i'm so tired of this shit, just when I got into this new hobby even they touch it too.
Lesson of the day, never let any women into any hobby.
i'm so tired of this shit, just when I got into this new hobby even they touch it too.
Lesson of the day, never let any women into any hobby.
At least arch is still based, the only guy to follow regarding wh40k and fantasy.
Just have to get rid of Matt Ward and make Dan Abnett's stuff canon again.
While hanging these roasties on a tree branch
It's debowski who's the fucking shit, every other character is black or female. He even had that black Blood Angel in a book. A chapter that is famous for being all blonde and extremly pale.
Cuck faggots.
Why does it need diversity... the greatest being in the universe in that game is a mongolian, there are whole planets of nips, there is a whole fantasy race for black people, and everyone in it is doomed to die in the end.
There is no point in adding diversity since it already contains all the diversity in the world
As a swede I welcome this!
Jokes aside, wh40k is already dead to me, they have fucked up the lore beyond repair.
So I hope this kills them, GW deserves to die.
GW does sort of deserve to die.
But hey, here's to hoping they're just updating the bolter bitches, and that's their "female focus".
they'll make the primus marines female
The Emperor comes from modern day Turkey, but 10000 years before there was a Turkey. Not Mongolion.
The company is dying, games workshop is focusing on video games and letting the hobby die, tons of stores are closing down across the world.
T. Now former games workshop store owner
So the God-Emperor is actually a Turk? I thought he was sorta Himalayan/Nepalese lmao because of his lair in the mountains there.
Wtf I hate the God Emperor now. (Always have anyway for I was Eldar scum)
40k is super-resistant to Pozz. Bordering on outright immunity.
Sure the sister of battle exist, but they are virgin warrior nuns for fucks sake. (Sup Forumss ideal women).
I would actually by SoBs if they made a few good plastic multipart boxes, but that's it and I'd only spray them with my cum.
Mate America wouldn't treat the IP better than the Brits. If any country could pozz the IP hard its the USA.
You know what?
NOW i understand why you are all so pathetic and weak over there.
You have all swallowed the black-pill/cock.
We may be few, and our enemies many. Yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then by the Allfather, the galaxy shall yet know hope.
You should have tried 7-10 years ago.
Its a trash since then. Let it burn.
The plastic-crack is too expensive.
Not in this economy.
No, Turks came from central Asia about 500-600 years ago. Turkey then was a bit whiter, since the world was colder, probably more like modern day Georgians.
I still dont think the IP is pozzable.
They can wreck it but they cant pozz it.
I thought Orkz were a perfect representation of black people.
The God-Emperor is literally Anatolian, which makes him part of the first Indo-Aryan human stock, and not only that the absolute physical, mental, and spiritual peak of human perfection as well. He's everything real Aryans want in a person, and only neo-Nazis complain because he doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.
t. Chad marine
They will just add in some more female units here and there, this statement is just to shut people up.
Feminism ruins everything though.
They are. GW even had whole campaigns in white dwarf that were essentially giant nigger jokes back in the 80's.
What are they going to do, add some titted ork units or something?
Why add more female unites instead of boosting the nuns with guns? Why add ethnic individuals that are definitely foreign within certain legions, instead of releasing minority primarchs that give players a reason to use them? Why give a shit about any of this when it's supposed to be nerdy barbaric bullshit in the first place?
My fantasy is making Wehrmacht Marines and SS SoBs.
By our standards I am a geek, by your standard's I am a chad marine.
/pol approved hobby
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their...
It'll just be an upgrade sprue for female guard, new plastic sisters of battle, upgrade sprue for female Tau/Eldar and possibly some female cultists.
This way they ca say they are diverse, while also forcing people to buy normal guards + an upgrade pack, maximising profits that GW are so famously known for.
If it means plastic Sisters Of Battle they can retcon orks to be niggers complete with weaponised rapping and start claiming that all Space Marines are genderfluid for all I care.
Got any examples? Sounds fun
If they give Orks rapping the Noise Marines will fucking riot. Also, the Space Marines HAVE to be male by canon. They literally cannot be female in any way, shape, or form because of the process used to grow them. Saying that there can be female Space Marines would make the franchise burn.
Is there any male centric hobby that hasn't been invaded yet?
Straight Outta Nocturne!
