Scottish vlogger 6oodfella arrested for a hate crime over this tweet

Scottish vlogger 6oodfella arrested for a hate crime over this tweet

6oodfella says he has no recollection of posting the tweet and that the first thing that came into his head when he saw it was a food truck with kebabs for the hungry participants of Glasgow Pride.

He also hadn't made the same connection the police had made with Muslims and truck attacks because he thought the perpetrators in those attacks were Chinese as the media told him they were Asian.

Sort yourself out, Scotland

Oh the Iron.

Seriously, get a fucking grip, limey.

>He also hadn't made the same connection the police had made with Muslims and truck attacks because he thought the perpetrators in those attacks were Chinese as the media told him they were Asian.
Masterclass in banter

> scotland doesn't have free speech

Top kek

>ignorance card
What are the chances of this working? Thought crime is pretty subjective to begin with.


I am a scot and I am happy he was arrested
This makes me feel safer knowning Sup Forumsscum cannot speak their mind

>food truck with kebabs for the hungry participants of Glasgow Pride.
Plausible defence, but sadly I doubt they will buy it.

Looks like Britbongistan is for real, chaps. 1984 has arrived, only 33 years late, but it is here now.

Britannia RIP.

>implying being a white male isnt a crime in dystopia land

he's fucked regardless.


>Put a lid on a boiling kettle then weld it shut

This will end well.

Dude that's my great great great great great grandfather! Vance clan whatup.

I'm an idiot. Meant to post this one

Best of luck to him. I hope his pro-level trolling works as a legal defence

Scottish police are notorious for thoughtcrime shit.. They arrested the dude with the nazi pugat the beginning of the year

>hate crime
How this Orwellian shit flies in so called free world is beyond me. You all fucking cattle larping as ancient Greeks or some shit.

Stay mad islamophobe

Just slip up and go to jail.

It won't. Scottish courts can see that and will know he's being a smart arse and jail him anyway

>food truck
kek good one

Cry more.
Take your own medicine for once lol.

This is god tier trolling.

unfortunately one thing all of us need to understand is that twitter is privately owned

>Cry more.
I don't have to fuck british "women", so why would i?

A master ruseman.

>life revolves around sex

How sad

He didn't get arrested by twitter

>I am a scot
I'd bet a sixpence that your skin colour is the same as shit.

lol like ww3 isnt going to be about exterminating shitskins globally. Have all the kids you want Akmed, just more bodies for the burn piles later.

>first thing that came into his head when he saw it was a food truck with kebabs for the hungry participants of Glasgow Pride.


Acting daft is his only legal recourse. Someone already tried the muh free speech defense and the muh truth defense but they got gulag'd regardless.

It does, little incel

Shitskin liar. Bait answered

When you can be arrested for words.... It's a sad time.

imagine a malicious twitter employee or reddit ceo editing tweets for the bantz

>i am a scot


>food truck with kebabs for the hungry participants
>he thought the perpetrators in those attacks were Chinese as the media told him they were Asian

Absolute 10/10 banter

JFC what happened to the UK

6oodfella is a single dad. His wife died and his child is about 10 years old or younger.
The UK police is ok with ruining the kid's life over some Twitter banter.
What the fuck is going to happen with his kid?

We needs fuel for the marshmallows

>Chinese as the media told him they were Asian.
Top kek

Adopted by gay muslims.

>Twitter is privately owned
>therefore the UK government can arrest people over what they post on twitter
What the fuck am I reading?

Sent to the LGBT re-education """"camp""""

I thought those were synonymous

The king (of bantz) in da north

What the left in the US is attempting to enact

is that a jew name i see there? i can't read shit because im taking a dump for the next 30 mins

phone posting is suffering

I think this guy knows he's fucked and just wants to show how fucking ridiculous the police and courts are in this country. Might as well go down swinging than grovelling.

Scottish police has gone full Stasi after they restructured all the regional forces into one nationwide top down controlled political police. There was a football match last year where there was a pitch invasion and they have spent a whole year tracking down hundreds of people using facial recognition and doing dawn raids prosecuting literally hundreds of people for running on to some grass.

Not really. Muslims love buttfucking little boys.

fokin banta n' shit roite guys?

