Eminem “Rips” Donald Trump

#2 Trending on YouTube at the moment, Eminem says a torrent of degenerate broken English in an empty parking lot with a pack of Niggers to “rip” into Donald Trump.

Not An Argument springs to mind when I watch the video but what does pol think of this shower of shite?


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He's riding the wave of anti-Trump sentiment for the sake of relevancy. It's the same worthless celeb virtue signaling we've seen dozens of times already. The left will eat it up. The right will laugh at how pathetic it is. People will forget about it in a week.

It was good! I liked it

hahahaha pol is so triggered by this.

What are you so insecure about that you gotta cry like little bitches all the times?

Maybe you realize Trump is as pathetic as everyone else says?

this. im pretty sure he doesn't give a fuck either way as 80% of his wealth is off shore anyway.

basically most if not all celebs are American in name only and pledge allegiance to nothing but $

can't this washed up wigga just shut the fuck up. he already contributed too much to the destruction of white communities through the popularization of gangsta nigger culture in the white youth of america.
honestly this piece of shit get too much credit for what he did.
inb4 but he's lyrical
he's white. of course his shit is better than that of niggers

I feel badly for all of Gen-X when I see stuff like this. Men in their mid-40's trying to "HELLO, FELLOW YOUNG PEOPLE!" into continued cultural relevancy. This is what apparently happens when you LARP so hard that your costume melts into your body, and you can't un-LARP, even though you should have aged out of this sort of thing years ago.

How do I become a cuck like you?

I love how the left is trying to turn the "triggered" meme back on us.
Don't you get it? We fucking think everything is funny and mock everyone. You and that old white rapper mocking trump just makes us laugh at you.

universal health care? what the fuck do THEY care. theyll take a G5 to the EU while popping bottles to get the very latest treatment science has to offer. its one big facade. never ever think they're one of you.

Why does Eminem thinks it's ok to culturally appropriate African American music?

Why is this being shiled all day?
Does anyone really care?

You really think people's reaction on here is laughter? Nigga plz


>blonde haired, blue eyed white man preaching for the black man

heheheeh it is just le funny to us the right dont have thin skin like u Unless you protest during the national anthem then that is very disrespectful and serious matter.

Trump destroys degenerate music industry when?

Stan was better

What the fuck? Is that nigga transracial now? I see he's trying to get as far away from slim shady white boy classic emienm banter as possible.

He's probably been brainwashed. MkUltra.

Very few of us on Sup Forums care about flagshit per se. But it's a very useful tool to rile up Boomer-aged conservatards to serve a wider agenda.

Those booty rap music videos would be so much better without that stupid rap music.

Eminem is dead. It should be of no surprise his replacement is doing exactly as he is told or he'll end up like the real Eminem.

Except we pushed for them to do it more...


The American population is fucking retarded. Millions with a victim complex or never entering adulthood. Daddy trump is the reason for everything



Is Ja Rule /ourguy/?


>blacks in the back making sure eminem executes as planned.
Eminem is obviously forced to do that.

>empty parking
>with a pack of Niggers
doesn't sounds very empty if there's a pack of nigs

he points at the niggers when he says drain the swamp
what did he mean by this

The real Slim Shady supported Trump.

Get to thumbing it down faggots, the likes to dislikes is way too high

the trump curse will come for him next

I don't want to listen, but does he call Trump a faggot like in the old days?

Is it hillary clinton crossdressing as a man on the left?

no he is a tamed tiger now and liberals will act like he ever fit in with them.

Alright, let's bring the boys, some shitty cars and a camera to an ugly empty car park with lots of concrete. All set up? Let's go, mofo. (This will totally make me relevant again.)


Oooo-kay. Then.

Fucking wigger.

>hasn't said shit about trump up until now
>bunch of intimidating niggers in the background
>recording for a freestyle
>hollywood is known to have both actors and artists by the balls

This has the jew written all over it

Fight for the establishment, goy!

He got da aids.

How did he go from the Martial Mathers LP to this? I thought he was trying to be edgy and offensive rather than timidly establishment oriented, and favored by the cult of outrage?

that is a fucking DISGUSTING picture you gypsy scum

How will Drumpf ever recover?

He should have stayed on drugs, at least he was funny then.

Like the current "president"

Going against authority figures is establishment oriented?

I am sure he ran the most controversial long shot campaign he could because hes all about the money

No, but going with what the real authority consortium (media, corporations, bankers) wants you to believe is establishment oriented

Let me put it like this.
Increasing division in West.
Rightwing = increasingly conservative and identitarian (Nazi)
Leftwing = increasingly degenerate and blacked
With both sides spewing the lukewarm from their mouths.
So which side would Eminem find himself compelled towards? Self-preservation is the explanation for most things (and it's often unconscious).

He is literally only good at making money. Terrible leader who lacks in people skills. Just admit it for once you boomer piece of trash.

by growing up, a 40 year old rapper that's sold as many albums as him rapping about being poor and his mom being crazy for the 30th time would be old as fuck
back then he took shots at bill clinton, now he's taking shots at trump but really who cares? its just entertainment

Th economy is doing great m8 and everything want is happening massive illegal deportation and liberals triggered and a supreme court conservative majority for possibly the rest of our lives

He already released songs prior to this with verses dissing trump

lol what shots did he take at Clinton? Something about him getting a blow job, in a flattering manner? great shot

everything I*

>Black entertainment television
>Video about a rich white guy singing about another rich white guy.


