Commiefornia has got to go folks
legalized HIV and PEDO's in 1month ROFL GOD hope that fire gets in contact with a secret underground oil resovior and the whole state explode. COME ON ROCKETMAN DO YOUR JOB!
They're just making room for the upcoming right wing extremist registry
>all of this is happening right after the jews in Hollywood get caught diddling so many that even Terry Crews gets caught up in getting diddled
how is a sex offender register not double jeopardy for someone who's served out their sentence
If I'm registered, I should be able to diddle all the kids I want!
It's designed to keep offenders away from positions where they can become repeat offenders. This is just more proof that the left loves nothing more than creating victims that they can then represent and (((champion))).
how feminists will react to this?
so it's continued punishment for having completed your punishment?
this is for people who are put on the registry for urinating in public, not actually violating someone else. it will clear up the registry so focus can be on the real scumbag rapists and pedos.
Rocketman nuke la and sf already!
It literally lists people convicted of oral and anal child rape.
I want to strangle you.
>Pee in an alley at 3 in the morning
>get arrested for exposing yourself in public
>Now marked as a sex offender for the rest of your life
no it doesn't. fuck off sensationalist.
>It literally lists people convicted of oral and anal child rape.
Show me.
Honeslty this is not bad ,i heard you get onto it bcse of ridicoulus tiny offenses ,you should only get on that list if you actually raped someone or real pedophilia
Free N_01!
I actually 100% agree with this. My old friend Trevor Nalore (Tara Holts Bro) committed suicide because a one night stand who was 17 when he was 19 claimed rape - so her boyfriend didn’t dump her. She was all over him, but because she was 17 he still went to jail, and had to register. His entire life was ruined, he couldn’t get a job anywhere and he ended up poor, about to be homeless, and just gave up. It’s really sad but we throw so many people to the pits over pure laziness as a society
They have a point, though. It's really creepy when you look at your neighborhood online, and find yourself surrounded by pedos. Better to keep it hidden.
Feeling safe> knowing the truth.
it also lists people who were naked in public
>get head from a 16 year old
>you're 20
>"child rapist"
It lists EVERYONE who commits a sexual crime, which includes public exposure and grabbing a girls ass
At least it's on fire
you dont fix a child fucking freak
Good thing no government lists
aside from actually castrating them
but that isnt what i implied with 'fix'
>unintentionally harsh
black mirror-esque perpetual day after day torture of society's offenders when
No. Registered offenders are not punished. They go in to a parole or probation center like once every few months and check in. It takes like 2 minutes and just ensures you have remained non-offending and are obeying the restrictions placed upon your court case by the judge when you were convicted such as attending counseling and staying away from schools and playgrounds.
>T. The guy they have to check in with.
nice justice there m8
See if it was just actual pedos I'd be fine with it, but there are teens who got put on it because they had sex with each other while under the age of consent. You shouldn't have a black mark on your record because a college freshman dated a high school senior
Clam down officer i know you wouldnt be able to help the jews without your lists
what about the part where you're legally prevented from living within arbitrarily designated zones forever?
Put the whole state under QUARANTINE
are you defending people that rape children?
Why haven't we built a wall around them yet?
rape is such a strong word. how do we know those kids didn't just change their mind after the fact?
There are certainly people on the registry who should not be, but 90%?
Am I genuinely supposed to believe that 90% of people on the registry are there for innocuous things like public urination and sleeping with a 16 year old?
Sounds like Hollywood accounting to me.
I fucking hate this world, fuck the kike goblins
t. Faggot ostrich
The sex offender registry is blatantly unconstitutional. The entire point of prison is to keep people away from society until they are rehabilitated. They should only be released if they are no longer a danger to society. If that isn't possible, then they should be locked up for life. The sex offender registry is redundant and a product of mass feminist hysteria rather than actual reason and law.
>supporting the sex offender registry
It's unjust statist bullshit. Never should've been allowed to exist and never would have been allowed in a right-thinking society.
No, we dont need to retutn to the middle ages.
Your all god dam feminists
Theres 4 classifications.
Tier 1 is non violent first time offenders. child porn, statuatory rape, and non violent offenders go here.
Tier 2 is for people who actually did stuff to kids, or for tier 1 individuals who have committed another offense following their original conviction.
Tier 3 is for the dangerous and most violent offenders, and those tier 2 individuals with multiple offenses.
The tier system is simply a classification of severity and the likleyhood to reoffend. And no, the vast majority of sexual offenders are NOT just some poor guy who got caught peeing in public or accidentally laid a 17 year old with a fake ID. Can it happen? Yeah. But not often. Like hardly ever in fact, only when the judge on thier case wants to be a huge dick.
Most "oh poor me I was peeing in public!" Stories are tier 1 guys who got caught with CP trying to hide it (like 99%).
hahaha oh man just as i thought my nation was cucked to death the yanks ask me to hold their beer while they out do us.
