>capitalism is the best syste-
well would you look at this, it is actually responsible for destroying the traditional ways of life even further and turning people into mindless consumers that serve the capitalist class.
Capitalism is the best syste-
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*feign statewide deafness to avoid foreign capital*
tasmania yes
you see those lights? that means the electricity is on.
Go back to your dark Pyonyang cityscape faggot.
It's also the reason you are able and allowed to say any of what you just said, in the way you said it, at the place you said it.
It is the ystem that works best out of all contemporary systems, and you know it.
I wonder if a socialism would give people enough incentive to create new and unique ideas. I think a totalitarian national socialism really is the best economy/government you could have, especially if you care about preserving culture.
Capitalism is a reflection of society, Jews are the ones responsible for destroying the traditional ways of life
Not owning capital is your problem, commie. Capital is more important that life. No, capital IS life.
>It's also the reason you are able and allowed to say any of what you just said, in the way you said it
>capitalism is the same thing as liberties
>capitalism is the best
It is for the guy that owns that building. Capitalism is a selfish system, get over it.
You will note that all political systems actively try to stifle your liberties, whereas capitalism is based on keeping them so you can contribute.
True. But still we must seize the private thoughts of all commies.
Not only doest it destroys the culture, the constant need for more growing consumption destroys the planet too.
Communism is the sustainable economy that can save the planet.
Not living in 1950's Australia with the shitter out the back
Are you even trying?
Selfishness actually has a legitimate evolutionary purpose, unlike envy--which Communism is.
read this if you have the time.
NatSoc is absolutely awful on every economic aspect.
And it did nothing to "preserve culture" infact it deployed a lot of efforts to replace existing culture with a politically and ideologically manufactured artificial culture in order to subjugate the population fully.
Capitalism is the worst system except all the others
No the building owner is responsible for putting adverts on his building to make more cash. Now check out the rest of the buildings. You cherry picked one situation, and even then it was due to personal freedom to do so.
the first two photos were Capitalism, the last photo is Corporatism.
If you honestly look at this corporate driven society that punishes small business and working class people and think its still capitalism, you are retarded.
>leftism is the answer!
and who is funding your ideas? oh look, those same corporations
>kill the 1%
you will never ever kill them, they will always rule you, and they command you. They will have you kill middle class which you mistakenly call "the rich" and their hold on society will become absolute.
The Soviet Union intentionally destroyed an entire ecosystem just to undermine a potential separatist movement.
>not destroying local cultures
fucking lol
>Natsoc doesn't preserve culture
>But Jewish capitalism does XDD
Kill yourself, or go back to T_Zionald.
>capitalism is the same thing as liberties
Amusingly, free market capitalism follows directly from individual liberty via property rights.
It absolutely does not.
Again, all it did was create an unaccountable state within the state to control everything without answering to anyone but itself, in full impunity. The acceptable cultural material was anything the party deemed acceptable at the moment. The example of russian art is telling, the second the USSR broke its agreement with the Reich and entered the war against them, russian art was suddenly deemed "degenerate" and "a foreign force of corruption".
They did not care about culture, it was nothing but another element to try and control the morale of a population kept in constant war effort. Any artistic production if it wanted to get any form of exposure (venues and museums of course being oversen by the party) had to get approval from comitees that were not comprised of people selected based on their merit as artists, critics or specialists, but on their loyalty to the party and its ideas.
But please, post more AESTHETIC pictures of nazi rallies with 80s filters on them.
Commies destroy tradition.
Nigger have you seen how much the Chinese 'love' the environment?
The first facade was a product of capitalism too, you mongoloid.
You can have a capitalist market with a population who still value traditional aesthetics and reject rampant consumerism.
The key to a healthy culture is balance. Balance between virtue (self discipline, respect, humility, modesty, duty etc) which is tought by a strong traditional nuclear family and encouraged by schools and govt. And then freedom, freedom of the individual and freedom of the market.
You will never convince a socialist of the errors of his ways. His beliefs are grounded in envy and a number of other lowest impulses humanitt inherited from monkeys. He doesn’t arrive at his conclusions in a rational manner, but only trough strong emotional outbursts. Ignore him and his fellow mentally deficients.
Imperialist uprising in China when?
>the mandarin is literally a commie puppet now
It is the best system, the people at the top of it are just shit
USSR was socialist, not communist. There's no state in communism.
Good point. Additionally, there is a strong correlation with the decline of the American family unit and certain welfare policy implementation. In reguards to cultural preservation, how a socialist policy is implemented is super important. Finding the optimal implementation is difficult, and may be impossible in certin situations.
>strong traditional nuclear family
That's anti-capitalist. Feminism was the single biggest victory for capitalists.
The capitalists can make more money from broken families that don't cook their own food or do their own work around the house and are thus physically and mentally impaired needing to spend more money on health.
>you mongoloid
says the dumb nigger
how does that stop you from being successful? or are you just looking for an excuse to be lazy?
(if you are successful i am sorry, then i am speaking to people to hold the same believe and keep crying because of their own failures)
Monuments and city planning can't be in the hands of capitalism, because it's in detriment of the quality.
