Day of the burger approaches

Day of the burger approaches

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I would support this but Canada never would.

They are way too liberal compared to even blue America and would lose all power in their government

archive the link faggot, mnacleans doesnt deserve any views

Stupid canadians even wanted obama to be their PM. Fucking leaf deserve trudeau as their poster boy


Lol Canada is fucked enough already because of our absolutely massive burcreautic waste of government. The last thing we need is more retards to add to the welfare state. Kys faggot

if this were ever tried then we would bomb england.

syrup niggers really are to dumb to understand.

>would instantly have health insurance

How fucking stupid are these people? The Canadian population is nothing compared to even just blue American states. There's no way their shit healthcare system could support that influx

>"schools that teach evolution"

i went to public school in america, we definitely learned evolution... i mean, some of the most important work in biology and biochemistry during the 20th century came out of the US...

>if saudi arabia bombs us, we bomb iraq
>if canada invade us, we bomb england


>No more worrying debates about immigration levels
>and if you try you get arrested
>As an added bonus, our schools teach evolution
>implying blue states don't
>With no hope of any gun control on the horizon
The moment you cucks come into Washington to take my guns I'll shoot every one of you maple niggers

wait? they seriously think about taking over the liberal hellholes of the US? are they suicidal?

Youll take our degenerates and illegals and youll house them, feed them, and give them healthcare. Youll take them and youll like it.

Sure we'll sell you the territory for a few trillion and closed borders.

It's just bullshit, like everything that comes out of the leftist media. It's the only way they can defend themselves.


for dad

The left is being passed around like a joint and they aren't even going to think twice about being looked at as a collective group

Fucking willing guinea pigs, all of them


You wound me Aussie. We were supposed to be friends.


"The left" is a coalition of people who dislike Trump.
They aren't just democrats, or just social minded people. Independents and apolitical people have joined this "the left" block.

I grew up in a red state and they taught evolution here as well. History classes also portrayed slavery as evil and math classes were taught all the way through Calculus.

This notion that kids in red states aren't getting an education and that we are all toothless hicks is completely false. A total mischaracterization of flyover America by the left.

The truly uneducated are inner-city blacks.

Please take California.

This is just pablum for Canadians to skim through and chortle about how much better we are than those rubes down south. It's not worth the effort it takes to get mad about it.

Do it please.

On a completely unrelated note, which state would be cheap to fly to and live in? Preferably somewhere not filled with africans or mexicans.

This is 100% satire right?
Please try to annex us Canada. Please. I really fucking hope they try it.


Everybody knows Canada is one of the world's biggest gathering spots for social retards. Canada is pretty good for nothing otherwise so you can have more of what you know. More SJW social retard neo-libs and allll their genders too. Not like you have a choice, leaf. Your government begs for more, and the majority of your population more than enables it.

You want Canada to forcefully become part of the US with lots of dead Canadians all over the ground? Because this is how you get Canada to forcefully become part of the US with lots of dead Canadians all over the ground.


In the USA you either live in poor farmland or you share a city with foreigners.
The only places that are whites only are the worst places in the country.
Makes sense really, as an immigrant you have nothing holding you down, so you move to the good parts of the country. As a local you may want to stay in the shitty part for sentimental reasons, or because you own property there.

The Creationists are and always have been a boogeymen created by the media and propagated by Atheists.

The media focused on a small group of wackos and blew them up as a phenomena in order to discredit Christians.

The Atheists have been holding it up as their justification ever since despite the fact that numerically those people numbered to 100,000 at maximum. The absolute vast majority of Christians throughout the planet are accepting of Evolution.

Is it time for Journalists to stop writing bullshit Articles?

user McAnon: Every new piece of Journalism is instantly looking like a piece of shit. Plus it is retarded.

user Mc user
October 9, 2017

>blue state
>any white people left in it at all
Pick one or the other matey

Day of the rake can't come fast enough

>What is Montana or Idaho
I am sorry but rural =/= poor

You're an idiot. The vast majority of American civilization is suburban, and actually better than decent as far as how nice. Areas where it's mostly niggers and shitskins are the worst, sure. But you won't find that unless you move closer to major cities.

How can you teach evolution to Muslims? This is racist! Can they opt out from the heretical teaching?

He's right you know. Everybody who does not live in a blue city is dirt poor, poorly educated, and a neo-Nazi misogynistic woman hater.

Nope: Day of the rake will come first, courtesy of Alberta:

yeah, puhh, oh boi i can't imagine what would happen if a thousand metally ill trans faggots would storm the US

Cletus would get his .44 and the "war" would be over 2 hours after it startet

headline in canada

>"Canadian soldier shot in war with america: we didn't knew they would actually shot"

We are burger...we just have the same retards infesting our country aswell atm. .kinda like the flood from halo these cunts are everywhere

>thinks americans would all have to go to canada for healthcare

How fucking stupid are these people? Additional people would also bring additional revenue.
Hospitals would stay where they are but the payment system would be single payer.