T. Child abuser
Because indefinite sentences are awright.
>but muh public urination, muh 2 year age gap
Jesus, nobody is fucking arguing against that. ^ That shit is being used as a smokescreen for this law though, which if any of you read it, knows it goes far beyond that.
I'm defending a fair justice system
Its raining jews in norcal
Here's a Sodom Francisco Gate article about it
so execution for raping kids. perfect. i like that idea better.
and what do you know about fair? you have literal illegal fucking words in germany
Are you defending indefinite sentences and punishments that continue after a sentence has been served?
The sex offender registry shouldn't exist at all. No punishment that continues after a sentence is served is just. You retarded piece of shit.
Im not swad by the cheap save the children speech.
Because the jew media and government wants less white people controlling laws is the way they do it
My m8 got drunk and pissed in a public park and was convicted of a sex crime because some kids were playing laser tag at midnight and saw him. His fiance left him and he hung himself lol
they rally believe that just because they say something that it is true.
>no powerful groups to defend sex offenders
What in the fuck? These are people who prey on the weakest people they can find, why would anyone powerful defend them? If there were "powerful groups" that defended them it would be the end of a moral society. There was no one there to defend that kid your raped bro, so you're on your own.
Lets be real about what is going on here, though. California already has a problem with overcrowded prisons and money spent on justice and law enforcement, and this is just a matter of politicians recategorizing as much as they can to "reduce crime" by just change definitions: this means they don't have to admit their cultural revolution has been an absolute failure, they get a short term accomplishment (like increasing a company's stock price by buying back its shares), and they have less state spending which means that the rich fuckers get to keep more of their tax money than if California actually funded their justice system to account for the gangs and drugs and illegals and all the violence that results.
And of course the next step here is going to be reducing punishments for pedophiles, since the big Hollywood money all loves to fuck little boys and girls and so do all the illegals they're bringing in to clean the toilets and mow the gardens of the Hollywood elite.
And the left used to attack people back in the day when we said legalizing gay marriage would be a slippery slope.
That is not a stipulation that will ever be attached to somebody who simply had a misunderstanding or a bit too much to drink. Thats for people who actually got caught with CP, or actually touched/raped a kid.
If your buddy/family member/associate ever tells you some line of bullshit about an over reaction to accidental indecent exposure preventing them from going near schools or playgrounds then theyre lying to you.
When you are sentenced judges can attach long term conditions to your case. For alchoholics its mandatory AA, wearing an anklet, and being prohibited from drinking or going to places that serve alchohol.
Junkies and be sent to mandatory rehab, be subjected to drug tests etc etc.
Its not "double jeapardy." Its a continuation of the original sentence designed to prevent them from commiting repeat offenses. It also serves as a modifier to re-offending.
Be naked in ur home some1 spots you through a window boom sex offender registry
The list of sex crimes is huge and over reaching.
Teens who've taken selfies of them selves have been put on their for child pornography production.
>Californian sex offender registry.
>By their own admission, +20% of sex offenders are women.
>Arbitrarily decide which offender files will be made public.
>0.01% of public files belong to women offenders.
And that is the most blatant manipulation. I wonder if they manipulate also minority statistics.
If they are that bad where you think they need to be on a list then they should be in prison or executed.
Whatever happened to people serving their time?
>legalized child prostitution
>legalized spreading AIDS
>no sex offender registry
now all california needs is age of consent reduced to 7 and legalized rape and it will be the ultimate sexual paradise, completely free of christcuckery and moralfaggotry.
What garbage! Pedos run wild.
Dear north korea
I will personally hold a cookout for your entire fucking nation if you nuke the southern half of California. Your choice of beef, chicken, or sausage, and two sides. If you nuke it twice for good measure, I'll bump you up from caprisuns to a wide variety of soda.
If america was white we would not be talking about this shit in the first place
It's recruitment, not rape.
people that pray on children should be stigmatized for the rest of their disgusting lives.
ill agree pissing in public and being put on the list is bullshit. save it for the actual predators
>legalized child prostitution
>arresting johns instead of whores is legalizing prostitution
Stop being retarded.
look at this based motherfucker here.
Ive heard pretty much that exact story a hundred times a month for 5 years from the guys I am supposed to check in on. I have thier records. Theres 357 guys in my ledger who check in at assorted times on a rotation.
Theres maybe 3 I actually feel dont deserve to be there. They also only have to check in like twice a year and have no major restrictions aside from being required to see me whenever they change address.
I repeat. Anyone with a "HE CANT GO TO SCHOOLS, PLAYGROUNDS, BE AROUND KIDS UNDER 18, AND HAS TO CHECK IN EVERY 3 MONTHS! AND ALL HE DID WAS FORGET TO CHECK HER ID/PISSED IN A PARK!" is a liar. The very least to earn that kinda shit is posession of hardcore childporn.
