If you're so white, why don't you take a genetic test to reveal your true ancestry?

If you're so white, why don't you take a genetic test to reveal your true ancestry?

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i need need reassurance, besides that, I dont fancy handing off my DNA to (((corporations)))

I dont need*

>pay a faceless company to collect, store, and use your DNA as they see fit with no input from you

There's private ones that have way better privacy terms than the big names.

and when it comes back as 77% unknown, then what?

>giving jews your DNA

>implying your dna is not already on file and used by big pharma if you were born after 1980
they take a blood sample from the newborn's foot, user.

because i dont need jews to throw in 2% ashkenazi and 3% nigger and 1% chink or some shit like that

dying will make you disintegrate, so you will actually have your body pass down to earth.
so please can you stay in a coma until forever?
Or fuck back to your /leftypol/

Insecure much?

I'm blond, blue-eyed, tall, have fair skin and can drink a glass of milk without shitting my pants.

I'm pretty confident of my ancestry, and also this

Go back to nibiru, fucking reptile.



only people this paranoid are those who think they're being gang-stalked for posting on a mongolian basket weaving board


>needing a DNA test to determine whether you're white or not

This obsession with whiteness is sickening.
I can't stand it anymore.
I want to quit visiting Sup Forums but it's a hard habit to kick...

It's not even that I'm against racism or anything like that, it's just that it's fucking depressing to read this shit over and over. It's so dumb and devoid of any thought.

b-but i did
it said "user, you are indeed very white"

Because my family has been living in Louisiana since the early 1700s and I know I'm French and native American because my family keeps a family tree. I dont need some company to tell me where I'm from.

t. nigger


stormweenie posting is working.. another normie about the bite the dust


That's what this board can do to you. You'll say it doesn't effect you at the beginning but gradually over time it takes a toll to your subconscious.

Because I don't want to pay to have my DNA information sold or given away to the (((government)))

I am mixed East Asian anyway. The new race that shall take over.

you have to go back

>If you're so black, why don't you take the white mans genetic test to reveal your true ancestry?

Why should I pay to be a voluntarily screened as an organ donor. One would have to be an imbecile to fall for that shit.

Willingly giving up the literall code to you willingly.

Because im not American

>Pay 100$ for a DNA test
>99% Iberian

Cheers thanks for that. If it breaked down the iberian into celt, germanic, jewish, indo-iberian, moorish, etc it would be worth it.

DNA tests are a literal Jewish conspiracy


i am organ donor by choice. you know why? because im not a piece of shit subhuman

Sup Forums is as white as meme magic is effective

and also i am better than you. just saying

I'm not an idiot who will pay to do that. pay ME for my DNA, faggot

That's right goys! Voluntarily hand over your dna to our database that TOTALLY ISN'T being used to develop genetically targeted diseases and bio-weapons. Come on guys, don't you wanna prove your whiteness?

Mins said I have AIDS. What ancestry is that!?

I'm not so white.

Don't need a genetic test to show it.

I already know I have Turkic and Hungarian, im part Asian.

>he needs to give his DNA to God knows who to know his ancestry

Because I already know that I have some nigger and/or sand-nigger, and likely Jew, DNA pumping through my veins. Explains my spontaneous anger outbursts at least

>French/Italian/Sicilian here

okay Ana, calm down

Where? South Korea? They'll just tell me to go back to Germany.

not everyone is a amerimutt, Thomas Xing Juan Jamal O'Connor.

That feel when your father is 100% central europen but he married a spic

He was upset that he paid 100$ to get told he was white

i think i might have some jew blood so i'd rather not know

the oven

Giving people my DNA
Nice try fatboy

I'm blonde, blue-eyed, and fair skinned.
My sisters are blonde, blue-eyed, and fair skinned
My parents are both blonde, blue-eyed, and fair skinned.
My grandparents were all blonde, blue-eyed, and fair skinned.

Why the fuck would I hand over my DNA to corporate interests who'll do god-knows-what with it to prove what I already know to be true?

>Take a DNA Test
>Is a Democrat
Then get a minority status while being white.

My results said I have a little bit of black in me. Makes total sense. Each time I walk past a Foot Locker I get an urge to go ape and steal an bunch of shoes.

>what is a family tree
>why would anyone not want their DNA logged into a database

Because results will shock and you're too much of a snowflake to admit it.

Because 23andMe is literally owned by Google. Or at least owned by people who have worked at Google, and been married to it's CEO. Pretty fucking stupid giving corporations your genetic code.

u iz a KANG

>Giving Jews your organ compatibility
I don't have a death wish.

