Age of consent

Whats your honest views on this subject?

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fuck you

2D girls are ageless you fucking faggot

I think sexual attractiveness isn't a great way to determine the mental ability of a child to consent.

How was this measured

of course you're an ancap

Curve would probably have to shift by a year or two, because honestly, I don't really now many 14 year olds I'd say are sexually attractive. At that point you can tell that they will be in the future, but they are still a few years away.

Also they should really somehow make girls realize that this is true. All this
>Haha, I will always enjoy the same advantages I enjoyed between 16-22
is really fucking them over hard. How are they supposed to understand that this is their height and they better utilize it in their best interest? They cannot have the experience (once you understand it from experience it's too late for you anyway) so if no one tells them this they are set up for failure.

should not exist. the state has no right to get involved in private matters like this.

my gf is 14 and i am 27. we have NOT had sex in case mods are looking for an excuse.

she came from a broken and shitty home and has basically latched onto me. her family are methheads so i doubt they care or even know what their daughter is up to. her luck is that she ran into a Sup Forumsack and not some degenerate who would fuck her and discard her.

shes probably a 5/10 but at least shes a virgin. when shes legal ill marry her without the state. wish me luck senpaitachi.

15 seems pretty ok. There's no debate about lowering it or making it higher, at least, so people seem content to have it at 15.

18 is fucking bonkers though, murricans.

14 but forced marriage for people found to be engaging in premarital sex.

Honest views? You're a kiddy fiddling kike.

That's a fucking ancient sheep though.

Old laws die hard here.

You might find this interesting, but girls actually didn't used to go through puberty before 18 in the 17th century. I think now the age is something like 11 that the average girl goes through puberty.


Does she live with you?
Is dinner ready when you come home from work?

>tfw no maori loli wife to protect


Also who the fuck is finding 13 year old girls sexually attractive?

Is this legit?

13 is too old t b h

by my dick


>tfw find girls down to the age of 11-12 attractive
>tfw constantly need to watch what I say about girls in those age groups around my friends
>tfw I think one of them knows, or at least suspects

(((Weinstein))) pls go

we need to return to the laws of our ancestors the agc used to be 12!

OP is that you?

Yes it is, although there is some debate about 17 being the average age a couple hundred years ago. I have also read that females begin puberty at a certain weight (85-100lbs) and diet is affecting this change.

>shes probably a 5/10

LOL, brutal.
God bless user. Make her a happy married family woman one day.

>some debate about 17 being the average age a couple hundred years ago.

the age of consent in most US states was 10 or 12 with lowest being 7 in delawere in 1800.

in england the agc was 12 (westminster first statute) from 1275 to 1875 in 1875 the offense agianst persons act changed it to 13.

>Old laws die hard here.

It's also because it's burned into your collective brain by now. I know so many Burgers who unironically pull the "pedophilia!" card when you find any women below 18 attractive. I don't think they are even aware that the AoC is lower in a lot of other Western countries. 16 is totally okay here, 14 under certain conditions (differences in age, approval of the parents and so on).

of course user. there are 6 year olds who can consent and 14 year olds who re dumb as rocks who can also consent. oh but they don't know how to consent. please make sure to tell the poor helpless kids

I did when I was 13 and found the pics on IRC

lol i no right?
grass on the field play ball right guys? Free Thad! he didn't do anything wrong!

Fucking a 50 year old woman must be like sticking your dick in a three day old brisket.

I'm talking about the age of puberty, not consent, friend.

And just because I feel like you may not have understood the OP, it is a picture of sexual attractiveness by age and not consent.

He's talking about puberty, not age of consent.

It should be up to the father. Not the state.

oh shit i dun goofed sorry for that.
but to answer op's question there is nothing wrong with liking hebes you can't control your dick.

