How come Sup Forums hates Varg?

How come Sup Forums hates Varg?

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Sup Forumstards are browns in denial thinking Christianity makes one white

>makes a system worse than 4e

Varg is an AI

No self-awareness, dysfunctional murderous autist.


How is Myfarog that bad?
Sounds like Sup Forums, or at least what Sup Forums wishes it could do.

No, Breivik is what Sup Forums wishes it could do. Varg is a LARPer who murdered an innocent man for no reason.

I like Varg and he is doing more for the white race than most, but some of his opinions are a bit retarded.

Some Sup Forums hate him because they are Christcucks who literally believe the only battle that matters is Christianity vs Islam. Ya know, the kind of people who cuck for Israel.

exactly this

because pagan LARPers are the niggers among white Europeans

The people who hate him here mostly do so because he hates Christianity. The second reason probably because, personality wise, he's a real hard ass. He's super sure of himself and doesn't seem to buy into the idea of debate.

He called southern Europeans filth, sub human and dogs to be oppressed. He seems to hate all whites who have dark hair.

>the chad Varg
>successful artist
>lives innawoods
>accountable to nobody but himself
>repopulating the white race with his blonde haired blue eyed wife
>doesn't fall for any Jewish tricks
>no drugs, no alcohol, no porn
>makes comfy Youtube videos
>runs around the forest literally LARPing with swords and shields for fun like you used to do with your friends when you were 13

>the virgin Brevik
>literal autisti
>only motivated and angry because tfw no gf
>had to kill a bunch of teenagers because can't kill fully grown commies like Varg did
>PR nightmare
>didn't really achieve anything
>blew up a bunch of white people in Oslo

Pol hates varg because;
>he isn't Christian and makes a point about Christianity being shit.
>has a lot of children, something the average pol user cannot get.
>doesn't live on the internet, likes technology but doesn't use it all day.
>isn't autistic
>has qt blonde wife

The list goes on.

shills and kikelovers but I repeat myself

>you have to grovel before Yahweh to be european


>nigger thinks he knows what white means

Sup Forums has recently been swamped by legitimate Jews and Jew Lovers, so of course they hate somebody who will bring up the kikes. That said, he is kind of dumb with some of his ideas, but ultimately he is a smart man.

>innocent man

Imagine being you, holy shit.

Don't forget he is actually white, not some shitskin larping as aryan.

varg is fucking based tbqh lads.
he lives an ideal life, comfy forest house, passive income from creative endeavor, qt intelligent wife and children, makes games - doesn't play them

>How is Myfarog that bad?

Played a one shot session a few months ago with some friends.

Varg has some good ideas in it but a lot of the rules and mechanics are absolute dog-shit. The lore is pretty interesting however.

He's a Nordicist that thinks all the great people in history were blue eyed blondes, including Sumerians, Romans, and the Ancient Chinese. With all that shitty historical knowledge he's pretty much the hwhite equivalent of a wewuzkang

He makes very good points about some things but he is a bit too sure of himself. I suspect it is his wife brainwashing him with all the we wuz autism.

Only christcucks and brown eyed people who can't handle his bantz hate him.

Been a fan of Burzum since I was a 16 yo edgy faggot, so I've been following him for like 10 years. I'm a Christian now but Varg's blog is unironically the reason I decided to have children. I'm in favor of a white christian/pagan alliance, however. I respect Germanic paganism but it's not as fulfilling to me as Aryan Jesus.

>>isn't autistic

Based Varg


the proper term is nordic, btw

It's a meme you dip

Varg is a weirdo but I like his content

he keeps showing up in the youtube comments on the vids i watch. stop liking the same things as me you fucking snownigger.

I can assure you that no christian here cucks for Israel, newfaggot.

