Why do you work ? Do you believe you are free?
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I work so I can sup port myself, my hobbies and my habits.
No one is actually free faggot.
i work from this computer.
i make music for video games.
i get paid far more than i should.
i never have to leave my home.
i have a woman.
i have the ability to have a drink while working if i so desire.
why are you not on my level, op?
But I can also support myself through autismbux.
Do you think because a boss gives you money instead of the goverment you are morally superior to me?
That's called being a man faggot. Get up, work hard, provide for yourself and family. If you don't want to work for someone open your own business.
Why do you keep making these threads when you get blown the fuck out every single time?
>Why do you work ?
I don't have to
>Do you believe you are free?
Yes, bought lots of bitcoin in 2011
I did this, I didn't want to work for the jew so I started a business only to realise I became the jew.
I tip my hat to you good sir, you are the most enlightened of us all.
Believe me, if I could make money without being a wagie slavie I positively would.
I don't have to work because bitcoin made me rich, but this user is right:
without goals/work you're miserable
hedonism is an illusion
I didn't say anything like that but since you brought it up then yeah I guess it does. Sounds like you have an inferiority complex.
My friend, I've set goals for myself and work on them every day. Why do you think you have to be employed to do this?
Also, my issue is with the prole who has convinced himself NEETs are leeches and they are "productive members of society", not with the honest kind.
absolutely wasted
>Sounds like you have an inferiority complex.
No I was but a few steps ahead of you. Pic related is what you would have eventually ended up at.
Friendly reminder, if your job doesn't advance the progress of mankind in any way then you're living a meaningless life
Because at age 27, I got tired of living with my folks. Got sick of them giving me shit for staying up until 3 or 4AM to play video games.
And, I mean...I went to college for 4 years to get a job, and sure as hell didn't spend 4 years of my life just to make a lousy 30 to 70k USD per year.
I'm 31 one now, and can afford most things in life fairly easily with my job, have a decent career and can "work anywhere" I want - even from home!
Because I don't want to survive, I want to climb the mountain and use all of my wealth to counter kikery one day.
First stage wagecuck, second stage well paid wagecuck, third stage company owner, fourth stage kike hoarding, fifth stage weaponized kikery.
I'm on stage 2
Well you got lucky then because of your age.
Nowadays, uni's are a scam and will just perpetually enslave you with debt and no applicable skills.
>third stage company owner,
Every wageslave says this, but guess what?
There arent nearly enough companies around for this to be true.
am a NEET, can confirm that never happier in my life, will never reenter workforce, have fun wagies
god-tier: ex-marine w free college lol
get fucked debtlets
Because it's fun and I'm not a liability to society.
You create your own company m8, and if my company fails I'll just file for bankruptcy and continue in my old role.
I have a few ideas
>work for three years
>enough money saved up to take off three years
I'm 2 months in and I couldn't be happier
Spike Lee told me to grow my hair out for his new movie. I like my work, goanna be famous faggot.
I agree the price of education is ridiculous, for most majors. But it's also true that a degree is still major barrier to entry, and a solid "resume seller" - depending on the location, company and industry.
I would argue that going to an overpriced uni for 30 to 50k USD per year (especially if you are going "loans only") is silly unless you are on major scholarship or you have picked a "serious" major like Engineering or pre-Med. Paying that kind of money for Women's Studies, Sociology, Communications, Basket Weaving...complete waste of money.
Any degree you could easily learn and get a job with by just going to a public library or taking online courses with no lab requirements is not worth 150+k USD for a 4 to 6 year degree...
Al though I commend your ambitions, the odds you will actually follow up are slim to none.
No way you are a native Japanese. If you arent a wageslave in Japan you would have sudoku'd a long time ago.
Only niggers brag about not working
Oh wow, another liar online, look mom
you know if everyone lived like you you couldn't actually live like you, right? If you can give back to the community shouldn't you?
I'm taking a year off here. I can enjoy the good parts of Japan (literally everything but the work culture) without a care in the world.
