Faggits, overdosing

It has become mad impossible for me to get pain medication, I'm 35 I've been busting my ass since i was 14.

I've wrecked sports cars, gotten bucked off horses and never take sick days.

My back is fucked, I work on semi trucks and refuse surgery. I don't want oxycotin.

Just a small dose, of vicdon. Fuck you degenerate lowlifes. If you OD I'm pretty sure your a stupid fuck anyways, and deserve to die

Kratom is your best bet.

Learn how to spell faggots

You changing out the bearings?

Years of dirt bike racing killed my knees. Pot is the only thing that really helps.

Nigger it's because you're retarded and you don't know how to get them. You probably go in there asking for them or acting like you know what they do.

You have to act completely retarded like you you've never even heard of them or they will be suspicious.

Also, why are you not taking high dose neurontin? Pleb.

I really like my liquid hydrocodone.

Not this faggot thread again from a faggot lolbertarian
Stop being a pussy
Stop working on semis if youre body is so fuckes
Stop wrecking sports cars and rising horses
This was all your doing
Man uo and grit your teeth
Youre only 35 and whining bc you cant get your fix

Fuck off of here you get no sympathy and are not ubermensch material
Useless eater you will be in 5 years

>t. skinny-fat nerd

Where do you live dude. Not to be a DUDE WEED LOL faggit but medicinal cannabis is so versatile and can help tremendously with pain management without the shitty side effects. Try it before you hero out

F. A. G. G. O. T. S.


Guess you made some shit life choices then.

Gabapentin FTW.
Also, OP needs to go to a pain clinic.

Just get the surgery done, I had a few herniated disk for a year and the pain was awful and the pain was giving me a huge blood pressure spike. They put a huge bolt in my back and fused it and I feel much better.

Ironically I hurt my back doing crossfit, never do that shit

Know what? Get a heating pad. I was pretty hard on my body (esp for a girl- 3 wheeler & my job was very physical, heavy work involving plaster molds from 30 to 300 pounds/ buckets of slip clay) growing up and not much better after I settled down & got married, just different abuse (moving, renovating a house)

Anyway, I can't take painkillers at all. I throw up. I almost never take Tylenol. I slept with a heating pad turned all the way up for 6 or 7 years. And at some point, realized I actually didn't need it any more. I still overdo it & use it occasionally, but not that often. Mostly now, I work for a while & take a break when my back is just killing me.

Also, a fellow dog rescuer I know has really bad knees & uses those heat strip things (I don't know what they're called.) We were commiserating at Animal Control one day & she peeled one off that had cooled. I've considered trying that for when I can't afford to stop & have a break.

Heat works. Try it.
ps Maybe try one of those fatigue mats, too. Sasm's Club has Kitchen Aid ones on sale right now. I just got one, so don't know how well they work yet. Your feet can really play hell with your back.

if you supported the war on drugs you deserve this shit

Lift with your legs, not your back. Pffft...

It's not them it's that the market is now competitive. All the patents expired. Nobody really cares about people dieing. Also seem like your the one with the problem. They seem to be doing okay you're the one "in pain" and can't get drugs. They're getting so much it's killing them. You sound like a real bitch.

>I'm 35 I've been busting my ass since i was 14.

>My back is fucked, I work on semi trucks and refuse surgery

Nice life choices you fucking dipshit, how does it feel knowing you're less than halfway into your life and you've already permanently ruined your body and the second half of your life will be in exruciating pain?

Why am I supposed to feel sympathetic for someone so stupid he ruins his BACK before 35, and what does he have to show for it? He still works a manual labor job making almost nothing.

OP, how much wealth do you have? What did you earn out of your literal backbreaking work? Did you do it all for a garbage wage which you flushed down the toilet the moment payday came around?

smoke fucking weed if you need pain relief that bad.