Why did Eminem wear gold chain? I haven't seen this before

>Rightwing = increasingly conservative and identitarian (Nazi)

Nazis are left wing you fucking moron
no conservative in the US would align with any of the anti-constitutional socialist bullshit the Nazis espouse
The DNC disagrees with Nazis on almost nothing

My reaction certainly is laughter. Or is it racist for a white guy to laugh at a white guy making a fool of himself you cuck? What kind of insult are you going to fall back on this time since you dont have an argument?

>whites are better at black entertainment than blacks

slim shady owned trump. and Sup Forums is acting like they arent butthurt about it. eminem is a lot of your heroes. pussies.

like EVERY celeb.
youre basically losing money if you dont.

but that wasn't trumps fault. everybodies playing the "how fast can we fuck america up" game.

This is a 40-something year old man.

He called himself the white trash God but white trash vote for Trump if I'm correct.
So of whom is he the God?

What are you guys taking about? That shit was dope!

Nobody cares because this isn’t 1999 anymore. Less relevant than South Park. Eminem hasn’t even been a good rapper since 2001. Dude is literally lost any “talent” he had long ago.

I haven’t listened but I’m guessing he still sounds like a monotone with an Arabian accent, and he’s just saying random “edgy” things.

>haha this old rapper totally owned a legitimate political figure by saying some words in rhythm haha trump cant ever recover from this

Firstly, it's not a rap battle. He's not battling anyone, it's not improv, thought he creates awkward pauses to make it seem like it is, and it's not original.

The guy is just listing the last two years of CNN talking points.

Just another has-been jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon for some free publicity. Bet he has a new album coming out or something. Now he'll sell half as little as he was hoping to.

The king of white people has spoken. If you're white and like Donald Trump, you're a degenerate faggot.

Terrible rapper, never liked him. Now I hate him.

I don't listen to his music.


Wtf is he pausing so much for?
If you listen to his older freestyles he would easily go for 3 minutes without breaking once.

Here he takes 30 second breathers between half sentences.

I hate this double spacing posts when the fuck did people start doing this

This faggot still doesn’t get why we would support a boycott of Jewish products. He thinks it because our feelings are hurt.

Not related to song but still related
Be best rapper of all time according to many music niggers
Be white
Be rich
Can't get semi famous Latina whore to blow you
She clowns you in public and makes you look like a stalker
Counter argument you play her flirting with you on phone then admit to cunning in pants quickly while with her
Kys your self on general principle

Be Donald Trump
Be orange
Have hair that looks like cotton candy made of puss
Be unable to string together a coherent sentence
Create bullshit crown for hottest whites on planet to fight over
Grab them all by the pussy
Be genius and Mary super hot woman that doesn't speak English
Have children and make mothers raise them while still convincing them your fucking awesome
Shit all over most powerful people in country
Have loved President talk shit to you then take his job very next year

Win in greatest upset in political history

Make most powerful woman ever cry and shit bed and attack everyone

Winning spent even cover it
Comped over 9000

Slim shady could kidnap Trump force him to suck his dick at gun point on live stream while in a dress and he would still be a bigger fag then trump

No song can fix this
Beta will be beta


Freestyles are completely on the spot, without any sort of planning. This was highly planned and coordinated. By it's very nature, it cannot be a freestyle.

>implying (((conservatives))) aren't blacked
No, they are not pro-Nazi, since Trump's cabinet and republicans are 100% Jews or pro-Jewish. Being pro-Israel doesn't automatically means you will be blacked, but it means you aren't a nationalist.

He'll get his commeupence soon enough.

I am so surprised by this

How come he never took shots at Obama? Rhetorical question.

started reading your post as a rebuttal freestyle then it just bombed after the first bar

Eminem is gayer than a motherfucker.

Yeah he is back on the drugs.Many such cases.sad

Eminem never freestyled. He was always “spitting writtens” and nobody ever called him out.

>So culturally irrelevant you try to resurrect your career by being a political rapper.
>Drumpf is racist goys!

>You watched the video.

When Reddit started posting here.

He's always been political. He went after Tipper Gore, Bill Clinton, GWB, Cheney, but of course not Obama.

No point in trying to explain that to anyone here.

It's not even a reddit thing. It existed on this site way before reddit even began. It's merely a way to break up ideas in the same post.

who the fuck watches this shit

who the fuck listens to this shit

it made me cringe it was so bad, what the fuck are people doing? do people genuinely listen to this garbage?

>Tipper Gore
Because she was going after the music industry, bent on censorship.

>Bill Clinton
Again, he only complemented him.

Typical "he's a monkey in a suit" tier nonsense. Nothing of substance

>muh ebil mastermind

You can't criticize Obama. He was literally the second coming of Christ, and only did illegal EOs because the evil vast right wing conspiracy kept stonewalling him. He only used his knowledge of the constitution for good, and never for evil.

It works much better when you are poor unknown freestyler youngster fighting for survival on the street, of course we implying it's a fact. Now that Eminem is rich and established it isn't as convincing.

rap is for fucking degenerates and low iq morons

A fucking leaf
also, reddit spacing

All I can say is: Eminem KYS, please do it quickly.

>P O W E R F U L