Broken families are usually supported by the government, and the wealthy and the working class have to support them with taxes. You're conflating capitalism with a mixed economy.
Until civil liberties become inconvenient to the elites that is
>inb4 not real capitalism
>>capitalism is the same thing as liberties
What is another political-economic system that allows liberties for majority of population?
Slavery? lol
Feudalism? lol
Communism? olololo
t. armchair psychoanalyst
Well yea, who said it is the best?
Fascism is obviously the best system.
Not one of his work though, just online on that website.
>that still means its wrongs, I don't need to read it to know it
That's why having a non-intrusive government and a constitution are a great ideas. It's possible to have such a luxury as civil rights in a capitalist system or mixed economy , but a centrality panned economy inevitably requires authoritarian rule to be marginally stable.
>It is the system that works best out of all contemporary systems
For a couple of decades here and there in the past 200 years maybe, if that. Current circumstances call for Fascism.
Broken families are subsidized by big government. Another example of crony capitalism
Look I was a libertarian for 15 years and I am by no means some fucking commie red.
With that said.. capitalism is actually more destructive to our people and naturally way of life than communism was.
IE Eastern Europe is better off having gone through communism than Western Europe who went through capitalism.
Capitalism/communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin. They make humans only soulless workers.
We need a third way.
>but that's not REAL capitalism
The modern capitalism that we have today is what happens one generation after the first monopoly corrupts the government.
>corny capitalism
Mixed economy or welfare would be more accurate terms. Crony capitalism is when a business gets a unfair advantage in the market because of legislation or inside deals.
>gomunism has never been dried:DDDDDDD
Here's banana.
You are not understanding just what capitalism is. Capitalism is the baseline. Any other proposed system is IN ADDITION TO Capitalism. So when you exchange Liberty for Security in a Socialist or COmmunist state you have made a transaction. This for that.
So it stands to reason the same as the best governs least, economically the best system is that absence of a system which is Capitalism.
You see that building someone pay for it , and someone lived working building it , and the same for the commercial and the tech in it.
Its the same as when you suck ahmed balls for monies.
>not realizing that pure capitalism and socialism are just ideals.
The United States and has never been a pure capitalist system. It has always been a mixed economy to varying degrees in the past. The only difference is that the US has implemented more socialist programs and regulations as time has gone on. In the present day, only certin monopolies are legally allowed to exist. You correctly identified corruption to be the problem, but that isn't mutually exclusive to capitalism.
>NatSoc is absolutely awful on every economic aspect
there may be a lot of legit reasons to dislike NatSoc but having bad economic policies isn't one of them
Your flag says you're from a nation with a good culture, so I'm going to give you both barrels on this. You do realize you'd literally be richer under capitalism if you lived a humble traditional way of life, right? Your would live a cheaper life with fewer health problems, and you might not even have to give up income for it. You wouldn't be rewarding any of the patterns you hate in the market, and so they'd wither in your economic sphere of influence. Share your influence with others by finding other quietly traditional people and your overlapping spheres of influence can start to change the whole appearance of capitalism in your area.
one times square is owned by the (((Lehman brothers))) cronyism is NOT free market capitalism
> Attacks capitalism by accusing it of ruining the aesthetic of the trade capital of the world.
Name one good thing that came out of the expropriations, central planning, modification of regular goods into armaments (see the whole VW fiasco), shortages of goods because far too much the production of the country was dedicated to a war effort even in peacetime.
>inb4 they solved the problem of currency
They solved the problem of currency by paying the workers with produced goods which sounds like something that might work, but resulted in surplus items that were already stocked being sent to people who had no need for them. Notoriously, Romanian workers were paid in corrective glasses and weight for balances instead of recieving a salary.
>inb4 unemployment
solved through massive conscription and the multiplication of "jobs" in the party that served no purpose other than keeping people seemingly employed.
>plastered a shitty facade over the rotten structure
capitalism in a nutshell
Economics is a jewish trick
What's wrong, don't like your suburban cucksheds? 100% white families, goy.
>muh life is too good under capitalism so people don't bother with traditions argument
??? Capitalism creates a high functioning and performing society and is largely to thank for our massive advancement in technology and living standards.
Capitalism is freely distributed power. Socialism would be if you'd want the state to control it. Communism if you want all the people to own it.
I get that you're salty. There's a lot of problems coming with this but there's no easy solution. A lot of the bad came with the good. Sure, there are ways to mitigate the damaging natures of capitalism but it's far from easy in a political world where you are either left or right.
High performing for sure, but high functioning it's highly questionable.
>and is largely to thank for our massive advancement in technology and living standards.
>this is a good thing
I like how one guy blinged his out with solar panels and an atrium.
You are a slave and you've always been a slave.
A slave to yourself, a slave to your family, a slave to your government, ect.
In communism, you are a slave to your community and most likely a centralized power.
In capitalism, you are a slave to yourself.
Communism collapses once people don't perform their assigned tasks. A centralized power would force you to work, in some form, for the community.
Under capitalism, I have the choice to do nothing. No one will force me to do anything.
