What in gods name!?

The absolute state of the UK


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Good luck travelling with a passport like that to non-cucked countries.

Why does she look like an even more autistic version of Voldemort.

Oi m8 dont be silly, bin that heteronormativity

Alien gets non-gendered passport

What the fuck is she talking about "non-gendered?" She looks like an old woman who shaved her head. Fucking nutjob.

Get with the times, grandad. New Zealand had this for their passports ages ago. You can be whichever gender you feel like

Complain all you want, you can't stop progress. Everyone who has gone up against him has died. The high court will side with him or it's avada kedavra for the lot of them.

i cannot believe the absolute state of this country, currently.
its a fucking joke

She looks like a fucking Cenobite the stupid fucking cow

It's not a problem for kiwis, unless the change their gender too often

>A passport may now be issued in an applicant’s preferred sex / gender of M (male), F (female) or X (indeterminate/unspecified), without the need to amend these details on your birth or citizenship record.

>While this new policy was developed to remove unnecessary obstacles for applicants wanting to record a change in their gender identity, we would like applicants to note that multiple changes in gender identity are likely to have implications for a person at overseas border controls or may affect a person’s ability to confirm their identity in the wider community.

>The Department recommends that prior to applying for a change in sex / gender details in your passport, that applicants carefully consider these implications.


>New Zealand
>Real country
Pick one.

What's our high court like? Are they cucked?

Based Trudeau already did this for Canadian passports

summon atack helicopters in the court

What is the Ancient one doing?

I like this idea, maybe we should add "J" and "G" as possible identifiers too? Would make things easier in the future

I guess in this timeline vampires have no gender.


What about Canada, and Australia? They also have gender neutral passports


Lol "X" literally translates to female. Anytime you're using your passport, just because to you you might think you're seen as gender neutral, to everyone else, when they see "X" they will read it as female.

Even muslamic porkistanis have gender neutral passports. Why is the UK lagging behind?

Muhammad was a cross dresser so that makes sense

I could identify that as a bald old female within a second, having it say "F" on her passport would help in my deducting that she is who she is presenting herself as and not some musslo terrorist duhh

I am not pro-life or pro-choice. I am pro-abortion. I believe all children deserve death. All government funding across the world should go towards planned parenthood. No more military, no more healthcare, just abortions. Unite all the countries in the world for this cause. Change the UN into the UA, United Abortions. All these silver spoon politicians sitting up in their ivory towers, not giving a single fuck about what happens to the common man? Without us, they are nothing. What about the real problems, huh? The human race needs to be eradicated. That's just the simple truth.

didn't know the new star wars came out early

K.. keep me posted

Very clever.

She looks like on of those hapa half asian psychos I have been hearing about on here

Issue her with a supreme gentleman passport.

well you cant really call that thing a woman

We should've helped Luftwaffe bomb London...

Denying basic biology is making me doubt the judgement of anyone in charge these days.


How dare you! 15 years to jail you vile neo-nongenredphobic.

>random idiot decides to do idiotic thing which will fail miserably because while we have some insane laws and regulations, it doesn't go that far (yet)
>this is representative of all people of this country

You either have a penis or vagina. Why is this so diffucult for some people?


>which will fail miserably

They're going to completely fold on this, just watch.

you are fooled by a fish from the abyss.

But what if I'm a man who wants to identify as a man? Why are my rights being challenged now?

Failing that, everyone has a chromosomal sex.
Failing even that, just flip a coin and stop wasting everyone's time.

>Go to any airport that isnt in San Francisco
>"Excuse me you've been selected for a random security check, please come with me"
>Every time



>sex neutral passport

Because 0.00001% of the population needs them. Just like I need my passport to say WHOPPING BIG PENIS. Please sign my petition. It's on my penis. 10 000 signatures so far.


before and after /precious/

Actually I like the non-gendereds and asexuals.

They're an exception for me.

The multi-gender, cross-gender etc perverts are obnoxious, but the non-gendered asexuals are OK

Still, the idea that they need a separate passport is fucking retarded.

Biological sex exists.

If being gay isn't a choice, then how is gender a choice??????

Either gays exist in a world OR trannies. In a logical world, BOTH CANNOT EXIST SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Only one (or none).

gender is a social construct, so you can be whatever one you want..

is what they would say. they dont have an answer when you say "but what about sex reassignment surgery?"

I want attack helicopter to be accepted as a gender

>terrorism threat grows greater
>turn up to airport in burka
>islamaphobic to ask them to take it off
>passport says no gender
>passport says no race as that's racist
>now age is removed for ageism

What could possibly go wrong.

So is it gay if you fuck it or no?

I hope the Muslims behad you all.

Burgerland may not be perfect, but by god am I glad I was born here when I see garbage like this.

its strange we always thought the aliens would come from space to destroy us

Write your own passport.
All your manias and perversions catered for?
And it's as simple as this - you can self identify as whatever but a passport is about identifying a subject through the gathering of facts
You can identify as a pink bungadoo but the fact is you are either male or female (or physical hermaphrodite I suppose)
Major fucking weirdos BTFO

Hellraiser was pure kino

She could get a job in a Dr Who episode
Will schizophrenics get equal rights with loonies like her?
Their passports will make colourful reading

If she were black she could convincingly identify as a raisin

If i didn't hate the fact she dabbed... i'd applaud her for her athleticism.

>not dabbing on the haters

That's clearly just a mentally ill, severely ugly woman.

If she were an animal a VET would put her down.

I hope the high court throws this out, but I think UK is already past fucked.