You are fortunate that I find long-form debate pleasurable enough in and of itself that I will actually answer your question seriously.
1: I simply do not believe you. I do not believe you because you are posting troll threads on Sup Forums, which is not the behavior of someone who is happy, who practices self-improvement, or who doesn't have some sort of complex requiring them to vindicate their decisions by seeking either the approval of or the humiliation of other people.
2: Your "issue" is insolvent and baseless. If you are a NEET, you are a leech. That is a factual statement, not a moral judgement. Being a net drain on society is being a net drain on society. The morality of that status is immaterial, though of course many people would say that it is bad. It is interesting that your point of contention is not the morality of your status but the status itself, which by definition necessitates that you be wrong.
The fact that you have an issue with it reinforces my earlier point, if you actually WERE totally indifferent to their scorn I might consider your position, but the fact that you feel an urge to validate yourself contradicts your own stated motives. If you are not the moral inferior of proles, why are you appealing to them? Why are you trying to convince them of anything? Why are you attempting to mock them? Your behavior represents a deep-seated feeling of moral and social inferiority, and a desire to tear down someone who you see as being, in essence, your better.
It is not the casual disdain of a patrician that you express, the pattern of posting is far too regular and too concerted. Rather it strikes me of frantic scrabbling, a desperate attempt to extract some small degree of vindication from an uncaring mass.
Do you realize how pathetic this, and you, are? I think on some level you must.
How did you get your NEETbux, did you fake a mental illness?
Die in a fire you digit wasting fuck
I owe you nothing and you owe me nothing. I just take whatever I am givin (which in this case is about 20k a year and free housing and healthcare)
I enjoy landscaping.
I'm good at landscaping.
People pay me for landscaping.
Why wouldn't I landscape?
at least if it were a leaf it'd be expected to be a wasted get
>I take from taxpayers
>I don't owe them anything
I work 3rd shift your argument BTFO
No but really faggot I just like having money to buy shit and I actually get laid because I'm not a pussy NEET incel like you
>support myself through autismbux
If someone else's money is supporting you, you are by definition not supporting yourself.
Only niggers brag about not working
>wake up at 4 am
>eat delicious and healthy breakfast
>groom myself
>work 24 hour shift at fire station
>get 48 hours off
>go out on boat days off
>go fishing and shooting
>hang out with friends
>see this thread
>see parasitic neet boasting about his meaningless unemployed life because at least he isn't working a dead end job
>20k a year
My little brother working part time as a video game localization translator makes more money than you - and you can barely call it work.
You also live in the Netherlands? That must be a great situation - until your country eventually goes bankrupt and they take away your free housing and turn your healthcare to shit.
Anyone here work at home or run their own business?
I work because being a starving nigger would suck.j Everything I own is paid for and I enjoy life. Sounds much better than living off my parents until they died.
I work in law enforcement, and like it all right but still do it for the money.
gas the kikes
Neither are you, you are dependent on your boss. Everyone is dependent on someone.
Well they chose to give me money because they diagnosed me with ""Aspergers"".
Yes dear youve said that before.
1. I never said I was happy. I am just HAPPIER than a wageslave. I just want you wagies to admit it that I have won.
>if you are a NEET, you are a leech.
Well then you are a leech too. Americans have the biggest ecological footprint of us all. Just about everyone in the West is a net drain on the world.
Would love a 6:30 wake up, for me it's 5:45.
It needed repeating
>constantly posts on facebook about the misery of going to work
>goes to work anyway
>constantly stressed and on medication for work-related depression
>goes to work anyway
>hates his job, but feels like a bad human if he doesn't contribute tax to his kike overlords
>goes to work
Above is 3 genuine examples of people I personally know.
Guess which one of these people are the happiest?
That's right, none of them. They are all miserable, and constantly letting others know how miserable they are.
>NEET, no career, limited financial stability (but stability nonetheless), limited disposable income (but disposable nonetheless), no ambitions or work-related goals.
