Why are women not interested in hard sciences?


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Socialization. Those who show interest are often repeatedly discouraged from continuing to do so. Even one sexist office colleague is enough to make you feel unwelcome, especially if said colleague is part of the senior staff.

Why aren't men? I'm a man and I find this image triggering. It was sheer child abuse to teach those subjects at school.

Because they want hard, rich, nerdy cocks


I'm AGP girl and I'm interested :3
Though I chose a liberal arts degree back then, what a baka I am! ;_;

Just saying you're trans will do.. why bring up your fetish every time you introduce yourself?

I am tranny and I hate steam with passion. But, I studied humanities and it was mostly guys in class too :O

Yeah, that's why in societies with the highest gender equality, people choose jobs that are traditionally for the opposite sex... oh wait...

If she was an HSTS then she'd be a proper counter-example to OP.

Anyway AGP isn't a fetish.

I'm really bad at math, chemistry and physics, it's all pretty overwhelming and stresses me out.

Have you considered the idea that there are multiple variables in play? Consider the following: economic pressure in more sexist countries might cause people to go against what is socially acceptable in order to earn money. Thus roughly half of all Indian engineers are women even though India is an extremely sexist country. As the economic pressure subsides women are more "free" to yield to gender roles. As social pressure subsides women go into STEM more often.

Early on programming was considered lowly, feminine work. At that point almost all programmers were women. Only later on did programming become desirable and, consequently, was considered masculine. At that point the percentage of women in tech fell sharply. Are you really going to blame this on biology?

>Anyway AGP isn't a fetish.
It's listed as a paraphilia in the DSM-5, and as a paraphilia alone. The DSM-5 does not recognize the typology, much like every other contemporary document of equivalent status. The idea of two mutually exclusive etiologies has been discredited.

At least a bunch of trans girls are interested. Eventually the large tech companies will reach their goal of female hires.

>muh DSM = reality

Are you an expert? If not, how do you determine what is right when it comes to a field you do not personally understand? The DSM, and documents like it, reflect the collective consensus of the professionals working in the field. You better have a damn good reason to go against said consensus. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists do not support the two type typology.

It's honestly like this, I've experienced it so many times. We still pulled through even though at least 4 professors were so fucking sexist, always talking how women are more stupid, shouldn't study, were ignoring questions from other women in the lab... I'm glad bigger universities with 1000+ students have more neutral professors and policies that keep their opinions to themself; they do have nearly a 50/50 women/men in student numbers.

>ignoring the amount of women that are/were in NASA


>Those who show interest are often repeatedly discouraged from continuing to do so.
I highly doubt that discouragement comes solely from the stem fields themselves.

they are. end of discussion. someone shut down this thread. ffs.

no shit, it's mostly from parents, teachers, others arround them. Fields can't be discriminating, should be obvious

You're right. I wrote this a while ago:

>It is hard to pin on one thing but here are some thoughts: though official educational channels now teach girls, from a very young age, that they're just as good as boys and that there are no "girl things" or "boy things" culture at large has yet to entirely embrace this. Traditional gender roles are still upheld by a sufficient amount of people and media. Rather often the case is not that they're putting female programmers down or anything but that they're strictly associating the image of the successful woman with a very vapid sort of femininity (commercials and ads are especially guilty of this) while the image of the scientist, the programmer and the engineer is largely male. Worse yet, it is often that of the unattractive nerdy male, which, beyond obviously being harmful to men, is also harmful to young girls because those are all of the things they're pressured not to be. Once ideas like this entrench themselves it is very hard to root them out.

>Harassment of women who work in tech also plays a role. Consider the following: if we, by my estimation, lowball it and guess that only 5% of people in the workplace are seriously sexist but are not overt enough about it to get fired over their actions any given female tech worker still probably works with a handful of people like that. Hostility from just a few people is enough to make you feel unwelcome and that contributes to women leaving tech (and STEM programs) at a higher rate.

