Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
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all i ask is nigs get a fucking job and stop leeching my paychecks
All cops ask is that black ppl stop committing crimes
Can't take them seriously when like 5 blacks die by cops per year but10,000 are killed by other blacks
Why even become a law enforcer if the state doesn't even defend your actions?
all i ask is for the NFL to be 50% white and 50% black.
i kneel because this racial inequality produces a perception that only blacks can excel in high level sports. this injustice of the mind needs to be corrected.
kys racist
>Says the guy with the South African flag
>Posts the guy with the Canadian flag
Not bad tequila for the price desu
Black men are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be killed by the police.
I agree that police should be held accountable, but nobody's gonna take BLM seriously when they include violent criminals like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown in their list of martyrs, or when they riot before even getting all the facts.
How am I the racist when I want blacks to stop killing each other? The racists are the people funding and convincing retarded blacks in BLM that cops are evil and should stay out of their neighborhoods. BLM wants more dead black people through neutered cops that can't stop blacks killing each other.
Using meme flag on twitter
All I ask is black people not commit crimes and to be held accountable when they do. That's it. And Ferguson descended into chaos.
All I ask is that if I break the law, I not be treated like a criminal or pursued. That's IT!
I am looking outside, looks peaceful to me.
>all white ppl asked is for blacks not to break the law & if they did, that they be held accountable. That's it. And blacks descended into chaos
They sided with BLM and known cop killers to protest the death of violent criminals that attacked police. You do not get special treatment, blacks are not above the law.
A nigger cop shot a pregnant white woman that was asking for help, and no one bats an eye. But a violent criminal that punches a cop in his face and tries to steal his gun, they riot over that.
Normally only 30 cops die per year. Last year was 140, This year is already past that. BLM membership and paraphernalia is common among the killers. In addition to cops killed, ambushes, attempts on their lives, and attacks on their families has risen hundreds of percent.
This is Law and Order vs Niggers that think they can get away with murder.
NFL is dead to me for picking the wrong side.
There are some genuine cases of police excessive force and black men die. Same can be said with white men. However most of the time it seems the black men were posturing, provoking and or threatening in general. Not complying, making sudden movements, running, won't remove hands from pockets. I don't know why they do this but they (almost) always do.
>All white ppl asked is for the niggers not to rob and assault people & if they did, that our law enforcement hold them accountable. And niggers descended into chaos.
Cops aren't even mentioned in the national anthem. Kneeling for the anthem to protest cops is like mailing poop to Fedex to protest USPS.
>16 black unarmed black people in the USA during 2016 were shot by police
>In comparison 27 people in the USA during 2016 were killed by lightning strikes
>16 in a country of 350 million plus is statistically inconsequential.
Yet the black community in the USA seem to think their is some epidemic of unarmed black men getting shot by the police in the USA.
Proof positive that they are useful idiot falling for propaganda.
Am right or wrong if I think this entire thing is ridiculous?
All we asked for is niggers to not continue to shit up our cities and if they did violently they would be held accountable. Thats it. And American cities have descended into a third world shit hole.
they were all help accountable, so what's your problem?