Masturbation, alcohol, poker, golf, NASCAR, football, baseball, soccer, hockey, stand-up comedy, boxing, cars, hiking, fishing, biking, woodcarving, lifting, backpacking, roadtrips, sailing, scuba diving, RC airplanes, farming, and ballroom dancing.
I am not surprised at all. There's an inofficial server running for Warhammer Online which was shut down by EA. And it is FULL of SJWs and most of the gamers there, casual or "pro" are left leaning libtards. Some Polacks, but clear the minority.
Gaming will die soon, no doubt about it. They've ruined most of it already and now they are coming for the last bastion of masculinity. And all of it after Arnold went full "anti-racist" libtard.
For all I care, I DON'T want to save "western civilization". The west has become the cancer upon this planet and a metastizing tumor that is killing anyone who's living in it. Fuck it!
Xeno Lives Matter !
>Gundam model kit building
>SS/Wehrmacht memorabilia/uniform collecting
>Military model kit building
to name a few
Sallies a cool, also blackface only, not nigs
>Be flip
>likes wh40k, tabletop in general
We're niched af in our country
Porn is completely owned by the kikes
Tiger Woods
>football, baseball
Based Niggerball!
Full of "anti-racist", leftist propaganda
>stand-up comedy
Mayweather vs. McGregor - Oh? You had a tough white male idol? Fuck that! Let's buy him, get him destroyed by a based nog and shill him as anti-trump
> hiking, fishing, biking, woodcarving
>etc., etc. ballroom dancing
Here here, most Flips here are into Gundam model kit building.
Since this whole SJW 40k debacle my buddy's been shilling me to get into Gundam instead. kek
Not interested in Gundam mecha though, I prefer the bleak theme of 40k.
>hiking fishing biking woodcarving
You are why we fail you sedentary ham-planet.
Where do you live at anyway? Maybe we could have sessions someday, just gimme your Discord or Steam or something.
It's my fault for not clarifying. Watching other people doing any of these things is masturbation in and of itself because you, the individual, accomplish nothing by watching. Participating in these events yourself is something worthy. Again, I apologize for not being clear.
>a fucking burger said this
>be salamanderfag
>hanging out shit-talking at my local gworkshop
>guy with his girlfriend comes in
>"i have not painted or played in a while and would like to start again", the usual drivel
>he walks around talking with the storeclerk whilst checking out minis
>his girlfriend, obvious daddy issue hambeastsjw, asks if there are any WOMEN battling in the 40k universe
>clerk shows her the sisters of battle and dark elves
>"well the dark elf women are essentially SOULLESS creatures coinciding in a limbo between the warp and reality through practices of pleas...
>the guy next to me utters audibly so the woman can hear
>"oh soulless like all women then"
>the look on the nurglespawn gf
>"umm excuse me!?!?!1?!?!?"
had to walk out crying of laughter
>Ruin entertainment industry
>Make games, movies, shows and hobbies so abhorrent there's no place for entertainment anymore, only propaganda and political correctness
>People that never gave a fuck about anything, moderates, NEETs and what not see this and start getting upset because they're being forced to care and their fictional worlds are at jeopardy
>No more hot chicks, no more "based" characters...
>No games all political agenda makes user want to kill normies
>No games all political agenda makes user want to kill normies
>No games all political agenda makes user want to kill normies
>No games all political agenda makes user want to kill normies
There's nothing more dangerous than a legion of men with nothing to lose
Fascist Assault Divisions when?
>let's distract the players from Primaris retardation with vague threats of feminism
Not falling for it. All three of you guys who asked for truescale marines are still fags.
it's OK bros we're all gonna make it
pic related
It's weird because Arch tends to be full of shit on a lot of the stuff he talks about regarding the fluff, but he's completely right about this kind of bullshit.
>just when I got into this new hobby
Congratulations, you just saved a ton of money you'd otherwise spend on ridiculously overpriced toy soldiers.
I'm pretty sure that the digital era has done more to kill overpriced game pieces than token black characters ever could. Let it die and capitalize in their demise.
Size creep of normal human sculpts demanded it.
Can you actually play any tabletop game with your gunplas or are they just collectibles?
We always wanted waifus in Warhammer.
Also feminists have representation.
Pic related.
But they already have the Orks.
Dont they have a whole chaos faction dedicated to sjw?
