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eminem BTFO
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Can't be real. Hope it's real
>Trump wasn't President in 2001
feels bad man
of course its not. I doubt skittles little song and dance even filtered into his daily briefs
You're too old, lets go, it's over. Nobody listens to white rap. Moby says hi.
That tweet is fake
But still, trump can't even grow a stubble lmao
>it took you 44 years to barely grow a beard....
Beardlets BTFO
Including me
tfw you actually have to check
>Mexican doesn't know what shaving is
Yeah I can believe that
He got it all laser-removed. Many politicians/billionaires do. A straight-razor shave doesn't cut as close as they have.
>what is a 6pm stubble
Beardlet detected
You are deluded and shilling, too. Laser doesn't remove hair permanently, regardless if you treat it for 10 years
He never had a beard when he was younger either, and such methods didn't exist
Fucking trumpfag jizzguzzlers man, you just feel compelled to lie in defense of your daddy whatever it is the issue
he got it laser removed. Many billionaires do. Now shut the fuck up you filthy mexican and go get fucked by cartel or whatever you do in your spare time
oh and mexicans are the ones who cant even grow a beard because of your chink genes. You have that retarded johnny depp "beard" which isnt a real beard.
A beard is a white mans trait, only white men can have a full blown beard
>let me repeat muh mantra in hopes it will stick
The trumpnigger bots got broken it seems
>mexicans can't grow a beard
Lol, when the shitty Johnny depp beard is better than the heard your Cheeto in chief nigger can grow
Panjo de rodriguez
look at this
thats trumps grandfather
Of course donald trump has a beard, he just got it laser removed or he would be a gorilla like his grandfather
and look at this, thats a picture pre-laser removal
you can see the stubble
he probably got tired of shaving that shit everyday
>implying genetics guarantee your offspring down the line will have a beard
>implying trump has ever been photographed even a single time with a stubble
That ain't a stubble, it's noise from a photograph kid
Drumpf shits in his daily briefs and gets all his info from faux news!
>Laser doesn't remove hair permanently
Yes it does you dumb spic. Only poor people shave. Rich people REMOVE their beard by laser.
Are you blind? Thats a Stubble
thats what i also look like when i shave, my face skin has like a greenish skin
Damn you OP I was so hyped for this to be real. Seems like something he would do.
Member when feminists hated Eminem?
Funny how fucked this world is.
I so hoped that was real.
Wether its real or not its fkn hilarious. I havent checked my twitter yet!
If this was real, it would get the BTFO award of the year.
God I love this man
Im really surprised no one has tried to pass off Finley posts as Trump tweets
If this was real I would praise this man forever
Do you understand the fucking memes that would follow this? It would be incredible.
Its cringeworthy as fuck. You guys actually liked that tweet?
It doesn't you dumb niggerleaf.
At most it delays the growth by two years.
Knowing trump he probably applied green makeup because it was fashionable to hang around with a mid-day growth
In this one he looks like he has the Johnny depp beard you're whining about
eminem represents the degeneracy of whites, it's a fucking gangster whigger his "music" is pure primitive crap.
maybe they got their hopes up seeing the thread before reading it, bruce.
Who the fuck is Emanem?
Neither can Obama
It is cringy because he is a fat fuck
>Kid Rock, Eminem, and ICP won't ever do a benefit concert to Make Detroit Great Again
>Because they won't do a benefit concert we will never get to see their fanbases clash and riot
shut up trumpnigger go whore yourself for israel kike
I'm not so sure about that...
>Member when feminists hated Eminem?
I don't. Why did they hate him?
His first two albums consisted solely of gay jokes and calling women whores and sluts. Basically purposefully triggering the weak-minded before the word "triggered" was even being used.
My friend Moby has an art collective in Brooklyn do you know him?
>Eminem doesn't know rapper aren't white
>That's okay though, I'll still listen to that garbage
What are you talking about? Feminist women love Eminem. Chicky chicky chicky, Slim Shady, im sick of him. Look at him, walking around grabbing his you know what, flipping the you know who. Yeah but he's so cute though.
Yeah, he's probably got a couple of screws up in his head loose, but no worse, than what's going on in your parents bed room.
why can't they grow beards?
maybe because
Don't forget that one of the tracks on his second album entitled "Kim" was about him violently murdering his wife and dumping her body in the ocean while his daughter was in the car. They REALLY hated that one. To the point that it was removed from the album on subsequent rereleases and clean edits. That was when the feminist community really opened up with the hate.
>Rich people REMOVE their beard
Might as well remove your balls too.
chkd n kkd
How many fucktards that will be influenced by Eminems opinion on foreign policy are even eligible to vote?
top kek
america BTFO
Former Trump supporter here. Fuck it, you guys won. I can't keep defending this faggot. He's actually fucking retarded for even replying to this wigger and shouldn't be president. That being said, he's still better than Shillary. At least having Trump in office breaks the status quo of the establishment and gives us a chance to reset.
>believing that its real...
Shut up, Cletus....
Don't you have to make a trip to WalMart?
>6pm stubble
Fucking Mexicans are always late.
LOL yeah I forgot about that one. Pretty fuckin intense song.