America is based

The melting pot is aldente

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literal animals

The KKK were psychic

thats why we cant have nice things - niggers ,even sheboons look emberassed haha

>when blacks get upset about anything, they start repeating the same thing over and over again


Low IQ lizard brains at work there

>without t-shirts



Fascinating. All that's missing is narration by David Attenborough.


Can you smell that guys? That's the faint but oh so delicious quintessential aroma of multi-racialism.. Hmmm.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

if this is life i do not want to be alive

Be careful guys, you're facing 15 yrs in jail for not enjoying every aspect of this societal utopia

it's hot on a metro

How anyone can like niggers is beyond me.

>that EYY at the end
made me laugh, but seriously, how can people believe all humans have any form of religious/spiritual transcendental worth when there are "people" like this in the hundreds of millions across the globe


That shirtless guy is hot as fuck.
Bet he has a big black cock.

i watched a 10 min video compilation from this guy and i can't understand 90% of the shit he's saying.
he's only 17 btw.

This is what happens when society is flourishing, it creates brain dead fuckers.

>fags II NOx
>fags to gas

We are going to have to nuke our own cities. It is the only way.

>society is flourishing, it creates brain dead fuckers

huh, africa must be doing the best in the world then

Damn social media and gangsta rap culture is killing an entire generation. Actual civilisation won't recover

Why do niggers insist that nigger should be an un-word but every third word out of their mouth is nigger?

They never had one to begin with.

You're right. Those of us with brains keep society churning along, while a brainless mass develops to leech off of the plenty we create. And we've also developed a big-brained ideological wing in academia that ensures the little-brained ghetto wing always gets their cut.

Strong men make good times, and good times make weak men... you know how the aphorism goes. We really do need hard times so we can justify wiping out the useless horde.

>tfw there was a nigger in the subway today fucking BASED black man

Why didn't you beat his ass?

It's killing every race dude. Just look at what instagram have done to the white girls (all girls). It's too late we're fucked

reason 547844 why people hate niggers

isn't that the single-at-50s-fucking-anyone-is-great lady?

That fucken jew sitting there smirking, yeah I hope you enjoy what your people have helped to create

reason 1: they have bigger dicks
reason 2: your wife willingly fucked them


How the fuck McDonald's put only two white boys? POC don't have the right to love? Is that what they mean? Smdh we must boycott this bigot brand enough is enough

the blacks should remain straight as they need to breed with our women, user.


Are there any blue eyed whites left in NYC

The sheboon is in heat, why do you think there are so many black monkeys that act like this?

This is an enriching environment. I feel so much more fulfilled now. So many cultures packed into such a tiny area. What an amazing place, like heaven on earth.

niggers gonna nig

woah, what a diverse and vibrant society you have there america :)


I was thinking the same thing, he seems to be enjoying the show

Can you imagine if this shit appended in Poland or russia lol
We would make mashed potatoes out of this skinny little nigga

It seemed more like he was extremely nervous. NY blacks really don't like jews.

vote to have bernie goetz put on the 20 dollar bill

guy recording is a jew literally that's all that's left in nyc is niggers and jews






I kinda wish I was on that subway. Sup Forums, would you start recording to provoke them just so you can get a chance to go apeshit on these annoying fucks. I prob would if I wasn’t alone

>Left wingers.

The Jew and his shit-eating grin LMFAO


>Blacks chimping out that their crime may be recorded
No surprise

why didn't we pick our own cotton?

Its hilarious how so many itt are out right ignoring the niggers trying to restrain their friends from acting like animals because it run counter to their racism. Confirmation bias much, kek.

That nigger with the dreads is like a cross between a rude New Yorker and a ghetto hood rat.

This is what happens when you fleece an entire population. You take the money that should have gone to repairs and security and give it to a board of directors who live out of state and okay $200 million dollar projects.

i dont know how every ethnicity in america support niggers? or at least tired of their shit.

Funny how that one only looks half black

there's probably a hasid somewhere with a big grin thinking to himself, "so this is the reality tv the goys love so much!"

they're not drunk in a bar, why should they need to be restrained, why can't they just not be niggers their entire lives?

Please explain context.

It is both extremely sad and funny at the same time.

Whatever that lady is or is not she does not enjoy that at all. But then the bucket in the end is so random and funny.

I've seen sand paper that is more attractive than that hairlessboon. The first thought that comes to mine when I see a black girl wearing skimpy cloths is, "She would be hot if she were white."

Everything about them is repulsive, even to black males, hence the blacked meme

I haven't been to NYC in 20 or 25 years. It was a shithole even then.

Riding a NYC subway and looking around at the subhuman rats that inhabit that festering shithole just makes you think how much better off society would be without all these people. Fence it in and gas it.

yeah, hard not to notice. can't make this shit up

Oy vey, remove this hate speech image immediately goy.

NYC needs more people like him

Oh stop it lool. All of them look almost half black. You faggots just want to generalize so bad that you're choosing to ignore the niggers who prevented the other niggers from getting violent because it's not compatible with your world view that its *ALL* niggers.

Why do they always take their shirts off? Do they think they look more intimidating?

fucking hell - that is basically the future now for USA, Canada, Australia, Britain, New Zealand - once whites become a minority there will be no stopping it.

I see a Brazil future in store for U S A

not in my neighborhood

This dude looks like hes trolling fellow nogs. Its fucking hilarious!!!! GOT EM, GOT EM LMFAO

Fucking apes for FUCK SAKE I HATE NIGGERS.

Agreed. Pic related is only solution.

It's hilarious how cucks like you are actually ok with this shit. Have fun living in a shithole your entire life

Apologies..the video that follows OPs video is fucking hilarious!!!

must be boring, not progressive at all

He is enjoying it

The only people that like niggers are those that don't live close to them or deal with them daily.


it's really interesting if you zone out the words they're actually saying it sounds like some kind of irritated animal and makes more sense

>That feminine clapping.

Um, well, because southerner whites are dumb.

What race is that? Blacks or latinos?

that jewboy just sitting there like "everything going according to plan, stupid goyim hehe"



Jesus fucking christ. I should have a personal licence to kill whoever I wanted, world would be a damn better place after my run is over.

In all fairness to the thug, I think people who whip out their phones to record are fucking retards. I wouldn't want to be recorded and put on youtube.

Jesus, why is it so shit?

Lowest common denominator is black, so...

The one dude that got in-between the two at the end looks hispanic tho.

only one of his ape friends tried to restrain him

>trains are held together by LITERAL duct tape

nigga that's just floor linoleum