Trump Threatens to Shut Down Free Press

And there it is. Trump's a Nazi.

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>implying it's not just bants
you still aren't grasping are you?
the potus is a piece of distraction chicken.
they do nothing.

He needs to be impeached.


They are bullshitting about Trump 24/7 though

Right wingers once questioned Obama's place of birth & they still haven't quite recovered from the backlash, Left Wingers make up stories about Trump every week & get away with it Scott free, i think something has to be done

its a corporation so I don’t know what you mean by free press

>you need a license to spout things on the internet

There's tons of precedent. Lincoln did FAR worse. If anyone's a fascist, it's Lincoln.

If they no longer meet the requirements for their broadcasting license, it could be revoked.
Time to dig into what the requirements are, and whether there are any listed reasons for revocation embedded into the law.

>free press
>Corporate Media conglomerates in the US
Pick one.


No one cares you Dixie fuck

I oppose state run media.

I support, however, forcing media organizations to be non profit only. Too much click bait and divisiveness because of the need to squeeze profits.

>truth is fake news, goyim
He salty

>The leader of the free world threatening to revoke their license because they said mean things about you, which is mostly just putting direct quotes he made and having a giggle at the stupidity, is just bantz

Neck yourself.

I agree, you shouldn't be shutting them down.

What's needed is some form of legislation where you can apply a "this is objectively true" statement which makes you legally liable to it's correctness- thus if the media chats shit with the statement, they get slapped down; but if they don't use the statement, everybody knows they're chatting shit

We can only hope he is Hitler. I'm fully on board with the press only being able to present facts. If i want faggots and lesbians telling me their opinion i'd ask. Shit gets jammed in your face 24/7. Thought you assbandits wanted this with the hate speech laws.


every American "journalist" should be executed. it's not journalism. it's one party propaganda.

if lincoln didn't get shot in the head I don't think he was ever going to restore the constitution. It would have been awesome if his sending all the nogs back to africa plan would have worked out though.

He must be about to do something BIG. This tweet is the bait of all baits for our media. He always takes a tremendous shit on his Twitter before he signs something utterly unrelated to the tweet. Think this will be an executive order revising health care?

Oh no. No more NBC. Whatever will I do?

>i know what a nazi is

>left is too busy with his tweets and the media going after the bait to see his real plans

"Objectively true" and "facts" are subjective. Given the same raw data, you can come up with two wildly opposing objectivity true facts

i really think this is what he mean when he said the calm before the storm. It doesn't have anything to do with North Korea, he has some real ammo to go after the lugenpresse. Harvey Weinstein was one domino, Project Veritas is another, and I can guarantee you he has something else up his sleeve.

Trump is stupid as fuck. How is he going to prove the news is fake to take their license? They have sources, video, photos, witnesses, etc. I agree they lie sometimes but most of it is real and smart people can tell the difference. I know that they slam him too hard but he's a grown man for god's sake. He's doing what teen drama queen girls do. He should o what rational adults do.

They are not press, they are entertainment and so heavily biased that that is the only way they can be classified.

There needs to be a watchdog to fine these corporations for lying/half truths/bias in reporting etc and the enforce objectivity.

They are incentivized by ratings not true journalism and actual journalists with integrity are kept from positions of power by the monopolies the kikes have on the media


Facts are not subjective you mouth breathing ambulocetus.

When he major news networks are just flat out lying - when do we hold them to their own standards before they lose the right to be a news agency?

>Obama was the REAL TYRANT!
>T-Trump's just making a joke!

The cognitive dissonance is terrifying.

See, that's where you are wrong.

waaaaaaah someone I don't like won the election so he must be impeached booo hoooo did you have hot cocoa, milkys, and a puppy waiting for you the next morning when he won?

I hate to say it but constitutional rights end when they are used against the nation itself.

For example getting a parking ticket then going out and using the 2nd amendment to kill a bunch of soldiers and take over a military base.
Using the Freedom of the Press not to report news or inform the public but to bastardize our country, divide out nation, and bring misery to our people.

These are places where rights end. Both of these actions require a government response weather the individual is on the right side or the wrong side morally.

The supreme court has ruled many times that freedom of speech does not include yelling fire in a crowded theater. The press airing propaganda targeting our President and dividing our nation through race baiting and other tactics is the equivalent and more egregious than yelling fire in a crowded theater.

In both examples we dont have examples of constitutional protections but examples of treason at best and outright crimes against humanity at worst.

The President must unite our country to Make America Great Again and sign exec orders enforcing penalties upon all those involved with a swift 24 hour trial and execution. Any delay or dragging it through courts will result in our country being torn apart by the very entities he is trying to dismantle due to their acts against our nation and governance.

P.S.- Use martial law or other measures to revoke the rights of all members of congress who hold duel citizenship. Only those sworn to our country and not any outside nation allie or not can be trusted with our national secrets and our national treasure.

Based. I love fascism.

>Trump's a Nazi
please don 't get my hopes up

Lugenpresse! Shut em down

Here's a list of things that got some stations nuked already

>Molest children
>Traffic in drugs
>Lie, Cheat . . .
>. . . and Steal.
>Be a racist
>Lack integrity

These all apply to the MSM in some form.
Lying, antiwhite action, a complete lack of integrity all suit MSNBC just fine.
The real question now is whether the FCC is the Democrat Party's bitch or not.

>free press
>owned by a large corporation who feeds them marching orders
pick one

What an idiot. Now they can say with “proof” that he is a dictator against free speech. Good one Dotard!

check'd, mouth breathing ambulocetus confirmed

LOL CNN shill right here

nazis didnt hate the press, they hated how the press was used to manipulate the public for the financial interests of bankers my friend. The press existed in germany and it brought people together like most countries that still exist today.

when huge chavez did this people went crazy af

>tfw it will never happen and Trump will most likely be elected again
He's not the saviour we all want him to be but it does make me chuckle

he doesnt need to prove anything is fake, i believe in the US news does not even operate under a FCC license so if someone could post some info it would help since I have no clue what license trump is even talking about.

