How would a eugenics program actually work?
How would a eugenics program actually work?
it'd be very painful
A girl like in the OP would receive an injection of East Asian sperm. Her AMWF baby would improve the White gene pool by the following
1. Attractiveness
2. Higher Intelligence
3. Lower Obesity
4. No Body Odor
5. The men wouldnt go bald
6. More athletic
Breed out white genes
chink in pink
t. hapa omega male
Chink in Pink, hot kink
At this point we would have to kill everyone
Easy does it, remove dysgenics first.
>Amp up crime-punishment for violent crime, assault rape and beeing a jewnalist by x 4
>Any prison sentence over 15 years = instant loss of citizenship
>Also loss of citizenship for one generation up, one generation down, and one generation sideways
>No rights = Instant deport, doesen't matter where. I suggest pacific ocean
Start with something called Planned Parenthood facilities in the ghetto and promote free and easy abortions. Just like what we do today.
The only way is to breed with the super intelligent Asians cross breed whites and asians. Breed out the horrible Asian anime hair and manlet heights along with small dick all while making us double the IQ of the niggers and spics and jews. Make superior white Asian Aryan Master race
By nuclear fire, preferably.
Offer one time $5000 cash payments to anyone who gets themselves sterilized, can be added to
Feudalism is the best working model of a eugenics program.
>powerful landowners
>hire tenants based on skills, work ethic, ability/willingness to form families
>tasked with defending tenants and hanging criminals
Apply thoroughly for 1000 years and your IQ skyrockets while your average criminality drops. Because you hung all the criminals.
The "magic" of white people is that we killed off most of our stupid, uncooperative or criminal over roughly a millennium. We entered a decline when we stopped, and now we're dumber for it.
>Breed out the horrible Asian anime hair
LEL. As opposed to the stringly flat thing hair that White people have?
kill shitskins
It would start by me pumping my Finnish seed all up in that-
Just cut off welfare for single mothers and you will have achieved a lot.
It wouldn't. Dredging up 20th and 19th century concepts is dumb. They won't work today. Find fresh ways of thinking people. Totalitarian ideologies won't work.
Easy. Sterilize all prisoners and soon no more blacks or shit tier whites. We would have to get a little more creative to deal with the hispanics though
Well in reality due to the way heritability works eugenics agnostic of its implementation would be trivial and easy and very successful in its aim of reproducing genetic qualities it deems desirable. The problem lies in which qualities you determine desirable and want more of or to become more widespread and how you actually implement it as a policy.
how do these fucking subhuman chink get Aryan friends????? Im white and am stuck with these mestizo ugly whores WTF
Women in general dont support Homogeneity. Theres something in their lizard brain or programming that sets them out and "explore"
Women should need to pass a test to get a license to give birth. This test would include basic questions like "Are you in a relationship or just a dumb slut? Are you employed? Is the father employed? Have you ever been convicted of a violent crime? Are you a high school graduate? Are you currently on drugs? Are you an alcoholic?"
Then both parents should have to pass an IQ test where 100 is pass and everything below is a fail. Failure results in sterilization (and abortion, where appropriate). This would mean a lot less black and hispanic babies, but I could live with that.
Intelligence was an evolutionary response to demanding environments. People from warm climates such as Africa evolved high testosterone levels instead of intelligence because they didn't need a lot of intelligence to survive, they just needed to be physically strong to win land wars between tribes and breed like rabbits in response to malaria. This explains why so many sub-Saharan Africans are aggressive, warlike people who rarely develop technology, instead preferring to fight, rape, enslave and kill one another (including ethnic cleansing).
Sup Forums logic
>Fucking kikes, trying to enslave us through trickary
>Well, how can we force people into our version of utopia?
The only eugenics there should be is aborting handicapped people like downies
go talk to them
Seeing beautiful young women by the side of rich fat jews makes me cringe.
Is that what you mean by Eugenics? Breeding a better Jewish race?
Start with punishment for Welfare Leechers getting Kids, two kids on welfare -> sterilize. Promote Academics to get Kids (lower taxes, high support, advertise)
Difference is kikes want an oligarchy where everyone has no identity or cohesion (they are scared of that) we want (or atleast some of us) to preserve world diversity, so we can take more than one direction on toward the future
Unless you have eugenics, you will have dysgenics because lower IQ people breed more due to their inability to properly use contraception. Since we as a society take care of everyone, there's nothing stopping them from multiplying like rabbits. You should have Positive Eugenics at least, where you pay the dumb to sterilize and the smart to breed.
And high rate of diabetes and down syndrome
You start by taking note of what gene pool you've got available and what traits you want to weed out and wht traits you want to promote.
Then you make up policies to further this aim like that:
First you adjust the family policies so that the people with the favourable genes breed a lot by giving them tax breaks and supporting them with upbringing of their children (free kindergarten and so on).
They also get praise and fame for being good breeders of their genetic line (Mutterkreuz e.g.).
You also adjust the retirement and pension policies so that you get advantageous tax and royalties for having a lot of children.
The people who you don't want to carry on their genetic legacy in your country don't get these. Maybe you can tax them a bit more when they've got children even. After all they can focus all of their time on their personal pleasures and making a profit from their activities.
Of course there are also other policies that disallow adoptions from outside the genetic line you're aiming for. Products of miscegenation don't get access to the country and its resources, invest in genetic engineering and such bio-sciences. You don't want to bottleneck your gene pool too much. Things like that.
Sperm donation eugenics, also known as eutelegenesis, is the only workable eugenics plan. Sperm is abundant, the supply is constantly being replenished, and it can be stored for decades, and transported all over the world. Sperm is the perfect gene modification organism.
I believe we should take the initiative by selectively breeding ourselves into super humans (super intelligence and health), and then offering our sperm to anyone that wants it.
Getting rid of civilization.
abort unhealthy babies, heavy screening, no try to match high IQ people, dont let subhumans breed, dont breed sick people who have chronic heart disease and cancer in their family (unless you genetically modify the babies ofc)
No welfare for subhumans so they can breed!!!
T. Racemixer
White women racemix the least go back to ur chink whore. Go justify your betaness somewhere else
Sure, they'll make you intelligent, beautiful, and physically superior.
But this is America.
You have to add in some lack of free will, obedience, and other dictatorial shit.
Christcucks have a problem with this because they think people should only get pregnant by accident
This guy gets it. Without some kind of guiding hand in the age of abundance the default is dysgenic. Africa is going to be a demographic timebomb that will pull the world average IQ below levels needed to sustain civilization. Meanwhile China has already gotten a headstart on their mass eugenics program.
t. asian masculinity
Government posts pictures of prospective parents on Sup Forums on a case by case basis and the first trips decides whether to sterilize them or not. Easy.
Already have one. It's called abortion.
It's a half-hearted effort at best though.
Collect human DNA of all sources, establish the preferred set of genetic traits, recombine DNA until the desired sequence is complete and produce fertilised eggs incorporating copies of this sequence.
That will give you a very volatile monoculture. Eugenics is not about a single good chromosome or gene sequenze or anything like that. It's about a good gene pool that's resilient against shocks thourgh environmental changes yet focused enough that you don't have to deal with shitty outliers all the time.