"It's time to call them their names" Screenshot from Telegram chat of Navalny followers used to organise meetings on october the 8-th. "Pfff... gay, jew, FAN, rapper, schoolboy, communist, liberal, anarchist... for how long we will be divided? We are beeng divided, don't you understand? Don't let them divide and conquer!"
That kind of settles it. Navalny is pro-jew, pro-communist. >muh but nazis You are just FANS now.
Fuck (((Navalny))) the down syndrome looking retard
William Cruz
A sensible, pragmatic approach to politics from a grown man. 98% of people here are the opposite of that. Of course Sup Forums disagrees.
Thomas Bailey
(((Putin))) or (((Navalny)))....hope you get a good choice someday Russia.
Andrew Morgan
He is an actor plain and simple and you are gullible. He hasn't even outed the jew yet. Infact his youtube features tons of jews as well as women and faggots.
Julian Barnes
>his supporters don't fall for "divide & conquer" >therefore Navalny is pro-jew, pro-communist. What?
Julian Hall
I'm not gullible (because I don't care one way or another). I'm just pointing out that alienating potential allies is stupid from a political—actually, scratch that—from any point of view. I also don't understand why so many of you think he's a nazi. He isn't. Never claimed to be. To do so would be to commit political suicide in the real world. But I guess since so few of you live in the real world, it might be hard to grasp.
Christian Sanders
sodomites should hang from trees. if i have to choose between subhuman churkas and rainbow flag waving sodomite liberals driving up the already abhorrent AIDS rate, then wtf i love islam now
Leo Parker
>standard politicians line
come on Op, thats wasnt worth opening a thread for
Charles Martin
I just want Russia to balkanize desu
Owen Phillips
>He hasn't even outed the jew yet. It's highly illegal in Russia. He wants to make it legal tho.
Connor Perry
Started decades ago. Yours is a breakaway state.
Nolan White
>rainbow flag waving sodomite liberals driving up the already abhorrent AIDS rate >1.2% of new AIDS cases come from fags
Carter Wright
Isaac Ramirez
>sodomite propaganda
Andrew Morales
>paid for by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Nolan Butler
He's acting so retarded I'm seriously considering voting for Putin now. That's something I wouldn't ever expect.
Michael Morgan
Expected. You are right though, would be best if you did at the end of the century so we don't get grouped up with the other ones
Bentley White
lmao, anyone is better than Putin at this point.
Easton Gomez
you are grouped with the EU now. and you have good chances to break away from them also, like poland and hungary might do.
Joshua Allen
since when was it a secret that Navalny is a neo-lib dullard propped up by the west?
Landon Bennett
actually it never was a secret. some people think that the fact that hes anti-immigration would make him a good politcian.
but hes literally paid by a "pro democracy" organisation.
Luis Nguyen
When runet shills started pushing that he's neo-con Putin's stooge sent in to disrupt protest movement, and basically is controlled opposition
>"pro democracy" organisation. Which one btw?
Jordan Perez
>navalny >Yale Greenberg World Fellow >was in the party Yabloko He's a libcuck puppet. Get rid of the United Russia party and Medvedev and make Putin your new Imperator.
Brayden Jackson
>which one few ngo's, daughter organisation of some soros foundations. also gets awards from them.
Gabriel Sanders
>soros foundations This report was fabricated, you know. And frankly, if you read old kike's strategic goals on Russia and names of those who actually get the funding, inclusion of Navalny/FBK makes even less sense. FSB doing absolutely nothing against "foreign funded" election campaign also undermines this idea.
William Price
>This report was fabricated that report from 2012 you mean? >FSB doing absolutely nothing against "foreign funded" election campaign why should they, user?
Nathan Lewis
an opposition must always a legitimate election have
Benjamin Williams
We will see. I have a feeling that an information crash is coming. I just might be small minded, but I can not fathom that internet will stay the way it is in the next decades. This sense of a general Internet blackout that tears apart the global network in smaller, local ones. Something like that would shake up Geopolitics in unpredictable ways.
Carson Sanders
> information crash is coming. of course it will happen. i cant imagine the governements keeping a free internet in the next decades, not controllable enough. there will be complete censorship. >Something like that would shake up Geopolitics I think that the internet will be contolled as the MSM. It would make geopolitics unpredictable for us, not for them, because we would get only the information that we are supposed to get.
Lincoln Jackson
>Followed from here: KIKE book.com/tothestarsinc/videos/1195548130545028/
Juan Hernandez
True, people would get left in the dark. The migrant crisis will bare its fruit in 20 years as well. Don't see anyone, anywhere ready to put a stop to this lunacy. Hard times ahead.
