Alright redditfags/newfags, I have already realized you retards are not going away anytime soon, this thread is for the smallest, tinyest minority of you that actually wants to become a fully realized contributer to this board
Here are some basic steps:
>Lurk before posting
>ignore shill posting/bait posting
>learn the language of this site
>become truly repilled
When I mean redpilled fully, I meam acknowledging the truths about race and the JQ.
>Race realism
>Jewish Question
If you at least bother to do this the boards quality decline might slow down and we can start to go back to doing cool shitposting, hope you newfaggots read.
Ultimate redpills thread
Good job brother.
The images I'm about to post have posted here so much. But I've noticed so much newfagotry in the past week.
Actually a very good thread.
If Soros isn't one of the puppet masters, who is?
yes, it‘s off topic but here‘s a nice video about immigration and Sweden:
Based af
Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilberberg Group, take your pick.
It doesn't even stop there.
Great thread lad
Let's post some things about fascism now.
That ones unreadable. Here.
Thanks senpai
np and checked
how are called the guys who make these videos again ?
He closed his account a few months back.
>Cohn Bendit
as a french guy I can assure you he is far worse than a immigrationist jew
Karl Marx raised the Jewish Question ,yet you think it is a Nazi thing.
I hope a few of you newfags are at least lurking this thread.
Truly a holy symbol.
Antisemitism is thousands of years old. Jesus Christ was a fucking antisemite. You think Karl Mordechai (that's his real last name, not fucking Marx) created it? Rope yourself before we do it.
Karl marx is a jew bud, communism was lead, financed and invented by jews, communism is jew slavery