Why are conservatives nostalgic for the 50s?
Why are conservatives nostalgic for the 50s?
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World War 2 has ended and Vietnam and the social upheaval that went with it hasn't started yet.
>Fags were in the closet
>Women knew how to cook
>Jobs actually paid
>Piss Christ wasn't considered 'art'
I prefer this desu
>Less government intervention in everyday life
>The media and education system wasn't leftist
>Proper gender roles were respected and maintained
>Patriotism was high and widely accepted
>White men weren't demonised for their sex and skin colour
Loser beta males think they deserve a wife and a steady job
Sup Forums is so pathetic they'd rather make divorce illegal and live with a woman who secretly hates their guts
These idiots aren't grateful for the effective end of conscription and longer lifetimes
>_____ spacing
For the same reason liberals are nostalgic for the 60s, it was a golden time for conservatism.
Probably because your average middle class American could actually afford a decent lifestyle.
They unironically believe in Hollywood's propaganda. Oh, the irony
>Less government intervention
Literally jailed people for being commies, also drafted you to die in Korea.
It was really prosperous, with germany resources available they had an edge over everyone else and could as they pleased.
This days anyone would think twice in making a deal with an american, this happened mostly after nam, you became the world boogeyman, and the world became yours.
Look at the picture. No niggers, no mystery meat, dressed decently, no fucking blue haired landwhales that would die from exsanguination if a magnet was in the room.I can't figure it out man.
>Literally jailed people for being commies,
They should have been hung.
>It was really prosperous,
Food is cheaper today. Maybe clothes too. There's been price deflation in many areas.
I think it's a myth that household budgeting was easy in the past.
Communists deserved to be executed. Also, the Korean War was justified to hold back the tide of communist filth.
Every golden age inevitably creates a backlash. 50s and 60s is a good example
Thats why you see a backlash against liberalism now, 2010 to 2015 was a liberal golden age
pick one.
they didn't do enough to combat communism, especially in the state department.
>Huge moral for winning a war
>Science advancing really fast
>a booming industry
>Not a population lost like other countries
>Black communities actually worked to be accepted
>The nuclear family was respected and encouraged
It was a pretty good time, the right events at the right moment and the society was united and progressing in the right way. It's no wonder people want that era back.
The fifties weren't perfect, but culturally and socially they were an objectively a better time for our country.
"Made in America" meant something. US industry was focused on export - we manufactured, we produced, we built, and we were the best in the world at it for the better part of 30 years. Blue collar work was expected and respected and our allies and trade partners climbed over each other to import the latest American-made products. Companies were more interested in investing in workers than they were in exploiting them - you could receive extensive training from a company or trade guild fresh out of school, receive enough pay to support an entire family in a single income, and much more reasonable benefits and pension plans.
Stable, nuclear families with stay-at-home mothers were the norm, and the lack of no-fault divorce laws in most of the states gave couples incentive to put in effort and make a marriage work instead of women bailing and collecting alimony at the first sign of difficulty. Dads could be breadwinners, moms could be homemakers, kids could be kids. It was practically assumed that you'd meet a nice girls and settle down before you hit your mid-twenties.
Minorities had made serious gains in civil rights and liberties, but hadn't yet been spoiled by gibs and cultural degeneracy - they worked respectable jobs, raised respectable families, and lived respectable lives. More black men were fathers than convicts, more black children were being pushed into trade and education than into athletics or crime, being dependent on government welfare instead of self-reliant was seen as shameful instead of the ideal.
Because of post modernism and some other things people lost all sense of meaning in the 60s.
Thats why the 50s are idolized by lots of Americans, not just conservatives, people just don't realize it.
I think people still had much more of a sense of optimism for the future. Partly, that was about the rapid technological process, but also because back then Western societies were actually still sane on a societal level and not infested with the ideology that metastasized out of the (((sociology departments))) of the world.
People had no doubt that their own people, their own culture had a future and most strongly believed that their children would inherit a world that would be better than their own.
