Eminem DESTROYS Trump AND Sup Forums


Lyrics Below:

>"And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his, I'm drawing in the sand a line, you're either for or against, and if you can't decide who you like more and you're split on who you should stand beside, I'll do it for it for you with this. F--- you,"

>“This is for Colin, ball up a fist,” he says. “And keep that s--t balled like Donald the Bitch.”

>"We better give Obama props/'Cause what we got in office now is a kamikaze/That will probably cause a nuclear holocaust/While the drama pops/And he waits for s--t to quiet down/He'll just gas his plane up and fly around/Till the bombing stops,”

>"He says you're spitting in the face of vets who fought for us/Unless you're a POW who's tortured/'Cause to him you're zero 'cause he don't like his war heroes captured,”

Other urls found in this thread:


> unintelligible nigger speak

Fuck yeah.

reminder that Marshall died years ago, what has been masquerading around for a few years as Eminem is an MKULTRA clone

It’s nice to show contempt for your fans


fuck off wigger

>"And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his,
Good thing I'm not a wigger or give a shit about one who has take nigger dick since he was 11.

oh boy I bet this will change things for sure, drumpf is done


yeahhh fuck Blonadgh Skarumofpf

Some niggerlover is supporting John "Songbird" McCain? Never thought I'd see the day.

>my words are like a dagger with a jagged edge it'll stab you in the head whether you're a fag or lez, to the homosex, trans or vest, hate fags the answer's yes
>I singled out a whole race and for that I apologize, I was wrong, cause no matter what colour a girl is she's still a hoe

So he gets away with all that homophobic/misogynistic shit and its just freeze peach but as soon as you say you don't know if you like Trump or not you're literally Hitler?

I stand on both sides of the sand, checkmate.

Im really riding blue wave 2018 now!

>Irrelevant middle-aged has been who lived long enough to move from the fringe to the establishment he became famous for mocking

Who cares?

But in all seriousness, this is fucking saddening

I liked his shit up till the Eminem Show album, everything after that was pure garbage despite with the odd exception for a couple of songs off his Encore album.

He should have just ended his career there but nope, he had to ass rape his career into the pavement to fit in with the mainstream fanbase

I don't know whether to press F or S

This. I don't follow much about this guy and even I can see the creepy flesh bag out there claiming to be him doesn't look or act a damn thing like the "real slim shady".

Lmao who cares what this wannabe nigger says, his own parents didn't give a damn about him, he routinely raps about murdering his ex, man's a disturbed psycho

>And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his,
A intersect B = empty set

Eminem is shit but so is Trump so whatever.

White arent people tho

Y'all crackas love Em

The original TalcumX does't like Trump?

Paint me a nigger

Why isn't anyone talking about how musically that freestyle was just atrocious. Don't even think about the message he's trying to say, just listen to the freestyle musically. You'll too see it is just terrible.

Back then he was very successfully attention whoring himself out for millions. Now he's just another burned-out celebrity parroting the same predictable and boring positions as the rest of them.

I remember when this dude made fun of faggots and transsexuals constantly, wtf happened?

>He'll just gas his plane up and fly around till the bombing stops
I heard rumour he's personally visiting the DMZ, seems ballsy to me.

Dude whose claim to fame was writing songs about beating his mother and being a drug addict hates Trump, what a surprise.

he's still around?
i thought he went out when mtv stopped playing music videos.

>friendly reminder
his first album was produced on trent reznor's label.

Fucking Dropped. Just another wigger cuck now.

Wow, so edgy and cool.


>"He says you're spitting in the face of vets who fought for us/Unless you're a POW who's tortured/'Cause to him you're zero 'cause he don't like his war heroes captured,”
So are liberals actually unironically pretending that John Maccain is a swell guy now?

Hory shit. BTFO. It's habbening.

>jungle mumble

Choose wisely

>Donald the Bitch
This is a 50 year old man who STILL hasn’t grown out of his wigger phase. Many such cases. Sad!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is textbook modern propaganda.
Half of the stuff in his "rap" are complete and utter lies, yet the people that listen to this will take it as gospel.
I don't often call for a brigade, but this shit needs to be called out.


John McClane is a pretty swell guy.

Why are rebbit retards so butthurt?
I just got banned for a comment which triggered niggers about this eminem topic.

Fuck you. Em from D(MZ)etroit. Galumpfph wouldn't make it in da D

Daily reminder shills are posting "Limp Bizkit" shit all over the boards because they want memes to make "Limp Bizkit" popular again.

So far it's: Eminem, Katy Perry, Jay-z, Miley Cyrus

yeah good job doos. You really got the best behind you

surely this will be the end of drumpf

Someone get pics of him as blacked ans shitted.
Time to put this wigger into place

What did you say?

Anyone who takes rap lyrics as serious political commentary is already a hardened leftard.

>and if you can't decide who you like more and you're split on who you should stand beside,
Not a hard decision. The most powerful and successful man in the world or a drug addicted wigger? Geez.

But he's still doing it. He's says misogynistic shit all time, it was only a year ago he was rapping about raping a women and then in 2009 rapping about raping and torturing them.

Yet Trump says a women looks nice and he's Ted Bundy.