Did CNN really use that scene of Asuka to depict NGE, was it because it says kill on it? I have a hard time telling what is real propaganda anymore, well that is I have a hard time determining if it is their propaganda or ours, but way to take a beautiful scene out of context

Seriously user, this. Get your PCP to refer you to a reputable hospital-based pain clinic, get evaluated, and be open to gabapentoids or other non-opiates if that is recommended. Opiates are best for short-term pain relief and occasional breakthrough pain. Also see if physical therapy can help. Yes, junkies are ruining access to opiates, but if those drugs are truly best for your pain management you are best off with full support from a pain specialist.

>Did CNN really use that scene of Asuka to depict NGE, was it because it says kill on it?

I don't think so due to the top right text being clearly photoshopped. I'm not 100% certain.

A couple people have said it already, but if you are too retarded to acquire narcotic painkillers, stock up on Kratom and get a script for gabapentin.

He's just countersignalling the people who abuse them so that he can convince himself that he's different from the people who crave them.

>my back is fucked

translation: im an opiate addict

Holy shit it's like some of you faggots have never left your fucking basements.

Reality check for you; if you actually live your life you're probably going to get hurt. Usually not serious permanent damage but it happens. Sometimes it's from being a retad but usually is luck of the draw when shit hits the fan.

You shit lichs haven't even experienced a fraction of what life has to offer because you're afraid you might get hurt.

Should've thought of that before you dropped out of school. What, was the book learning too hard for you?

>if you don't get crippled and require prescription painkillers to function you haven't lived life

t. dope addict

>I'm not 100% certain.

but you see what I mean. CNN puts out so much garbage and the propaganda produced on Sup Forums is so polished one can not tell anymore the difference between reality and fiction. Strange times we live in.

I've broken my dominant wrist 3 times and the pain is killing me.
The x-rays look fine and docs said it's fine but it hurts like a 1000 degree knife stabbing me when I twist in a certain way.

thanks, motorbikes.

blame the filthy american government you fool

>tfw wage cuck

I jet-ski dirtbike skateboard snowboard and have got hurt many times maybe not be a delicate flower with a shit back.

it takes a wrong step and a puddle of ice to make you a perma-cripple dude.

Yes, very fun.

>hello, I would like (names specific DEA schedualed Narcotic)
>what? Why not? How come nobody will give me drugs?

You do realise the fastest way to not get treatment is to specifically request a narcotic by name right? Doctors literally deal with a dozen junkies a day just trying to get high, the moment you start specifically naming painkillers you are no longer being listened to.

1: complaining about vague "pain" wont get you anywhere. Actually prove you have an injury. Get an MRI and have a doctor name something specifically wrong with you.

2: say (specific medical condition) hurts a lot and current meds arent helping. Do NOT proceed to directly request narcotics.

3: accept what they proscribe you. You arent a doctor and if your doctor tells you that your almost invisible bulged disk doesnt require hard narcotics then it doesnt require narcotics.

4: never, EVER try to tell a doctor what specific dosage you want. You arent shopping for advil. If you tell a doctor you want a specific narcotic its a red flag. If you think you will be smart and start naming specific doses cuz you looked em up online that redflag is now lit in flashing red hazard lights and sounding an alarm bell.

try Kratom
if you just want a little bit of Vicodin, Kratom is actually perfect for you - same exact feeling if you take it in Pill form

Why won't you agree to a surgery and attack the source of the problem instead of treating the symptom? I mean, why do you want to take Vicodin for the rest of your life?

I know that feels user. Fucking faggot doctors refuse to prescribe shit because of retard junkies... and they somehow can't tell the difference between a junkie and a normal person either.

Oh and the darkweb is your friend OP, if you really need the shit then just go on there, it's a breeze to get whatever you want

He's not even doing that. He doesn't care he just saw how many you's all the other threads got in the past couple days.

Same boat painbro. Went to the ER for pain and it was almost impossible to get pain meds. Everyone is a junky to them. My pain doctor is good but they can't help on the weekend.

