Pentagon has some explaining to do. Why 600+ terrorists in hundreds of vehicles were gathered around the illegal US military base at al-Tanf in Southern Syria?
Russia released Satellite images showing the massive gathering.
Pentagon has some explaining to do. Why 600+ terrorists in hundreds of vehicles were gathered around the illegal US military base at al-Tanf in Southern Syria?
Russia released Satellite images showing the massive gathering.
Shit better get /k/ on the job and bomb their asses
Russia probably evaporated them two weeks ago
US SOF were training them iirc
Yeah I'm sure all the terrorists showed up in hundreds of cars like it was fucking Woodstock. Fuck outta here
Same Russian satellite photographs that said the pics of Hummers in ISIS territory were driven by US Special Forces? Kek
my 2 euro-cent:
after 2-3 month of warning, Russia will directly bomb the US camps
>Why are terrorist working with US
user, please. You know why terrorist work with the US.
You're acting like this isn't common knowledge that the CIA and Jordan trained a rebel group there.
That's very nice of them to march together....
Really. The same reason everyone kisses our ass. Free stuff.
It's us: we took their shit and are now being particularly aggro. Fuck you gonna do about it?
The satellite pictures were taken just prior to Islamic State launching a massive offensive at the Syrian Army's supply lines, resulting in 250+ SAA casualties, and a dozen or so villages being temparorily captured.
This large force managed to move past all Syria's concealed scout posts to launch their attack undetected.
Russia doesn't monitor all satellites 24/7--but they're always taking images.
>citation needed
You're fluent in Arabic?
Oh and this:
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:37 P.M.) – A combat drone of the United States Air Force has targeted a gathering of top military leaders for the Al-Qaeda-linked Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) terrorist group.
According to sources the USAF drone identified and engaged a Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham headquarters building north of the town of Khan Sheikhoun in southern Idlib province.
Khan Sheikhoun might ring a bell. It's where the alleged chemical attack happened, that resulted in an attempted (since less than half made it) missile strike on a Syrian air base.
What's the odds that civilians where chilling in the same little village as al-Qaeda's leadership?
Why would Russia commit suicide?
Everyone acting as if he doesn't know that the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia do support ISIS has the mentality of a deceitful little jew and will earn what he deserves some day.
A honourable man always speaks the truth no matter what, and if he can't he at least STFU.
arab burning man?
>propaganda website.
Basicly this is RT for the Arabic world. It's more honest than CNN but still misleads to stir the shit pot that is the middle east.
Wouldn't be suicide--at last not immediately.
US doesn't have enough assets around Syria to contest if Russia, Syria and Iran decide to evict them.
The ships that are there would be vastly outnumbered, and the air bases all fall within range of Russian cruise missiles. What isn't wiped out wouldn't be able to contest Russian anti-air missiles.
US would be forced to mobilize forces from other regions, like Europe and the South China.
If the US could contest, they would be using brute force already, instead of hiding behind terrorists.
First time you've ever seen that website and you're declaring it a propaganda website.
While I'll agree all news is propaganda to a degree, it's non-sense for you to make a statement from an assumed point of an expert on something you've just glanced.
Except this is the internet.
Your Russian propaganda is better suited at /sg/ where they lap up Russian MoD statements like fact without ever checking. 44 targets were hit from 58 missile strikes, some targets more than once, this was evaluated by an independent source
Just one of many lies Russian government has told you that you believe, but it's ok, you don't know any better.
Awww shieeeeett
Isn't even the first time I've seen it on this site. You must be painfully unaware of /Syria/ general threads.
Cool, but bullshit.
There's photo evidence of some of the cruise missile parts that missed--and you're claiming here a 100% strike (except for the one the failed to launch).
they are waiting on their supply shipment of CIA arms to show up
Yes I'm sure Tyler Rogoway from in your blogpost is a more credible source than a team of international high-resolution satellite photo technicians.
Keep trying.
That post shows photo evidence.
Your post, like MSM, showed absolutely no supporting evidence.
Keep trying.
>dat poor ass photoshop
Not actually Iraqi btw for those who filter trips
>Illegal military base in Southern Syria
>terrorists gathering around base
>Russia is the one to release photos
>but why?
lel, are you kidding me user? They are literally waiting for their shipment of CIA weapons. This is a black site where they disburse assistance to the terrorists who basically work for the US govt.
Theyre probably all sitting around roasting marshmallows an sheit while their buddies go wait in the government gun line on the base
i know it might be a dumb question... but could a nice burger explain why there is a "range card" under that machine gun?
>talking to people who filter out trip fags
Wew lad is this your first day here?
Again the rebel group being funded has acknowledged that's exactly where CIA and Jordan teamed up and trained and armed them.
New Syrian Army, the group they trained, openly states these facts.
i called it
I already stated it
i didnt read it
Our government funds many rebel groups in that region, we don't directly fund ISIS (many will argue against this here)
What we really do is fund many groups that are closely aligned with ISIS, fund groups that dissolve and members join the ISIS ranks, and train incompetent fucks that lose fights and leave behind tons of equipment that ISIS enjoys.
makes you wonder where our half a trillion dollar defense budget is goin. Were arming terrorsts worldwide
terrorist be like: save us, father US!
fucking burgers
they're /ourterrorists/ until we throw them aside. US has been doing it for over 50 years. Media makes stories about it all the fucking time
>Why 600+ terrorists in hundreds of vehicles were gathered around the illegal US military base at al-Tanf in Southern Syria
To get their weapons
Waiting to get their state issued Obama Drone
I wonder who the headliner was for this concert? Jason Aldean?
So if someone has to take over the post, they'll know if something has changed between operators. Also, constant and consistent area familiarization - to include writing down everything that happens while you're up there. Yes, big boy rules do it to.
Partial explanation as where the money goes. As for arming rebels thats covered under our black budget not defence spending.
relax guys, if its civ 3 rules theyll be gone soon.
What I find odd, is that he had surveillance cameras setup.
This wound make me think he wanted to either escape, or have a drawn out gun battle with SWAT.
Neither one of those happened.
>when you shill the wrong topic in the wrong thread
We are not talking about the same thing
Oh look a spam bot!