We'd love to exile the west coast bluetards to Soviet Cannuckistan but we're keeping the land. Our king is a real estate developer and once we decontaminate the AIDS from the soil it will make a yuge Trump cattle ranch. I can taste those delicious steaks now.

the canadian health care system can't even handle theire current puppulation

people die or lose extremeties because they have to waite months for routine operations

most canadians use private clinics since you don't have to wait 8 months for them to fix your broken hand

> whites building up cities
> dindus amassing there because City life is easier
> Inner Cities literally being the most dangerous places to be in America aside from black-majority suburbs
> cities going to shit
> Detroit.jpg

Try again, Jamal.

yeah you can get all dem drungs in Detroid, LA, DC and the other nigger holes

This dumbass is the shittiest columnist in Canada. One day this cocksucker better go in front of a jury for his open borders suicidal garbage ass columns.

They don't teach evolution in burger schools? Even in the north? Top kek.

This seems more realistic.

Red schools teach evolution. What the fuck is he talking about?

I'd just start shooting Canadians, and I doubt any of you maple niggers could stop me.

We don't have private clinics. Our healthcare system is fine outside of Quebec, it's literally an insurance program. We have private doctors that are required to accept only public insurance. Wait times can be found online and are better than most neighbouring states.

There are 1000 legitimate things to shit on Canada for. Healthcare is one of the few things we do right. Our education system is fucking terrible for instance. The only thing people really complain about is hip replacement and elective wait times. Also because it's public we don't handle new technologies very well, although we live 3 years longer than Americans and spend half per capita on healthcare.

>Canada running out oil before the US

>Time for Canada to annex something

In not so older times, this was considered a terrorist act

You can't even police your 45,000,000 niggers that have pushed you out of every single major city your great-grandfathers built. Americans don't even control their military anyways. The man in charge of your nukes, airforce, cyber and space command is from the same tribe as your last four treasury secretaries and last five federal reserve chairs.

California by itself has over twice the amount of Debt of Canada. It has over 10% of the total debt of the United States. Its fiscal insolvency is a matter of public record--the state de-facto went bankrupt in 2012 and has been handing out IOUs instead of tax returns ever since.

California has some of the highest and most pervasive taxation in the United States and is STILL fiscally insolvent. They boast of sending large amounts of money to the Federal Government, but they that's only because they don't have a choice in the matter. The Californian State Government is almost Illinois-tier broke and the pension bubble hasn't even hit them yet.

"Blue America" is five or so years away from looking like fucking Greece. The economic collapse of this bubble of unsustainable spending is going to be apocalyptic in scale. If you're wondering why Republicans seem so unconcerned about the demographic shift, this is why: They predict perhaps incorrectly or perhaps correctly that when Blue American tanks--and it will, probably during Trump's second term--that the DNC will be blamed and destroyed as millions of people are plunged into third-world tier poverty and millions more lose all faith in the government to fulfill on its promises.

The plan is simple: They've been TELLING people that the government safety net isn't going to work for fifty years, nobody listened. So now, the easiest solution is to SHOW them. Let it happen, and laugh as the libshits burn.

You can snatch Gilmore and do whatever you want with him. No problem.

Ontario has retarded debt levels. Same with Quebec.

>and laugh as the libshits burn.
You need to read a book. These people aren't going to burn themselves. They're going to burn your country to the ground like they did in Russia a century ago.

How ‘bout a land swap?
Canada gets blue America, America gets blue Canada.

>Canada tries to annex blue states
>red states and fed govt treat it as a civil war and invasion
>hell let's take Mexico too since Canada would only take a couple weeks
>mfw united empire of America.
>deport the spics out of Mexico, wipe every city off the map and rebuild as a tourist and trade hub
>cut a shipping canal through the lower end of Mexico to under cut panama
>t r a d e e m p I r e


Canada doesn't annex with our military.

not that you faggots would get it, btut it's called being consistent

yeah it's just stereotypes, my grad 12 bio teacher said she didn't believe in evolution and didn't teach it.

I can't wait for Canadian "troops" to march on my front lawn so I can begin the anal dominations. I'M DIPPING MY TENDIE INSIDE YOUR SYRUP HOLES LEAF.

so what was the left before trump? blow it out your fucking ass you literal retard

Its incredibly ironic. If you actually look at population maps, most canadians are just in southern ontario.

Canada, as a concept, is closer to just being a US state with slightly different laws than an actual seperate country.

Southern Ontario has a higher chance of being annexed by the US Govt and becoming the 51st state than Canada annexing our blue states.

Things you want to be real vs things that are.

>It has over 10% of the total debt of the United States.

And its over 10% of the economy of the USA.
And its the hub for trading with China, Russia and Japan.

California is the engine that keeps the USA running.

America does. You only exist because we allow it.

