Man, 29, 'mistakenly thought he had accidentally suffocated cheerleader, 19...

Man, 29, 'mistakenly thought he had accidentally suffocated cheerleader, 19, during sex in car so torched it but actually burnt her alive'

> Quinton Tellis has been charged in December 2014 death of Jessica Chambers
> Chambers was found burning alive on a rural road in Mississippi by her car
> Prosecutors say the two were having sex and Tellis suffocated Chambers
> Fearing he killed her, he then set her body and her car on fire, prosecutors said
> But defense attorneys said Chambers told first responders who found her that a man named Eric had set her on fire
> Tellis pleaded 'not guilty' and faces life in prison if convicted of capital murder

Other urls found in this thread:


toll paid

burn the coal become the coal


Nothing of value lost

>literally becoming coal
talk about obsessive fetishism

>Oh shit I suffocated her
>better burn the body
you know if kikes didn't trick people into thinking fire removes all traces this wouldn't have happened


Serves that traitor right

> my bad

>coal burner gets burned
I assume is your line of thinking

anyway, i don't really get off on this stuff but my windows news app showed this story and it made me think of Sup Forums

coal, toll, etc.

this is getting old

nice to read a story with a happy ending

Fuck a nigger, burn to cinders

Lynchings happen when the crime is too horrendous to wait for a trial
Everybody forgets that the real point of Too Kill a Mockingbird is the swift justice of Boo Radley when he stabs and kills a guy for spitting on Atticus and molesting his children.

Nobody walked out of the theatre bothered by the swift violent justice of Boo Radley.

Paid [x]

> quemador de carbón se quema
> toll paid

no empathy for coal burners, toll paid

but the real question is why is a cute 19 year old white girl, fucking a 45 year old ugly black man in a car out in the woods?

Toll: PAID

Fuck a Crip, you'll burn to a crisp

Fuck God's worst creation and you'll get a cremation

This is literally the plot of Native Son, holy shit.


She was probably trading sex for drugs.

Watch 'Louis Theroux: Dark States'.

Information about payment of the toll:

Take some promethazine, say hello to acetylene


It's also loosely the plot of a seinfeld episode

Toll paid



How do you accidentally suffocate somebody? She probably asked him to choke her hard or the retarded nigger took the initiative himself. Either way, toll paid, thanks for participating.

Blacked to charred


Fuck a porch monkey, become a torch junkie

top kek best kek

fuuuuuuk you done got me

Intercourse with darks means you'll end up in sparks

Kill yourself Reddit fag

I laughed longer than I should for this.

top kek

no pity whatsoever

the absolute state of my state. i remember hearing about this a while ago, stupid bitch foolin around with nigs.

this is the only one that made me laugh

What goes through the mind of a nigger? Shit she may be unconscious or dead should i call the police and explain what happened so i don't get in trouble? NO LET ME FUCKING LIGHT THE CAR ON FIRE.



nothing of value, etc

Mississippi Burning

burn the coal
pay the toll
roastie btfo
nigger in jail

well done

Finally, a post that actually made me laugh.

Raped and burned alive.

Another sacrifice on the altar of diversity.

If you ever find out your daughter is dating a nigger, have her invite him over and shoot him in your home.

>Toll status: PAID

She was a real roastie

Hans with the bantz!

Niggers are a blight on all of Earth. They are unevolved homo erectus they are not worthy to breathe our sapiens/Neanderthal air

Just read the intro and it raised a chuckle.

The girl is some Russian mongrel.

>The 29-year-old is accused in the torture death of Meing-Chen Hsiao, a 34-year-old Taiwanese graduate student at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. No trial date has been set in that case.

Niggerlovers sure pick the best guys. Nothing of value was lost to be quite honest.

Wtf Germany with the epic bantz

This shit never gets old.

I always smoke after sex too


Barely a step above Jews, they're primary virtue is not being Jewish. Disgusting.


Not bad Muhammad


Princess Mononoke

Bullshit. That nig was raping her, tried to suffocate her then burned her alive to hide the evidence

It does. If you have access to a fucking incinerator

Roasted roastie.



>pay the toll, become the coal

Roasties never learn, do they? Just saw this..

*dibs* you said it greatest ally

Fuck off tripfag

That shit drives me nuts. These fucking druggy sluts. When I used to spend a lot of time in bars, it would drive me crazy. Seeing all these women going into the bathroom with some fat ugly middle aged man so they can do lines of coke off his dick. Women are disgusting.


Nigger is getting the death penalty

Kekkus Maximus


He did nothing wrong. 2 less Democrats, 1 less coalburner.

Wenger out




Well done Kraut.

WTF do white women see in niggers. That mother fucker is shit tier. Easily a 3/10 yet some blonde is willing to fuck....if you ask me shes better off dead



No way she fucks that ape.

He raped her then killed her.

Guarantee it.

wouldnt burn the coal turn to coal be better?



cancled after the 5th episode, calling it now

Hans would know about burning coal

>magical negro meme
sorry for posting TVTropes cancer, but these autists collect lots of good examples

I'm starting to realize the problem is self correcting, anyone dumb enough to go black usually pays for it

Where do you live and how common was it? Were these girls addicted to cocaine?