>Finally you have overt sexism, where the individual perpetrating it is probably removed after doing so. The thing is that even after the offender is punished the victim doesn't always feel safe afterwards. The seeds of doubt and fear have already been planted.


>Here's another factor: discrimination relating to maternity leaves. Officially illegal, but what happens de facto is not always what should happen de jure. Plus there's the expectation that even if both parents work the woman should be the one who puts the most effort into taking care of the kids, housework etc.

If the outcome is more than 50% male, it can only be caused by discrimination, even though we can't point to any person at any step of the process who was denying women the opportunity.
The only way to acheive true equality is for NASA to hire X number of men and at least X number of women completely at random from the general population (preferably in proportion to race as well) whether those people want to work for NASA or not. People of alternative genders can be counted in both pools because they're extra oppressed.
Meritocracy is a construct of the patriarchy and white supremacy. Demanding that someone work hard and compete for high-paying jobs is a form of victim-blaming.

Illegal or not, it's not discrimination when a woman is a legally inferior worker.

>Trying this hard

Because it's boring as shit.

As long as women have to bear the brunt of the labor involved in bringing children into being it is only moral and just to compensate them for this. Laws concerning maternity leaves seek to do just that: restore balance. If you wish to restore balance by, say, forcing husbands to take care of their newborn children alone for a year after birth while their wives work, okay, but I think the system we have in place makes more sense.

>women can't think for themselves but men can
Lovely victim complex there sweetie.
Care work, reception bullshit, service industry work is all garbage to me but women eat that up. At least Stacies do.

Women's pay is getting to be a housewife. More than fair already.

Not an argument.

Relegating over half of the human race to menial work would be a tremendous waste. We'd lose countless brilliant minds. This is not a course of action humanity can afford to take.

You're a woman, Harriet

They are. Just not white women.

I'm a biochem major and there are just as many pooinloo, asian, and arab women in my classes as men.

>We'd lose countless brilliant minds.
No, we've already lost countless brilliant minds by raising women to be good for nothing better than house work and spreading their legs. Now people like you want us to lose countless more by excluding them through quotas and other "positive" discrimination.

Are they not motivated by their poor social status to better themselves and make a living for their families? If anything third world countries have more diversity in hiring as the abundance of people outweighs how many positions are available.

>We'd lose countless brilliant minds.
Actually brilliant minds will work through whatever bullshit presents itself. But we'll lose plenty of poster-children for the Dunning-Kruger effect.

This. People still enforce gender roles and shit too, it'll be a long time before men and women break out of their constraints. You need to be strong of mind to take the casual abuse you get as a male nurse. I don't know enough about the females but I've heard the stories.

there are a shit-ton of women in biology, biochemistry and chemistry. in fact, there are more women then men graduating with upper level Biology degrees.

Women and men have different physiological inclinations in life, testosterone impacts the ability to empathise with other humans and has shown that it also impacts fascination with the mechanical. It's not so much that women are not incapable, they just aren't as interested, and don't get much satisfaction from it. Gender role liberation and progress indicates greater stratification in the workforce and study.

Compare this to BRIC countries, like India, and there are way more women into stem. While you'd think it'd be the opposite, since many of these countries are very traditional and regressive, it's actually because of economic pressure to choose these kind of careers, it impacts their socialisation.


>harassment of women in tech

Said no one ever

I read them, I've heard it all before, but it's not as convincing as the superior biological argument.

>stratification is higher in more progressive western nations
>it's lower in regressive, sexist nations
what's better reasoning, that when liberated from economic and social pressure, people pursue what they want, or that traditional conservative socialisation is somehow still there when it isn't.

Besides, I found the studies by Simon Baron-Cohen very convincing, infants have vastly different behavioural patterns based on gender pre socialisation, and these differences fall into what could be considered traditional behaviour expected of children.


read this.

