Why are asian guys so racist against white males?

Look in the comments. The most pathetic thing you've seen on this day and and Sup Forums thinks asians are your friends.

Other urls found in this thread:


subbed ;)


Why did you just remake this you weirdo?

Because their culture is ass-backwards and idolizes white males so their women flock to them while they are left holding their micro 鸡巴s in a country thats already short on women.

See /r/hapa for more on this denial, self-loathing, and daddy fucked mommy issues

I see far more beta white guys ranting about muh dikin Asian girls.


>Cosplay slut
get this shit off Sup Forums

Because of all the yellow feber losers going for their women so they're pissed?

Also all non-whites hate us beause they're envious of us.

more like the other way around dude.
most i know are pretty chill and just want to be left alone,

white guys always muh dick asians. then bitch about when blacks muh dick whites

>be asian/white
>have the heritage of two of the best races on the planet (you know what i mean)
>act like the most beta bitch on the planet and complain about how much you hate both white people and asians for some fucking reason

I don't get it Sup Forums. Why is this common in hapas? I don't see half black kids complaining about being half black or anything similar.

>that same desperate woman once again
kek asian men are seen as third-rate effeminate mummy's boys with borderline aspergers by most females
one blonde woman with a youtube channel won't change that

Made me laugh.
>Him walking behind her while she wears hotpants going up her ass crack.
Do they have an exhibistionist streak or what. If your a camwhore you already have some mental issues.
The whole video is some type of "fuck you dad, I just got myself an asian bf".

>Asian Americans

pretty sure that azn is a homo

Look at this the salty virgin

Asian Canadian*

Any and all westernized asians should not be counted as real asians anyway.

>Why are asian guys so racist against white males?
White males are subhuman specimens. They have neither the high iq of Asian men nor the big dicks of Black men. Kind of sucks to be stuck in the middle.

Didn't whitey kick off their shitty mongoloid civilization way, way back in ancient times?

Asian dudes and incel hapas are some of the most psychologically damaged guys. usually the ones from Asian countries are cool, but in white countries they have to see, every time they leave the house, half of their women displaying an outright preference for men of another race, that's kind of fucked up. This resentment transforms into pure drive to shitpost cuckoldry and amwf threads on Sup Forums all day. The weirdest part about their hate for white men is how much they still fetishize white women.

Is that why every utility you use was invented by a white male?

Can't stand female twitch streamers and alt-right trophy whores. Stop posting their bubbling narcissistic faces pls xxx.

Amplified autism genes

She got a pair on her. Also what is with the comments? I saw 1 "small penis" comment, and the rest are "fuck these haterz." What the hell is going on?



yep. you guys are for sure the most intelligent. that's why you are still the poor copy of the west.

lol.. that is cringey af

are you gonna say that to me when we meet in person, i tower over you at 6'3 and am more fit than you and fuck all of your women?

envy... casue asian woman prefers white male

The entire comment section is saying how white guys cannot stop thinking about asian dicks. It feels like a meme but i know they're being serious

Look at this comment:

>"I know so many white women going for asian men now. All these inbred white guys getting mad is hilarious. Who woulda thunk it that if you treat a woman like a human being and not call her a cunt, you may actually get a GF. Oh well, white guys have their cuckold porn, and mgtow philosophies, I guess. Anyways, have fun fornicating an apple pie, you loser white boys."

Explaining white genocide at its best.

I feel like telling people they're projecting is a bit overused these days, but man I've never seen a more clear example of it in my life.

White girl in bed with an Asian: didn't watch that video past 'good morning'. Click.

Yeah, its funny how when ever you see a WMBF couple or a WMAF couple on youtube there is never a bunch of white guys in the comments saying how big their dicks are and how asians/blacks can't compete. Really makes ya think

Asian males are beyond pathetic.

Blacks invented electricity and air conditioning.

>huge asian cock

Kek is this comment satirical?

Middleaged asianfag here. Currently dating 3 white girls and have a korean girl as my "main".

I thought pol was against sloots??
Why the fuck are you guys getting all upset about one or two amwf couples?

Just look at the girl in the OP. Look at her instagram. She's a complete fucking attention whore and I can gauran-fucking-tee you that if Asian Boyfriend even gets to sleep with her once or twice a month, it's way less whatever chad she's probably trying to hook up with that night.

He's a passive, beta provider who'd probably kill himself if he came to terms with how much of a sloot his gf was. Are you guys so desperate to be jealous of someone like that?

Nobody's upset, my dude, we're marveling at the comments written by asian dudes.

No, you didn't.

3.8 is comically small, I refuse to believe this sourceless image is legitimate.

Fuckkkkkk I didn’t know she was riced

This completely ruins my day and weekend.

Tfw no asian girlfriend to bleach

Goddamn I am sad

OP was larping as a white supremacist in the previous thread.

it's real simple. they're women love us compared to them. ez pickings and they (((((jelllloo))))

More larped reactions from micro ding dongs.

No it genuinely made me laugh how they play this exhibitionist camwhore spiel.
I guess the guy doesn't care enough and feeds of having an camwhore gf.

Pump and dump

> larp
> memeflag
kys senpai, you are overthinking this and you’re not even right fag

>Ching chong nip nong geek gook gook.
Post eye or you are Asian.

Now that you've reaffirmed yourself we believe you.

Also, is it you David Choe u sexy son of a bich??

They envy us, we are taller, better looking, have bigger dicks (MUH DIKK MOTHAFUGGA) not total spergs like most chinks, and all their women lust after white guys, even their own women talk shit behind their backs. Just the inferior hatin' on the superior.

>Huge slut
>Extremely demanding
>Guys fuck her and leaves right after
>This goes on for years
>She finally finds a cuck that won't leave her for anything considering he's a small asian dude that won't ever do better than her

Wew, like I have never seen this story before. Kek'd.

