NASA is dead
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>when you realize we stopped sending rockets into space because of this.
Women no smart we in trouble.
This is why NASA will never accomplish anything important ever again. No return to the moon, no Mars, no anything.
I'm just glad we cut funding
>Implying its not a containment section of sorts designed to appease current society trends while they spend time developing privacy breaching tech.
Who is that black guy at bottom left?
Trayvon Martin reincarnated?
On the bright side, we could easily cut funding 78% and nobody there would notice.
Yeah no more fake moon landing and mars bullshit
This happend with just 2 women...(and a nigger). I cant wait to see what happens with all those vaginal moron in the monitors hahah
Wimminz are so qt playing grown up
And? There is is a woman in the first pic too, so what is your point?
This is litterally why NASA isn't making major progress
That picture legitimately stings.
Can you prove that any of those women work there?
Ever last western institution is going to be destroyed by social justice convergence, even the military eventually.
The Chinese, Russians, Japs, and Koreans don't even have to be AS competent at the best western minds. It won't matter if they're only operating at 75% efficiency relative to peak western civilization. It only matters that they will be operating at a higher level than us. When that happens, it's over for the west economically, militarily, and technologically.
Unless the US gets to Mars in the next 3 decades, China will be the first. There will be an rapid transformation as the last majority white generation begins to die off in the west. People aren't going to see it coming, and it's going to come fast. Suddenly, nothing will work, and we won't be able to solve even basic problems. Meanwhile, the Chinese will continue to progress, albeit slower and less efficiently, but they'll look like superhumans compared to the Islamo-Brazilified western nations at that point.
women ruin everything.
I fucking hate these diversity shots.
Women should do their jobs, nothing more nothing less. These companies need to stop putting them on this weird pedestal
>implying people inside of the shuttle can actually control it or have anything to do with launch
I know Greece can't into space but come on
To play the devil's advocate here, the bottom picture is almost certainly after having deliberately rounded up all the female staff, as opposed to just people working. The percentage of women at NASA may well be the same, they just didn't corral them for a group photo back then.
i wonder how many dudes had to leave their work room and how far the women were pulled to make this photo, either way id be surprised im sure
I think you confuse him with St. Michael Brown.
Anon5 was right about feminism being a virus.
Well, this picture explains NASA’s stagnation for the last couple of decades. That room should be 95% white men and 5% Asian men.
Now you don't have to feel bad about defunding NASA. In fact, that's precisely what you should be doing.
cant wait to build the wall in 20 years on the Germanistan border.
Gentle giant!
First picture is just the engineers/techies/operators.
Second picture also contains the accountants, secretaries, floor cleaners and security.
No wonder we haven't gone back to the moon
How do you know they all work there? They could just be a visiting body of college students or something.
Although I do agree, diversity hiring models are very very bad for a company.
or maybe it's because NASA gets literally no budget since 1993
Thanks Obama
you cunt
Weve been relying on the russians to send astronauts into orbit for years now. Of course NASA is dead. Maybe one day in a less libshit future it can be reborn.
huehuehue, underrated burger
that's more realistic, yes juden, as you know not everything people say needs to be true.
Fuck, I miss those oldschool hardcore nerds. Why is everyone in tech a cuckold today?
>Only person actually doing work is the only man in the room
Those aren't scientists, you absolute moron. Most like they're a mix of HR workers and secretaries they gathered to take that propaganda picture.
Pic related are the actual scientists and engineers working at the JPL, celebrating after a successful mission.
>Why is everyone in tech a cuckold today?
sexual liberation and cultural marxism
From the looks of it, he's the only guy who seems to think this entire thing is bullshit.
There is one.
Going from one woman in a sea of fellas who are there because of their skills to a great mass of women who are there because of diversity quotas will surely have its effects.
Ah, no wonder NASA's progress has been in the shitter recently.
No wonder they can't do shit anymore. Who would have guessed - white men went to moon and back with 50y old technology - today women and diverse people can't even get there with today's technology.
Notice they all have pocket protectors and cell phones on their belt.
>That poor Black guy at the bottom who is probably the only one who does anything.
Very little has changed at NASA, aside from a few extra Asians and a couple of token women.
Because scientific rigor and competence are absolutely vital to NASA's very existence, they have to avoid diversity hiring, which means the vast majority are still white men.
You need profitable interests (a reason) and investments (money) to do that, Matti
>ITT: We act like this is new considering Obama's NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said that the "foremost" mission of NASA was to improve relations with the Muslim world.
May I ask, are you that Norg guy who posts the space station WEBMs?
