>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES (fuck poo in the loos too)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump welcomes Pitt Penguins to WH 10/10/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Kissinger 10/10/17
>FLotUS Melania visits infant opioid treatment center WV 10/10/17
>VP Pence gets update on burning commies 10/10/17
>Proj Veritas - America Pravda NYT pt 1 10/10/17
>Dep SoS Sullivan @Blockchain Forum 10/10/17
>Trump TV Weekly Update #11 (Lara) 10/10/17
>Ivana Trump interview on F&F 10/10/17
>StateDep Spcl Press Brief on hizballah (Heather, Amb Sales, NCTC Dir Rasmussen) 10/10/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/10/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/10/17
>WH Video: VP and 2nd Lady in PR &user islands 10/10/17
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania in LV 10/10/17
>DepInt video: Natl Wildlife Refuge Week 10/10/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
This is the calm before the storm right here.
Wait, how was I gonna start this off? I forgot. ...
Oh yeah.
That's an awfully hot coffee pot,
Should I drop it on Donald Trump? Prob'ly not,
But that's all I got 'til I come up with a solid plot.
Got a plan and now I gotta hatch it,
Like a damn Apache with a tomahawk,
I'm a walk inside a mosque on Ramadan,
And say a prayer that every time Melania talks,
She gets a mou— ah, I'm a stop.
But we better give Obama props,
'Cause what we got in office now's a kamikaze,
That'll prob'ly cause a nuclear holocaust,
And while the drama pops,
And he waits for s--- to quiet down, he'll just gas his plane up
And fly around 'til the bombing stops.
Intensities heightened, tensions are risin',
Trump, when it comes to givin' a s---, you're stingy as I am,
Except when it comes to having the balls to go against me, you hide 'em,
'Cause you don't got the f---ing nuts, like an empty asylum,
Racism's the only thing he's fantastic for,
'Cause that's how he gets his f---ing rocks off and he's orange,
Yeah, sick tan,
That's why he wants us to disband,
'Cause he can not withstand,
The fact we're not afraid of Trump,
F--- walkin' on egg shells, I came to stomp,
That's why he keeps screamin', "Drain the swamp!",
'Cause he's in quicksand.
It's like we take a step forwards, then backwards,
But this is his form of distraction,
Plus, he gets an enormous reaction,
When he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that,
Instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada,
All these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather,
Cause a Twitter storm with the Packers.
Then says he wants to lower our taxes,
Then who's gonna pay for his extravagant trips,
Back and forth with his senpai to his golf resorts and his mansions?
Same s--- that he tormented Hillary for and he slandered,
Then does it more,
From his endorsement of Bannon,
Support for the Klansmen
obama is a nigger and a faggot
MAGA morning to all!
so is joe
Tiki torches in hand for the soldier that's black,
And comes home from Iraq,
And is still told to go back to Africa,
Fork and a dagger in this racist 94-year-old grandpa,
Who keeps ignoring our past historical, deplorable factors,
Now if you're a black athlete, you're a spoiled little brat for,
Trying to use your platform or your stature,
To try to give those a voice who don't have one,
He says, "You're spittin' in the face of vets who fought for us you bastards,"
Unless you're a POW who's tortured and battered,
'Cause to him, you're zeros,
'Cause he don't like his war heroes captured.
That's not disrespecting the military.
F--- that! This is for Colin, ball up a fist,
And keep that s--- balled like Donald the b----,
"He's gonna get rid of all immigrants!"
"He's gonna build that thing up taller than this!"
Well, if he does build it, I hope it's rock solid with bricks,
'Cause like him in politics, I'm using all of his tricks,
'Cause I'm throwin' that piece of s--- against the wall 'til it sticks,
And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his,
I'm drawing in the sand a line, you're either for or against,
And if you can't decide who you like more and you're split,
On who you should stand beside, I'll do it for you with this: F--- you.
The rest of America stand up,
We love our military, and we love our country,
But we f---ing hate Trump.
Cutest baker
>Same s--- that he tormented Hillary for and he slandered,
Well no shit nothing is 100% preventable. The number is close to 90% for saliva killing hiv and it gets lowered with risks like open sores and such. You don’t need to preach to me about this. Good day.
I love Kellyanne.
R&M is a shit cartoon.
Don't tell people that they can't contract HIV via blowjobs m8
Faggots literally bite their own mouths and spit on drinks so people get infected, just filter the memeflags altogether.
>yfw if France didn't make Lebanon too big the Muslim problem they had wouldn't have been so bad
Good morning!