Today, you'd have to be deeply in denial to still believe that. Western societies have allowed its enemies to infiltrate it from within, both in the form of third wolrd immigrants and in the form of far-left traitors that despise Western civilization and seek to replace it.
Most people do not yet conscioulsy understand this, but that doesn't mean they can't feel it in their bones. Decline, decay and the smell of death that comes with a psychotic society seeking salvation in is own destruction.
So people look back to the 50s and say: If only we had taken a different path from here on out, and they're actually fairly accurate in identifying the point in time when the decline of the West begun.
now this is straight up tin foil hat conspiration shit.
how is the education system leftist?
Because they're kikeservatives, the emd of WW2 cemented Jewish hegemony.
Man that film was amazing.
With the current state of Germany I thought the film would be heavily biased against Nazism but the film treats it with respect.
>Mexican intellectual
They teach us about Karl Marx here and no other philosophical thought. Its rigged to turn us into commies. At one point I had to roleplay as an indian girl at a residential school writing home about what the evil whitey was doing to me. Fuckin brutal.
Because the 50s were the boom years when America was at its peak. Peaked with the moon landing and has been trending down ever since. Plus it was back when niggers, women and fags still knew their place.
50's sucked. It had no meaning and everyone was bored to tears by the monotony of their lives and the expectation of what they were expected to be. Everything was incredibly hierarchical and corporate in manners and style. The 60's became reactionary to the 50's in every way, from how you live to how you dress. Nostalgia fags forget how much they lose going back to the 50's (or maybe they're just cucks for a better economy, but narrow lifestyle).
>mexican 3rd world education
>Literally jailed people for being commies
From there to now, the events have clearly shown that commies are traitors.
fight your inner commie, user
Back then we could hang rapists and murderers. Now they get to live long and get fat on taxdollars
Do you have original pic? I wants it
Its naive considering that the seeds of ruin were already well and truly growing during that time.
"About half of Americans born at the turn of the 20th century had blue eyes, according to a 2002 Loyola University study in Chicago. By mid-century that number had dropped to a third. Today only about one 1 of every 6 Americans has blue eyes, said Mark Grant, the epidemiologist who conducted the study."
We stopped doing that and look what happened.
Those prices are down because competition expanded.
Without that competition prices would have gone the way monopolies went.
the world wasn't fucked up in the ways it is now and the ways in which it was fucked up were pretty manageable by comparison
also no ICBM's, no real cold war bullshit, etc
Why do leftists always vilify the 50s?
You're completely right, but what happened?
I wanna carve out the wh*Te subhuman's eyes they're too blue
Through public education there is an underlying tone of "government is your friend" and "if you're a smart, decent person, you're always politically correct about things". It's "leftist" indoctrination in the sense it makes you question government less and ultimately makes you more dependent on them.
Marxism happened. Social revolution, sexual revolution, identify politics, etc.
Because they're fat neckbeards that dream of a time when they could dominate women and niggers.
The 50's were probably the last decade when white gentiles actually ran the country.
You're delusional. Those betas from the 50s would probably whoop your ass old school style in the street. Shit was real back then.
A true American martyr. RIP
Whites built the country and laid the foundation for a free society. Minorities moved in for the fruits of that labor.
A social, civil, and sexual revolution in the 1970s, largely initiated and supported by communists and other leftist groups paved the way for degeneracy and societal decline which was then capitalized on by corporate interests in the 80s. The long term effects didn't become truly apparent until the turn of the century when shit started to hit the fan.
Commies aren't people
Checkmate faggot
why do beaners always make posts like this?
No niggers? I mean there was niggers but in their right place, also no immigration invasion
A man could raise 5 kids, have a loving faithful wife, own a house and car without having a note on each one.
Did I mention sleep with the doors unlocked since the thugs were kept on their side of town?
Golden era between global war of the 40's and the social decay and academic subversion of the 60's.
>monotonous life
life was mostly monotonous for pretty much all of history you retard
I think you mean "Republicans" not Conservatives.