God dammit you live in fucking auckland, don't you? You fucking Poo in the loo

it really comes down to the state wanting to regulate something they cannot properly regulate.
it's something that would have to be judged on a case to case basis - stuff like mental development, the question if her parents can provide for her, if the guy is decent or not and so on are all of relevance, but the state doesn't have the manpower to actually check that on a case to case basis. it should be the job of the parents.

you could then argue that shitty parents might abuse that, but honestly that already happens and the state can't do shit about it because it's a very touchy subject to take a child away from its parents and you need really extreme circumstances before that is seen as acceptable.

don't really care too much about this specific topic in general because I have no real desire to fuck girls who just went into puberty, but it falls into the category of self-determination which I think is very important and worth talking about (though this is a bad topic for that for a public discussion because it will immediately get associated with pedophilia). the state interferes in way too many situations that shouldn't concern it at all.

Australia it's 16, sucked in cunts

literally 90% of men. the rest are liars and fags

Whoa that chart is highly pedophobic, friendo. Prof. Bergenstein's recent research suggests that the correct chart looks like this.

Sexual attractiveness begins at the age of consent (16). If you think otherwise, you ARE a pedophile.

you right, and also the culture of accepting the state intervention over this matter may have influenced families into not giving a proper education for their girls

Not really.

Even when I was 13/14 I was most physically attracted to women that were 18-21.

think it's a common sense that women only get worse after 19 right?

It still is 14 in our legislation (any carnal access when the victim is younger is considered rape) as it should, and it just feels so great. Or felt. Anyway I tapped that 14yo pussy when I had the relevant age so I guess I can die without regrets.

i use to felt like this too, but now i recognize i feel attraction for girls at 14-16

The most worrying thing about it is how fast that shit spiraled out of control.

Was reading up on some statements on PID from political parties for a project a while ago. The statements were from before 2000 and most of them went along the lines of
>the government needs to ensure that there are certain standards for these procedures that have to be adhered by, but we do believe in the self-determination and common sense of our citizens to decide what is best for their lives by themselves, the state should not interfere in situations that does not concern it

and nowadays I read articles where people raise concerns that little children don't know how to swim anymore and the go to response from the public is that the schools should just invest some more time in teaching them.
really fucks me up, those are basic life skills you should be learning from your parents.

i am white and my girl is white

any kiwibros here want to marry my sister? shes 28 and a virgin. we grew up in an overly christian conservative household (borderline cult tier).

shes not weird just incredibly shy and introverted. i just want to find her a husband before shes past the wall. (if it helps she looks younger than she is. probably looks ~24 in normie years). the chance she finds a husband on her own volition is nilch.

how did it feel user? dime ya!!!!!!!!!!~


What makes you think she won't find a husband on her own?

wtf mate women after 19 aren't women. 12 is the oldest I've tried.... not bad, but could be better. And why only women? some 7-yo boys are cute too

Sex before marriage should be considered rape.
If you’re not mature enough to foresee the consequences of sex, and therefore get married before having it, then you’re not mature enough to consent.

yea, some people just get mad when school teachs 14-16 girls about this, when they should be teaching it themselves. The state's interference on this subject has taken them to a very serious degeneration

Let the free marker resolve this. Ages should compete with each other to decide which is the best aoc

because she never leaves the house.

basically our father wanted to skimp on his duties. do the christian conservative meme but not help the girls find/vet husbands.

its sad but it is what it is.

Rothbard must be proud

Felt gr8 m8. Was during a school trip to the beach and I was actually 13 so a year younger than her. It was a double victory because I was a skinny autistic nerd and absolutely btfo'd the 'chads' in my group because she chose ME, ha! We made out in the beach at night and there was a 'gallery' full of my classmates literally masturbating to the whole thing from the shadows. Ahhh, good times.

Post pics

D-do I need to be a christian to marry your sister?

it's also a high risk for ideological inbreeding. if everyone is taught about this by their parents, no one learns 100% the same stuff. the parents will put a different emphasis on different things and if the kids talk to each other they'll get a more complete picture.

if you hand it over to a teacher, all of them learn the same. most of their social circle will be sitting within the same class too, so the chance of them coming into contact with different views on this is even lower. really just opens the doors for some teacher telling them some retarded as shit views and they never really figure out just how retarded it is because everyone else around them believes the same.


what city?

yes faggot

you are on Sup Forums arent you?

Sup Forums is a christian board.

I got u

Old enough to bleed, old enough to seed. But that 's not legal here so 18-20 it is.


(shes a ginge if i helps.)

Whats the actual source of this though? Seems interesting if its true.

