Fuck yes, he's finally waking up.
I just hope most of his fuckwit followers will also wake up now.
Fuck yes, he's finally waking up.
I just hope most of his fuckwit followers will also wake up now.
Other urls found in this thread:
who dat?
>still won't say the 14 words
Nah he's not #woke yet.
>ooga booga muh 14 werds
kys fr
Its more cringe fest than anything Op
don't be so hard on yourself, "stef"
she has a nice voice
Rule britslamibad right?
I'm a paki, you're barking up the wrong tree, bitch
>I'm a paki
She's fat.
>before & after being COMPED
"Women are shit" is babby's first redpill, faм.
And last 2bh
I watched it the other day. The girl is very naive and sounds retarded, but eventually she starts coming to term with many things. It's a great video overall.
Here paki
>Fashies thinking Moly will magically embrace collectivism
Sorry to break it to you, commies, but Moly is /ourguy/ not yours. Now fuck off.
>Anarcho-anything trying to claim something as property
Leftypol what are you doing here
Go suck a dick flamer
Do you get to pick which cousin you marry, or is that decided for you?
when you say cousin, do you mean 'white woman'? because yes.
He's redpilled on the Jews and has constantly been telling white people to have more kids
He can't go full 14/88 because he's in Canada and has a daughter. The government could take her away from him if he steps out of line, questioning LGBTQAIFHWOFBS+++ rhetoric could make that happen. He's /our AnCap/ for sure (no shekels for him tho, the greedy jew)
Oh, look. Someone who doesn't understand Anarcho-anything.
>when you say cousin, do you mean 'white woman'?
The absolute extent of the tropical negros mind
How inbred are you?
parents families had lived in separate parts of the world for about 200 years so not at all. why do threads always get derailed by this kind of thing.
>why do threads always get derailed by this kind of thing.
>admits to being a paki
Just one of the great thought experiments of your people, get all your best minds together and try figure it out (hard mode no white mans help)
I know but you need to just get used to it. There are like 10% foreigners in the UK now, I don't get why it's always some spastic like you chimping out about it instead of learning to deal and not even mentioning it.
>I know but
Then why ask abdul?
also you are the one who brought up the islamabad thing. if you don't want to get called out on it, don't mention it. simples. bitch.
Moly has ebooks to peddle. He's never goining to be redpilled, the allure of shekels is too strong.
that girl should not be having kids, what a trainwreck
>also you are the one who brought up the islamabad thing
And the reason for why should be self-evident you inbred
>the allure of shekels is too strong.
You mean free-market incentives, commie?
Any white woman who would let your inbred genetics into her womb becomes a honorary currynigger. I don't blame you though. If my women were as disgusting as yours I'd probably try to trade up to a human too.
Nah m8 u better watch out. Apparently English birds love the big paki cock.
You reap what you sow huh? Good thing you stupid faggots attacked the Nazis. Maybe this time you'll make the right choice.
I am well aware of ww2 politics
There was no reason to deviate from the discussion and thus to derail the thread to this extent, fuckwit.
>There was no reason to deviate from the discussion
Why are you upset, i am bumping your shitskin thread am i not?
I'm not upset, just trying to educate you so that you hopefully contribute to the quality of this board in the future, instead of trying to bring it down even further.
Westernised paki thots love white cock. Im a neet but even i fucked two at uni. They both liked to play rape. I suppose that's their culture thou.
>over 1 hour
I doubt she had to think 1 minute before she jumped a penis for money/comfort. The human grown a vagina between legs, doesn't makes it special case on its own. It's the general cultural norm that defines the behavior patterns of people in a society. Humans and especially trend-driven, money-driven women don't analyze nearly as much as Moly tries to explain. I wonder what is his reasoning behind Melania Trump and Donald Trump, since he's such a Donald Trump fan. Marriage is ruined because of capitalistic Christians ruined it, because Christian countries have legal capitalistic prostitution, because they promote freedom of expression you have fetishists promoting their degeneracy on public street and on television. If people wanted normal relationships in 2017 they wouldn't be pro-freedom in money hiding private banks and personal "i do whatever i want" way of thinking. When you do whatever you want you always do what fixes your vagina the fastest, by humping your dog and gives you money the fastest, by stealing or exploiting. Big cities of lots of cattle racing for money, you will always get degeneracy with freedom.
