Alright boys, drop me some redpills, I need'em to redpill some of my normie friends
Alright boys, drop me some redpills, I need'em to redpill some of my normie friends
Other urls found in this thread:
Especially redpills on soy
I'll need links to articles of course
Fuck off Sven
I can give you some redpills if you say "please".
The earth is flat
The Anglo-saxons are the master race
Ashkenazi jews are reptiles
White descended from heaven while niggers evolved from apes
Jews are reptiles who worship a volcano demon and poison well
Soy has a ton of estrogen and the food industry puts it in everything because it’s cheap. Probably why we have so many sodomites these days
Right then
Could you please give me some redpills then?
Take a look
Italians are not white.
Swedens won't be Swedens in the next generation
Where is my "thank you for the redpill"?
Thanks a lot
Maybe it is in some rapefugee's ass, why don't you go and search it? After all, you have a lot of 'em there.
Gun graphs? Race? JEWS? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough (you)s
Thank you sir
There is no left or right, just the government and the central banks, endlessly stamping on your face.
porco rosso. isn't it? great movie that. especially the meteor scene.
Thanks a lot, these will come in handy
The movie "Porko rosso" and "Nuscaa valley of the wind" were communist sympathizing works of fiction.
Sorry pasta, I can't give credit, come back when you're a little more, Mmmmmmm, richer
Please kind sir, drop more of 'em, my friends hunger for knowledge
Self bumping for knowledge
Another bump
Holy shit this will be really useful, thanks a lot Mr Smith
Sorry, that's all that I have. But still I'll gave some questions to your friend.
1)how can you deter the government from ever going tyrannical?
2)how can the sick, discapacited and elderly fight back against younger criminals?
3)defending your life it's not a right?
4)how much times does the police take to respond and help in a criminal situation?
5)criminals follow the law?
And that's all regarding gun control, good luck in your search of knowledge.
Thanks for the questions
Also, is that a furry sissy boy?
Yes, yes he is. Only questionable to safe content to avoid lengthy bans.
>Sup Forums please help me alienate my friends and family
Redpills can't be force fed, they have to be accepted.
Yeah, I'm not planning on going full 1488 on them, I'm not that autistic.. I think
Just read up on tribalism, superorganisms and kin-selection and how it's hardwired in to us. No temporary utopian ideology will erase millions of years of evolution in a few decades. People will always feel multiculturalism is a good idea as long as it's them doing it in another culture. Humans are smart but also as instinct driven as any other animal and not all conquest is 100% intentional or done through violence.
That's about all, peace out.