You can try a mix of GABA and CBD.

smoke weed faggot it's good for you

In the USA its been a tradition since the 50's that middle aged men are handed hard narcotics for vague symptoms. Most folks have a hardly noticeable bulged disk or something and demand they be handed the magical happy no hurty pills and assume its as good as being actually made better. Then such behavior turned into a huge fuckin heroin epidemic and doctors are more careful about who they give hard drugs to.

Big problem for all the middle aged junkies in denial who are now being told that, no, they cannot have a 189th refill on the oxycodone they were prosribed for a sprained wrist 3 years ago.

Which is another unique american trait. The moment anyone has even slight discomfort they immiediatley begin carrying on like a wounded cow and act like nobody in the history of ever has had to deal with agony like this before.

If you refuse surgery then it obviously doesnt hurt bad enough to need hard drugs. People who are genuineley injured and trying to get better are given those drugs. People who are trying to milk a maybe/maybe not herniated disk or carpel tunnel for fun opiods to chase thier daily 6 pack with are being denied thier fix and bitching about how other drug users ruined it whilst pretending they are not themselves part of the problem.

Can you use the darkwebz to get actual diazepam? As opposed to the cut and deadly street shit?

Its the only thing that helps when I have a true panic attack. Even 2mg is usually enough to knock the edge off to the point where I can deal with it, 5mg at most. Any more and it gets me high, which is not the point. I don't have to use it every day, just when the bloody anxiety gets out of hand.

But good luck getting a scrip from an NHS doctor. Bloody impossible, they're scared shitless it'll turn you into a junkie.

Yeah it enrages me. I'm naturally opioid resistant so it takes about 20mg of oxycodone for me to get any pain relief at all. 1mg of IV morphine, or 0.5mg IV dilaudid, or 100mcg of IV fentanyl, 5mg of PO oxycodone, 7.5mg of PO hydrocodone - those all do nothing for me.

I had emergency spine surgery and I ran out of pain meds. I called the neurosurgeon on call, who said she couldn't write me a script that I could come pick up from her at the hospital and obviously she cannot send it electronically anymore. At the ER they treated me like a drug seeker. It was infuriating. SIX DAYS AFTER MY SURGERY. I am convinced my healing has been delayed because of improper pain management.

fuck i would love to drive american semitrailer truck, why the fuck we have only cabovers

How do I got retarded, user. Help me out here

But here are some of my recommendations:

I am not your doctor. You need to consult your doctor about these. This is not medical advice.

>heat and ice
>inversion table for gravity traction
>stretch like pic related - let your legs' weight pull your vertebrae apart and let your discs fall back into place. Also do this stretch with your hands behind you, like on a counter.
>NSAIDs to reduce inflammation.
>see a chiropractor. The ones who aren't coffee enema quacks but focus on relieving back pain are good.
>get physical therapy

Get into a pain management clinic if you can.

Your roads and loading areas are very small by North American standards, that's why. Cab-overs are also disliked because, in accidents, too many truckers were getting thrown through the windscreen - bigger trucks are perceived as safer in collisions.

Stop being a faggot and just shoot heroin like everyone else

I have a hernited disc in my lower back and the only thing that will actually help is stretching. Stretch every day, sleep flat with no pillow.

Doing opiates are only a temporary solution and you will require more and more and you seem like you are already addicted which is why doctors are cutting you off

Thank you for your service based opiate mechanic.


>Doing opiates are only a temporary solution and you will require more and more and you seem like you are already addicted which is why doctors are cutting you off
This was six days after a very major surgery and I was still in intense pain. Opioids can be good for up to twelve weeks for acute pain management. I don't require "more and more" - I weigh ~250 and I'm very tall. And I'm simply resistant to opioids.

Opioids are palliative, but six days after a microdiscectomy and a laminectory it's not drug seeking, it's just wanting not to be in pain.