Just copied and pasted what an user said on the other thread

>He'll just gas his plane up and fly around/Till the bombing stops,”

Literally what presidents do.

Meh, I liked Eminem when I was around 12. That was 15 or more years ago.

Not Obama

>says fuck you to his fans for their political beliefs
if he really had the balls to back up his claim he'd give them back the money they spent on his shit

You're probably right but still.
Claims that Trump is supporting klansmen, wants to kick out all immigrants etc are all small things that enforce these people's believes.
Potentially even turns some teenagers away from Trump/right wing policies because "muh white rapper said so".
I wouldn't take this too lightly.

>"they're not sending their best... "

Because the bombings never stopped under Obama.

This fucking idiot doesnt know what he's doing. The Trump Curse is the most frightening force of nature Ive ever seen, he's a goner.


no one will remember he exists next week dude

But Obama would have stretched his lower lip to fashion a pouch to catch bombs while sucking up smoke and fallout with his superior Afrikkan nostrils exhaling purified Axe Kilo© scented air while patrolling the skies using his ears as helicopter rotors. Honestly, fuck Drumpf.

Those were some weak ads bars. This was just the push I needed to remove every remotely niggery song from my playlist.

Fuck Eminem. An army of white kids made him famous, but he still sucking black cock.

Is that u Marshall


I actually bought his slim shady album back in the the days m&m actually had hits. M&m died 10 years ago. He also did an anti Bush song but thats one was actually good song.

Yeah you're probably right.
Fuck this sellout "rapper" though for exploiting this leftist "dae think drumpf = bad" narrative.

>being this brain cucked
How will trumpettes ever recover?

I'm oldfag (55) I used to blast Slim Shady L.P. in my ride like a mufucka. Da fuk happened to dis nigga

How much of Harvey Weinstein’s cock did Marshall have to suck?

>Brain cucked
What are you even saying?
Speak english you double digit IQ cumstain

The negro overseers in the video approve. He has successfully earned their trust and is now their leader.

He's right

Eminem was interesting when bands like Limp Bizkit roamed the earth, but its 17 years later. Who gives a shit about this guy? He's no longer edgy or relevant.

Nobody listens to techno? Nobody listens to Eminem.

>Eminem DESTROYS Trump

All of a sudden he's a deep thinker who's words should be taken seriously?

* rolls eyes *

Very true. Y'all ever listened to that half black half Latino rapper Immortal Technique? He's a literal communist who projects the most basic of edgy political ideas. You know the normal stuff, Bush did 9/11, the gubmint is raysist, everything about capitalism is evil and communism is good. I swear, most rappers never grow up.

to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Eminem. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Emeniem’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from rap, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Eminem truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Eminem’s existential catchphrase “He is orange,” which itself is a cryptic reference to CNN’s epic journalist Don Lemon. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Eminem’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

hell naw my g

Keep wishing wigger niggers , keep sucking jew cock and do what you are told. bahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!

Trump curse when?

The dude who once rapped about his mommy issues and wanting to kill his wife

Also lets be honest here, Marshell is only doing this because it is personal. Back in the day when Trump was rolling around with 50cent, Tupac and all them. He basically ignored Em and didn't give him any handouts or promotion, this hurt Em because Trump did it for all his friends.

its 100% personal




In the music biz, the Jewish cock you have to suck is this man


Ikr Barum-bum-bum-bumpfs btfoooooo

((they)) got him right before he made the album 'Recovery'. Think about it, before that he was probs the most redpilled artist, he would even name ((them)). This man had a court case for homophobia and then made the song 'Criminal' in which he threatens to kill queers. It was after he made relapse, the last redpilled album, that he started apologising for all his earlier bullshit. Therefore he probably doesn't feel like this at heart but ((they)) make him say all this shit.

Don't care much about Trump, but I care even less about this junkie.

He just ended his career he wasn't the best rapper of all time he was the best white rapper. He spoke the language of pissed off white people. Now he is speaking the language of the cucks. So he will get treated like one useless disposable and unwanted. Not hard to understand he was from Detroit also pic very much related.



That was cringeworthy. I could only watch 30 seconds. he wants to go into a mosque and say a prayer ?

He's a microphone fiend. Dats the only drug he fuck w

>"He says you're spitting in the face of vets who fought for us/Unless you're a POW who's tortured/'Cause to him you're zero 'cause he don't like his war heroes captured,”

Not gonna lie, that line was fire. Other than that there were only a few memorable lines, and lots of awful pauses. Pretty average by Em's standards.

Most musicians never do. Its Peter Pan syndrome. Whatever ideology they got in their youth that they parroted they stick with because nothing challenges them.

If your surrounded by yes men you keep the same ideas.

Also you got to tow the line in the industry.

>caring about this old wigger

who is this aids patient and why is he rhyming at our president?

I feel like his strike was preliminary. His dad left. His mom is a drug addicted psycho who might die soon. His woman constantly cheated on him and in addition of his one daughter he has two more that aren't his but he still raises them. Dude's life is kinda a wreck.

>polish niggernoise aficionado
Sort yourself out my dude.

Lol Eminem is establishment what a fag.