I was raised catholic but I'm non-practicing, also I'm aryan

I fucking knew it

it goes to almost every discipline taught at school

for reals? what denomination? you catholic or Presbyterian, or anglican, or other protestant or some sort of filthy happy clappy

Enough betas are still scoping them up at 30. This needs to stop for them to wake up.

It's known used by disgusting pedos to pretend that pedophilia is predominant amongst men

my age +/- 1.5 years.

Just curious my friend, but how many people do you think only feed their children in America because of their fear of prison if they don't?

And I am also curious about your thoughts on why some people in America abuse their children despite the laws against it.

>uses a flag
>must be telling the truth
newfag detected

Precocious puberty is real but that user is retarded.

You should be able to fuck anyone and anything that is capable of giving consent. Whatever age that's determined to be at - if you could somehow prove to me that age was 12 I'd be fine with it, and I'd be just as fine with it if you could prove it was 21. Just give me a consistent number.
And hell, you should be able to fuck things that aren't able to give consent if they're not human. Humans are on top of the food chain, you should be able to do what you want to those below.

That's my view of it.

protty m8, steven anderson tier.

If they are the same race who cares

jews, pedophiles, sodomites, european deputy, french minister of culture

Thats a very very very narrow range unless when you are maybe 15 yourself. I cannot see how, if you are for example 30, actually think that 27 or 28 is significantly less attractive than 29. That really doesnt make any sense m8. You are either completely full of shit, or 15 years old.

forced public education for 8 hours a day for 13 years is why daughters don't have a proper education
who the hell has time to learn about cooking, cleaning, sewing, childcare, budgeting and running a household after school?

>libertarians are a monolith and anything Rothbard said is immediately canon and every Ancap agrees with it automatically
absolutely kys

7 day creation and all that?

it is just a rule i apply to myself.

I believe Rothbard also said that if a child tried to run away, it would violate the NAP for the parent to bring them back

people are fucking loons

Pedophilia is a mental illness. Pedophiles that have commit no crime should have access to voluntary incarceration if they fear they cannot control desires(through hentai, dolls, etc) and don't want to face execution. Once incarcerated they will be studied to find a cure, if no cure exists, they go to penal legions, work camps or can opt for voluntary castration and release back into general population. Child rapists should be executed immediately.

There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I'd advise waiting to impregnate your early adolescent wife until she is 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. It is imperative that we strive to build a society free of whores and premarital sex so that AoC laws are not necessary.

Females should be trained to manage a house and raise children their entire lives, and they should begin meeting potential husbands when they get their first period. Premarital sex is degenerate, Commie "feminists" pls go and stay go

Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists(Thought foot and scat are less extreme and pose less of a threat) and they should have access to help if they can't hide their desires. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable trash that deserve nothing but death.

Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not comparable to attraction to pre-pubescents. While this is true, it isn't generally healthy to breed until the female is around 16, so she should wait until she is that age and married.

>b-but children can consent!
>b-but women deserve freedom to whore around!
>b-but Sodomites are people!
>b-but my feelings!
You deserve to be crucified.

27 year old eggs are significantly better than 29 year old eggs. No female should breed over 25.

send her, i'll make an exception, i went from roman catholic church / deus veult to protestant independent baptist church recently.

yeah, but at that point they already lost. none of them wanted a beta provider, they'll hate every minute of that.

once you've fucked a 8/10 (personality, social status and so on taken into account), a 6/10 will look really unappealing to you. you already did better before, you don't want to go below that anymore.
but for women that is how it works if they wait for too long, because men don't care all that much about the social status or career of their partner, they care about their youth and everything that comes with it.

they might still be in a better position than they should because thirsty guys who don't have much game will pick them up, but they certainly will never be happy with that.

lol,, Chile looks like a comfy place to visit or invest in a home. looks safe form the stats. its better than 98% of all the Latin American countries. can confirm this info?

Girl on far left more please!!!

Good source there.

My point is people are going to do what they want, laws or not.

Best to just keep the state out of it so we don't get shit like in Germany where they take your children away for child abuse if you say bad things about Muslim invaders.

Dammit girls her age should not dress like that! It fucks with my mind!