Jose Clark
> anywhere ready to put a stop to this lunacy. all the ex-soviet states will put up a struggle. the more western countries like france or germany are lost as far as i am concerned. >The migrant crisis will bare its fruit in 20 years as well. Complete mess, I think theres gonna be a civil war or something. The governements of those countries will probably use troops from other EU countries as peacekeepers. Probably interior EU army, designed to deal only with urban combat, coming soon.
Blake Rogers
>report from 2012 Ah, so now you're referring to NED instead of Soros. Ok then. Weren't they funding United Russia back in 00's btw?
>why should they, user? Political activity illegally funded by foreign principals. It's right in your laws. And even if he's not candidate officially, he still has political campaign and FBK on top of that. They shouldn't – they must do it, based on """publicly available information""". But they will not.
Jacob Myers
They seem to be pushing for it. The big changes will probably start happening after Brexit is finalized. As I understand EU funds for EE are soon getting cut, at least they are here, so that will leave a mark. For us the correct course of action I believe is backing up Poland, but it seems our politicians are either shilling for Brussels or covertly shilling Russia. I feel 2020 might be a big year, with the American reelections becoming probably the most heated they have ever been.
Carter Nguyen
Honestly, I'm just tired of Putin. I've practically grew up on him. I get bored super quick. Obama was forever.
Julian Long
>so now you're referring to NED instead of Soros might be? do you have any articles on that topic? i think to remember it some Soros affeliated organisation. dont have the link on this computer though. >Political activity illegally funded by foreign principals. I cant remmber there to be a law that describes "illegal funding of political activity". For the sake of accuracy, there is a law which requires every NGO to be registered a s a "foreign agent organisation". >As I understand EU funds for EE are soon getting cut, at least they are here, I think they will start to demand money for not wanting to provide living space for migrants next. >but it seems our politicians are either shilling for Brussels or covertly shilling Russia they do the things best from econimcal standpoint, at least in theory.
Owen Sanders
Sanctions related to migrant crisis might be incoming. and while it might be the best thing on paper, in reality there is a lot of back handedness as well as pointless posturing. The elite here seems to be one half "legitimate businesmen" with ties to Russians and one half socialite wannabees who wish cling champagne with the bigwigs from Germany and France. No strong force that is building an identity on our values but rather on side bringing Russian business and pop-culture in and the other trying the hardest to avoid Russia and do what ever Brussels says that will make us a good little European country. But it seems most countries are missing a solid, nationalistic core.
Leo Reyes
Navalny is just Putin 2.0. Next generation of colonial administration
Cameron White
> a lot of back handedness as well as pointless posturing. I sincerly hope that this is the case when it comes to Brussels. >one half "legitimate businesmen" with ties to Russians and one half socialite wannabees Sure, they dont want to miss out on any oppurtunities. Besides russia being declared a threat to europe in the media, there is still a lot of money there. >But it seems most countries are missing a solid, nationalistic core. Thats because nationalists are perceived as not being business friendly. It about economy these days, the idea of culture or nationality doesnt resonate with people who think that literally everything is up for sale. Thats a timeline problem.
Adam Williams
Ehh, it is true that on more and more things are prices placed nowadays. I wonder if something will break this deadlock we have. Trump was supposedly the game changer but it was quite clear there won't be massive changes implemented.
Thomas Lewis
>I wonder if something will break this deadlock we have. The way the system works, the way everything is connected, only a total collapse in the banking/financal sector perhaps. Something like a black friday, multiplied by 10. > it was quite clear there won't be massive changes implemented. Not with the deepstate in place.
Ryder Cox
>Automation >Electric cars These 2 factors will also become more and more dominant in the 2020's. Returning back to my point about Internet, if this is the setup most countries try to take, it would basically mean that if the main powergrid gets knocked out a whole region just stops function in all capacities. It does feel like everyday is a step closer to a Second Dark Age.
Colton Cruz
>it would basically mean that if the main powergrid gets knocked out A powergrid would be build as a part of a net of smaller powergrids. You can knock one out, but others will remain to work. >a whole region just stops function in all capacities. There would be security measures taken for that not to happen, nobody would centralize it only in one point. >step closer to a Second Dark Age. Culturally speaking yes. Though ironic that this happens at the time of technological sophistication.
James Martin
Think so? I have heard stories that if you really wanted to, 5 guys could knock out a whole city if they knew what they were doing. There is a question whether it is the technology itself that enables degeneracy or is it through technology that it is enabled.