how does Sup Forums respond?
How does Sup Forums respond?
>(((merchants))) selling/buying foreign goods for profit is somehow the native consumer's fault
>Learn to type proper English
>aint no joke
I tell him to prove any of his claims.
I had a sand nigger in highschool who claimed to be good with ladies while having an ugly frog face. Now he is in jail for 3 counts of rape.
I bet 100$ that he is not fluent in 4 languages
He had to pick the most expensive city in Germany, did he? I mean not even students at Munich's universities get to live there. If they do they shack up sharing rooms with like 4 - 6 people in one flat, paying around 800 Euros for their room each.
To be honest, we probably wouldn't have this sorry state of affairs if it wasn't for all the fucking foreigners having to come here. Foreigners like Hassan.
the post by that martin was deleted btw
probably by the admin of that page
> same (((government))) that hounds resources approves of immigrations without regard for integration issues
> somehow you think we want this
> vacation holidays to one dominant culture > multicultural nations that loses their identity from open borders
> implying that English nations with multicultural food is not its own problems that coincide refugee crisis
It doesn't, not to uppity mohammadans who don't know their proper place that is
>someone gives him a half-serious, albeit a good advice
>goes on a many paragraphs long rant about how whitey is racist and everything is his fault
Shitskins, everyone.
Noneed. The point was made. Him writing a 20120498 page paragraph just shows how triggered he is.
that mohammad has selfesteem issues
>I am Spanish citizen
>I pay taxes in 2 countries
>I speak 4 languages an 5th on the way
>you're a child
>how dare you disrespect poor poor refugees
>globalism is good
>learn English
>not even triggered
>wonders why he can't find room
hes an imbecile
Everyone is ignoring the fact that the guy is full of shit.
Knowing 3 languages besides your own is extremely rare especially among Mohamedians. What are the odds of the man speaking the truth?
If you're so educated and a perfect being walking amongst our plebs why aren't you in your country helping it prosper?
Also it's English. With a capital E.
Tell him to prove that the refugees are coming because the government of Martin has tried to kill anyone. Also, ask him why is Martin responsible of something that may be done against his wishes. Also, ask him what the last paragraph is about, why using products from different origin has anything to do about refugees.
Because he is full of shit. I have noticed that 99% of these people lie to make themselves seem better.
They will lie about their job and educational background. Where are all these shitskins speaking 6 languages in real life?
No tell him to prove that he is fluent in 4 different languages.
I doubt that he is even that fluent in Spanish after having a citizenship.
not that rare, english, spanish and his mohamedian language. Makes 3. If he speaks another mohamedian language and a dialect than that's 5.
What you don't know is the extent he know the languages he's claiming to know.
Being perfectly business fluent in a language is a hard thing to achieve. On the other hand ordering bread is something very basic.
This guy is full of shit, he thinks he's smarter than everybody else thus also stating all facts about himself that are irrelevant in that discussion.
If he really spoke German, he would be able to find some room at least in the area around Munich. But he's probably not sociable enough for someone to take him in. Always complaining, and then accusing the poster above of complaining.
Well, if Germany needs something it is surely not yet another fucking entitled special Arab prince coming to bless us with his muslim presence.
>learn to speak proper english
See me after class Juan
oh LOL spot on.
That's a good start too. He also talks about getting his second citizenship before the other guy was born, but after checking his pic, he's a manlet who's barely 25.
>Hassan Chouehne
>I am Spanish
Yeah right. Just another worthless, lying mudshit who needs to go back.
You think people would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
you could also only reply:
Saying you're a refugee and being on is not the same thing. You just upgrade the truth for your own benefits.
That guy wasn’t even implying that he was a refugee just saying to tell the government that he was.
My gun is made in America you filthy commie day of the rope.
holy fuck i hate this argument so much
Achmed's claims have no bearing on the argument. Elite globalists have decided to bomb middle eastern countries and then bring in their citizenry as replacements. This hurts Joe Chav. Where the food, coffee, furniture, and whatnot comes from means nothing. It's like throwing a no sequitur at the end of the argument. To me, just call him an uppity sand monkey and ask that he refrain from blowing anything up while in your country.