Pretty much this

He should just convert to Islam that way he can arrest the cops for being racist

Playing ignorance may just work u til they dig through his social media history before the hate speech laws were enacted.

Defiantly going down swinging.


Clearly he means a Muslim with a food truck to serve delicious halal food.

Wait, are the police associating trucks with Muslims and terrorism? Shouldn't the police arrest themselves for the crime of Islamophobia??

They are arresting people for thought crimes and filling in the blanks with whatever suits them.

Don't be an ass, stay off the grass.

So they are admitting indirectly that terrorists are indeed muslims? Leftists never cease to amaze me.

>mfw people ask me how old my wife is


>He also hadn't made the same connection the police had made with Muslims and truck attacks because he thought the perpetrators in those attacks were Chinese as the media told him they were Asian.
kek, it was worth a try.

based Scotland


Just like how they are saying the Orcs from LOTR are racist because they are violent, dumb, and ugly so they obviously represent people of color

wait, they aren't saying there is any negative connection between muslims, trucks and gays, are they? how fucking bigoted can you get?

even suggesting such a thing might run them afoul of the hate speech laws


don't forget that one youtube guy that is getting prosecuted because he made his girlfriends pug do a nazi salut at the command "gas the jews". They are wasting tax money and precious court time on that shit.

he looks like he wouldn't take any shit

turning it right around on them

topkek. fags are fine but pridefags deserve the peacetruck.

We told you how far left Scotland was and you didn't believe us, all you could think of was braveheart and your own delusions of how Scotland is.

I am a transgender women who converted to Islam. I am white

Go cry elsewhere Sup Forums

When I was at school I made monkey noises at a nigger kid and was called into the headmaster's office. When he asked me to explain myself I just was like 'why u mad tho?' and eventually he had to either drop the issue or say that niggers look like monkeys.


The sentiment still stand. Things do need sorted the fuck out.

Based bants

And they said the irish were cucked.

Wait I don't get why him saying he meant food truck and that he made a connection with chinese isn't a solid defense.

Isn't this kind of shit pulled off by the left all the time?

>severely damaged individual lashes out at everyone around him


I don't think anyone has any delusions of which UK areas are the most cucked. Scotland is London levels of cucked.

weak b8

CountDankula is a good man. Top quality Scot.

>and that the first thing that came into his head when he saw it was a food truck with kebabs for the hungry participants of Glasgow Pride.
>He also hadn't made the same connection the police had made with Muslims and truck attacks because he thought the perpetrators in those attacks were Chinese as the media told him they were Asian.

>not using a sockpuppet and vpn while shitposting
the cuck police will never catch me

i hate niggers

mudshits deserve death

white cucks should be hanged first

Sour grapes aye?

If they had don't nothing then no-one would've seen this tweet. Nice work guys. Totally more important than stopping violence or burglaries.

> He also hadn't made the same connection the police had made with Muslims and truck attacks because he thought the perpetrators in those attacks were Chinese as the media told him they were Asian.


At this stage it may be better to give the Scots their FREEDUM

No I'm just amused at you people fighting a losing war

No, I just know it's sinful outside marriage

You think I'm lying but I'm real

>the first thing that came into his head when he saw it was a food truck with kebabs for the hungry participants of Glasgow Pride.
>He also hadn't made the same connection the police had made with Muslims and truck attacks because he thought the perpetrators in those attacks were Chinese as the media told him they were Asian.
this is a legitimate defense

someone seriously needs to compile this into one image

this is too good

Aren’t you sad knowing that this wave of Muslim love is just a fad? It’ll be over and forgotten about like fidget spinners or Pokémon go. Pretty sad you can compare a whole religion with a ducking piece of plastic and bearings.

You know the moslems are going to throw your faggot ass off a tall building right?

Oh look, it has mental disorders and mutilated itself, now it’s mad at everyone because of the bloody discharge it gets and all it can look forward to is being a victim. Can’t wait until you and our people die out from being biologically impractical.

how the fuck is it legal to ARREST people over a tweet

You are supposed to throw yourself off a building now thanks.

Nobody but London opposes it, for obvious reasons.

These laws are deliberately designed to be enforced arbitrarily by the courts and based on completely subjective criteria. If they want to lock him up for this, they will do.