I'm not even opposed to the idea that group-level differences exist. What I am opposed to is the claim that the data we have supports the idea that the differences are significant and can, by themselves, explain the situation. It might be that even in an ideal, perfectly egalitarian universe more men will want to pursue STEM fields but I think the breakdown will be more along the lines of 60/40 or 55/45.

There definitely is still a certain level of ambient sexism. With economic pressure relieved people have the "leisure" to allow themselves to be more strongly affected by it. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, yeah? Safety is below esteem and belonging. Not nature OR nurture, but nature AND nurture.

Agp tranny and hate steam, ironically my sis, aunt, grandma and mom have all studied stem and mom is even uni professor in stem field.

>Those who show interest are often repeatedly discouraged from continuing to do so.
I don't know if that's the reason. I feel like if you're in STEM in the first place you'll be discouraged for being "gay", not wanting to play sports, and being a nerd regardless if you're a girl or not.

Women are not being discouraged. It is mostly biology and personal choice that most of them don't choose STEM fields. Muh oppression.

>Muh oppression
Opinion discarded.

A similar argument can be said about how women arent interested in waste disposal jobs or other dangerous jobs that men do.

>but I think the breakdown will be more along the lines of 60/40 or 55/45.
And what evidence do you have to support this other than "it sounds about right to me."?

They're only interested in hard black cocks.

It's thankless work that needs to be done. Like plumbing, carpentry and similar.

I dont know but if i was a fucking woman id do whatever i could to get a husband with a decent job asap because i fell for the you need to do stem or youre fucked meme and mechanical engineering is so fucking brutal that i wish id just settled for a shit life on the dole. For anyone in this thread considering doing a stem subject at uni or college but not sure if theyre smart enough, trust me, you arent. Do anything else because the level of mental torture is practically unbearable

women are physiologically unsuited to STEM and trades
not to mention they probably don't want to be that smelly weird bitch playing at scientist. Safer and smarter to stick to administrative assistance and nursery

A mix of an stud and fem
She dresses like an stud and fem. O she's a stem.


we have guests, treat them gently lads

STEM bitches be where it's at yo...

Leave it to inner city degenerates to take something identified as important to whites and twist it... Yo white people say we brown muff diving dykes need to be into STEM. ok let that be a stud/femme and I be into it...

Inner city black lesbians are the most herpes ridden parasites I have ever become aware of.

This is a thing you faggots.
Can we please burn them from the earth.
They have no redeeming value.

Maybe many girls can't deal with the fact that STEM subjects all adhere to mathematical principles where you have fixed set of rules that you can't make up or talk your way around like in the soft or blabla sciences like sociology, literature etc?

Anyway, STEM is called MINT here and we have regular "Girls' Days" at our university to promote the MINT sciences to school girls.

Oh, you gonna cry m8? Cheeky cunt? Stop being a fucking pussy! t. AMERICAN MECH ENGY

Yo Stem girls be cute yo yo yo....

Fuk u OP with yo STEM school thing.
I'm too busy licking cats and having gaybies while on welfare. Obama my baby daddy. (seriously tho it was tyrone even tho I be tribbing Jenkquitas gushy trim)

That there are no females in STEM is for the better, really. Any place or industry that has strong female infiltration goes to shit as fast as any place that has enough Marxist infiltration.

This is because different groups of people have different values, and the values of those two groups are total shit.

The women that fit those environments without affirmative action bullshit share the same values as their male colleagues.

They're only interested in hard dick

You should not bribe or force women to do things they are not interested in.

> How hard is that to understand?

>we have regular "Girls' Days" at our university to [lying in german]
anything after the "to" is a lie

What the fuck are you ranting about? There is no fucking budget. We get ordered to do the presentations, we don't receive any money for them. Nor do schools pay us. Also, it's mostly done by post docs who don't work on anything and who are free to give those presentations.

You yellow snake false flaggers are a really dumb bunch. In every fucking post I see with that flag.

Stop projecting faggot. Literally everyone I know in STEM are strong minded people who take care of themselves