God is LITERALLY Smiting California
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God is so fucking based
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May god punish all Californians
Nah fuckers burnt stuff and now maybe I can finally get cheap property in norcal.
This happens every 5-10 years like clockwork.
>pass law decriminalizing spreading HIV
>light on fire
good, get rid of that shit
we just need the san andrea fault to sink cali and were golden. Come on based old testament god
Well it's California so you know they're used to a burning sensation
My clock updates every minute or two like clockwork.
>17 people killed in a state with a population of 40 million
Man, god sure ain't as strong as he used to be
Except the real liberal faggots are sitting worry free while these people out in the middle of nowhere are getting "punished".
Commiefornia deserves it
im glad people had a chance to leave california and what's interesting is that the people who stayed were the worst ones. And they made it worse.
That fire is nowhere near Disneyland
Can't wait for the Brimstone
Damn, I wish I was in Cali swooping up scorched refugee lolis.
>whats the vintage?
>ah yes, you can taste the death and smoke that lingers
thats northern CA, and they want to be a seperate state from southern California because theyre tired of being controlled by San Fransisco and LA. theyre literally deep red
Hes merciful. Hoping they will get the message now and he wont have to unleash the super earthquake
Holy shit I lived literally right fucking there like 10 years ago lmao
off with all their shitty copycat wine
Praise the Lord, this is what we need
Praise God, Lord of righteousness!
Add it to the Trump Curse collection pics.
Good hopefully Catalonia is next
>boiling river of WINE
Well, shit. He's piiiiiiiissed.
this, the counties on fire are conservative strongholds, socal and san fagsico deserve to burn.
Live a couple miles away from the fires. It's not that big of a deal /Pol. Fires are already taken care of. The Irvine area is used to fires lile this because of the landscape.
(They won't, He'll need to)
>Home of Disneyland
We get yuropoors whining that Americans in tornado country don't build houses better. Well yeah, you just can't build a house good enough to withstand a tornado if it stands above ground, and the chances are low anyhow.
So why don't we get armchair architects complaining that Californians can't build houses more resistant to fire? I'm old enough to remember when "shake roof shingles" (aka chunks of very flammable dry wood) were banned for roofs in California. Less flammable roof materials, less flammable wall materials, etc. Yes, it costs more, but unlike a tornado, there's a good chance of a house surviving if it doesn't go up like a match.
Who has the copycat wine? You can thank America for saving the French wine industry.
You're welcome.
big surprise, American trying to mut everything they see and touch.
Yeah, fuck the shit you call wine
>mfw when i realize that peoples cats and dogs are burning alive right now
I hate this fucking state so much. If you stuffed us all into a gas chamber I'd fling myself against the door to hold it shut and make sure none of us escaped.
Fucking GOD I hate it.
This. Chaparral is a bitch.
>MFW there are even some trees and plants that depend on fire to reproduce.
Fuck you, asshole, now I haz a sad :/
> Meanwhile in Texas and Florida...
I'm hoping that Lil' Kim aims his rocket at Hollywood.
nice Disneyland plug there.
or is it just that people are too stupid to know where california is without the Disneyland reference?
River of blood
God smites us every October then
>Commiefornia burns
>Residents take the insurance money and move to the Southeast
>Housing prices rise
Like clockwork
Sacramento here. Moving to Washington in 6 weeks if I survive. Air is smokey as fuck today. Don't forget that a lot of what is on fire is Trump country
>boiling river of wine
now this is a hell i can really get behind. maybe next let's have it flow past a flaming mountain of steaks
How can people say God's not real when THIS just happened?
I had to evac and am up north right now. Burned down a bunch of rich people's houses up in the hills and my mom's friend thinks it was arson and some other conspiracy theories
>Tfw Escape from LA becomes real
western civlisation is getting cucked to point of gods actual intervention
Looks exactly like New Vegas!
go burn some more
>tfw 2nd to last of the red
it sucks pretty bad here but at least there aren't a lot of SJWs around
Why, he should be doing it to Arizona and D.C.
damn bro, that was breddy gud
That is what you got for a being of jewish slaves. Andrew Jackson was right.