>proper english
>what did he mean by that?
I see no errors in his text
Hassan BTFO'd this dude.
>hey we give free life for whoever comes here
>wtf why are you coming here you don't belong in Europe pls assimilate
Is it even an argument?
Look at all the European things in Africa but whitey is evil and must leave poor African people alone.
Sorry nigga your modern medicine and technology is mostly white so stop being a bigot and allow whites to mass migrate to Africa.
We would re-colonize Africa in our lifetime.9
half russian
stay jelly
I don't. The fucker clearly isn't capable of logical thought, as you can tell from the fact that he bases his entire durka durka rant on the idea that the guy called him a refugee. Which he didn't.
I'll respond to them in the voting booth. I do not want discussion with hostile immigrants. I want their removal.
>how does Sup Forums respond?
First of all, he's a fabulist. Secondly, listing the benefits of trade isn't a pro-globalist, anti-border argument.
The very fact that "Swedish design" exist as a concept is that there's something defining about it. Exotic coffee is special because it can't be grown here at all. As for "phone made in china" and "clothes made in bangladesh" we've certainly come a long way - just 20 years ago this was a primary showcase of the continuing exploitation of the third world.
The fact that the phone is cheap because chinks are paid slave wages and the working conditions make them commit suicide WAS seen as a negative by the left. Now the left just goes "wtf I love capitalism now???". Except they don't, because there's no fucking consistency. Instead they rail against the 1% and inequality and muh third world refugees seemingly unaware of the connection.
There was also a time 20 years ago the anti-globalist left (which was all of the left at that time) pointed out that the value of a cheap iPhone is just a shiny distraction when wages stagnate and living costs rise for all but the 1%, which is exactly what's happened. This is why retards brag about a cheap piece of shit phone when they can't buy a house, move out of their parent's place or afford to start a family until they're 30 and have 2 stable incomes.
Some moorish "spaniard" cunt coming to the UK and starting a business is the absolute best case for immigration, but it's hardly the norm. Far more likely the immigrant undercuts the local workers legally and illegally, sometimes "outcompeting" locals to the point citizens start to demand their illegal untaxed workforce must remain, as with mexican avocado pickers. Or, for that matter, immigrants who get no jobs at all, which is increasingly common. Or create cancerous fifth columnist communities that exist as parasites to regular society, living off black markets and crime.
I think he is confusing the German government with the US government. Not like there is much of a difference, but we aren't doing much in terms of bombing 3rd world countries or stripping them off resources.
So basically just 1 foreign language
>I'll respond to them in the voting booth.
Voting changes nothing. You will just elect another traitor pretending to be right wing
Gas them next to the kikes.
>I want their removal.
Ahhh .... wouldn't that be dreamy?
I'm home sick, today I just went to the doctor, the pharmacy, brought the sick notice to my employer and went shopping. Short ways, 30 minutes. I saw two niggers and 5 women in headscarf in that short time. I don't feel at home in my own country anymore.
Most of the 3rd world countries have not been bombed in decades or were never bombed in the first place
kurdish is closer to English than it is to arabic honeybun
it's as foreign as it gets
Of course it isn't. It's what emotional idiots always do: They have already decided what they want, for whatever reason, and they are convinced people who don't want that same thing refuse it out of malice, rather than thinking it's a bad choice.
As you say, they'll turn it around if it comes to the non-Western world. We need diversity, but Africa does not. Europeans do not have a birthright to their nations, but Arabs do. Christianity is a vile, hateful religion, but Islam is peace.
The one red thread is that they hate the West. All their arguments are anti-Western, and based on denigrating the West. See, for instance, the claim from lefties that "there is no Dutch culture", for instance, is based on this. Those same people will set up 1 million initiatives to support immigrant culture, of course, showing that they know perfectly well what a national cultural identity is. It's just that they think ours is evil, and want to destroy it in order to replace it with their turbo-commie nonsense.
>"let me explain to you why I deserve to kick you out of your home"
Its my governments fault ethnics are trying to join my society?