She won

The difference is... he's right... and they should be shut down. It's only a matter of time anyway before they go out of business by talking so much fake shit. The way it stands their ratings have dropped big time.

Trump is a bigger guy

All news organizations need to be Non-Profit.

>h-he's joking!
>it's okay because my side is #winning!

I actually feel bad for a lot of you guys. In a couple of years you might come out of the other side and wonder what happened.

Trump shill.

>facts are subjective

just make 'spreading false news' a criminal offense like in Canada
>Spreading false news

>181 Every one who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and that causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to a public interest is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.

Go after the foreign owners.
Australia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico
The "free press" is bought and paid for.

We need her

But they were right about his birth certificate. That shit was forged.

Why doesnt trump just say "stop watching CNN"?

that is canada I dont think we have those laws here or like in the UK where news does require a license from the queen.

You realize the Fake News media's favorability rating is so low you need special tools to measure it, right? This is an even easier win for him than the anthem thing. The media should be trying to show how they can still be fair, instead of doubling-down on bias and lying over and over. But you just can't stop, can you?

Checkin your check, double confirmation of mouth breathing ambulocetus

hilldogs where you at

one of these things is not like the other

Well I can't say I'd complain if he went after our media. Our "news" is little more than sensationalist tabloid trash. They simply do not report the news in it's entirety, nor do they report it without bias. It really seems like they're only interested in running the most absurd clickbait stories for money. It's a disaster.

I'm not terribly comfortable with this. And how would this even work?

Stations are licensed by the FCC and as anyone who lived through Howard Stern knows, the FCC enforces certain regulations with respect to what can be said on the air and what can be shown.

You don't need a license to print a newspaper or have a website, but you do need a license to broadcast over the air (which no one listens to anyway). But what about cable? You may need a license to have a cable news station (I think) but I'm positive the same broadcast rules don't apply. So I honestly don't know what kind of license he's talking about.

Journalists don't have licenses so there's nothing to take away there.

What's he doing?

When was Obama tyrannical in speech or action?

Give an example please. Just making the claim does nothing.

if we impeach him and then pence we can get her instead

Govt state news.

What does Trump mean when he says "Fake News" anyway?

I see CNN editorialising a lot, as a private news channel they can pursue that angle. That's not really Fake News like that "Bowling Green massacre" shit though, is it?

Fake News is websites like Info Wars and all those random blogs with reassuring names like "Patriot Daily" or "Liberty Times" or fucking whatever, which completely fabricate stories at times.

Hello redneck. How's the sister-fucking going?


Everytime he signed an executive order, and then there was that time he droned a FUCKING U.S.CITIZEN.

>all the idiots in this thread feigning leftist outrage over the truth

This. He pointed at the press when he said the storm comment. He was obviously talking about them.

Yes but going after the press is never a good idea, specially in America, practically the inventors of the free press. The division the country is currently facing goes beyond the media influence, it's structural (countryside vs cities). Trump has an important dissaproval rating and he just have to live with that, no matter if (((media))) lies.

All leftist news channels are fake news

giving huge loads of money to iran without congresses approval as well

If he can prove they're actively and knowingly passing off false information as news, their license can be revoked. Same goes for CNN and FOX.

>The call for a return to journalistic integrity could happen in our lifetimes.

How long dos impeachment take?
can we get hillary before holidays it would be a good holiday present

oh ok, CNN, "editorialise" their content.

how is the below clip "editorialised" again?

Shutting down (((the press))) would be the best thing Trump does.

>be at work
>normies whispering to me about how great Trump is
>suddenly wondering if this is real life
I don't see how he doesn't win re-election when he's actively converting people through all this baiting of the media.

>haha it's okay when POTUS acts like Erdogan because he's le funneh meme man
You are a useful idiot.

There was that one time he gave violent mexican drug cartels weapons, then blamed the ensuing violence on US gun owners and used it as a talking point in his rants against our rights.
Or the time he showed he had no concern for our democracy when he encouraged non-citizens to go out and vote, in typical hypocritical Leftist fashion.

Thankfully, he's forever an inept retard.

THIS is part of the problem. Trump didn't do this. It's not limited to .gov propaganda either. The other problem is that (((media))), i.e., tv/cable, radio, music, movies, publishing including textbooks is all concentrated in kike's hands. It needs to be taken from them and broken up again to destroy their monopolies. Then there is a plurality of voices and it's more difficult for them to continue to subvert the nation.

We already have it: Voice of America. PBS to a lesser extent.

Hell if Trump wants to set up his own government-sanctioned newspaper and media outlet, that (I think) is his right as POTUS. He could certainly do it as an individual.

>Free press
Pick one.

He should have revoked CNN's press pass ages ago to set a precedence.

A lot of faggot shills in this thread. President Donald J. Trump

Hail Trump

the msm should be deported to Israel

The media is Jewish owned and Trump's administration is infested with Jews and Goldman Sachs people, and his children are married to Jews.

>He's on our side. He's the savior we've been waiting for!

It's all a ruse to lull you back to sleep. He's a Pied Piper playing the song you want to hear.

The states had the right to secede, he responded by waging total war against what he supposedly saw as his fellow citizens and suspending the right to trial.

>Trump's a Nazi.
oh god please be true

impeach him fast
please hurry mueller
we dont have much time left

THIS. He did things like avoid their questions or sit them in the back row (or "forget" to invite them) but he should have just burned their fucking press pass.

>Trump's a Nazi.
We could only be so lucky.