The only one shitting up this board is (You)
>Im a neet but even i fucked two at uni
something wrong with that sentence, I'll let you figure it out. also, you should really watch the video and educate yourself about why you're not helping anything.
But those that don't believe in the 14 words are either the enemy or outsiders.
or people who are bored of old and useless memes
bill burr looking rough
> Muslims are not your enemy
> Who, then, is your enemy?
A decade on and he sure has "evolved". Stefan, look over there! A low statistic threat to distract you, make you forget your principles and give up your freedoms! lol
>old useless meme
>Preserving Europe is an old and useless meme
It's good to have yet another confirmation that I share this board with subhumans
He's part Jewish, so I don't know how much he can wake up...
Past grievances behind, what exactly don't you like about the nazis?
it's useless because it's not something that can ever be made to come across as relevant or applicable to people in the modern world. i'm not saying we just pander, but if something is so ridiculously anachronistic, then maybe take a slightly more scientific approach.
This is an eceleb thread. We either had to shit all over the invader paki scum, or shit on Moly. I'm content with the choice that was made.
Arguments have no race or culture dumdum
You're right, but what about arguments that involve race or culture?
>girl wants to have lots of babies
>is mind-blowingly stupid
>Fuck yes, he's finally waking up.
wtf are you talking about? he's always been like this
What do you mean by past grievances? I don't recall them ever saying they had a thing against Pakis or Islam or pajeets or whatever.
I don't hate them if that's what you mean, I just don't think their ideas are equipped to deal with or very relevant to the modern age, I thought this board took that as a given. Outside of meme-nazi threads, no one really thinks muh14werds are going to change things in the real world. Ideas must change and evolve.
I don't see how it was a dichotomy between those 2 things but okay. I guess some paki fucked your sister.
This is also what concerns me about him, but I think until he comes out as an Israel-licking Netanyahu fanboy, then I'll give his 1/2-kikeishness a pass.
Yeah, this.
You're a fucking retard, my post-modernist "intellectual" friend. Blood and honour. BLOOD AND HONOUR.
>10% litterally closer to 30% than 10%
>herp derp x7
I don't even know that dumb shit and I cringe when I see a mulatto baby
Your people ruined my country. My people created and built yours.
No, not really. One thing I like about the Meme is that he has never been one of those moronic people who insist on their own personal ideology staying the same throughout their lives, he has changed hugely from the old Meme we once knew, and I personally enjoy watching where he takes his thinking with every new talk.
This is the reason I think he gets so many followers, he is open-minded and still evolving, it's interesting to watch. If you know any others like that, then feel free to mention them.
He's right, since it is the white London owners of property and not necessary the government that sell London property to Muslims. The enemy is capitalism, the enemy is freedom to do whatever you want. Enemies are especially those rich born boys who inherited daddy company, who hire intermediary businessmen who sell to Muslims, because they don't even make their own hands dirty. That's the enemy, capitalism is the enemy. Having definition of international companies and private accounts where you don't even do your own dirty jobs by betraying your race/country/culture and then sitting at dinner party celebrating your business, that's the enemy. Of course those ebin businessmen who sell easily protected in their offices, they will claim they don't understand how Muslims are taking over, but they forget they opened borders and made it easier for international investment, they forgot to write a democratic law that restricts races and religions, because they like money from sheiks and faggots to then go to Christian church and blame Communists. He's partly right, since it's not just governments.
>ooga blooda muh onoh
Give it a rest, kid, or we'll be here all day and as much as I enjoy your company, I'd rather talk about the Molymeme.
>What do you mean by past grievances?
I only meant between me and you, not the ideology
And i disagree, i believe many of the problems we have right now can be solved the exact same way especially the economic policies.
As for social policies obviously there will have to be some changes, but with control over the school system we can shape the general populous minds to agree with us as every country in history has done to their young, this country included.
Give a national socialist state 10 years in power and the fruits of it will show. If you disagree please tell me why and what you think should be changed
She was bullshitting imo
Worth listening to, bump.
>, i believe many of the problems we have right now can be solved the exact same way
Good luck to you then, because to solve problems you need enough people who agree with you to carry out the changes you want, and your chosen ideology doesn't seem to have many of those right now.
It's growing pretty rapidly in the youth, myself included in that demographic
Not that i expect a mainstream party as the government has out-right banned them. I'm just asking you personally what policies you feel would be stood against only because "it's the modern era"
>he has changed hugely from the old Meme we once knew
can you elaborate?
