Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums

How would an invasion of Greenland by an independent militia group go?

Well, its part of the Danish kingdom and Denmark is a founding member of NATO and a part of the EU... And why? It's cold as fuck

Just bring alcohol and weed and you will be crowned king

Kekistan needs land

If you don't give a fuck about freezing weather there is tons of unclaimed land in Antarctica. Also after global warming melts the ice, you will be sitting on endless metal, mineral, and oil wealth.

Not sure it's a good place to stay, better as just an area to harvest from. You could build an island near it an slowly expand over time (assuming you have a lot of money)

>land on Greenland
>it's cold and dark as fuck
>the sun literally does not rise for the next 4 months
>when it finally does it will barely be over the horizon

Kekistan/kekistanis needs to die, it's pure cringe and makes Sup Forums look even more retarded than it already is.

Cuck detected

Living underground in Greenland would be the shit. Nobody would fuck with you ever.
Just need food.

Someone already claimed that unclaimed chunk.

What part of it? The mainland? That'd be considered a declaration of war on NATO. You'd get wrecked fast.
A small island off the side? People won't care, and will forget.
Just like everyone forgets that Canada is still in open conflict with Denmark over Hans Island, which we both claim is part of our country, and so keep "taking back" from each other every so often with a small battle.


Even if I were it would still be better than being a kekistani.

he may be a cuck but he stills better than a shitty reddit tier meme burger

They would freeze/starve to death within a week

I hope they are ready to fight for it. Because all member nations of the antarctic treaty agreed not to take it, meaning the claim was made by a non-member nation, or an individual.

It's like staking a claim on the moon, you are free to do it, but nobody is going to defend that claim for you.

A militia called The Canadian Army has already invaded.

Hans o is a meme war and you know it.

Yeah, but after 2000 years everyone would be blonde and blue eyed (in that time physical appearance will change)

Yeah, just like the natives that lived there prior to European settlement.

Thats a cool story and you aren't even gonna give a quick rundown? Typical leaf.

>island is contested
>denmark comes and removes canadas flag
>flies their flag
>leaves a bottle of schnapps
>some time passes
>candada removes denmarks flag
>flues their flag
>takes schnapps
>leaves whiskey
>cycle continues

A meme war that's been going on since '88. Last I heard, we were winning.

It seem then only caucasian can benefit that, and not mongoloid people (??).

The leaves can't meme.
Anyway, Wikipedia claims we've been trying to decide whether to share custody of our child or just draw a border in the middle.
I, for one, don't want a land border with the maple menace.

It's just much rarer than we think. If whites died out, a similar phenotype might never arise again.

Or theories about human physical changing are shitty

Oh damn is it really that serious? On the off chance someone hears about hans island here, it kinda comes off just as some good, ol' fashioned, fucking with someone

And we don't want to double our border count either. So go back to europe you fucks. Canada will always stand against you danish imperialist dogs.

Very recessive then? Some good mutation should however happen (or very badly)

Oh yeah? Well our natives are better than your natives.

The only reason it hasn't been settled yet is because it's a fucking meme.
I'm pretty confident the only reason troops ever go there to mess with the flag is because they need dem dere flight hours in the helicopter or some shit like that, and exchanging booze is fun too I guess.
N-not that we like Canadian whiskey or anything. baka

It may just be flag trading, but at the start it was more of a laugh between exploratory vessels and the merchant marine.
But in the past decade those schooners have turned into destroyers and frigates. Those merchant marines leaving a bottle have turned into attack helicopters and naval invasions.
Shit is serious son.

>How would an invasion of Greenland by an independent militia group go?
independent militia you say? Would love to murder and maim you cucks. Groenland is our clay mutt.

Lets take it! Make our ancestors proud.

I love how there are two discussions going on in this thread, one about race, and the other consisting of a syrup drinker mistakenly challenging the sovereignty of the superior red and white nation.

In my book who ever has the most weed is king.

Literally rightful Norwegian clay

>Rebel province thinks it's a country
Norway we will get you.

All natives are shit, that's like saying your shit looks prettier then our shit. It's still shit.
Superior? Really? How long did you stand up to the Nazis when they came knocking? Years right? How many people are in your huge, powerful nation? Oh, less then one of our smaller provinces? Oh, your nation could fit inside ours dozens of times over? I'm sure you have some great qualities though. I mean you did control all of Scandinavia for a time, that is before Sweden decided to stop humoring you, and reminded you that they were more important then you, and have remained as such for the past few hundred years.
I never knew that, I'm sure there must be at least some thing to your "superiority". I just can't think of it for the life of me. You do have lots of nice little islands, about 1/10000th of the number we have, but yours are still nice.

I am sorry, each time I try and give you a compliment it turns out you're inferior in every way. I don't understand. Again, honestly, truly sorry.

you should be thankful that your backwater wasn't annexed during the Kalmar Union

>Cold as fuck
So? Just like us.

>we will get you

Come on, you only have one submarine and the captain is under police investigation for dismembering some Swedish girl.

Literally just increased defense budget though.

Norway was. The Kalmar Union was basically the Danish monarch taking over Sweden and Norway through marriages, diplomacy and force.
Its the reason that the Swedes rebelled. They hated paying taxes to their Danish overlords. After the rebellion the Kalmar Union turned into what is called "Denmark-Norway" as a Personal union (1523–1533) and then later as a Dualistic unitary state (1537–1814).

However there are no hard feelings between Danes and Norgebros today.

to fight the evul Russian meme

Yes... The "Russians"

No shit. Considering last time i got stuck up in nova scotia doing joint navy training shit, your navy said "oh sorry, waters too rough to play today fellas."

>gallant mongoloid innu-danish-canadian (((white))) fascists decide to liberate their (((homeland)))
>muh ethno-state
>sell everything they've got, buy camping supplies, booze, weed, meth, hillbilly heroin and ammo
>find themselves on the labrador coast
>hire a no-questions-asked charter with shaun the newfie fisherman
>at the going away party, thorsten gets hammered on meth and screech and stabs a local and the rcmp take him away
>then there were 5
>on trip over, the weather turns and they spend 3 days puking over the rail
>land at some desolate glacier north of nuuk
>october weather was nice on the mainland, now it's fucking freezing
>wander aimlessly for half a day, bickering
>bjorn falls into a crevasse and gets wedged tight
>they try for hours to pull him out
>they cry as they say goodbye and shoot him
>then there were 4
>build a tent and get drunk and high to honor bjorn and pass out
>aksel gets dragged out of the tent by a fucking polar bear and gets his guts ripped out
>then there were 3
>in the ensuing confused shootout, they manage to shoot edvard in the leg
>edvard's femoral artery has a hole in it, he bleeds out
>then there were 2
>they head south towards nuuk but get lost
>bjorn had the fucking gps and the compasses don't work and it's dark all the time
>blizzard rolls in so they pitch a tent
>they're trapped in a tent and gunnar goes into withdrawal as they've already used all the smack
>during a scuffle, he falls and breaks his ribs on a rock
>gunnar dies over the next 12 hours
>then there was 1
>lasse heads for where he thinks the coast is at dawn...

>mfw Lasse
What happened next Erik you piece of shit!!="??"?"

what if denmark suddenly waited for the canadians and just fucking killed them

And when there's a mishap they huddle everyone to an auditorium for a safety stand-down day. The 'new horizons' of the military. Stay safe. And hydrate.

Both sides would die of cold.