And how do we get it back?
Sounds like heaven
>Why are conservatives nostalgic for the 50s?
They aren't. Real conservatives are nostalgic for the pre-1914 era.
Because a man could get a career and support his family on his income alone without even a highschool diploma.
Grandpa here. I was 10 in 1965. It was a hell of a time to live in Alabama
they're scared sad dipshits who can't fit into modern society because they're too goofy and dumb. it could be any era they haven't lived in but the nuclear family era was a golden one for conservs.
>Real conservatives are nostalgic for the pre-1914 era.
more like pre-1453 era
I don't know about you, But look at my country today and compare to this, You be the judge.
Only boomers and cuckservatives like the 50s. It was already bad back then.
Traditional gender roles for the most part. Women doing what they are supposed to do, raising children and cooking.
>more like pre-1453 era
I think you mean : more like pre-476 era
Why are liberals nostalgic for the 60s?
Can you really tell me a time where there was hope as a nation with strong national pride and identity more than the 1950's?
Communists did not invent
-birth control pill
-air conditioned offices
-personal computers
your frankfurt school meme has become very very boring
The 1950s were a golden age. Focus on the latent social conflict and oppressiveness of the era has been way overdone by deluded hippies. People felt enormously free and optimistic in that era, but were still practical and tough enough to not have been infected with the snowflake disease. It was a great time.
Fuck, that's sad. I admit I go along with all the sweden yes crap, but I mourn for you guys. A great country lost.
its the golden age of Vincent Price
Pretty sure Islam scratches that itch.
How's the weather, Bermuda?
>Why are conservatives nostalgic for the 50s?
Because women had class. Well, now that I mention it, just about everything had a certain kind and a very unique kind of class to it that was never seen before, or since the 40's-50's (pre-Marxism)
Would you kindly provide the spicy sauce friend?
It was peaceful like the 90s without the traces of western traditions being completely replaced by progressiveness (Cultural Marxism). Most conservatives have yet to fully realize the latter tho.
>Piss Christ
I love that work dude, fuck the church
because there was only one nation with nuclear weapons instead of a dozen
>progressiveness (Cultural Marxism
this is nonsense. Show some evidence. Safe comfortable societies become degenerate, look at the Romans. You people are intellectually lazy.
Women were ALWAYS going to enter the workforce, because the technology was waiting to be invented. And when women have jobs, they influence society more. So we became excessively care-based. There's no one single culprit for this, and there likely isn't a nice convenient answer either.
I wish the cultural marxist spammers would fuck off, they have less insight than anyone.
It's not just conservatives. Almost everyone alive is always nostalgic of the past.
That happens because of two things a) people brought up in some structure have a hard time adjusting to changes b) technological and social changes have become faster relative to the past and they're not going to stop (nor slowdown) any time soon.
Gen Z will feel the same about this time in the future. And so on.
Either you adapt or you'll have a very hard time adjusting or just perish.
You call that effort? Sad.
Society has change so much since after WWII. You haven't noticed it? It would have been just like this if Axis won? Tradition would be openly mocked and immigrants flooding our countries? How dense do you have to be to not even notice the picture I posted? No, not the woman. Look beyond that.
I can bait, denial, or commie.
hi Abdul,
here in the US, we find honor killing our wives because of dissatisfaction to be quite barbaric. We should be reminded that if you married "out of love" instead of weighing the benefits, perhaps both people should deserve to be unhappy for making such a mistake.
Sorry, but in the old times, people had to deal with the problems not run away from it.
>Safe comfortable societies become degenerate, look at the Romans
I call*
how do i get a gf Sup Forums?
Because they are gay and like Doo Wop music.
Nothing more masculine than listening to guys sing like 4 year old girls.
Because it was AESTHETIC
Probably because this new age of conservatism stemmed from gamer gate gamers who were pissed off about lefty feminist shit. Most of these fat fuckin nerds played shit like fallout and bioshock.