I don't really see it
>It's growing pretty rapidly
Keep memeing yourself into believing that while National Action continues to get shut down even though there are only like 20 of them.
The only things growing in the youth right now are STDs and mobile use.
>can you elaborate?
Yeah, go and watch his early videos which are still available and then watch his newer stuff.
To try to clarify in a couple of sentences, he is a lot more philosophical and less emotional now, and looks deeper into root causes and macro causes and effects rather than focusing on anecdotes and isolated events.
National action didn't commit any violence yet they are banned, while actual terrorists are continuing to congregate and spread their ideas and the government does not bat an eye
Don't you agree that is strange and at least dishonest to the public?
listened to that yesterday
molyneux has always been redpilled on women, he had a shitty mother
My best friend in the civil service was pakistani. Loved the bloke. There is nothing stopping pakis acting like humans. But your people are a whole are a fucking disgrace. Sort yourselves out. Raheem 'kill all pakis but me' Kassam has the right idea. If all of you were like that, there wouldn't be a problem. But about 80% of you fall for d&c kikery and become memes of yourselves. Worse than niggers because of islam.
I have seen the government do far more dishonest things 2bh. Nothing surprises me about how banally evil they are any more.
>80% of you fall for d&c kikery
>80% of all people are retarded
Shit, what a surprise. But nah, you're right. Also you're a cunt for working in the fucking """civil service""".
Well im glad we agree on something, ill stop shitting up your thread but just remember one day you will go back home
> Muslims are a threat to us
> A total of 6 million Afghan refugees were hosted in Pakistan and Iran. Afghans are currently the second largest refugee group after Syrian refugees.
> After the removal of the Taliban regime in late 2001, over 5 million Afghans were repatriated
> Turkey is the largest host country of registered refugees with over 3 million Syrian refugees
> Germany: 600,000 Syrian refugees, 125,000 Afghan refugees, 120,000 Iraqi refugees many of which are Africans posing as Syrian refugees
Do all 1 billion whatever Muslims want to spread a caliphate or have they just been dispersed by endless elitist/jew wars in the middle east from Russia and then America in Afghanistan, through Pakistan, Iraq, Syria how many Muslims would we have in the West if we never had these wars? Or were the Neocons right? That they attacked us because they hated our freedoms and wanted to take over the world?
I'm glad also, user
>you will go back
this girl is a disgusting degenerate wtf
>"A low statistic threat"
>1400 years of constant warfare
Remember, you're a traitor both to your country and a traitor to your host. Unless you reverse your position on both of those you are worse than a kike. At least kikes are loyal to their group.
>kikes are loyal to their group
The reason you're being shit on is because by most people here you're seen as an invader, not because anyones sister engaged in bestiality with a paki. Stick to Brit/pol/ if you're looking for brothers in arms to have discussions with, or just don't tell people you're a pak. Just like most women here don't announce their dickless status.
>I'm not a hardcore christian
Revelation 3:15-16
Revelation 3:15-16
Revelation 3:15-16
Revelation 3:15-16
Revelation 3:15-16
He was always bitching about THE PUSSY!!
You just a newfag.
Quick rundown?
>or just don't tell people you're a pak
It's fun to trigger tards like you though, never gets old. And like the dude said, at least the thread stays bumped.
One day you and the rest of the paki rats will wish you were allowed to go back.
> white London owners of property and not necessary the government that sell London property to Muslims. The enemy is capitalism
> The British Raj extended over almost all present-day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh,
Seems to me that Statism, with its imperialism, endless wars in the middle east and gib me dats have been the biggest contributor to the demographic issues in Europe. Property owners aren't at fault for refugees and property owners aren't at fault for the maintenance of an island and its borders that the state has always controlled while growing like a cancer around the world.
Well, you're right
> Britain sought to square the working of its 1948 Nationality Act with Indian and Pakistani citizenship legislation that took shape in the 1950s.
> Britain likewise was forced to recalibrate its ideas about nationality and think afresh about the rights of its subjects in view of the new sets of relationships that now linked colonies, old dominions and the ‘mother country’ within the Commonwealth.
> In practice, applying the 1948 Act's provisions in relation to India and Pakistan became infused with anxieties about ‘race’, which surfaced repeatedly
Thanks government good fucking job.