In Poland we just got a sex offender registry implemented. It has two tiers - one is for common sexual crimes and the list isn't public, and other is for special kind of dangerous fuckups which is public for everyone.
So you can't really get your life ruined by for example groping someone unless you really want to be a teacher or policeman.
we need to hear what is considered not serious. but I had a thought on this. almost never to laws get removed from the books so for them this is a very serious issue. I'm worried that this is to start the conversation about legalizing pedophilia.
>double jeopardy
They are convicted once, this is part of the sentence.
Its more or less the same in the USA. If it really was just a case of being drunk and stupid or pissing in the wrong place you can just show your court conviction and police report from the incident.
"Hey, I pissed in a park when I was 23 and some kid called the cops, heres the paperwork, was a dumb mistake."
You can appeal such rulings anyways. And as for fellow mericans, if a family member or friend has such a sob story just ask to see thier copy of the original citation they were booked for. If they dont have it theyre either lying or completeley and utterly retarded.
Makes sense, the court system is already bogged down as it is, doesn't really make sense to rope dumb teens who snap nudes of themselves and some drunkard that got nabbed pissing in a bush at 3 am in on a list with rapists and pedophiles.
good. so many people are wrongly accused of being sex offenders it's ridiculous, like for example one guy who pumped and dumped a few bitches and then had to register because they all came to court and said it was rape and if a woman says you raped her they don't need conclusive evidence to legally punish you. guilty until proven innocent. also one guy had to register because he came in someone's sock. a fucking sock! the term "sex offender" used to be used for pedophiles and rapists, not people who jizz in fucking socks.
>>all of this is happening right after the jews in Hollywood get caught diddling so many that even Terry Crews gets caught up in getting diddled
Delete this goy!
What's wrong with fucking child actors?
They want to be entertainers don't they?
Well, if their job is to entertain sucking dick is part of it
No one made them become actors they could've continue in school studying like the rest but they wanted to be diferent so fuck them.
what about all the 18 year old guys that are in the registry because they shagged a 17 year old and because her parents called the cops
Why do I only hear about this registry being a thing in US? How come other countries don't feel the need to be hysterical about it?
You're unreasonably cynical of people who claim to have had their lives unjustly ruined by the law, and yet you're completely okay with blind trust of police.
Good. If I had your mail I could just send you CP, call the police and you're going to the list.
All this pedo scare is just (((someone))) using soccer moms as useful idiots for an easy way to convict anyone opposing (((them))) at anytime.
>Oops this rich guy that has a harem of groupies he could fuck at any time was caught with CP in his computer, lel we're going to have to jail you xD
In Virginia if you take a piss outside and a cop busts you doing it, it's indecent exposure. Intent doesn't mean shit. You become a registered sex offender because you were too far from a bathroom when you had to piss.
In cases like this the registry isn't appropriate but it still sucks a ton of people into system every year.
Fuck pedos and all that but not every "sex offender" is a demented sicko.
this is true
cp laws are just a way to kill political oponents
is this another Sup Forumscuck bait thread about california? I remember back when they made law to protect young girls not going to jail and you retards were saying they just legalized pedophilia
you must be dumb to keep falling for Sup Forumscuck baits
It's hilarious how stupid white men truly are. How pathetically cucked each and every one of you are to your absolute core...It just takes the right trigger for you to reveal your inner beta-male...
Here's the truth you fucking limp-dicked faggots: women should be married at 13. Period. They should have no rights. They should wear burkas when in public. They should be beaten if they dress slutty. (not a muslim, but they have a few good ideas).
The only people that belong on a sex offender registry are:
1. Men who fuck women younger than 13.
2. Men who marry women with kids.
3. Men who marry non-virginal women.
4. Men who marry women over the age of 22.
These faggots belong on a list. But some 20 year old Chad who slayed some 15 year old snapper? No. He doesn't belong on a list. Go back to your Christian churches, import blacks to fuck your wife, and stop talking.
>"rape culture is bad"
>"let's curb the sex offender registry"
>liberal sweating nervously as he tries to decide which button to press
you are a fucking genuine lemming you know that?
creeps btfo.
The sex offender registry has always needed an overhaul though. Loads of people are on it who shouldn't be.
age of consent in California: 18
How does this work now?
One can have sex with a underager and nothing happens?
why dont you try that and tell us
Sodom will burn
Earthquakes a' coming...
better run run run
run for your mum
your registry is bullshit for the most part destroying peoples lifes forever
i dont mind legit pedophiles and rapists being on there but there are crazy instances of people who did minor shit and had to register
>consentual sex In a public park
I can't really put this into word other than why are fags so stupid???
>prostitution and porn are misogynistic and it's not ok to treat womens bodies as comodieties and not as humans
>women have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies
>you can just show your court conviction and police report
I think you are being willfully ignorant all people need to hear is sex offender registry and they make their own conclusion. It's like being accused of rape, what you actually did is irrelevant