80% of genetics class are females, why arnt men getting into science. Btw most of my class are literal dumb bitches desu
The only solace we have is that we'll be able to target the traitors with impunity as their imported brownshirts laugh it up. They will, ironically, never see the mess they turned the world into.
15 men.
2 women.
Jesus christ you guys are fucking stupid.
And I mean really, really fucking dumb.
How many of you are in NASA right now?
No, I'm not a conspiracytard.
In here, most of the girls go into chemistry and biology, and the softer sciences.
Boys go into Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, etc.
So the women were used just as a prop? And they didn't mind?
Yeah I noticed with physical chemistry there's a lot less, they hate math. Chick complaining about doing simple multiplication.
Women who buy into feminism aren't very clever, and care more about the outward illusion of success than actual success.
Same in Norway. We had one girl in our EE class, while the chemistry and biology classes were majority women.
I'm a bioengineering fag and it's full of girls. But then again I know there's harder shit out there. Most of my female proffessors up until now have been liberal feminist fucks.
>2 losers in the middle with no friends
No budget is related to this.
Biochemistry major, god damn seriously, if sjw try getting into science they re in for a shock, reality is a hard pill to swallow.
Test 678: does lipstick stay moist in zero gravity
Test 679: if I cry does my tears flow up or down
Test 680: if chad ignores me in space will my vagina card still work
We had a situation here in Norway last year, where women who were studying to become teachers were complaining because they were required to get at least a 4 in math to become a teacher. The scale goes from 1 to 6 (where 1 means you've failed the course) so a 4 would probably be a C+.
>1% of US GDP is "no budget"
What are you planning to do with the biochem degree?
I tend to notice that boomers, women, and mudskins have a fierce aversion to basic competency testing about their jobs.
Dude their budget is in the hundreds of billions I'm pretty sure. Or at least in the tens of billions
Get a master's, get work in enzyme research lots of new drugs around enzyme inhibition
They're too incompetent or lazy to even use Khan Academy for a week.
Khan Academy helped me a lot with maths.
When I was around 15-16 I couldn't add two fractions together, or solve a basic linear equation.
I love Feynman. He's my favorite kike.
Here he basically sums up how why the social sciences, and the self-proclaimed experts that the media loves to cite, are full of shit:
it has been for a long time, but making a thread about their fakes gets you b&
this one slipped through somehow
and no, its not because the urf iz fled
funny how it was men when we were doing something that was new and groundbreaking and not just going through the established protocol.
t. wietroker
So that's why NASA is Islam outreach now instead of space travel.
I love Feynman, yeah I did a social psychology paper last year it was utter shit, nothing was properly tested. Also they found half of social science papers they couldn't replicate the results.
is that nigger fapping?
Best of luck user. Don't forget to do those internships so you can get your first job
The irony is, that the people in picture #1 probably were more "diverse" than those in pic #2:
They came from totally different backgrounds (airforce officers, American scientists, German scientists,...) while those in pic #2 probably even had the same professors during all of their education.
Well, duh, why do you think we pay the Russians to use the Soyuz now.
Very true, but there is nothing anyone can do about firing tenured teaches for not knowing the material.
To it's credit - NASA still gets a LOT of shit done. They've got over a hundred active missions right now, most of them doing pretty impressive stuff. The main reason for the lack of manned spaceflight isn't the diversity hires (though it certainly hasn't helped) but rather the lack of serious support from Congress over the years.
Congress has transformed NASA from a dedicated space program to a dedicated pork spending program and only cares about it in so much as it can be used to funnel millions of dollars into local defense contractors and the like.
Cost-plus contracts have basically rewarded contractors like ATK, Boeing, and LockMart for dragging their feet on major projects like the Ares program - which only emphasized shuttle-derived components to preserve space jobs in key states.
Thankfully private spaceflight has the potential to give these established defense contractors a swift kick in the rear and shake them from their complacency.
Just shy of 20 billion dollars this year. The amount hasn't left the range of 15-20 billion (adjusted for inflation) except for once since 1971.
i actually know one of the girls there, she's actually really intelligent almost autisticly so
Every time I look at pictures of adult men taken before 1965 or so, I'm struck by their stoic nature and the aura or confidence and control they emit. Even the ones who aren't square-jawed or particularly masculine come off as highly competent people who you could put your faith in. They're always well groomed and professional, and you know they've earned their place.
That's just gone in most modern men. Even among technically competent men, there's just this air of femininty, awkwardness and softness. It's like the patriarchal man has effectively been killed.
How is this bad again? If they're competent.