Faggot mods deleted old thread
Why do women have voting rights?
Although you speak the truth, you are still the faggot.
I don't know
they always bet on black
I keep saying this everytime I have a conversation about what went frong in the west. Faces of my family members are priceless when they hear me saying that women should never be allowed to vote xD
>she will never pee on your face
Good question. Also why was wifebeating outlawed?
lel, not here
>you will never be fucking her while she pees all over you causing a loud sloppy sex session
Good russkie, bodka bottles sure teach lessons.
This disgusting piece of wasted space infuriates me with the rage of the sun jesuschrist and the fake whore yet wants to be seen as a nice girl. Dude, you wont leave that behind in 30 lifetimes living as a nun you piece of shit whore.
Also whats with the narcicistics druggie degenerates and TONGE OUT SO CRAY pics?
>bodka bottles teach lessons
no, but a heavy hand does
only way to stop them from throwing themselves in front of horses
>ID:gF Jvew
is there something you want to tell us user?
We really need to keep an eye on mods selectively deleting threads to further their own agenda. Pretty sure we have some undercover redditors in there.
It's always been like that on Sup Forums. Too many faggots worship Sup Forums and see it as some exceptional ivory tower, and they can't see the flaws we have with the users, board culture and mods/janitors/admins.
It seems some topics on a board that is literally named politically incorrect are too much for their personal sensibilities. They shouldn't be mods, plain and simple.
Pic of that whore in the OP was deleted too.
Yeah, I have noticed gore I post gets deleted. Things like the mutilated hand that oldfags have seen a hundred times. Not necessarily pushing an agenda, but if got bothers them they did not go through Sup Forumsootcamp and are not one of us.
It was a big deal for the commies, and they shilled heavily for equality of sexes. BUT. That stems from their ideological belief of a communist mind over matter, since both men and woman are capable of performing menial tasks, the commies then claied they were both the "working class" and therefore ubermensh in a communists eye. Anyone who disagreed on the matter was gulaged. That's how womans suffrage made it to eastern europe and china.
well if they delete good threads against women's suffrage that is pushing an agenda.
why are the bones intact while the rest is so mangled up?
No no no, I am not arguing that they are not pushing an agenda, only that they appear to not actually be from here.
>Why do women have voting rights?
didn't you learn anything in school you fucking autist
Don't recall the story behind it. I did have a friend whose finger was stripped like that though. Jumped a fence in a barn and his wedding ring caught the top. Only time he was ever seen to cry.
>when you finally find that hentai you've been looking for
is she ok
a little light headed but shes probably fine.
Don't worry she will walk that of in no time.
> his wedding ring caught the top
the reason why i dont like wearing jewlery
Yeah, especially in hazardous environments. Same with long hair and baggy clothes. Fucking PTO shafts are dangerous as fuck.
>PTO shafts
you work as a mechanic huh?