>All feminist women are fat and ugl-
Nice try Sup Forums but your arguments fall apart when confronted with a feminist woman who is both beautiful and intelligent. It's almost like you guys are compensating for something.
>All feminist women are fat and ugl-
Nice try Sup Forums but your arguments fall apart when confronted with a feminist woman who is both beautiful and intelligent. It's almost like you guys are compensating for something.
Jew nose. Disguisting unibrow. We all know that puss looks like the amazon. Even too bat shit for cry baby Kimmel. Fuck this piece of trash. She's not funny or talented, probably just weinsteined her way to fame
Disguised unibrow*
The woman is borderline fucking retarded
>shitting with your underwear on
The secular Jew shits and pisses in her panties while sitting on the pot. Is that what your are trying to convey?
Remember when she was making fun of blacks calling them lazy and stupid? Good times.
>fun flag:check
>weak bait: check
>cherry pick as fact: check
>guaranteed replies by (You) fags: check
"and intelligent" and then post a mem of a women taking a piss with their underwear still on? Uuuhhh that irony.
>uses the toilet with panties on
>shits in her panties
OP did you just use Sarah fucking Silverman as an example of beauty?? (((barfffffffed)))
you are a female or a recently transitioned one aren't you.
Males know this is gross
please dont ban me
is it cultural
She has no shape except gross
>Sarah (((Silverman)))
Fucking disgusting desu
she was like 40 in that movie and gained weight on purpose.
Remember her career started in like 1994. She was good looking back then. Over 20 years ago.
>sounds like you guys are compensating for something
Showing that youre a female trying to argue with men over your beliefs? Sounds like a dumb whore to me..Notice how feminazi dont find true love? Turn gay and move to california and have open sex with a tranny..get hiv.. die gay feminazi.
T.too old of a cat to be fucked by kitten
all the subtle curves of a Kenmore® refridgerator with ice cube dispenser on the door
jesus fuck
This bitch is wearing her underwear.
So she wants to make a statement by being photographed in a taboo situation but not enough to actually appear authentic.
Cunts need to stop attention whoring half way.
why is she pooping with her panties on
>This is gross to the perma-virgins on Sup Forums
Look, she's not a supermodel but if you wouldn't fuck that you are a massive faggot, nuff said.
>taking a shit with your underwear on
Uh, OP...
>doormode underinflated water balloon tits
it was a photoshoot for one of those shitty men's mags that idiot teenagers (used to) read. No nudity or implied nudity.
not arguing that it's horrible, but like I said, she was wayyyy past her prime in that movie.
KYS and get better standards
>gained weight on purpose
Bullshit, her chest and hips are fucking skeletal. If anything, that gross ghoul gained fucking bone mass.
She was too stupid for Jimmy Kimmel.
She's a feminist. She battling against the pantiearchy
Nice slide thread.
Her body is shaped like my fridge
Kimmel's very pathetic. Barely even a male
>literally who