Are any other burgers legitimately worried about a possible civil war on the horizon?
It seems like discussion has gone out the window and no one can convince the other side to even consider their point of view.
What are the chances of Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo actually happening?
Are any other burgers legitimately worried about a possible civil war on the horizon?
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It's needed and you will like it when it comes.
It has begun
I'm worried that it won't happen.
Seems like a possibility. Right now I'd say chances are 1:5
But, if a huge event went down, like say a gunman went to Vegas and targeted conservatives at a country concert and advertised it as political, I could see shit getting busy quick.
antifa will get destroyed and martial law will happen.
civil war 2: berlin boogaloo will be ended before it starts.
The only correct response
It is already happening. Take a look around. It just has not yet gotten as “hot” as it will.
That's what I'm worried about. I think a major gun control push will be the tipping point.
it will happen but you need be on the defensive not the offensive protect your family and your livelihood get food and bullets and water be prepared to kill people
Its pretty likely, the country is already divided, its all about the first move that finally sets everything else into place and puts the civil war in motion
Can you guys help us? We will help kick out the muzzies from your country.
The wolf doesn't concern himself with the opinions of mice.
They can try and go that route but it'll ultimately end in the demise of the Democratic party.
They'll never repeal the 2nd amendment. It's legitimately impossible. Like even if Hillary was in office, it wouldn't be possible. I can see the 1st amendment being under threat but not the 2nd.
I’m not worried, I’m eagerly anticipating.
Only worried about the possibility of it not happening. I don't think it will.
I only think that would happen if liberals started shooting conservative members of Congress.
Half of us have been buying guns and ammo just praying for the other half to start the game for over 40 years but so far they are just a bunch of limp waisted faggots and is all getting just goddam tedious, actually.
Don't know when/if it will happen. Division between the people has always been a part of (their) plan. Only time will tell.
That's the point of all this unchecked immigration. Introduce a foreign element without common heritage to create division. (((They))) will always use the divide and conquer strategy to gain more control. Jews should all be given the boot to Israel, DNA marked and barred from immigrating to the US.
OP is once again a massive faggot. Meanwhile real men are making a list, and checkin it twice, gonna take down some naughty old kikes, the 4th reich is coming around.
Cattle in a feed lot.
i'm worried about the actual secession of california and considering white flight, but not sure how to just up and drag the wife'n'kids to another state and establish income without going under financially.
fuck cyclists
If you're conservative move to Texas. If you're a liberal, fuck off.
yay, another state full of niggers, wetbacks and heat that borders mexico. any1 with a brain got an opinion?
Wtf? Youtube won't let you read comments now.
Idaho and those rural states northeast of California
tipping point would most likely be trump stopping federal funding to sanctuary cities and cali
Moving to Texas or Montana is retarded. Move to a swing state and encourage other people with brains to as well. Especially if you l live in a blue state. Turn the swing states red.
Yes, stay out of Texas.
>Civil War part 2 goes hot
>Take a week off work
>Kill carpetbaggers
>Blue Ridge Mountains clean and tidy
>Career in politics