You have to go home
When in the last 15 years did the west bomb:
Etc. And yet hordes of these people are in Europe crying about western bombing
>Wants to move to Germanies most expensive city
>hurr why can't I find a flat for 200€/month
Perhaps. But at present, violent resistance also works against us. The rise of the European right has shown how fragile the alliance between the commies and the cuck right is.
If it were up to me, I'd burn our entire system to the ground and replace it with something more robust.
Even my home village is infected. Show me any place outside the West that has this many immigrants. Those places do not exist. Yet the left wants more. Because they want to destroy us.
>Spanish citizen
>lived in the UK
>Next stop: Germany
>speaks 4 languages, not one of them fluently
dog bless the modern world
Yes, just like with their arguments that "this is karma for colonialism", yet one of the biggest migrants groups is Turks. In other words, citizens of the nation responsible for some of the longest and most reprehensible colonialism in the history of the world. A nation of slavers and rapists.
It's because they want to destroy the West. They make up plausible sounding reasons afterwards.
To be fair, obabo was drone striking the shit out of Pakistan.
Killing whole 2000 people a year in a country of 200million
99% of Pakistan was untouched
Cry more, taxpayer.
>babby's first internationalist argument
This is literally the easiest, most basic argument someone could possibly make in favor of globalism and it's been deconstructed LITERALLY millions of times.
His English seems fine to me. You sound like a typical envious white boi who gets triggered at the sight of successful Black and Arab men.
>our government is trying to kill those people
>that's why they come here to seek refuge
Terug naar de woestijn.
I would call him a moorish nigger and laugh
>commie flag
I saved your post.
terug naar de cuckschuur
he means that he knows 4 foreign words
your sharia patrol is syrian
your pedorape gang is muslim
your non working leeches are turkish
but the demolished kid half-torso is yours
>I had a sand nigger in highschool who claimed to be good with ladies while having an ugly frog face. Now he is in jail for 3 counts of rape.
That proves he's good with the ladies
>The frog Chad
>how does Sup Forums respond?
You will not replace us. If you want to take our shit you better be prepared to fight for it.
Every other race would rape our fertile women and exterminate the rest of us at the first opportunity. Nothing but ungrateful savages. Only our extinction will satisfy them.
i know Afrikaan then
since i know poes, ya poes
Ahh but you see the enlightened third worlders were extracting oil, managing coffee plantations, making cellphones and t-shirts long before the white man showed up. They were rolling around in their own shit with 100% illiteracy rates. Nope. The Chinese weren't making pig iron in backyard furnaces and dying by the tens of millions 40 years ago. Nope. The entire subhuman third world doesn't exist thanks to the white mans tools and medicine. Nope.
When we conquered the world we clearly should have done what ever other race would have done.
One of the few to admit they’re not a refugee. I believe the correct term is economic migrant.
These third world savages can only make something of themselves on the backs of the white man.
I hear natives in Quebec constantly bitch about colonialism while they are not being cannibalized and wearing white mans shoes. Eating food produced with white mans machinery. Using white mans medicine. Ok. No problem. But when these third worlders say the same I get irrationally angry.
This is German law if you against non germans on german FB your comment will get deleted if not german will sue FB.
I mean you're retarded for even considering debating people on facebook, but
>trade is only possible through mass immigration
>losing foreign products would create an unfillable vacuum
Most people's idea of speaking multiple languages is knowing a few words/sentences and being able to hold a broken, caveman like conversation with zero writing involved.
I laugh every time a nigger says he can speak more than 3 languages.
explain how one helps Syria prosper these days? make sure the limbs are cleared from the streets and the rubble neatly stacked in a pile? dumbfuck
It's bollocks. In 1910 there was more 'free trade' and capital movement than there is now, and yet we managed to have secure borders and a sense of national identity. They're not mutually exclusive.
By not revolting against your own president? Syrians themselves are to blame. The Russians are rebuilding Syria as we speak while millions of Syrians are abroad in Germany
>you come to 3rd world countries
Yes but why are they third world??