>muh guardswomyn
what a fucking faggot
Have a you
How can they not make a good movie in the 40k world? Seriously so many stories with complex moral dilemmas.
Does anyone have a link to that official facebook post? Can't find it
Women dislike a thing, so they force the creators to change it to their liking. Yeah, that makes sense, especially for something as niche as 40k.
ITT: manchildren crying about some retarded game
you have....no fucking idea how right you are. When people fucked with our Vidya, we got trump elected. Now they fuck with WH40k and our Anime. World Wide Genocide incoming. 40k Fans make videogamers look reasonable.
Who the fuck wants representation in the grimdark future where super demonc abominable rapists can materialize out of no where and drug you on super LSD and rape you in every orifice with spiked dick tentacles secreting corrosive acid
It'll be like Warhammer Fantasy where every single woman alive during the Chaos invasion was literally brutally raped by huge burly men
Nice Shining reference.
We wuz warbossz and shiet
Your ancestor.
>hey guys, let's write a dystopian universe
>this dystopian universe lacks equality
>this is a social problem
>social problems don't make good dystopias
Ironic that people want to enforce equality into a dystopian narrative. So many layers of irony...
You should be playing with your toys, manchild
Neverborn qts are best qts.
Who is Sup Forums's daemon waifu?
Haha! Gotem gud m8! You really showed em!
But Nocturnians are hardy whitemen in blackface.
Real niggers went extinct around M3.
It's either
>new Sisters models
>female conversions for Guardsman
Which would be acceptable. Sisters need an update and I've been suspecting they'll be released alongside a Slaanesh update.
Or its
>Primaris marines were just a set up to allow female space marine models
Primaris are already a shit but this would be the last straw
We need Chaos sisters who fell to Slaanesh. Like a whole Sororitas order being corrupted.
It would also give the SJW the strong, sexually liberated women they crave for.
Just imagine the models...
If a burger thinks you're being sedentary, you have definitely done something wrong.
Considering how upset you people sound, I guess that I did
>celestial lions
I presume you live in a country where the female world cup wasnt forced down your throat.
And yes it was horrible and boring as fuck.
>letting them smell blood
that's tabletop games destroyed then
They already have whites and orcs, pretty good representation to be fair.
That's not how you spell shitty models, price gouging, and Judaism
maybe they should, like, uh, um, like, err, lower the fucking prices for their plastic lumps
>anime 40k
is there no single grim-dark hobby without faggotry and degeneracy?
SJW beliefs, comunist ideals, sexual liberation, etc, these are all good concepts in the eyes of Chaos.
Nurgle loves it that it's not longer a crime to spread AIDS in California.
Slaanesh loves it that people can celebreate their sexuality in public parades.
Tzeentch loves the revolution!
Equality should be literally confined to the armies of Chaos. You are already supposed to feel that the empire is literal opression, and that Chaos is the possible way out of it. The Empire is not the "good guy" it's just "human" and there lies its only value.
Even female conversion of Guardsmen is a bad move. The Empire's conflicts are supposed to mirror the state of total war in WWI and WWII, women stay at home toiling away in the factories while their men and brothers die in distant lands.
Equality should be the realm of the Lost and the Damned.
You should be able to make the Slaanesh armies into tranny bliss, if you wanted.
Chaos offers all this.
The Empire doesn't. The Empire is SUPPOSED to be unequal and opressive.
In fact this could remove fans from seeing Chaos as "bad" and the Empire as "good".
We could evolve back into the narrative of the Empire just being human necessity and Chaos being the "liberation" from humanity.
If I see even ONE "female" Space Marine that ISN'T an Adeptes Sororitas, I'm gonna make Las Vegas look like a fucking PLAYGROUND.
>Even female conversion of Guardsmen is a bad move.
Female guardsman have always been in the lore. Humanity needs every body it can get to contribute to the war effort against the shitstorm that is the 40k universe.
>thinking Slaanesh = sex
Slaanesh is the god/goddess of excess, any excess. You can be a Virgin neet and still feed Slaanesh if your obsession with anime is strong enough. Chaos are literal demons and gods of death, murder, excess and change. Chaos being good is a meme and anyone who legitimately sees them as an alternative is a retard. The only reason Kreigers don't have female soldiers is because they're either all clones of one guy or the women have been converted into literal baby factories.