Why do you have to suck someone off with HIV? Why even risk it? Just go to one of those poz parties if you're that degenerate.
>americans unironically listen to this shit
I’m not dufus.
>awfully hot
>coffee pot
>not covfefe pot
He's one of the best.
Kellyanne is very pretty!
Also here's a screencap of a summary of how the Awan case is going thanks to some nice user.
>Awan's fucked over congress for over $6m in fraudulent salaries for himself and his fucking family, equipment as well that's turned up in pakistan
>terabytes of data funneled out of fed servers
>may have data on ANYONE that sent something to their congress rep or senator, including important shit like SSNs. connect the dots with the last point.
>Both the RNC and DNC leadership was complicit in trying to sweep this under the rug
>45 congresspeople connected
Fuck me I'm an idiot
Marry, fuck, kill: Awoobaker, Aussiebaker, Minnesotabaker
there are /ptg/ rural retards ITT that believe sex with condoms protects agains herpes and HPV
you are just lame as the pathetic niggers you laugh at, have fun ruining spreading literal disease to someone you love pffahahaha
she's ugly as fuck
>The number is close to 90%
Not good enough. I don't even think I'd want to be in the same room as someone with it. HIV/AIDs seriously scares the shit out of me.
kek, is this the lyrics everybody is talking about? Could have been written by Hillary PR team and it’s as lame as
its going to take months for these fucks to get to the core of this
Is there any FALSIFIABLE evidence that Awan has any dirty data? Because that's when it will get interesting. If he has SAPs etc. on there it will get 10x more exciting.
Yup. Those are the lyrics.
Fuck Eminem, my days of torrenting his music are over!
The anime designs were trash.
She was a flame, divine
My pathic call of duty, irrefutable
Her eyes, they paralyzed me, froze the flow of time
A glimpse so achingly beautiful
>F--- that! This is for Colin, ball up a fist,
>And keep that s--- balled like Donald the b----
he is rhyming fist with bitch? lol str8 up lazy
That a cute boy. Who is it?
Explains why the deep state is trying their hand a lot now. Sooner we clear the DoJ and FBI out the faster heads can roll.
I give this 4/10 drumpfies
If coffee pot was turned into covfefe pot that would immediately upgrade it to 6/10 drumpfies.
That's the game now choose!
>HIV/AIDs seriously scares the shit out of me.
Not sure. Haven't watched the video myself and only just got back up to speed thanks to that user's quick rundown.
It's congress. I'd be surprised if they got through it by late 2018
>Trump has been going against Hezbollah, Iran,
Woah, Trump is opposed to state sponsors of terrorism and radical Muslim countries that constantly threaten to destroy the entire Western world and blow up American embassies? Like every other American President since the revolution? Wow, what a warmogner.
> Bashar el-assad
Wrong. Trump ordered the CIA to stop arming the FSA terrorists that Obama armed to topple Assad.
>N. Korea
Same deal as Iran. His threats are always "If you attack us, here's what's gonna happen". That's not warmongering, in fact it's the opposite, it's called DETERRENCE. But I wouldn't expect a leaf to understand the intricacies of realpolitik.
>basically any group that would oppose US imperialism he's going after them
That's literally his mandate as President, protect the interests of America. Every other American President, including Obama, has done this.
>It's also quite obvious that he's preparing something for Russia, Putin even talked about their military advance near the borders.
Are you joking? The only politician in Washington that isn't constantly talking about war with Russia wants war with Russia? The same man who is being accused of colluding with Russia?
>He's also returning to Afghanistan.
We never left.
>The united-states don't need a bigger army to avoid war, their army and their allies' army is big enough.
That's really not up to you to decide. Our readiness was at an all time low (the lowest since after WW2) before Trump took office. That's extremely dangerous, if enemies think we are weak, they are more likely to attack.
>You also don't seem to understand the significance of having a general as secretary of defense, especially with this current context.
Neither do you apparently. As I already explained, a man who has ACTUALLY SEEN COMBAT is a lot more wary of war than a politician who's only given orders from the comfort of his chair.
i will never download another eminem song on limewire again.
Gowdy could form a committee right now to investigate it if he wanted to
Sad he's cucked
You guys have to go listen to the audio of Weinstein basically assaulting a female model. He sounds like a fucking serial killer
>Marry, fuck, kill
I shall decline all options.
Nothing is going to happen to any sitting member of Congress. It's unlikely anything will happen to this dirt monkey and his welfare fraud either.
kek yeah that was the last time he came up with a good song
>that speed
>that agility
damn i need to get on that infolyfe supplements
>tfw confuses minnesota for awoo
>wtf I love rap now, after 27 yrs
>Nothing is going to happen to any sitting member of Congress.