>spends each day doing whatever he wants
This guy is happy, but there are some things to consider:
Not having any goals is unhealthy. Your goals don't need to be work-related, and you have been brainwashed if you think otherwise, but you must have goals of SOME kind.
I for example aim to visit every national trust heritidge site in UK. There is no timeframe for this, but in the next 5 years would be good.
Also the importance of charitable commitment cannot be overstated. You don't have to 'work', but you can't ignore the fact that you are part of a community. A few hours a week volunteering is good for your soul, but make sure it is for a worthwhile cause.
I volunteer at an alcohol unit at a local hospital 8 hours a week, and it keeps my soul on the right track.
Follow these guidelines and you too can be a succesfull NEET with none of the (((disadvantages))) that come with it!
Why are you supposed to enjoy going to work?
There are jobs that people do that they enjoy, you can either get/make one for yourself or start enjoying what you already do. Or just be unhappy, no skin off my back.
>I've set goals for myself and work on them every day.
Goal today... beat my high score at eating tendies "MOOOOOOOOM!"
>My little brother working part time as a video game localization translator makes more money than you - and you can barely call it work.
I am happy for your brother that he makes money by doing something he presumably loves. Judging by your bitter tone the same cant be said about you.
If my country goes bankrupt I'd have a far bigger problem than my bennies ending.
In these threads suddenly everyone is an (aspiring) Chad entrepreneur with 500m venture capital just waiting for them. Stay awhile you will see.
You should really give back to the community, doing the right thing shouldn't be hard. Just donate your time, even in minor ways. I'm sure you could donate platelets to a hospital at least
all these toasty roasties can't handle the truth
>be me
>nice salary
>I need to work 40 hours but no set schedule
>come as early or late as I want
>free high quality snacks and drinks
>have half-days where the team goes to an amusement park
>up to 100% free premium-tier medical insurance if you eat healthy and exercise
>investing for retirement so one day when I'm done with my comfy job I'll want for nothing
>company owner,
Aren't you Europeasants allowed to own stock?
Because I like what I do. Blowing stuff up is fun, and teaching younger soldiers how to do stuff is fulfilling
>you are dependent on your boss. Everyone is dependent on someone.
I'm self employed, so my income is completely dependent on whether or not I please my clients. If I don't, I don't get paid and go hungry in the dark.
This is a quality post. Thank you.
Actually yes, I am morally superior. In one case you're a productive person convincing other productive people to trade, in the other case you're a worm begging for hand-outs because you're a leech.
>But I can also support myself through autismbux.
I make far more money working than anybody does with autismbux.
>Do you think because a boss gives you money instead of the goverment you are morally superior to me?
Yes because I actually trade my labor for money instead of being a parasite on my country.
A wagey lecturing me on morals, the chutzpah!
>Actually yes, I am morally superior.
Wrong, we are all leeches that needs to be nuked. At least I have the decency to admit it and I will go down in style, knowing that I havent made some kike richer.
The "trading your time for money" thing has been debunked for millennia. Nobody dies saying "I wish I had worked more".
I own my own business. I look forward to waking up every day and working hard to contribute to my country that I love.
no one said they wished they had spent more time doing nothing constructive with their life either, yet here you are
Read last part of
You still have to work as a communist. You just don't have a choice about it or it is the gulags for you.
>Hi, user. You have been assigned sewage worker duty! don;t worry, it is only for 3 hours a day. For the party!
>Sorry user, you can't quit, somebody has to do it and nobody wanted to, you have been chosen, you are lucky!
Most people are fucking lazy and never find a job they like. Or they never stop and find pleasure in what they're doing even if it's something they could like. Anecdotal evidence from emotional babies isn't great evidence. Even when I worked fast food I enjoyed it because your coworkers were always interesting and fun. But then again I wasn't a failed 26 year old at the time.
But it's a photography company that cost maybe 20k to start. You don't need 500m to start a business, retard.
If everyone Neeted the jews would be the only ones to suffer because they refuse to do their own physical labor.