They're literally Africans

Go fuck a kangaroo you kike worshiping bellend tickler

Pol can't handle the true red pill

this, hes a really smart man, only dumb at times (when talking about religion), but alot brighter than a lot of people i've seen in this movement. I hate that he laughs when he talks about burning churches (what a fucking nigger), but at least you can tell hes honest about what he says, and doesnt try to pander to non-whites (like TheGoldenOne,who blatantly claims "any race can be NS" and "Waffen SS had BLACKS!!! and ASIANS", im tired of these memes and they needs to die. I dont dislike TGO but these little things just put me off.
Also he has called out laura simonsen and these (((alt right))) movement whores and exposed them.

I'd say He and TGO are the only ones with braincells, Guardians of Scandinavia are somewhat well intended but they need to read up and make videos when they have something to say and not just for the sake of it...... (most of what they say in their vids is obvious for 99%)

>chad meme but with epic maymay reddit misspelling
you have to go back

He has a whole youtube channel where he literally just vargposts

He is a hypocrite who feeds on young single guys' insecurities by telling them it's ok to be losers with no jobs, homeless and incestuous(no gfs with same eye, skin, hair color etc) as long as they destroy their communities by boycotting them, because of supposed autistic jewish control over all business.
All just so he can make money off his youtube adds and cult following people buying his stupid shit.


euronymous was not innocent

Christianity is so lame. Why would anyone want to practice that faggot shit?

I think there are two types of christians. The christians that are cryptopagans and the christians that are cryptokikes.


Why don't we ride his channel from time to time? Just to have some fun, nothing aggressive.

So basically Catholics/Orthodox and (((Christians)))

>Scientists have extracted the entire genome of a 130,000-year-old Neanderthal from a single toe bone in a Siberian cave, an accomplishment that far outstrips any previous work on Neanderthal genes. (

So the only high-coverage genome of a Neanderthal was taken from a toe found in the same cave where there were Denisovan fossils, right to the northwest of Mongolia. How did they determine that it was a relatively pure Neanderthal's toe?

because they're brown eyed christcucks


Sure, that’s how it went.

Jesus is Lord and you are a faggot larper. Your gods aren’t real. And mine is gonna burn your faggot ass for eternity.

Just any christian that doesn't believe in the 14 words and also holds the old testament in high esteem, along with accepting anti-european christian teachings. So an american. Damn (((americans)))

The old gods are returning. Yhwh is just an angry desert demon.


What’s wrong with the OT?
Egyptians get blasted
Faggots get blasted
Hebrews get blasted

So what are you? A sandnigger, a kike, or a faggot?

To confirm that it was a pure Neanderthal toe, I guess they compared it to the low-coverage genome of some Neanderthal fossil which was more identifiable or found further to the West. Any sauce on this?

He is a retarded Nordic murder man child that lives off french welfare and think everything in his life is good and everything external is not white.

the french are cucks.. wait i live in france now... actually the french are white.

dumb desert cultist

Got your ticket to see Thor are the marvel convention, dontcha.

Sorry Sven but your cucks now. RIP Sweden

only cucks hate varg

he made shitty music

Sorry, I can't remember the last time christianity was commercialized and dumbed down!

>he believes in a literal hell of eternal torture

never change, christcucks

Because we lost the ways of our ancestors.

It's coming back though. Genetic memory is one hell of a drug.

Dude had brown hair that lightened when he got old and now he has the nerve to tell people that only blonde people are white.


It's just a foundation myth for kikes.

He's a literal autist.

hahahahaha Muslim squip spotted. You're the only non white country in Europe. How does it feel?

Have fun larping in the lake of fire.

Nah he dyed his hair back in those days because black metal d00d \m/

If you see pictures of him before and after his edgy black metal phase he is blonde.

Egyptians > Jews

He actually dyed it. He stated that in a video and it's obvious.

Nothing is more metal than the Christian God burning faggots, atheists, degenerates, and heretics for eternity.

Didn't know that

Too much Semitic Religion in their lives

You need to stop believing in an eternal hellfire, it makes no theological sense. If you're gonna be a Christian atleast go the conditionalism route.

The average christian is usually just frustrated and bewildered by theology. Christianity is intellectually void.