I've been on Sup Forums since 2006
not sure if I'm really a normie, you stupid fucking snow nigger retard

I can tell you my immediate ancestry, and my bone structure can tell you the rest
Dads side
>One side of family has a family tree that starts in 1500's england
>other side is off the boat Irish
Moms side
>more english
>Dutch (swearingen last name)
Pretty sure all of this circle jerking over very, very minute genetic details is just divide and conquer bullshit

Fuck off jobless poorfag retard.

dont trust the dna tests
it controlled by the jew trust me
see who is the ceo and their family

>the results will shock you
>98% nordic/germanic
>2% central european

Why would we waste money on a Test? I can understand it for Muricans with your situation and all, but Non-Whites where not really common in Europe until recently (historically speaking). Knowing your heritage up to the 4-5 generations before yours is pretty much good enough to know about your heritage.

On a side note: It's not that great for you if many of those "evil whites" turn out to have PoC in their ancestry line. Because due to the American-Leftist rule (everything mixed with nonwhite is nonwhite. Just as the child of white/black parents is considered black), all those "evil whiteys" would suddenly not be white at all, and you couldn't make them responsible for all your shortcomings any longer. They would be just as entitled to free gibs and affirmative action as your visibly black African-American. Then you would have to go through the hassle of re-defining what's white yet again (as you did it with -isms) just to be able to attack them "without being hypocrites".

I fu cked up and now will be harvested... but.... am least im white... right?////


send two samples, get two different results. been done many times.

It really doesn't matter. Any corporation that wants my DNA should be doing enough with it to negotiate buying it from me, rather than the other way around.

Mother - blue green eyes brown/blonde hair tans well
Father - blue eyes black curly hair olive skin can get dark.
Brother and sister are twins born blonde hair blue green eyes after puberty hair turned brown and coarse and curly
i have jet black hair was strait until puberty became coarse and curly blue green eyes olive skin
Father is Israeli
Mother is scandinavian/ irish euorpean

I've experienced the opposite. I came to pol as a white supremacist and realized how fucking dumb some white people are here. And how fascism and nationalism is the opposite side of the same coin as socialism and communism, thus also potentially flawed and up for scrutinization.

It's not a race war. It's a war of intelligence. Not all whites are winning this war.

Both Orwell and Huxley seem to have gotten it right, as they aren't mutually exclusive ideas.

Go read some Thomas Sowell and tell me again how all dumb black people are. pro tip: they aren't
*all* unintelligent.

Not giving my DNA to (((Them)))

here is why you shouldnt do it:
Check out this bitch
>Occupation: CEO of YouTube
>She has 2 sisters: Janet Wojcicki, (PhD, anthropologist and epidemiologist)[6] and Anne Wojcicki, founder of 23andMe

So the founder of 23andMe has a sister at a high level job at fucking google (their motto is "Dont be evil", so that cant be bad right?) and another one who studies epidemics and deseases.

Not only do you pay to get your DNA stored in a databank by google, but also help (((them))) researching bioweapons to kill people based on their ethnicity aka non-jews.
And just so because you want to proof how white you are...
You basically pay for their real life version of Plague Inc.
GG. Stupidity has successfully eliminated all gentile life on earth. Well played

Agreed. Blame-game victimhood. Projecting one's own problems on an externalized enemy that manifests in a grandiose scheme against them. Conveniently deferring responsibility from themselves. Racial and religious groups have done this forever, sometimes with justification, but taking individual responsibility for ones life is profoundly better solution.

Coming from Fritz Abdul-Jabbar, I'm sure he takes that as a compliment.
Shouldn't you be cupping some muslim's balls while he plunges your daughter's throat?

I don't need to pay some jew $100 to know that I was raised by a family that is essentially cousins to the Amish.

>implying people who don't want to be killed and have their organs harvested are pieces of shit

goddamn. germany became a backwards, uber self-loathing shit hole in less than a century.
does no one there value their own life?

You're WAY too paranoid

in a world were government agencies snatch people off the street to perform mindcontroll experiments on them you cant be paranoid enough bruh

because i know my family.

I already know I'm 1/8 Maori and I'm ashamed to say, about 1/4 Irish.

oh my fucking god


What do you expect from Jew York.

>heh heh, what you got to hide or be ashamed of goyim
>proceeds to hide geographic location with fun flag

Just look at your skull shape retard. If you have any Neanderthal features, there is nothing to worry about. For fucks sake.

Hey fuckface. First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!
The feds have your DNA on file, stashed away in some location you never heard about.

because as a european i know my ancestors on generations. We have this thing called history here, it goes on centuries and you can follow it, everything is written in registers, mostly by catholic church.

im 100% one group lmoa

>if you're so white, why don't you hand over your DNA and also pay us a few hundred dollars for the privilege

>comparing whiteness to ethnicity

Stop it you racist democunt

my mother and sister did and I can make a guestimate from that without someone having my dna on file. it's all english and scandinavian.

Get out you dumb teepee nigger. Your turkey nigger dna needs to be destroyed. Typical Confederate flag guy. Talks shit about niggers when he is one himself.

n-n-no reason

BASED. I, for one, don't give a damn about the so-called browning of America

I'm not giving the Jews my DNA. That's just asking for trouble.

This. People should listen to Ben Shapiro and read The Daily Wire to learn what that conservative American spirit is all about

I'm not white, I'm Irish