>be commonfilth
>warn people for the last 5 years they're gonna burn in hell
>watch as your shithole home state burns in righteous justice
The day disneyland gets destroyed will be wonderful.
Used to work at a Cal-fire airbase, and fully 50% of the fires we had to deal with were arson. The rest was a mix of stupidity and lightning strikes that smolder for a few days before burning down half of a state park.
People get bored, I guess, and think lighting shit on fire is fun, but the stupidity fires have been the worst so far - first year I started working, we had the telegraph fire, which was cause by some dumbshits shooting at tannerite in the middle of summer in a box canyon. Fire moved so quickly the first few days that the fire trucks literally couldn't get in front of it to slow it down. Pic related.
south american wine is best. both of you should kill yourselves
don't feel bad...they're ruining colorado as well
>be french
>make wine so shit you need EU subsidies
>wildfires in CA after drought
>happens this time of the season every fucking year since forever
>God smiting California
may as well say god made the tide to drag CA into the ocean
Italian and French wine is the best. Even australian wine is better than that rancid liquid you call wine. It got as much personality as a cheeseburger from McDonalds.
God isn't actually targeting the proper areas. If he was LA would be on fire and San Fran would have a super earthquake.
>Trump country
most of CA is Trump country; the problem is that we've got millions of illegal beaners in LA and SF who vote for gibs
People were surprised there were hurricanes during hurricane season and you see liberals spouting god punishing Texas and Florida for voting Trump. It's the same shit in different color.
Yeah and the place is full of flaming faggots.
>liberals spouting god punishing Texas and Florida
>liberals talking about god
30 - 40 mph winds tonight, my fellow Sonoma user. Dont unpack your car just yet. Make your time.
There was a fire that exploded to thousands of acres burned in a matter of hours in Anaheim/Orange on Monday. I could see the flames from my house and was forced to evacuate. That's what it meant by the home of Disneyland. I'm sad the fires up north aren't in San Fran with all the flaming faggots that vote for Pelosi
Gods be praised.
Terrorism isn't very effective unless someone claims responsibility (no the homeless guy with the doomsday sign doesn't speak for god).
Is there any news on the fires in Napa? Live by the Train Town and rather not burn alive at night.
double cuck
Fucking USSR enemy within State needs reducing until only the based are left standing
Nuf said
>California: Giving AIDS isn't that bad
>God: NOPE!
I wuv dat doo
you guys do realize all these fires are in rural areas where republitards live right
Add Texas to that list.
>fires happen in certain areas
California's a big state, retards. Aside from those towns near the actual fires, it's life as usual.
Reminds me of that dam that was in danger of failing a few months ago, and morons once again thought the entire state was going to be flooded, when it would actually only affect the nearby town. No place else.
>thats northern CA
>theyre literally deep red
The fire is in Sonoma county, you retard. It's not deep red at all.
>the counties on fire are conservative strongholds
read a book nigger
Look at the map you posted, you dumb black piece of shit.
It's about time. Faggotry is over the roof.
it's not God. It's ((the deep state)), the Clintons, throwing everything they have at Trump.
Natural disasters do have a lasting effect on the economy and they do have the power to show the leader as weak and ineffective.
the fires are happening in both norcal and socal
It is for their inaction they should have separated years ago
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven
ehh, I'd rather have it be southern CA.. thats where majority of liberal filth is. San Fran on down needs to burn.
A lot of conservatives are in Northern CA, a lot in Southern too, but it still needs to burn.
My brother in-law lives on Jefferson near Union. Old Town Napa I guess? He's getting his family out of there and heading to Dixon. If the winds pick up like theyre saying, central Napa will look like north Santa Rosa.
user, if you had to leave town for a night and shitpost from a random Motel 6 in Sac, this is the night.
>and the rivers turned to blood
wow this reminds me of my hometown
You still eat at McDonald's though fuccboi