Is Christianity a religion if peace or a religion of war?

Is Christianity a religion if peace or a religion of war?

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The way to true peace is by waging war on the Muslim savages.


Religion in 2017 hahaha

A religion of righteous fury

Biblical christianity is about being seperate from the world and devoted to god.

Catholicism is about controll of the masses.

'Peace' is a lie, and impossible, with life/DNA needing to replicate itself due to the decay of carbon-based molecules

Biblical Christianity created Protestantism which unironically destroyed the West.

Catholicism is about authority, not control.
Mass Control is what we have today under "Liberalism"

it's a Jewish religion

The war/peace dichotomy is a red herring. The real question is, "is Christianity the one true faith or not?"

The answer, as far as Roman Catholicism goes, is 'yes'. All else is irrelevant.

Obvious jew.

It's a semitic suicidal death cult with a Jew as its propehts, a Jew as its saviour and proto-communist Jews as its first congregation. It encourages race mixing, "universalism", anti-racism and is cucked to death. It is what brought down Europe already once and will do it again.

And the pathetic crusades were defined by infighting, just like the Christcuck kingdoms, and ultimately failed.

No self-respecting white man should ever adopt this totalitarian psychological terrorism to his mind or for his country.

its a religion of love and unity.
Crusade fags are just forcing their ideologies to fit Christianity

>peace is the antithesis of war
You have no clue.

It can be peaceful when it needs to be an it can wage war when its necessary.

100% there is a Star of David under that Swastika.

Just War

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Peace obviously. It doesn't say that war is wrong though.
>if you live by the sword you die by the sword
The way to salvation is love

>call no man father
Why do all Christian denominations blaspheme? It's like they can't even read or something

It is a religion of war to bring peace.
Latin for peace = Pax = Rule
It is a religion of peace as it is bringing the rule of God

Its been turned into a cult of cuckolds.

Jesus might have taken a lot of shit, but God killed a fuckload of people.

100% that of peace. Although heretical branches of it like Catholicism try to make it warring because they just want to gain from it

>being this fucking retarded like all Christcucks
You are by far the dumbest posters with the hardest cognitive dissonance on this entire board.

You also know NOTHING about the actual pillars of western civilization and its spiritual or philosophical history. There is nothing you could actually defend in the first place.

Isaiah 63 1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. 2 Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? 3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. 4 For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.

I would say God makes war with the world, and the adversary who owns it. Peace with the world is war with God.

"I come not to bring peace, but a Sword."

Christianity is a systemic war against evil. That's the entire point. From the beginning with Christ to the present day, the core of Christianity has been about fighting an asymmetric war with the materialistic instincts and institutions of human civilization.

Like Buddhism, Christianity assesses and targets a specific element of human misery, in this case, the wicked excesses of human behavior. Buddhism targeted the hedonic treadmill, the innate suffering of existence.

What is interesting and what makes Christianity special is that it was engineered so precisely and so unerringly to target evil, yet as far as we know the bible and the Christian tradition were combined randomly from God knows how much apocrypha and folk-tradition and even pagan sources.

When people cite the bible's divine origins I understand entirely their reasoning, though of course I disagree. The crux (lol) of the matter is this: If Christianity is not proof of the existence of a benevolent God, then it must instead be proof that on some level all human behavior is fundamentally predictable, and that the same problems that have applied in EVERY era apply also to this one, and that by pure coincidence or genius a small group of random Romans Greeks and Hebrews assembled a doctrine capable of tackling those problems in perhaps the, or the second, most effective way yet conceived.

Either way it's an incredible religion and I respect it.

It's something idiots believe in like, democracy or the holocaust


Same as they've always been. Peaceful, refuse to do anything until it's absolutely necessary. But when they do, holy fucking war like no one has seen is what they deliver.

It's a religion of nuance. There are no easy answers. There are just wars and good reasons for capital punishment regardless of what pacifists say. Christianity will always protect the innocent. But on the other hand not believing in God is a violation of the first of the 10 commandments and blaspheming until death is worthy of death.

Source on that pic?

>muh paganism
They were and are even more degenerate than any Jew or Christian could hope to be. The Vikings were nothing more than raiding pieces of shit that accomplished nothing for humanity or civilization.
Hitler was an idiot when it came to religion, he even praised Islam. Quit hanging on his every word.

Their is nothing such as a religion of peace
You have been played by Semitic people

It's a religion of peace through strength.

t. Ahmed Nazir Abdel-mejid

Hurt durr my prophet hurt durr chosen people hurt durr jesus died for our sin
One religion is based on conquest
The other is based of lies and deception
The other is based on one being hanged by some Jews in Palestine then claiming he's the Messiah
Literally cancer that spreads throughout minds
I was born in a Muslim family of course i have a Muslim name but you're not even close
Iam not religious btw nor atheist

>What is interesting and what makes Christianity special is that it was engineered so precisely and so unerringly to target evil, yet as far as we know the bible and the Christian tradition were combined randomly from God knows how much apocrypha and folk-tradition and even pagan sources.
>When people cite the bible's divine origins I understand entirely their reasoning
Sums up my thoughts exactly. Best post I've read all day.

i was more going for a typical egyptian name than a muslim one but i guess that works too

It's a religion of exterminating evil. There are many peaceful and non-peaceful ways of doing that.

Nope In Egypt the name nazir isn't used on its on its al-nazir
Also mejid is maged or majid
Thoses are Persian names

>The other is based on one being hanged by some Jews in Palestine then claiming he's the Messiah
There is more to it than that. Taking a modernist perspective, it's too easy to discount the fact that the bible's teachings are interwoven with human the human condition. It was the pinnacle of psychology, politics and morality, before they were seen as separate disciplines. The concept of what God is, is lost on many people. Think about the end times prophecies in the bible, take the fact that the text defines a way for people to peacefully coexist and consider God a force of nature (I'm oversimplifying a bit). It goes back to what the other user said here:
>What is interesting and what makes Christianity special is that it was engineered so precisely and so unerringly to target evil
"The word" is God's warning to us to prevent our own destruction. It's taken many forms over the centuries, but ultimately it all points to the same truths.

Christianity does not judge those who take false gods. Only after sending them to God are they judged for their sins. Only with fire and war can we purge our lands of the saracems and send them to the Father for their divine justice. Only then is true peace achieved.


Or religions are religions of war, because they exist to defend morals and defending means war.

America is Babylon. That's all I'll say/ If someone attacks up, fine. Put. Them. Down. But we plunder, murder en masse, and utterly destroy what little they have for the whims of Israel & Saudi, & energy companies- and then we LIE about why we're doing it. It's like we''re addicted to blood.

The devil comes to kill and steal and destroy.

peace , do not confuse Christianity with roman catholics

>America is Babylon.
Israel is Babylon. The jews use the Babylonian Talmud.

better change what being a Christian is so it fits my agenda

both, but at least it isn't a (((religion of peace)))

That's exactly what the jews did. Christianity was always imperialistic until it got subverted.

Christianity is peaceful. Sadly, it is usually too peaceful.

I fucking hate most fellow Brits. Most are as edgy as American atheists with the religiosity levels of Continental Europeans, plus a lack of religious knowledge.

Christianity advocates for peace on earth but it doesn't forget why there was war in heaven.

One heretic, one stake, one fire. Repeat as is necessary.

Something something bringing the sword
