause I need answers
wtf just jewgle him
He never existed. He was never born. This picture isn't real. Nothing was ever said. Go to sleep now.
This was the only "source" I checked, because that is clearly. Clearly. Not the same dude.
people coming out and bringing evidence that contradicts the (((fbiniggers))) narrative are risking their lives
like the healthranger right now
yes give him clicks
You seem a like grumpy, buster. I did Google him but didn't find that much. Just that Insta pic
you guys need to put more skill points into cyber detective
Yeah def not him - I didnt scroll down far enough
I guess so, I didn't think to try and find his mom. Why did she bang a gook in the first place?
>Chad Nishimura
what a meme
I'm trying to be pol-ish , i.e. a dick . I did good ? Or not dickish enough ? Oh I know I didnt call you a nigger , nigger .
it seems to be a theme in this story.
Why you mad, friend? I guess it is kind of early. I hope your day gets less grumpy.