This is why your faith is nigger tier. Your metaphysics are out of whack. From your foundation myths to your theology to your philosophy it's just a corruption. Keep thumping the desert religion tards.

Christianity isn’t an intellect religion.
Most religions are based on mercy, forgiveness love etc.

What makes Jesus the best is that he combines love and righteousness of the NT with the heavy metal ness of the the OT.

Hell is eternal fire and brimstone. There is no escape for those damned to it. And it is a glorious thing that Gods Justice is eternal.

Sorry faggot atheists. No redos.

He’s a murderer who lives in a van. Saged, too, there is important stuff going on.

Yeah you’ve said nothing of substance. Christianity is beyond logic and myth. It’s metamythical, metaphysical, metalogical.

Jesus saves and damns.
Redeems and destroys.
Forgives and Judges.

It’s awesome.

Welfare scum


What the hell. Are you an actual nigger? Even for a christcuck, this is abhorrently stupid. Please tell me you're a 15 year old or something?

>Christianity isn’t an intellect religion.
Finally we agree on something.

>What makes Jesus the best is that he combines love and righteousness of the NT with the heavy metal ness of the the OT.

You mean like most other mythological deities of any significance?

>Hell is eternal fire and brimstone. There is no escape for those damned to it. And it is a glorious thing that Gods Justice is eternal.

Now you're just stroking your christ-ego. "My god is better than yours, he's gonna punish you for not believing in him! nyanyanya!"

>every fat unemployed scandinavian on Sup Forums comes out to shill for their legitimately autistic welfare we wuz kangz nigger because having blonde hair and/or blue eyes is the only thing they have
Like clockwork.

He is not hated by Sup Forums it's a myth

Well my God is still worshipped so it kinda makes Him better than yours, snownigger.

>Christianity isn’t an intellect religion.
I know, same goes for that sentence.
>What makes Jesus the best is that he combines love and righteousness
That is wrong though. conditionalism would have been righteousness. Placing people outside the presence of God in eternal "darkness" would be the proper punishment.

Placing people eternally in hell obviously is not morally sound, even for God.

face it, had Christianity been created today then it would have said that those who reject God/Jesus in life will also have rejected him in the afterlife, therefore placing themselves for eternity outside the presence of God, while those who accepted get's to be with him in eternity. Not this burning in eternal hellfire nonsense.

You don’t get to make the rules. Sorry, it’s lake of fire for you.

Hes a faggot and pagan gods were literally gay.

Also it is morally sound. And perfect justice. Jesus shed his life to cover our sins to avoid this just punishment.

You don’t get to go to eternal timeout.

>metamythical hmmm
>metaphysical HMMMMMM
>metalogical KEK

Even your own god is not self-consistent with his metaphysics. Christians don't understand omniscience even though they are the ones that started the meme.

Your myths contradict themselves in several ocassions. On top of that you deny logic altogether. You expect anyone to take you seriously?

Yeah got with 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and possibly Luke 16:25, Matthew 25:30 and let's imagine the apostles misunderstod Jesus in the other passages.

This. Odin drank semen and Loki got fucked by a horse.

Pre-1066 Scandinavian was full of snownigger who just raped and pillaged. Literally snowniggers.

Best Scandinavia was Christendom.

Nobel winning
Masters of civilization.

Now they are larping faggot cucks.

Christianavia> Larpinavia>Faggotnaivia

You're wrong even in that account. There were always european pagans and there are still pagans.

God is fickle.
He saveth and he burneth.

Why are you such a pussy and just accept the flames? Quit crying about it saying, “it’s not fair, God’s mean.”

Sorry you are a faggot and faggots deserve Fire. Eternal fire.

Nope, all pagans that wouldn't convert were killed because we didn't want that weak shit to remain with us. Baganism was revived because of homosexual new-age cults during the hippie and sexual revolution.

This. Neopaganism is just faggots who likes colored candles and being edgy toward Christianity because it reminds them how much of a faggot they are.