Only a beta loser would get an asian gf.
At least get a slav qt if it's that hard to find gf.


Whats funny is they worship white women, as if white women actually found them attractive. When white women actually make fun of them hard.

>literally everyone is a dicklet

>Why are asian guys so racist against white males?

The BWC.

>Is that why every utility you use was invented by a white male?
Have a look at the ethnicity of scientists in your country. The vast majority are Asian

When a nigger/asian/spic man gets a white woman, they are considered "alphas" by others of their kind.
When a white man gets an nigger/asian/spic woman, they are considered "betas" by other white men.

Kinda makes you think...

>self reported garbage
>niggers have the biggest dicks
really heils my hitlers

A good Asian is much less rare than a "good nigger" or "good jew", but their region of the globe has been eaten up with marxism for a long time.

>you guys are for sure the most intelligent.

It's interesting that many racemixing white females are fairly attractive.
Most Asian girls that date out of their race are ugly or mentally damaged. Also he cums on her face every day

>are you gonna say that to me when we meet in person, i tower over you at 6'3 and am more fit than you and fuck all of your women?
Murica? You are probably a redneck fucking his own sister.

This image is fake right, no way you guys are like 4.5in?

Kinda makes me think white men only like fucking their sisters. I know that's just the South, though.

hi r/asianmasculinity, welcome to this thread! :)

>mainland China higher than Taiwan
Something's fucky

The sheer volume of Asians in USA, Australia, Canada etc that date white guys means your full of shit, Chang. Cope all you want though.

>you guys are for sure the most intelligent.
Still not smart enough to have a dick longer than 4 inches

Just got a ruler, I'm 4.5 and Viet. It's legit.

>IQ can be improved and increased with training.
>IQ doesn't measure overall intelligence.
>Speak with an average asian man: he's a retard.
>Compare white/european culture with asian culture. Nothing to say on this.

Fuck off, anti-white.

How many dicks have you seen in real life? And Internet porn doesn't count.

Calm down achmed. I live in California and every single Asian girl I've seen in an interracial couple are either ugly af or raver hoes

>Sup Forums thinks asians are your friends.
Nope. /biz/ does though. They believe all the fake niceness of asian coin creators.

I'll pray 4 u, may you be blessed with dicc gains
I've only seen my own, which is a bit higher than 3.8 and we'll leave it at that.

Dude, that's the Chinese. Literally just one step up from nig jungle Asians.

Uh no? We barely have Asians.
We have some Chinese and Thai people doing sushi, that's about it.
Pic related "asian scientists"

There's just one problem though, and that is that a bitter lonely Asian male such as yourself is not a good source on any of those claims.

Opinion discarded.

Yet 40% of Asian women in the USA refuse to date Asian males. So either they are staying single, or in interracial relationships.

The only men I've seen openly racially shamed are asian men, usually by white women. (I'm not attracted to Asian guys, lol :) Yet r/asianmasculinity puts them on a pedestal lol how pathetic can you get. They probably think white women will treat them better than asian woman, a reverse situation to some of the beta losers here who harp on about muh asian waifus.

Thats interesting but it doesn't negate the fact there are like 15 WMAF for every AMWF couples, Xing-Ping

>Speak with an average asian man: he's a retard.
Maybe that's just cause they don't speak english so well.

70% of Asian women in Svearike are females. We basically treat them as sex slaves.

Where did this meme of "Asian women prefer white males" start? Unless you're talking about jungle Asians or something. Seriously guys, go to East Asia at least one time in your lives. It's a blast. Spend a few weeks. Tell me if you see even ONE quality chick with a white guy.

its a convention of degenerates

wow and oh look it's in commiefornia!!!


the big one cannot come soon enough


Cuz they're jealous of our white dicks and blue eyes.
>inb4 nigger dicks
Yes, nogs are more macho, but girls want alpha and beautiful. Alpha is an abused term nowadays, and really bitches just love status. So if ur the funniest or richest, but are still ugly, you'll do okay. Or broke but handsome, etc. But no matter what, you need some confidence and machismo. Ching chongs rarely have it. Which is why white men still get the most replies on dating sites.
But much like most of the virgin faggot neckbeards on this site, chinks watch too much porn and don't understand how women think. They get triggered by all the men from redtube, and all the AFWM couples they see on a regular basis, and a psychosis develops.
So when they find the .0001% of AMWF couples, they go to town. Much like the inferiority complex niggers have, who insist on stealing other people's cultural achievements (DAS RYTE), the chinks are consumed by their penis envy and talk mad shit. Really, just catharsis. They never say in in public. Like most of the faggots (myself included) who just vent on Sup Forums. Problem is we go to jail for this shit, get DOXed. They get instagram famous and applauded for bravery for their Anti-white comments.


Mądrala, they only measure the most elite schools in Shanghai.

Oops, 70% of Asians*

I guess their race is so feminine I'm thinking of them all as female at this stage.

God bless the Thai people for serving Thai food everyday of the week

>Still not smart enough to have a dick longer than 4 inches
You don't think with your dick, retard. Now go before your shitty low lying country is flooded.

D&C thread

>be Asian
>finally manage to snatch white girl
>celebrate like it's a national holiday

It's not a divide and conquer anything, it's just a typical incel Asian anti-white thread. I'm willing to bet there are like 10x more anti-white threads made by Asians than there are by actual Jews.

Know your enemy.

Why don't you drop the meme flag, flaggotshill? Afraid you'll stand out? Kys

Hapas are only problem in America. The whole american Mhu dick has destroyed asian mentality.
We have hapas here and they come out just fine, usually just get an asian gf or bf. We don't bully Asians.