>Anyone here work at home or run their own business?
>everyone is an (aspiring) Chad entrepreneur
Projecting your complete lack of ambition or self esteem on everyone else.
Yeah, you've really won at the game of life and you're here to brag about your accomplishments which consist of coercing others to foot the bill for your worthless existence. Thank fucking Christ your kind never breeds.
This is just disingenuous. Loads of people wished they werent workaholics on their deathbeds, for example.
I am not a commie I am an ancap/libertarian.
Good goy, finding pleasure in working at mcdonalds.
If you have self-improvement goals then you are not a NEET. Technically you are in training. Training to become an adult.
>Read last part of
I've been doing this for over seven years now, so I am not exactly "aspiring". Considering you have electrical power to post now, you can at least in part thank me for possibly placing the engineer in your electric company who keeps your lights on.
i want to keep my country great, and enable it to show everyone how great it is by enabling it to take in and care for more refugees than any other country out there and finally proof that we overcome the evil we did with the holocaust. if it takes for me to work and give up over half of what i earn to our politicians, then so be it
I know I'm not free and I work because school didn't teach me how to survive in nature and I need money to buy food and rent a place to live... hate it.
Free me OP!
They wished they had more time to do things like spend time with their family, not shitpost online. Seriously, have you ever tried to ask what your living for, maybe find that out
Yup, fear of inferiority to the jews. Inferiority complex alright.
For dumbfuck NEETs people are either bitter waveslaves making $5 a day or multi-millionaire Chad's buying real estate with their Dad's money. The truth is your brain is diseased and you can't see a middle ground.
I'll let you know that I make 6 figures now 10 years later working at a job that is infinitely better than your existence. And in 10 more years I'll make more in a year than you will in a lifetime.
I started my first business for under 1000$ washing rich people's windows. Billed 25$ per window +5$ upcharges for second floor, panes, or anything else unusual. Worked out to about 50$ an hour.
>what is a hyperbole
>Yeah, you've really won at the game of life
No, I can think of many people who won harder, but it isn't one of you wagies.
This made me think, thank you. Goes to show the importance of spiritual enlightenment.
>so I am not exactly "aspiring".
Hence the brackets around 'aspiring'.
>you can at least in part thank me
Working in a corp is so fucking easy just about everyone can do it, dont kid yourself. Thats why they just add arbitrary requirements like work experience or degrees.
Your routine at your job doesnt really mean anything.
You sound like somebody who has never eaten a Dominoes pizza. Sometimes luxury goods are just nice for their own sake.
Your country doesn't love you back
I 'work' at a place where we design astronomical equipment and shoot airsoft guns at each other when bored. My bonuses this month consist of a 3D printer, a Glock, and a DIY drone kit. It's more of a paid hobby.
It's called finding work you're passionate about you fucking autistic no good NEET.
You're a leech to society.
>For dumbfuck NEETs people are either bitter waveslaves making $5 a day or multi-millionaire Chad's buying real estate with their Dad's money
Almost. You are either part of the bourgeoisie or the proleteriat. If you cant comfortably retire right now with, lets say 5 million USD, you are definitely not in the former.
>a Glock
Klinkt goed. Een echte?
The reason I'm a wagefag is because I didn't finish college.
Sorry not sorry. All I need is enough money to keep myself happy and afloat.
Lucky for 31 possibly, realistic for 35+. If you don;t waste your 20's bitching about how unfair life is and actually put some work in while making some sacrifices. To many people make excuses and ignore their own failings.
>>what is a hyperbole
I know it was hyperbole, but it sounds like you're just making excuses. I think you have it in you to build your own business. Do it up, friendo. It's much more fulfilling than working for someone else. Find something you can provide, and do it.
>To many people make excuses and ignore their own failings.
My inability to work for the rest of my life is ostensibly my own "fault". I do not complain about this, I have just found a way around my limitations. Your passive-aggressive tone suggests you are not happy with this.