Yay Women!
>Using Facebook in the year of 2017
What form of cancer is this Facebook?
No such thing as international day of the boy.
So OP when are we getting a tranny day.
That's the same day but on leap years
That's because they have killed off all of the men.
Males aren't allowed on Facebook anymore apparently.
We don't need it. Men need to learn to be proud pillars of history at the micro and macro level. Being a role model for even a handful of boys younger than you naturally encourages them to be better men because their way of honoring and emulating you is to try and surpass you.
Women need to be coddled and told how great they are because they all strive to emulate disney princesses where they're given everything no matter how badly they fuck it up.
Yeah, but the west's current way of doing things is too fucked up.
Pushing men and boys away from society while exalting women will not end well, we can already see the results.
If people want men to be great, they can't hold them down at every opportunity. This current situation is very unnatural and I don't agree with traditionalists that we should seek to maintain it going into the future.
Wow, way to glorify womanspreading. #femininitysofragile #killallbigots
What has a woman ever done for the greater good of mankind? Absolutely nothing monumental other than spread her legs and breed.
They all look fat and dumb.
Pretty accurate,
ill take the bait anyway
T. Autistic ugly virgin that hates women and whines about them all day in the internet while secretly wanting to be one. Bet you day dream about it.
Those skin colors
Is this the Doug universe?
wow such useful future professionals contributing so much to society
We need to throw these cunts into cages.
Being MGTOW is great.
Women ruin nations.
See: Merkel, May, Hillary Clinton
Women ruin corporations:
See: Yahoo, IBM
What's it like to hate and obsess over women to your level while not even getting a hate fuck? Pathetic dweeb.
Assblasted roastie detected
What's with the pose?
>No! No! No!
>women need a special day of attention and hugboxing to cope with their inferiority complex
>going my own way!
>defines his entire existence in opposition to women and spends every day talking about them
>still thinks he's going his own way
That stance is the opposite of feminine.
Girls have the potential to be penetrated by mechanized dildos
>everyone that laughs at me is a woman
Wish I knew you in real life so I could laugh in your face and make a mockery out of you in public before dropping you with an elbow to the face
>D E G E N E R A C Y
>women selfies
>family/baby selfies
>abstract yolo be happy horseshit quotes
>gun control/rights posting after every happening
jewish girls are so fucking ugly no wonder you bastards import and enslave slavic girls
This is bottom tier trolling. See me after class.
>he doesn't have any arguments besides the popular female ad hominem "hahaha I bet you're a loser or virgin IRL xDD"
What is international day of girls? I heard first time about it. We already have international day of women, which is 8th of March, wtf?
excuse me darling did you just assume his gemder?
>no sound
lol okay sweetheart
Ugh.. This horseshit is at the bottom of the blank page on the Chrome borwser too, says:
>Standing with girls all over the world #FreedomForGirls
No mention of Islam or niggers being the main cause of misery for girls worldwide even though this is 100% the case
You can't post webms with sound anywhere besides /gif/ and /wsg/. Best you can do on Sup Forums is post it there and link it.
I'm going to be a dick to my female co-workers today.
Curie i think is legitimately the only women that actually contributed something other than her uterus. Some could argue Joan of Arc as well and maybe like Queen Isabella but even then she only funded Colubus's expidution because she thought he was hot.
It's the first you've heard of it because they just made it up. It's never happened before.
> using chrome
Don't forget the Queen.
We're insulated from an honest appraisal of her reign due to proximity, but the English have objectively never known a more disastrous monarch. Literally every achievement of those who came before her undone, the faith she is tasked to defend has collapsed, the empire she inherited was dismantled, her people are in the grips of a dysgenic social engineering campaign to erase them from history, and her capital city is under foreign occupation.
I'm sure she's a nice person, but wew lad. Shit's fucked.