Stop complainingwe got Sisu SR with cummins and fuller, world's strongest truck


My wife's foot doctor will hand her over oxy 40mg instant releases after surgery this friday. then she'll drop 5 mg per week for a while then get a bajillion 10mg norcos with some oxys for breakthrough pain. Man when I need to get fucked up, I'm totally hooked up. Also my arms all fucked , my tooth is broken and im too poor to pay for that shit just yet. May as well chew up pills weeeeeeeeeee

I mean really, 20mg of any pain killer pretty much brightens your day for a few hours. should be fucking mandatory at some jobs.

yeah maybe 20years ago

Gabapentin works pretty well. One of my dogs was on it (+ Tramadol) for severe arthritis.

I don't know if they have this for people, but cold laser looks to me to be just short of miraculous. One of my boys, who has arthritis anyway, hurt his back pretty bad and the vet expected to take 3 or 4 treatments. It took one & he was better than "new". At that time, it was cheap, about $40, but it was new & that was about 5 yrs ago.

Same here. I've told the ER to fuck off with their stupid morphine and just either do what needs done and put a sock in my mouth or knock me out. Took an anesthesiologist like 3 attempts to get me to stop screaming bloody murder and profanities and threats after a hand surgery. Glad I don't remember that hahah

Dude, you realise that posts like this is precisely why doctors are leery of giving out narcotics, right?

Do smaller jobs. You're killing yourself for nothing.

This. The stuff works. Stay away from the pharma jew.

I'm just saying should I need it, it's easy as hell to get. At least my wife doesn't sell them or some shit. It's THOSE fuckers who ruin it for everyone.

I've done that too. My cat loved it.

I have a stockpile of about 90 ativans in a "survival kit" along with tons and tons of other shit I've accumulated. I rotate it out every couple years. I'd give you them free if I could. Panic attacks are no joke. I take 2-4mg to prevent rage issues. Blood pressure will eventually kill me. :(

Neurontin will make you depressed and totally unable to function. May take 6 months., may take a few years but you will find yourself depressed. Slurring speech, falling, feel like walking dead zombie. can give you seizures. Gabapentin works similar to benzos/ethanol, is that what you want to do long term?

Oh and it's harder to get off of than high dose opoids, some people need years to stop it, some cannot do it at all.

Oh and yea, Gabapentin also can cause suicidal ideation.

suicidal ideation.


But yea, so much better than pain meds.

Kava isn't terrible either, but it's more of a pain in the ass to make.

Fuck, I think I'm going to order some Kratom. It's been years

Thank you senpai, I appreciate the sentiment.

Its not all bad, I've started Sertraline a week ago and it seems to be having some sort of effect. At least the horrible side effects seem to have went away. Also waiting for a magnesium supplement rn, I figured I might be deficient after I noticed one of my eyelids trembling and fluttering. I hear most people are deficient, and that it screws with the nerves, and the heart as well. So maybe those two things will help.

And I know anger issues are no joke, too. Sometimes its hard to deal with all the idiots, and staying calm just aint feasible.

I got a new, hippie lady doctor, she mentioned the magnesium thing but haven't gotten to it yet.

Unbeaten to this day


You're all idiots

My old man was the same way. I got him on some smaller doses of weed.

Non habit forming. Can still function. He sleeps much better now. Cost is literally 80 a month for my dad to be almost pain free and more rested.

Vicodin contains acetaminophen
It's bad for your liver.

Epsom salt bath good for magnesium intake, especially on short order. It's something that doesn't get mentioned a lot anymore.

Its not a hippie thing as far as I can determine, I've looked at some studies showing, for example, a better surviveability of heart attack patients given a magnesium drip. Basically, you need a good amount of that shit to calm the heart down and prevent arrhythmias. There was also something about bp increase if you're deficient. So I'd definitely give it a go, it cost me less than 10 quid to buy a 100 tablets of chelated magnesium, and that is supposedly the most useful stuff.

Also, eat shit like bananas and fish.