The deeper thought to this is that most communists believe that you can have communism and liberty at the same time. This is a complete lie.
Capitalism without morals made this shit world.
Essentially the Jew is responsible for this.
>Under capitalism, I have the choice to do nothing.
No, you don't magically possess the ability to LDAR. You get shekels from somewhere, or else you would be dead. And if that's the case, you're not "doing nothing." Under an even more extreme capitalism without gibs and such, you would have to work.
Capcucks are pathetic
Retard alert.
Except for national socialism.
>capitalism puts some irrelevant billboards on an irrelevant building
>'WOW can you believe this? We start better implementing a system that is based on slavery and murder instead.'
Looks like a pool in there. Making the neighbors jelly af.
Thats because art was being used by jews to subvert the German psyche. Traditional German and Roman art was never censored.
Sup Forums used to be so much more learned about this stuff. T_d is the worst thing thst ever happened.
>he thinks the advancing of science and human life is a terrible thing
Feel free to return to Africa and forsake all your benefits from this tech.
wouldnt the first one be the accomplishments of capitalism tho
I suppose you'd be motivated to help yourself, or you can choose to die.
The problem is you stopped posting evidence of this shit.
> I am not free cuz nobody brings me food
Capitalism/Communism are both Jewish ideologys designed to enslave nations were the pursuit of material wealth is the driving force
>Rise up against the rich 1%ers goys and I'll give you all a slice of the cake *handrub*
>The Dream is about striking it rich Goy! Its a rat race, trample over your fellow man to get ahead! I'll throw you some shekels in the meantime *handrub*
NatSoc was the antidote to this Jewish poison, your goal should be about enriching your race/country as a united group of people working together, not against one another.
you forgot to add
>hastily privatized
That's not what I said at all.
>it's either current year or Africa
Really makes me think. Shoot yourself, retard. The day will come when you technophiles cry rivers of tears.
>Capitalism/Communism are both Jewish ideologys designed to enslave nations were the pursuit of material wealth is the driving force
>no one will force me to do anything under capitalism
lol let's see what mr.shekelstein thinks when he doesn't get his rent check
>traditionnal german art was never censored
Loads of the romantics books were banned from reprint, their plays banned from theaters, I guess they weren't "traditionnal" enough.
So, move out.
>well would you look at this, it is actually responsible for destroying the traditional ways of life even further
There's millions of variables that are always in place.
There's a reason why a cog can fuck up everything in a system.
There is no perfection in any system but no system is without its flaws.
You can choose to be so left and so south that you are literally nomadic but you end up with slavery, ritual sacrifices, and no technology. You can choose to be so up and right that you never get to experience the technology you see around you because you don't have permission.
From the stupid to the smart, rich and poor, the simplest of facts are overlooked. There's no system that will ever correct the primary deficiency in humanity that is the imperfection we are born with. No education, nothing.
There's a reason why "freedom" works the best thus far because you choose your way of life and you lie in bed with those consequences weather you love em or hate the consequences. Since you still have the ability to change your situation and outcome but you have enough courage and willpower to do so is another story.
Suburbs are refugee camps for white people, the cities are ours by birthright, but the nigger plague pushed us into suburban prisons to escape the crime and despair.
Yes! Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
I saved your comment for later use.
> when loosing wars or arguments, start calling people jews
> cuz that works every time
>the first two photos were Capitalism, the last photo is Corporatism.
they are all capitalism in various stages. also with corporatism is takenit you mean the modern defenition
>If you honestly look at this corporate driven society that punishes small business and working class people and think its still capitalism, you are retarded.
economies of scale are an integral part of capitalism. Small businesses cannot compete in an international world
>leftism is the answer!
i wouldnt call myself a leftist. why are you putting words in my mouth?
>and who is funding your ideas? oh look, those same corporations
>kill the 1%
also never said this, what are you doing. Im not for class desteuction, im for class cooperation
>they will always rule you
maybe, maybe not. in a post materialistic world the "1%" becomes powerless
>You will never convince a socialist of the errors of his ways.
im not a socialist
>His beliefs are grounded in envy and a number of other lowest impulses
exactly the opposite, third position ideologies are based on the ideas of struggle and rejection of the easy life. the latter is represented by capitalism. Materialism and individualism is the lowest impulse imaginable
>rational manner
you are no judge of what is rational or not. Capitalism is rational if the purpose of life on earth were to be acquiring capital in an ever increasing manner. I do not agree, does this make me irrational?
>Ignore him and his fellow mentally deficients.
talk about a emotional outburst
No growth "urbanism" is strangling the Democratic Party to death. While high property values make residents happy, the prevent the share of the population inside cities from expanding, all but guaranteeing the repubs win elections without them having to do shit.
> third position ideologies are based on the ideas of struggle and rejection of the easy life
In favor of tribalism and irrational hatred, yes.
> Capitalism is rational if the purpose of life on earth were to be acquiring capital in an ever increasing manner
Yes, if you set up your own strawmen I'm sure you can beat them too.
Here's a (you) for effort and entertainment, after all I believe in fair, voluntary exchanges.