That's what Bob Menendez thought.
it really puts the Trump tape into perspective, which is to say it was a big nothing. Weinstein is actively harassing a woman into watching him fondle himself and possibly rape her
also he begged, kek SAD!
Nice job user
>ywn feel special for downloading an album before its release date ever again
Those were the days, user. Kids now don’t understand how exciting that was.
He got fired? Link?
No, we're blaming the Jews
>heterosexuality as the default
It is. Nice digits for that post too
What the fuck did I just read?
That's not the game. Since you replied you have to play.
New tweet
>Obamaleaf loses again
like pottery
>New Jersey Senator gets indicted for being from New Jersey
What a surprise. New Jersey will go ahead and elect his corrupt partner a week after he's gone. The only possible benefit is that Donut Man gets to appoint a Republican standin for like 3 days and in that time Trump gets Turtleman to pass Obamacare repeal with the extra vote.
That’s just sad man, now you’re not arguing with me but with the CDC. 1 in 10 chances of saliva not killing HIV making a common accident as hurting your gum with a toothbrush a potential sentence of life on meds (at best) acceptable?
Again: no wonder our community is the only discernible group not to have lowered the number of people affected by what’s unironic “the gay plague” now. You should really stop talking on behalf of gays with that memeflag, you’re undoing what took other discreet well behaved gays years on this board to achieve.
I can easily see this grinding through the process at a slow unnoticeable pace until it is forgotten. That's how congress usually works.
>national security is illegal
The manga designs are godly.
She actually says in the tape "I didn't like it last time, you were to aggressive" or something like that. "I'm not used to this". And he was basically threatening to end her career if she didn't sit down "Don't ruin this friendship"
You have a guy on tape, clearly sexually harassing an actual woman, who clearly is resisting his advances, and dead silence from the Left for days. But they go apeshit after Trump joking about consentual sex on tape.
>dark purple on black background
add a stroke to the text if you're going to do that..
He has a new target.
Is there a schedule for today? Anything of note happening?
Watchout he will come back from gym/his job to btfo you.
is NBC the new target?
>You don’t need to preach to me about this.
No, we do have to preach this to you.
Gay and bisexual men are responsible for 80% of all new HIV infections while being not even 8% of the population.
Clearly you guys are doing something wrong and are in sore (pun intended) need of some education.
>doesn't want a tenfold increase
wow, what a lamewad
Weedman and his wife is coming and we have a rally today.
CNN has been ass raped so much, let them get back up a little and then curb stomp them again
Just saying, no one is untouchable.
before he entered the virtue signalling industry
These are actually some really dangerous lies that fake news is peddling. These kind of lies could result in serious shit happening. I hate the lugenpresse so much.
Trump rally and interview on Hannity tonight!
Why go for tenfold when you can go higher?
NBC attack meme now, all hands on deck.
>and we have a rally today.
What kind of rally? And what for?
That was so difficult to read
Nearly done sourcing every accomplishment, only a few left to go. Use this to BTFO reddit!
>1000+ ISIS soldiers have recently surrendered to Kurdish authorities in Iraq (
>Trump has unveiled a new strict 70-point immigration enforcement plan - ties DREAMers to the wall (
>The Trump administration will abandon the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing (((global warming))) (
>Rand Paul is working with Trump to create an executive order on healthcare (
>FBI cites black extremist groups as new domestic terrorist threats (
>I'm a stop
This is what gay black man raised by a jewish couple in the subrubs think riffing is like
>going to a mosque on ramadan
Classic Slim Shady
* 10:00AM THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing*
" "*1:45PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY welcome Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mrs. Grgoire Trudeau of Canada*
" "*2:05PM THE PRESIDENT meets with Prime Minister Trudeau*
" "*2:15PM THE PRESIDENT leads an expanded bilateral meeting with Prime Minster Trudeau*
* 3:15PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews*
" "*3:35PM THE PRESIDENT departs Washington, D.C. en route to Harrisburg, PA*
" "*4:20PM THE PRESIDENT arrives in Harrisburg, PA*
" "*5:45PM THE PRESIDENT gives remarks on tax reform*
" "*6:25PM THE PRESIDENT departs Harrisburg, PA en route to Washington, D.C.*
" "*7:30PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House*
>You will live to see Chris Christie appoint himself senator because he gives that few fucks
>southern chink
not sure how to feel about this
>You should really stop talking on behalf of gays with that memeflag, you’re undoing what took other discreet well behaved gays years on this board to achieve.
Yes sweaty. Okay.