Won't be Canadians. It'll be your hundred million+ niggerspics. Jewish communists exterminated tens of millions of European Christians in the 20th century. They managed to do this even though Russia was 80% Russian and they didn't control the media or any positions of government. In 2025 America two non-whites turn 18 for every white.

You thought the anti-white shit was to demoralize the white man when it was never targeted at you in the first place.

America controls all the oil fields in the world in this timeline, so yes

There was no "the left" before Trump. That term wasn't used in American political discourse. Its something Europeans wrote of us.

lel be sure to take on yourselves the corresponding amount of american national debt

You couldn't hold a patch of desert or a strip of defoliated jungle. You can't police your 45,000,000 niggers and your entire country, even the military, is run by kikes for the benefit of kikes. Hitler was right about Americans.

American interest payments sent to China pay for their entire military and then some. They've added more then 13 trillion in debt in the last decade. No thanks.

Canada's a beautiful country. Too bad most leafs are such faggots.
If by "Day of the burger" you mean the day when we rule over your meme of a country, yes it's approaching.

This is retarded for so many reasons.

Texas v. White has held that states cannot unilaterally secede from the union. The practical impact of this is that if any state asks to leave, the US government is going to say no. Your choices at that point are
>deal with it
>try to do it without the US government's consent, which would provoke a military response from the rest of the US

Now even if the government were inclined to allow it the midwest has different values, the Canadians aren't going to want to import a shitload of conservatives and the midwest isn't going to want to become part of liberal canada with far higher taxes and a weaker currency.

those nice digits wont save you from shlomos interest payments leaf

You don't even control your own country you fool. 61% non-hispanic white and this includes the entire middle east. ~55% European.

>teach evolution

still think niggers and women are equally smart

that's some top quality education

Wrong, the USA owes American institutions, businesses and persons more than it owns foreign ones.
The problem is that we have to take loans to pay the interest on our old loans, and next year take loans to pay the interest on these loans.

Spanish law also states Catalonia can't succeed from Spain.
Syrian law also states Kurdistan can't succeed.
Ukrainian law also states Crimea can't succeed.
Serbian law also states Kosovo and Vojvodina can't succeed from Serbia.

You're an idiot. You pay for the entire Chinese military and then some. You spend $390b in interest every year just on the Iraq war debt.

Yes wallstreet and mulitnationals hold a good portion (~25%) of American debt. So what?

You also almost pay for the entire Saudi military in interest payments as well.

A government owing money to its own institutions or persons is not as big of a deal as a foreign debt would be. You can default on your domestic debt without losing all international recognition.
China can't bully us diplomatically because we don't owe them that much money, we mostly owe American institutions.

worst? I'm looking out my window at a nice duck pond. There are eight deer foraging within 100ft of my back door. The rooster is crowing and a car hasn't driven past my house in two hours. Yeah, its hell out here.

the only reason the dollar hasn't been devoured by inflation by now is petrodollar system aka if you stop trading this strategic resource that everyone needs in our currency we'll bomb you

also the reason why America will ALWAYS be anti-renewable energy = because it means the end of the free ride and the collapse of US global hegemony

How did we go from a country that sentences homos to life in prison, deported adulterous women, banned non whites from moving here, having the age to purchase a firearm reduced to 12 from 16 to this in just 60 years?

If anything the dollar is getting stronger thanks to Brexit. It will live another few generations at least.

Obviously the $20t and debt doesn't matter you fool. It's the hundreds of billions of dollars in yearly interest payments you make to China, Saudi, wallstreet, multinational corps, etc. Also the money owed to the states and fed reserve are then reissued to private banks. Only some ~10% of American debt is held by individual Americans.

You really think you can half a trillion dollar deficits without a cost? You're a fool.

It should be illegal to teach evolution, it's completely false. God made all life, end of story you can't argue with it

That's my point you moron, if your country says you can't secede then the only way to do so is to try by force. The only reason it worked in Crimea is because the Russians forced it with a powerful army, which Ukraine does not have (and to a further point, Canada does not have a powerful army either).

The Spanish government has already said it's illegal and they've "suspended" working on Catalonia seceding while they have "Discussions", which is a stall tactic to try to save face from the fact that the Spanish government will never allow it and Catalonia can't do it unilaterally because they have no army.

I support this attempt as it would allow us to finally conquer Canada and put an end to their shit.

Petrodollar is a meme. Canada their largest source hasn't sold a barrel in USD since 1972 and Russia the largest exporter in the world hasn't sold a barrel in USD in almost a century. The only relevant part is that Saudi sells its oil in USD and buys treasury certificates for below market value. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it only secured access and stabilized prices.

The wars in the middle east were for Israel. Not the made up petro-dollar. Same as the war in Syria isn't about pipelines, four major ones already run through Kuwait->Iraq->Turkey. It's for Israel.

Dixie-user here. The last time US states actually suceeded, half the US population died. Y'all bitches ain't going nowhere.

I've always wanted to be a minority in my own country so joining America would be a good thing :)